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JANUARY 22, 2008-EPISODE #419: MEMORIAL ST. LUKE'S CHURCH People file in to the church as Frankie's funeral service is only minutes away. Caroline, who is being comforted by Kimberly, tells Kim that she is going to go over to talk to Alice, Laura, Bill, Doug, and Julie and thank them for coming and their support. Kim nods. As Caroline walks off, Shane comes over to Kim. Kim wasn't aware he had returned from his ISA-related tripe. Shane says he just returned and he knew he had to be there for her. Kim thanks him. They embrace. We then see Bo and Stephanie come in wheeling Kayla. Caroline sees this and excuses herself from her conversation with Alice to go over and embrace Kayla, saying she didn't have to come so soon. Kayla says she had to...for Frankie. That and she just can't bare to keep sitting in that room, thinking about Frankie and her baby. Stephanie reminds her she needs to go straight back to the hospital after as she isn't ready to be released yet. Kayla nods. Kim and Shane then come over and they both embrace Kayla as Bo's attention seems to be elsewhere as he slowly walks into the vestibule. He seems lost in his own thoughts until Jack walks over and asks if he has seen Billie yet. Bo shakes his head, asking if something is wrong. Jack says he hopes not but the funeral is about to start. Just then, Billie walks in, wearing black sunglasses to go with the rest of her black ensemble. Jack races over and asks if she is ok. Billie asks Jack why that seems to be the first thing out of everyone's mouth when they talk to her these days. She insists she is fine. She's exhausted and just can't sleep with everything going on. She adds that she is wearing the sunglasses because she has bags under her eyes. Bo joins them and tells Billie he would like to talk to her about the whole Chelsea thing and apologizes for not talking with her sooner after learning she wasn't their daughter. Billie says it's fine. She's dealing with it. She excuses herself as both Bo and Jack look at each other. Bo then says: Bo: You think something is wrong, don't you? Jack: She says nothing is but...I can't shake the feeling and she looks like hell. Bo: Well, I will try to talk to her once things calm down. See what's up. Jack: Thanks. Maybe you can get something out of her. God knows I've tried. Abby then walks in with Max. Jack excuses himself and goes over to give his condolences to Max. Max thanks him and says he is going to go over to his mother and sisters. Abby says ok and they kiss as he walks off. Abby asks Jack if Greta has arrived. Jack admits he isn't sure if she is coming since she is still recovering and all. Just then, Victor and Maggie come in, wheeling Greta. Jack and Abby greet her. Caroline, Kim, Bo, Kayla, and Max greet her as well. Caroline wasn't sure she would come. Greta admits she wasn't. Not because of her injuries but because she wasn't sure she could deal with this but she has to. She has come to honor Frankie's memory and it's the least she can do. Caroline nods and embraces her, assuring her that this isn't her fault. Both woman break down in tears as Fr. Jansen enters and signals it's time to begin as the scene shifts to... Outside the church, where Hope walks up and hesitates, wondering if she should go in. Steve and Adrienne then walk up behind her. Steve says he is having the same problem. Adrienne thinks they both have a right, especially Steve who was close to Frankie. Hope thinks she is right but this is about Frankie and she don't want any trouble, especially since they are partly to blame for what happened. Steve agrees, thinking it may be best to wait outside. Adrienne thinks they are being too hard on themselves and then suggests sneaking in and standing in the vestibule. Steve and Hope look at each other and Hope then says that might be a good idea but they can't be seen or heard. Adrienne leads them in as she opens the door slowly. Steve and Hope follow her in and off to the side of the vestibule as Fr. Jansen invites anyone who would like to share memories or say something about Frankie to come up to the altar. The scene then fades into... Carrie, who is the first person to speak. Carrie: I wish I had gotten to spend some more time with Frankie. I speak for me and my sisters, Sami and Belle, when I say we all regret that. When I was little, I remember having this big crush on Frankie. It was embarrassing and I never really spoke of it until now. I think it started around the time I believed my stepmother, Marlena, had died. He drew me a picture to make me smile and...it did. I will never forget that. I wish I had more memories of times with him. I think we all do. Carrie turns around and looks at the coffin. Carrie: No one's smiling today, Frankie. Too bad you weren't here to fix that. Rest in peace. As Carrie walks back to her