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Posts posted by Dan

  1. 20 hours ago, Contessa Donatella said:

    I am one who is ferocious in denying couples where it began with a rape & I do not remember any rape when it comes to Jami. When & where is this supposed to have happened? And why do you consider it a rape? Jonathan never forced Tammy. If all you are speaking of is the fact that he concealed his true identity initially because of the understandable issues with Reva giving him up as a baby, how do you figure that makes it rape? 

    The technical term is rape by deception. Because Jon purposely deceived Tammy regarding his true identity and this information could change whether she consented or not, it can be considered as rape. 

    11 hours ago, TEdgeofNight said:

    Jill Lorie Hurst was the WORST headwiter in GL history! The show was cancelled under her watch and that crying baby Ellen Wheeler. Peapack! A god- awful duo who got GL cancelled! Thank you daytime for never hiring Jill Lorie Hurst and the god awful cry baby Ellen Wheeler again!!! Thank God daytime is rid of those cancers.  

    To be fair to Hurst, she was never the sole headwriter of the show and wrote as a team with Gold, Dunn, and Kreizman. In fact, I'm inclined to credit her with the rare flashes of good material in the show's final year to her as compared to the material for the rest of those hacks. 

  2. On 5/7/2024 at 3:10 AM, AMCOLTLLover said:

    I remember I was a kid in school and people seemed to like Jammy

    (I loved them too)

    Why do people hate that pairing so much here?

    So speaking for just myself, there are a couple of reasons.


    1) I could never get past the rape. Jon concealed his identity and effectively raped Tammy and then we were all just supposed to forget about it. And let's not forget the cousin angle. 

    2) Honestly the acting and the almost zealous over praising of the coupling (that ignored point #1) . Between SG being kind of just there and TP chewing every piece of scenary he could, I could not get over it. 

    And BTW yes Otalia was generally awful. I'm kind of glad Olivia/Holly never happened. I'm pretty certain the sexual tension and chemistry would have melted all of our TV sets. 

  3. In celebration, I went ahead and found PM's first credited appearance on GL. Someone many pages back said you could tell a PM script from the get go and this one is truly no exception. Could tell from the first interaction with Nick and Eve. 


    Hope this means good things for daytime. I'll be rooting from the sidelines. 



  4. 7 hours ago, GL Oldtimer said:

    Are soaps not rehearsing scenes at all at this point?

    I'm glad I was a fan of the genre in its heyday when every major network had several soaps on in the afternoon. Those were some awesome days! I remember how much I looked forward to the new issues of Soap Opera Digest and Soap Opera Weekly to hit the newsstands. I just remember it being an exciting time to be a fan.


    This is probably going to be something of a hot take, considering the number of decades long GL fans here in the post. But after watching some episodes from the late 70s and early 80s and contrasting that to later in the decade and the early 90s, I have to say getting rid of cue cards might have been the best production change of the entire decade. Maybe it veered soap dialogue to less of a natural and more stylized conversation between characters, but it's more of a entertaining scene overall. And it really made the actors elevate their game and gave more creative energy to some of the great script writers that came out of the 80s.

    Also, I cannot get through a soap episode these days and that is part cause the dialogue in all 4 remaining shows is absolutely basic soap-speak and lacking any kind of originality. 

  5. 5 hours ago, Mitch64 said:

    Timing is off here a bit....Carmen went into a coma when Bill tackled her as she was pulling a gun (yet again) on Chele at the Bauer house...Carmen hit her head on a step and she was carted off and everyone was like....so do we order a pizza or go out,  no one gave a damn. That was on New Year's Eve.  

    I thought I remembered that being earlier in the month but you're right. In fairness, anything with Carmen and Danny/Michelle while St. Alban in the role could put anyone in a coma along with Carmen. 😂

  6. 19 minutes ago, dc11786 said:

    I actually think he had ANOTHER name before Sandy Foster in the credits, but that was something I am just recalling now. 

    Alot of the episodes from 2003 are missing the end credits but I did find one from April 2003 that shows Bailey credited as Sandy and another actor credited as the voice of the "Mole."


    As far as Billy Kay, I don't believe he was ever on contract and he also had a bunch of other projects in 2002, including Halloween Resurrection so that could have factored into the decision, but we all know he wasn't a Conboy-type actor so his days would probably have been numbered either way. I do remember Kay's last episode was probably the Christmas 2002 show. 

  7. 8 hours ago, dc11786 said:

    2002 started with Lucky Gold and Christopher Dunn, right? I think Taggart was added as a headwriter around March/April. Carolyn Culliton replaced Lucky Gold sometime in the fall September/October. Then Raunch left in November with Mary Alice Dwyer Dobbins acting as defacto EP for the brief time before John Conboy started

    Your timing is correct. And I absolutely agree on the point that the Taggert/Gold regime basically blundered into the fall. Yes there was some improvement but it really wasn't until Culliton got there when things really started to focus. But that's generally Carolyn Culliton's reputation of really giving a show some polish it wouldn't have otherwise. Hell, between her, Stephen Demorest, and Hal Corley would Hogan Sheffer's first year at ATWT be as memorable? Probably not based on the rest of Sheffer's career. 

