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Posts posted by Wendy

  1. 5 hours ago, marceline said:

    At this rate, half the members of the GOP primary will have to schedule campaign events around their court appearances.

    To quote a line from Seinfeld (which I oddly never watched but still know where this line comes from!): "Not that there's anything wrong with that!"

  2. 56 minutes ago, j swift said:

    ABC World News Tonight led with the Carlson/Lemon firings.

    Not the abortion ban in South Dakota, not the possible second Trump inditement in Georgia, and not the war in Sudan.

    Media gossip is fun, but that was just tacky IMHO. 

    So did NBC news, so...

  3. 9 hours ago, DRW50 said:

    There's a lot of spin out there about how he's on the rise, Trump has peaked, polling must show that he's secretly beating Trump and he's winning the long game, but the man looks completely and utterly blindsided and rattled here. His face genuinely scares me. I don't believe this is a well man, and he's a danger to everyone in this country.

    No recent talk I have heard or read says anything about DeSantis "rising". If anything, his donors are getting ice-cold feet.

    I think 2024 will be Dump vs. Biden, Part Deux, Electric Boogaloo.

    On another note, how glorious that F*cker Snarlson is unemployed. A GREAT DAY FOR AMERICA!

  4. One of the Tennessee GOP members that voted to expel three Democrats resigns amid sexually harassing interns. I guess karma does still exist, a little.

    Tennessee Republican Caught Sexually Harassing Interns Resigns – Rolling Stone

    And, in a ruling that surprises me, the Supreme Court voted to allow Mifepristone to remain available nationwide - for now, anyway (probably until the next challenge). (Although Samuel Alito and...shocker of shockers...Clarence Thomas (that was sarcasm, kids!) dissented.)

    Supreme Court Protects Broad Access to Abortion Pill, for Now – Rolling Stone

  5. 11 minutes ago, Vee said:

    You don't know much about Fox's audience.

    Exactly. Based on some things I have read, some viewers had no idea there WAS a lawsuit...BECAUSE they watch nothing but Faux Noise, and you sure as hell know they won't say anything about it.

  6. 20 minutes ago, Soapsuds said:

    He should've left long time ago. He never should've returned existed in the first place.

    Fixed it for you! (Sorry, but I hated the Diana Colville hatchet job and all that came with it. Judith Chapman should have been Anjelica Deveraux. But that was too logical for Ron and Company.)

  7. 28 minutes ago, DRW50 said:

    The problem is I think many on the left and in the middle still think there's a way forward or underestimate just how fast this insanity is moving (and in the case of some on the left, hate Biden, the Clintons, the Obamas, etc. enough to not realize they'd be going in the same camps as the rest of us).

    I think a good number on the left are more aware than that. That is why they stress voting/protesting. Many know the right is now basically a Fascist cabal.

    What will be, will be, but the pendulum always swings back. A good number on both sides are older, and the future will depend upon the newer voters/generation. Change - or a status quo into Fascism, will depend upon them.

    In terms of what I saw in that video from Tennessee today, it gives me a glimmer of hope.

  8. 3 minutes ago, DRW50 said:

    Unfortunately they will likely just send people to blue states to start shooting and killing. I feel like they've had a lot of these plans in the works for a long time. I hope the government has plans in place to fight back.

    Yeah? Well, blue-state citizens own guns, too. So...

    I don't want violence at all. But that is what it comes down to. It's not a zero-sum game with these hypotheticals.

  9. 12 minutes ago, DRW50 said:

    They lose cycles in some parts of the country, but not in others, which is why I think we will see more and more talk of splitting up (already hyped by media darlings like MTG) and more provocative actions to make that happen.

    If they want out, let 'em go. But they won't get anymore federal funds. They will be less than third world in 3 months.

  10. 2 minutes ago, Vee said:

    I think they will. Like Roe, I don't think the GOP has fully grasped how much catching the car on several issues has seriously crippled them.


    Still, it's Tennessee, so there may be more "red" folks there, but if those kids can make a dent, GREAT.

  11. 1 hour ago, Paul Raven said:

    SB Kelly

    By the time Eileen Davidson was cast, the essence of the character was lost.

    The biggest mistake with regard to Santa Barbara post-Cruz/Eden was axing Carrington Garland for a "name" in Eileen Davidson. Davidson is a fine actress, but she was much too "hard" to be Kelly, and a bit too mature. Garland generated chemistry with EVERYONE and could have helped the show transition out of Cruz/Eden with any given love interest. (Roscoe Born left on bad terms, and Craig tried to murder Mason, her brother. So maybe Charles Grant as Connor McCabe still could have worked with her? We'll never know.)

  12. 13 hours ago, Vee said:

    Ron must be bitter about that second one. I wonder if like all the rest they're back in 4-6 months. O'Brien will have Hideo Kojima's Death Stranding sequel to keep her company.

    Yeah, with the move to Peacock, it doesn't seem like any exit is permanent, which is why I'm not celebrating the EOB news, much as I want to.

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