seat, the scene fades into... Abby, who is now up on the altar, looking at Frankie's coffin. Abby: I will always regret how awful I was to you at times. All you ever wanted was to protect me and my mom and to be a friend. I'm so sorry. You will never know how much. You should be here right now. You made that promise to my mom to protect all of us but, knowing mom, she won't blame you. You look out for her up there. You look out for all of us. What I am saying...of course you will. You always did. (crying) We'll miss you, Frankie. Your family will. Your friends. JJ. And me. We love you. I love you. The scene then fades to Jack giving his eulogy. Jack: Normally, I am never a man of few words but, today, it's hard. Hard to sum up who Frankie was...what he meant to me...to all of us. I think the best way is to tell you what kind of man he wasn't. Any other man would've just went ahead and stole Jennifer. And, I guess it wouldn't be stealing. Not in the situation we were in with me being dead...again. The crowd laughs as Jack smiles. Jack: Good, old selfless Francois...oh...I'm sorry. Haven't called him that in awhile and he wouldn't like that. FRANKIE...never once did anything underhanded and, heck, he didn't even have to be underhanded. Jennifer was right there for the taking but he offered to step aside. For Jennifer's sake. For our family's sake. Frankie was not your ordinary person. Sure, you will find people that put others before themself but every one of us has a selfish moment or two. Not this man. Not while I've known him. Never once. He would live the rest of his life alone if he knew it would mean someone he loves or, even a perfect stranger, would be happy because of it. I've never had a better friend. I've never known a better man. Jack turns to Frankie's coffin and, fighting back tears, says: Jack: Goodbye, my friend. You will be missed. Jack walks off and over to Greta. He takes her hand and them embraces her. A tearful Greta nods and thanks Jack. Jack walks back to his seat and is stunned when Billie walks up to give a eulogy. Billie: I don't have much to say and pardon my glasses. Recent events have taken their toll on me, as I'm sure they have for everyone here. Anyway, I just had to say that, while I didn't know him that long, in the time I knew Frankie it was easy to figure out what kind of guy he was. Kind, selfless, intelligent...as they say, he's what every girl dreams of. The perfect man. I'm sure Frankie would say he's not perfect but I've never seen anyone come as close as he did. The world lost a great man. A man who made a difference. Who did alot of good and would've did a whole lot more. Billie turns to Frankie's coffin, puts her hand on it, and says: Billie: Rest in peace. The scene then fades into Bo, who is standing behind a crying Kim in her wheelchair on the altar. Kim: I was away alot so my time with Frankie was limited. I regret that. But ever since he came into our lives he has been nothing but a great man, a great friend, and, a great brother. He didn't need the Brady blood in him to make him a Brady (camera pans to Bo). He has and will always be one of us. We love you Frankie. As Kim breaks down, Bo comforts her and then says: Bo: Frankie was the kind of guy we all strive to be like. Compassionate, kind, honorable...almost too good to be true. He's the sort of guy that other guys are jealous of because they usually have it all. Well, Frankie didn't have it all and that didn't matter to him. The guy never found the happiness he deserved, mostly because he was more concerned with others. Didn't phase him and that should be admired. It's a lesson we can all learn in selflessness. Bo turns and says to Frankie's coffin. Bo: We all wish we could be at least half the man you were Frankie. Goodbye, buddy. As Bo and Kim step down, Caroline moves to go up and Kayla says she wants to go with her. Caroline says she doesn't have to but Kayla insists. Caroline wheels Kayla up with her and Kayla asks to go first. Caroline tells her to go ahead. Kayla: I don't know if I have the strength to really do this but we all have suffered great losses recently so...for Frankie. Kayla then breaks down as Steve and Hope watch from the vestibule. Caroline comforts her and says it's ok. She doesn't have to talk. Kayla: Why did this happen? So much loss...our family has been through enough. Roman can't even be here mourning with us. My baby...Frankie...it's not right!! Bo comes up and comforts Kayla. He suggests coming back to the pew with him, saying it's too much for her right now. Kayla nods and looks at Frankie's coffin. Kayla: I really wanted to say something. Steve and I were the ones that found you and Max. There was always a special bond between us. I just can't...do this right now. Please understand. I love you. And, please, take care of my baby up there. Make sure he or she isn't