    One thing I really appreciated at the time was the show seemed to bring back those scenes between friends (or former friends) that didn't really move the plot but just seemed like organic story building. The kind that this show was absolutely the best at doing. I remember a wonderful sequence of scenes with Beth and Olivia at a skating rink just talking about the couple intrigue in their lives. It didn't move plot in the slightest, but it was an insightful conversation between 2 former friends. 

    Don't get me wrong, even at that time, the show still had it's problems both in characters and plot, but it really felt that it could have been a springboard moment for the show if someone cared enough to see it through. It's the last time for me, being really too young to enjoy the Curlee tenure, that the show felt like the show I loved. 


  8. 11 minutes ago, Vee said:

    This is the first I'm hearing of people loving this period so much with Conboy already on base. It's interesting to hear discussion of from more veteran fans; I may have to go back and look at it again. I just remember the Conboy/Weston regime that followed being utterly deranged in a new way, as bad as Rauch's excesses yet somehow even worse. On a side note I'd really thought Claire Labine would work out at the show, it's too bad she didn't.

    The story part of that was the culmination of the previous year's worth of work from the writing team. San Cristobel had been written out of the show in February, Richard was killed and the stronger elements of the story, Edmund and Olivia were mixed with the Spaulding story quite successfully. Carmen had finally been sent packing in November, bringing the mob story to an (albeit temporarily since Weston would bring it back) end. The Tory nonsense was over and Blake and Ross seemed well on the way toward a reunion.


    The show started to refocus toward the people we always cared about and brought about new couplings that seemed interesting. Relationships with Cassie and Bill brought new spark to Danny and Michelle that hadn't been seen since Joie Lenz left the role with the added satisfaction of royally pissing off 2 fan bases. 


    The beginning of the Reva stalker story and Gus' parentage were interesting even if the resolution to both were botched by Weston. Phillip had softened a bit from having the stick up his ass from earlier in the year. Ed and Holly seemed to be heading towards a reunion. 


    The Conboy came in and got rid of the Rauch pastels and bright lights and, at least initially, it was a breath of fresh air. The story was still top notch and the added production value seemed to really make something of the show. And then it all went to pieces. 

  9. 8 hours ago, dc11786 said:

    I believe the period of Conboy producing Taggart and Culliton episodes was December 26, 2002-February 21, 2003. It is a very good two months. 

    I think the last official episode they were credited was the 28th with the bomb going off during the call in show. I remember exactly where I was when I figured out that the Conboy era was going to go straight to hell. I was at a Safeway looking through a copy of SOD and saw that Maureen Garrett was being taken off contract. Rauch for all of the negative things about him always stood up for Holly and Blake/Ross being on contract. And with Holly finally getting more screen time in early 2003 and then that news, I know my enjoyment of the show was going to drop. I just don't think I correctly estimated by how much. The late 2002/early 2003 episodes were the best period of GL that I watched live and I wish like hell it could have continued. I really think the show might have been saved if it had and that's the tragedy. 

    I have a hunch and I've never been able to prove it, but I think the Maryanne Carruthers story is probably a David Kreizman idea. Besides her brief role on the show as an actress in the 60s she didn't seem to have a real working knowledge of the history of the show. Considering how many past stories that arc ripped off, it would have had to come from someone with at least a working knowledge of the show.


    Kreizman had been with the show since 94 and showed in his own tenure that he did know the shows history even if his execution was just at the level of really bad fan fiction. 

  10. 8 minutes ago, Donna L. Bridges said:

    You're kidding!!! REALLY. What good tidings you have brought me! And, hey! I didn't recognize you with no last name!

    I found it posted under username Blake Marler, but it seems like a whole lot of the bandstandmike archive seems to be there.

    As far as the no last name, that's just a remnant I haven't changed from my days wayyyyyyyyyy back when I was on the SON staff as a mod/GL columnist. We all had our first name. It's been a long time. 😂

    8 minutes ago, BetterForgotten said:

    Always great to see you chiming in @Dan! 🙂

    Appreciate you all! Wish life was a bit less hectic that I could get here more often! 

  11. 3 minutes ago, China Jones said:

    Don't leave me hanging, spill! If you don't want to get into it, please give a brief clue and I can probably research it or figure it out for myself. I didn't watch GL that much the last ten years. Thanx!

    I don't think there is any real juicy gossip about it. Donna just mentioned the Nursery Rhyme stalker mystery from 1998/1999 that completely trashed Holly's character but fit in with the archetype that Rauch/E&B/MADD followed that women could only be saints or one-note, conniving psychopaths. 

