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Posts posted by Antoyne

  1. I think because there are so few genuine friendships on this show, they see Cynthia as being Nene's follower when in reality they're actually friends. Why would Cynthia go up against her actual friend for the sake of her co-workers?

    I will say though she's pulling a great Taylor Armstrong at the reunion. I keep forgetting she's there.

  2. I was SO [!@#$%^&*] happy, I've been wishing this for weeks. And of course that bitch went out in a glory full of excuses and complaints and trashing Jinx. I just about died when this bitch said she can handle critiques...

    I want Roxxy gone. Point blank.

  3. Around Miami and most of season 4, Nene was highly unlike able. The season 4 reunion and her talking heads this season I feel like brought her back to the Nene of old. Also not leading the charge in the craziness between the women has done wonders for her. She seems to genuinely love watching these women act like she did in previous seasons. All she and Andy needed was some popcorn during the first half of the reunion.

  4. Kenya did well against Porscha who literally has the insults of a child. Say what you will about Phaedra but she owned the hell out of Kenya, without even getting riled up.

    Andy and Nene were enjoying the hell out of the reunion. You can clearly see this is his favorite cast.

    I loved when Porscha would come for Kenya, and just wouldn't say anything cause it was a waste of her time.

  5. They grew up in Athens, GA, not Macon. Please don't compare the two, LMAO! Macon is a shithole (I stay 30 mins from it), but Athens is no better. tongue.png

    And Nene only went after Phaedra b/c she was putting out false info that they grew up together and played together. Also, Phaedra came for Nene (and was actually the first one to take the first shot) that same season upon her debut at the shoe party calling Nene "unladylike." From then on it went downhill. They did call a truce in South Africa on S4 (one of the bright spots of the trip IMO) and it continued this season, but that was nixed was Phaedra was caught talking about Cynthia on a phone recording and then denying it.

    Phaedra is a shady character, and everyone on the cast past (Sheree & Kim) and present (minus Porsha & Kandi) has said/alluded that she is. She just got caught this season with her hand in the cookie jar b/c the bigger targets (Sheree & Kim) got the boot.

    Yesssss another Georgia boy...I totally agree Macon is not much better than Athens. If it weren't for the colleges both places would be complete hell holes.
  6. I love this show and watch every week with my boyfriend, but man there are some things that are pissing me off.

    1. Thank god Alyssa went home this week, as I'm tired of hearing about that stupid pageant [!@#$%^&*] between her and Coco...I actually would've preferred Coco's tired ass went home.

    2. I am SO OVER the sob stories every week now..I've been rewatching season 2 lately and it's like a breath of fresh air without the tears every damn week. Roxxy literally saved her ass by crying. I'm ready for that overly confident bitch to go home too.

  7. Let me go in on Kathy's tarsier looking ass right quick.

    She may be a sweet woman in real life, but she is not right for this show. She came on trying to play the role of the happy homemaker, but showed her true colors in Season 4. This woman has had NO real reason to beef with Teresa, but wants to keep trying to create drama with her so she can be relevant. When she was away from Teresa what did she do? Exactly. You don't have to get loud and be in drama to be an entertaining HW but don't come at me trying to fake drama with your own cousin to be relevant/ Why did she need to say "Oh those are my mom's canolis" her ass had nothing else to talk about and you will never be able to explain why she needed to ask Teresa about Caroline when Caroline was in hearing distance. She loves to talk about believing in respect but was quick to call her aunt a liar, and her uncle a coward after Teresa read her ass. She is a stealth bitch and her attempts to be witty and funny in her THs are awfully pathetic. She just plays on whatever team is popular which is why she was coming for Teresa. Notice in Napa when Joe and Melissa decided to leave with Teresa she ran her ass right in there to apologize because she thought Teresa would be the outsider. That bitch can have several seats and be glad Andy Cohen loves to see a family being torn apart. Which is the only reason he brought her raggedy ass back.

    And lawd don't get me started on her husband telling all of America that his wife's vagina tastes like fish....

    That's all smile.png

    Tell us how you really feel Eric lol
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