lonely. Please. I love you, Frankie. I love you. Bo takes a crying Kayla back to the pew as an emotional Caroline speaks. Caroline: When Frankie and Max came to us, Shawn and I fell in love instantly. The innocence, the love they both had to give...and that has never changed. Both of them grew into fine men. Caring for others, hard working...you couldn't ask for more as a parent. I never thought of them as adopted. Neither did Shawn. They are just as much our children as Roman, Kimberly, Bo, and Kayla. I just hope Frankie knew how much he was loved. And that Max does too (camera pans to Max, who nods). Frankie had so much more love to give. So much more knowledge to share. So much more to do that could make our world so much better. People like him are needed. That is why it hurts more when they are taken, in their prime. He will be missed a great deal by all he crossed paths with. By all who loved him. Caroline turns and kisses the coffin, wiping away tears and saying: Caroline: Goodbye, my son. Your mother loves you. Caroline then walks back as Max walks up and embraces her, saying "thank you." Caroline says she loves him and Max does the same as he goes up to the altar as Abby watches tearfully. Max: Growing up, my brother was all I had. He always knew what to do, what to say...in many ways, he had to play the role of father and big brother to me. Even when the Brady's adopted us. Him and I had this bond. Every single time I had a problem I would go right to him. I didn't even think about it. See, we may have ended up in a great family but it was still the two of us. We just understood each other. He always strived to get the best out of me. He wanted me to have the best. Great advice, always looking out for me...the perfect big brother. As many times as he gave me advice, I used to give him some too. I used to tell him to go get a life. A girl. Whatever. He would smile and tell me to just worry about myself. That is who Frankie was. That is what we all will miss. That is what I will miss. How I will go on, who knows. He was my anchor. He saved me more times then I can count. Max turns to the coffin and says: Max: I will pay you back for all you did for me, bro. I'll make you proud. I won't fail. I will be the best I can be. It will be harder without you but you always said I had to learn the hard way. I'll do my best and remember everything you told me. Everything you taught me. Man, I'll miss you. I love you, bro. I pray that you know that. I pray that you know how much. Max then steps down and returns to his pew as Abby comforts him. Victor turns to Greta in their pew and asks if she wants to say something. Greta is silent and distraught. Victor decides he wants to say something and gets up and walks up to the altar. Victor: I didn't know Frankie Brady all too well. Not until recently when he become an important person in my newfound daughter's life. It didn't take long before I noticed the qualities many of you mentioned here today. He was a man of honor, dignity, and respect. His selflessness knew no bounds and his courage and bravery can not be questioned. Especially after what he did for my daughter. Frankie saved her life on New Year's Eve and tragically will never have the chance to receive the amount of praise and thanks he deserves. For all he has done. He will be sorely missed in many ways. Victor turns to the coffin and says: Victor: Thank you. For saving my daughter. For giving her and me a chance to make some wonderful memories. Something you will never have the chance to do with Greta due to your great sacrifice. I will never forget. I just can't truly express the depth of my appreciation. Rest in peace, Frankie. Victor walks over to Caroline and gives his condolences. Caroline stands and embraces him, thanking him for his words and comfort. Victor smiles, nods, and walks off and back to his pew. He looks at Greta, who seems to be in her own world. Maggie encourages her to go ahead. Greta, after a few moments, finally snaps out of it, and says she has to do this...for Frankie. She wheels up and, wiping away tears and fighting back more, says: Greta: I didn't think I could come here today. Nor did I think I could speak up here. It's all so soon and so fast. It's like my mother all over again but, this isn't about me or my pain. It's about Frankie and honoring him. That is why I'm here and now up here in front of all of you. I'm still drawing my strength from him. You all know what kind of man he was. So many of you mentioned that today. I didn't know him long. We started working together with Jack and Billie and just became friends from there. Then, along the way, something happened. It took both of us awhile to realize it. Then it took both of us awhile to admit it to ourselves and to each other. That will always be my regret. Not telling Frankie how I felt when he told me. Greta