  12. On 12/6/2023 at 11:14 AM, Soapsuds said:

    Btw nice to see you around posting again @Dan. Hope things are going well. We haven't talked in ages.😂 

    That's @Soapsuds. I don't often get here since I have no interest whatsoever of the current soaps, but I always try to stop by when I can. I still love going into the archives and I'm thrilled that alot of the bandstandmike archive got reposted to YouTube to enjoy. I will still go down that rabbit hole at times

  13. On 12/27/2023 at 12:22 AM, Vee said:

    Except for one thing, when he literally throws that creep Grady off a cliff and no one ever finds out!

    That scene with the obvious doll going over the ledge might have been one of the most unintentionally-funny scenes I've seen. I am not ashamed to admit I cackled. 

    1 hour ago, Donna L. Bridges said:

    Who was responsible for that hideous Pied Piper story that Maureen had to play? Between Holly stealing children & Phillip stealing children, there was real family endangerment! Okay, that's not a word. 

    That was still Esensten and Brown in late 1998-early 1999.

  14. 6 hours ago, TEdgeofNight said:

    Ok Mitch. I challenge you. Who was the headwriter job offered to during that time and who declined the offer?

    JLH had nothing better to do so of course she accepted. What has she done since GL? At least Kreizman is still writing at Days.

    I'm inclined to believe most of GL's awful writing post-2004 is squarely on Kreizman's shoulders but one thing I've never gotten is why the show relied so long on so many former failed headwriters in the top tiers of the writing staff, namely Lloyd Gold and Chris Dunn. Their work was not great but were never fired. Just demoted. Hell even Eleanor Labine lasted past her mom's tenure for multiple years. As far as JLH, I haven't seen enough to condemn or praise her, but if she was responsible for the brief bits of good in the show's final few weeks, then good on her. 

  15. On 11/8/2023 at 8:58 AM, Mitch64 said:

    1994 was the year it all started to fall apart (both for the show and for Roger and Holly...) I really hated how they put them together as a couple, even living in Hollybend together...yes, they got past a lot of stuff, but not to the point of being in relationship. It just screwed over all the years that GL built showing that Roger did indeed rape Holly, and while he regrets it, that changed their whole dynamic for ever and it can never be forgotten. Plus, they were boring.... And yes, it was just as ridiculous they way they broke them up...all of a sudden she screws annoying Fletcher on her desk and its all about him. 

    You touched on it at the beginning, but in fairness to Roger and Holly, roughly 75% of the show after Curlee and Demorest left in March until the end of the year was mostly tremendously uneventful and boring. Shame cause it's not like Curlee and Demorest left the show in an awful position. (Some mis-steps later in their tenure but nothing that couldn't be fixed). 

    Also someone correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't the church set Wheeler's office? It really is a shame cause Peapack absolutely could have worked, but it was done in such an amateur way it was sabotaged from the start. 

  16. On 1/4/2022 at 6:50 PM, soapfan770 said:

    GUIDING LIGHT: Yeesh. I was prepared to totally rip this apart, but I’m aware that one of the people involved in creating the opening threw a hissy fit of sorts after seeing it dissected on The World of Soap Themes message board. Okay. It’s not nice to see something you worked hard on shredded by people who have no experience in music or television. 

    Lolol. I remember that. Rick Rhodes had a big fit that his opening rightly got trashed. 

  17. This one could probably be in both threads, but I'll err on the side of all the good we got from it. Roger Thorpe got brought up in the previous page, but I want to specify how big of a risk it was to not only revisit the rape of Holly but also slowly drift the characters into each other's orbit romantically again. Sure 1994 basically took the wind out of the show's sails and maybe the payoff would have been better had Curlee had stayed, but the 3 years leading up to the reunion were wonderful storytelling. 

  18. 2 hours ago, Soapsuds said:

    I do have to say that Nicole reaction at the end was the best reaction to seeing the dead back.

    And a Will and Sonny mention today with Gabi phone chat with Will and Sonny.

      Reveal hidden contents


    I don't really know why anyone is surprised. Between roving groups of big bad villains escaping every six months and Rolf raising half of Salem from the dead, you'd think they would have this down. 


    I have to admit I've been watching here and there. Mostly curiosity to see how they can pull this off with such a small budget. Gotta say, Holy crap. Carlivati is like a really bad fan fiction writer with ADHD. I give him points for creative ideas, but has no writer's instinct for tone, subtext, or any kind of follow through. He really needs a co-writer to rein him in. Badly. 

  19. 15 hours ago, Toups said:

    Hey @Dan!  Thanks!   Staff chats??....Oh you mean our Desperate Housewives/Grey's Anatomy live watching chat, with a little bit of staff discussion sprinkled in. @Errol was always the one trying to get us back on track, but we just wanted to discuss the shows.  LOL   Those chats were really fun. 


    Thanks for the kind words, everyone!  :)


    Shhhhhhh..... They don't have to know that. Keep up the mystique. 

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