turns toward Frankie's coffin, as tears stream down her face, saying: Greta: There you were...telling me the words I always wanted to hear from a man. I love you. You were pouring your heart out. My dream was coming true. I finally found love. We both finally knew. It was our moment and I said nothing. You will never know how sorry I am. You saved my life and while we are falling to the ground you tell me you love me. What do I do? Nothing. I wait and tell you on your deathbed. I am so sorry, Frankie. I never deserved you or your love. Just know that I love you. I do. With everything that I am. I just hope you can forgive me for not saying it sooner. I...love you. I LOVE YOU FRANKIE!! Greta breaks down on the coffin as Victor and Jack rush up and comfort her as she yells out she loves Frankie hysterically. We then see a montage set to FAITH HILL'S "THERE YOU'LL BE"-CLICK HERE TO PLAY FOR THE REST OF THE EPISODE'S MONTAGE SCENES!!!of Fr. Jansen blessing the coffin as a grief stricken Greta is comforted by Victor while Kim, Caroline, Bo, and Kayla console each other and Abby consoles Max. We then see the congregation follow as the pall bearers (Bo, Shane, Max, Jack, Victor, and Doug) carry the coffin out. The scene then shifts to the Brady Pub. Night has fallen and the funeral guests are now sitting around, conversing about all that has happened, sharing memories of Frankie. Tony and Anna embrace Caroline, Kayla and Kim, expressing condolences. Alice embraces Greta, who thanks her for coming. Alice tells her she has always been like family to her. Greta thanks her and embraces her. Celeste, Abe, and Lexie are talking to Max and Bo, expressing how sorry they are. Meanwhile, Jack wonders where Billie is and asks if Abby has seen her. Abby shakes her head as the scene fades to...an alley outside the Pub, where Billie is drinking out of a flask. She hears someone coming and bolts. Jack walks out in the alley, looks around, and then wonders out loud where Billie has gone to. The scene shifts back into the Pub as Jack walks backs in. Greta wheels up to him and says she needs him to take her somewhere. Victor and Maggie walk up and remind her she needs to go back to the hospital. Greta says she knows but needs to go somewhere first. Jack agrees to take her, saying he will bring her back. Victor is reluctant but agrees. The scene then shifts to... The cemetery, where Frankie's grave is fresh and Hope and Steve look down upon it. Hope tells Steve it's all their fault and then breaks down. Steve tries to console her but she falls to the ground, telling Frankie how sorry she is for what happened and how she will never forgive herself. Steve then kneels down and comforts her, admitting he is sorry too. So sorry. Steve begins to break down as well as Adrienne appears and looks on at this scene as the scene fades back to the Pub, where Caroline is looking at a picture of Frankie with the family. Bo comes up behind her and embraces her. Kim, Kayla, and Max also come over and then family comes together in an embrace as funeral guests look on, including Maggie and Victor, who can't help but be touched by the scene. The scene then fades to... SALEM PARK Jack wheels Greta near a gazebo. He tells Greta it's too cold to be out but she says she had to come there. Frankie took her there many times...for dinner, dancing, looking at the stars...it's their special place. Greta begins to break down as she remembers good times with Frankie. She then looks to the heavens and says: Greta: I love you. Please know that. Please never forget. Jack then kneels down, takes Greta in his arms, and says: Jack: He knows and he won't. He won't forget. Just like you'll never forget. Greta looks at Jack and smiles as tears stream down her face. The scene then pans up on an overhead shot of Jack holding Greta in his arms as they look to the skies above while the Faith Hill "There You'll Be" Montage ends and the scene slowly faces to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... THE PAST TAKES IT'S TOLL ON ROMAN!!! IMPORTANT INFO!! HELP SAVE DAYS AND SHELLE!! CLICK HERE TO JOIN THE FIGHT!!!
JANUARY 21, 2008-EPISODE #418: DIFFERENCES ASIDE SALEM POLICE STATION Lucas is led into a waiting room and sees his family there. Bill walks over and asks him how he’s doing and Lucas says if Bill were going to a maximum security prison, how would he be doing? Bill smiles and admits it was a stupid question and both men laugh. Julie tells Lucas that everything will be ok and Maggie tells him that Victor will do his best to get both him and Roman out of there. Alice tells him to be strong and Doug says that this D.A. is just trumping up charges on him, to which Marlena agrees with. She then goes over and stands next to Bill, telling Lucas that they will fight like hell to bring him home. Lucas appreciates that but says that it doesn’t look too good for him. He’ll keep the faith though. Philip and Belle then come in and Philip walks over to shake his brother’s hand. Kate slowly walks in and says that she will do whatever she can to get him free. Lucas tells Kate her kind of help isn’t needed. It’s probably one of the reasons why he’s in prison. Billie also comes in and hugs Lucas, saying that she will do what she can. He tells her she doesn’t look well and she says it’s fine. She just has a lot on her mind. Lucas says that both her and Philip can drop by and see him or to talk, to which they appreciate the offer. Bill then asks for Lucas to not be so hard on Kate and Lucas says Bill never had to really deal with her. Everything she touches, she poisons. Kate doesn’t care how angry Lucas is....he is her child and she will do what a mother has to do. Sami, who is standing off to the side, agrees, saying that with both families behind him, how can he lose? The Brady women tell Sami that after what she’s been through, she shouldn’t get involved. Sami is stunned, saying that she should just let her man rot behind bars for something he didn’t do.....while the true guilty man goes free. Belle says this could really cost her her life and Sami doesn’t care. She has no life without Lucas and this actually makes Kate smile. Philip sees this and tells Kate not to get involved. Kate is then asking if he is saying she can’t help her own son. Philip is just saying it’s too dangerous. Kate asks where the sudden affection is coming from. Sami says that she and Kate have to do this.....and Will is not to find out. Kate agrees. Sami then says they both will do what they have to in order to get Lucas out of this mess.... And make Patricia pay for what she’s done. Billie, in the meantime, can’t seem to shake the headache from the hangover she has. She stands off to the side and Kate walks over to her as Philip watches. Kate asks her if she is ok and Billie snaps at her, saying she didn’t care when she was keeping her father away from her, so why does she care now? Philip walks over as Billie tells Kate that she should spend her time thinking about how she’s going to screw up Lucas’ life more by trying to help him. As Billie walks away, Kate tries to follow but Philip grabs her arms, telling her to leave Billie alone. As a worried and saddened Kate looks at Billie leave.... Bill looks at Lucas and shakes his hand. He tells him that he is proud of how Lucas is handling this travesty and will someday be home, free and clear of these bogus charges. Sami and Will come up to Lucas and both hug him. Will says he’ll keep the Xbox 360 in the box until he gets home and Sami says that their home will be very empty until he returns. Lucas keeps a stiff upper lip, saying that if anyone can get him out of this mess.....it’s his family and friends. Marlena tells him how right he is. The guard knocks on the door and tells Lucas it’s time. Everyone looks at Lucas as he says..... Lucas: Well......see ya in the funny papers. Sami and Lucas hug deeply as he pulls away from her and Will has to stop her from chasing after him as Lucas leaves the waiting room quickly. Everyone looks at each other and, in a show of solidarity, Kate walks over....... And takes Sami’s hand, as both women tell the other they have to work together.... To bring Lucas home. The scene freeze-frames on these two adversaries holding hands........as it slowly fades to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... SALEM GATHERS TO MOURN FRANKIE!!! THIS WEEK'S PROMO: ANNOUNCER: LAST WEEK... Clip of Greta crying on a lifeless Frankie's chest and of Stephanie comforting a distraught Kayla. TRAGEDY ROCKED SALEM... Greta to Jack: I don't know how I will get through this. Kayla to Caroline: It's like a part of me...a part of me and Steve's love...died with that child. NOW...THE AFTERMATH... Steve to Kayla: I love you. I love you and I think our love is strong enough to get through this. A tearful Greta wheels up to Frankie's coffin and says: Greta: I will never forget you. THIS WEEK....SALEM MOURNS... Clip of Frankie's coffin next to a picture of him and clip of Caroline holding a devastated Kayla. IT'S A WEEK YOU CAN'T MISS!!! IMPORTANT INFO!!!HELP SAVE DAYS AND SHAWN AND BELLE!!! CLICK HERE TO JOIN THE FIGHT!!!
WEEK OF JANUARY 21, 2008 EDITION NEW INSIDER FEATURE COMING!!! Beginning in the second February edition of the SL Insider, we will begin a new feature entitled "Insider In Depth." This feature will be an article that delves into the current developments of a character on SL and their current story. This will allow our loyal readers to get a better grasp on the characters and the current developments with them. Look for February sweeps previews to be posted in the first February edition of the Insider!! TWO NEW SALEM LIVES "BEST OF 2007" POLLS!! The second and third polls in our Salem Lives "BEST OF 2007" feature that are posted. Here is Poll #2: The Best Twist or Most Surprising Moment of 2007. POLL #2 Here is Poll #3: The Best Story of 2007. POLL #3 CASTING NEWS ALERT!! TWO BIG RETURNS!! As has been speculated for weeks, two familiar faces will be returning this month to Salem Lives. Fans can expect one of these returns this week. "They are huge," says EP/HW Tim Lowery. "I think the fans will love it." Stay tuned! WHO'S OUT!! Billy Warlock (Frankie Brady): The actor, who returned in 2005 after nearly a 15 year absence, last aired on January 15 in a dream of Greta's (Julianne Morris). Look for more on his exit in a future Insider. PREVIEWS AND PEEKS INTO WEEK OF 1/21/08 Lucas Says Goodbye. Sami and Kate Vow to Take Action. Salem Mourns Frankie. Bo Gets A Shock. Forrest and Miranda Return to Salem. EPISODE ALERT!!! TUESDAY JANUARY 22: SALEM GATHERS TO MOURN FRANKIE. NEXT WEEK: Several Salemites Fear a New Threat. Alyson and Philip Share a Close Moment. Kayla and Steve Touch Base. Nicole and Joey Grow Closer.
JANUARY 18, 2008-EPISODE #418: TARGET BILLIE'S P.I. OFFICE Billie wakes up slowly. She is disheveled yet again and looks around, seeing the empty liquor bottles in front of her. She realizes she gave in to the urge again and covers her face in shame and frustration. She gets up slowly and glances at her cell, which is registering 9 missed calls. Billie, still trying to deal with her hangover, checks them and learns Lucas is being transfered upstate. She quickly begins to put herself together so she can head down to the station. Billie's cell then rings. It's Jack, who says he has been calling and admits he was worried. Billie says she had a long night. He asks if she feels better. Billie assures him she is fine but, obviously, couldn't get any sleep. Jack thinks it's understandable with everything she is dealing with. Billie tells Jack she has to go as Lucas is being transfered. She then asks about Greta. Jack tells Billie she is hanging in there. Billie says that's good and then tells him not to worry. She is fine. Jack tells her to call if she needs anything. Billie says she will and tells him she has to go. She then quickly hangs up as Jack can't help but be worried. He decides he will check on Billie later and goes in to see Greta, noticing that she is waking up. Jack asks how she is doing. Greta is silent until her eyes well with tears and she says she can't believe this is happening. She admits she has no idea how she will get through this. It's like losing her mother all over again. Jack tells her that he is there for her and so is all the rest of her friends and family. Greta embraces him and thanks him for everything. Jack smiles, saying that is what friends are for and her and Frankie are two of his best. Alex then appears outside. Greta informs Jack and Jack asks if he can come in. Greta nods. Jack motions for Alex to come in and he does. Alex apologizes to Greta for her loss. She thanks him. Jack tells Alex he thought he was starting early at The Spectator. Alex points out he is but stopped by to see him first to see how things were going. Greta tells Alex he will do fine and that Jack is very proud that his son is following in his footsteps. Jack nods, saying he is very talented and no doubt got it from him. They all laugh. Alex tells Greta he looks forward to working with him. She nods, saying she doesn't know if that will happen. Jack says it will. Greta admits her only focus right now is two things...mourning and honoring Frankie and getting a hold of that bitch Nicole and paying her back for what she has done. Greta points out she may as well have killed Eric and now Frankie...and that she will get vengeance. Jack and Alex look on, worried. UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL Meanwhile, Hope walks up and sees Steve by the nurses station. Steve asks what she is doing there. Hope says she wanted to check on Kayla and Greta, hoping no one that despises her right now would see her. Hope asks how things are. Steve fills her in and asks how things are with her. Hope tells him about her and Bo separating. They both tell each other they are sorry and Steve blames himself, saying he promised her things would be ok. He pushed the past on her and then thought Nicole was bluffing. Hope tells him it's ok. They need to deal with the hand they were dealt. She only wishes they could've told Bo and Kayla their own way, like they planned. None of this probably would've happened. Steve thinks we all have a time to go and maybe it would've happened anyway but not like this. He blames Nicole for how it all went down and thinks she needs to pay for this...and all the other [!@#$%^&*] she has pulled. Hope points out she is against getting payback through violence and scheming but admits Nicole needs to pay and that jail may be too lenient after all she has done. Hope then says there is no telling what may happen if she strikes again and who may get hurt. The scene then shifts to... Kayla's room, where Kayla is laying there silent and Stephanie is asking if she is sure she wants nothing. Kayla shakes her head, saying she wants time to be reversed and for things to be what they were before 2008 began. Stephanie wishes that could happen, adding that it's all her father's fault. Kayla says that Steve takes part of the blame. As does Hope. But someone else pushed it too far and is the reason why Frankie fell as well. Stephanie says she knows all about it...Nicole. Kayla nods, saying that woman has been a thorn in the Brady's side for too long and has gone too far. Eric, Frankie, her unborn child...it may not have been directly but she may as well have killed them all, not to mention all the other schemes she has attempted. Kayla tells Stephanie it's time Nicole took a hard fall...a very hard one. The scene then shifts to... BRADY PUB Caroline is making funeral arrangements for Frankie when Bo comes in with Victor. Bo embraces his mother and asks if he can help. Victor offers his help too. Caroline says everything is pretty much set but says there is one thing they can do...find Nicole so she can make her pay. Victor says he has his men on it and plans on handling it, telling Caroline there is no need for her to get involved. Caroline tells Victor she has had it with Nicole. Everything she did to Eric, Victor, Carrie, and now all this. She has caused too much trouble and inflicted too much pain on her family and needs to be stopped. Caroline admits she can't help but feel it's her responsibility to do it. Bo thinks there is a list of people who feel that way based on how Nicole has affected him, including himself. He wants her to pay too. Bo just thinks Caroline needs to stay out of it and let Victor, him, and the police handle it. Caroline doesn't know if she can do that. Victor promises her that Nicole will be found and WILL pay. Caroline tells him she better and says it's well past due. The scene then shifts to... ORPHEUS SECRET PALATIAL HOME(on the outskirts of Salem) Nicole serves Joey lunch and tells him he is lucky he slept through breakfast as she didn't know what to whip up. She asks Joey how long it's been since he had a good night sleep. Joey doesn't know and tells Nicole the bologna sandwich is good. Nicole smiles and says thanks and thinks it's time to talk about his options. Joey is confused. Nicole tells him he can't stay with her. She tries to explain but is forced to admit she is in alot of trouble and it's not a good situation for him. Joey says he won't go to a orphanage or a foster home. He says he had friends in those and he isn't going. He tells Nicole he can keep her company. She seems like she is lonely. Nicole insists she is fine and that she doesn't want him getting hurt. Plus, she is no good for him. Joey thinks she is cool and admits he likes her. Nicole points out it's been only a day since they met. Joey still thinks she is his angel and that Nicole was brought to him. Nicole rolls her eyes. Joey thinks it's true and she will believe it someday. He then adds that if Nicole tries to give him over to the police or to an orphanage he will tell them where to find her. Nicole asks what makes him think she is in trouble with the police. Joey thinks it makes sense with her worried about him being hurt staying with him and all. Nicole thinks he is too smart for his own good and can't believe he is blackmailing her. He smiles, saying he just doesn't want to be an orphan or all alone again. Nicole, realizing he won't give up, agrees to let him stay with her, for now. Just until they can figure things out. Joey thanks her and walks over to hug her, catching Nicole off guard as Joey looks up and says she won't regret this. Joey smiles as Nicole sighs and says she better not. UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL Abby is with Max, asking if there is anything she can do. Max smiles, saying she is already doing it but adds he does need some time alone. He is going to go check on Kayla and he needs to think. Abby understands and tells him to come find her when he's done. She kisses his cheek and walks off. While alone, Max puts on his gloves and says it's time he starts his own search for Nicole. The sooner he finds her, the sooner he can return the favor after what she did to Frankie. He walks off. Abby walks up to Jack, who is now outside Greta's room with Alex. They are talking about Greta wanting revenge. Abby says she can't help but feel Max wants the same. He just isn't telling her much and is keeping alot his feelings inside. Jack thinks he will open up. She just needs to give him time. He's lucky to have her. Abby smiles. Alex says he has to go. Jack embraces him, wishing him luck and saying he will see him later. Abby wishes him luck too, saying he will do great. Alex thanks them and walks off. Abby says she wishes she were spending more time getting to know Alex but with everything going on, it's hard. Jack knows and says she will soon. They all have it rough right now. Abby admits it hurts losing Frankie and Aunt Kayla losing her baby...it's alot. Jack nods, saying they will get through it. They always do. Jack embraces her as the scene shifts to... SALEM POLICE STATION Billie arrives and bumps right into Kate in the hallway, who says she was just about to try calling again. She asks where the hell she was. Billie tells Kate she is exhausted and tried to sleep but was unable. She reminds Kate she is going through alot right now. Kate points out that Billie's phone was on all the times she called and asks why she never answered if she was unable to sleep. Billie tells Kate she can't deal with this and they should drop this. Lucas is more important right now. Kate agrees but says they do need to talk later. Billie says maybe. Kate says they will and walks off as an annoyed Billie follows. UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL Alyson is outside Jean's room, looking at a newspaper. Frankie's death is the headline and there is a mention about the police searching for Nicole. Alyson smiles, saying it's long past time that bitch gets what is coming to her. Alyson admits she wishes she could do it herself and says that maybe, one day, she will be forced to do so. She then looks into Jean's room, hesitant about going in but realizing she must see Jean at some point and that she needs to try to get answers. Alyson walks in, surprising and relieving Jean, who points out she hasn't seen her since she learned about her father's demise. Alyson nods, saying she needed time to digest things. She recalls her drunken romp with Philip. Jean says she was so worried and wishes she had called. She points out she is being released tomorrow. Alyson thinks that is good but says she isn't there for small talk. She informs Jean that she did some research into her father's death and was puzzled by what she discovered. Jean asks what sort of research she did. Alyson says she talked to the friend who sent her the letter that revealed everything to her and that she talked to the police who investigated her father's death. All she was told is that it was ruled an accident and Alyson finds it suspicious since it seems the investigation lasted less then 48 hours. Jean asks what she is getting at. Alyson admits to Jean she feels something is missing, saying she remembers that her and daddy were on their way to reconciling. That had happened many times before but this time even the maid was talking about it. Alyson admits she remembers getting her hopes up and how happy both her and daddy were...until they day she and Jean caught him in bed with one of his former mistresses. Jean says she recalls that day, pointing out how upset Alyson got and how that led to Alyson telling her father she hated him. Jean reminds Alyson her father died that night and tells her that is why she kept the truth from her. If she knew her father died, it would've destroyed her, no matter how mad she was. She would've remembered the last words she said to him..."I hate you" and would've felt guilty. Alyson thinks it's possible Jean put up a front when she found her father in bed with the woman. Jean asks what she is saying. Alyson thinks it's possible Jean went to the boat when she was asleep and killed her father out of anger over him betraying her again. Alyson points out all she had to do was push him and come back home. No one would know, especially since she was so upset and the maid could easily be paid off for her silence. Jean can't believe Alyson would say such a thing and points out her father wasn't alone that night. His mistress was with him. Alyson thinks that gives her more motive. Jean points out that she hated that woman and there is no way she would ever keep her mouth shut if she had seen her kill her husband. Alyson admits that is a good point and wonders if it was the woman he was with or another mistress of his. Jean shakes her head, saying it was an accident. Her father had alcohol in his system. He was quite upset after what had happened with us and he just fell off and they found the body the next day. Alyson thinks there is still more to it. Jean tells her to just leave it be. It's what is for the best. Alyson lashes out, saying she is sick of her always assuming she knows what is best. She has done that all along for her and that is over. Alyson points out that BS brought them to Salem and made their lives hell. Jean tells Alyson she loves her and is sorry but she just does what she thinks it's best. Alyson: The key word there is "thinks," mom. No more. I'm living my own life and making my own decisions as to what is right for me and my son. When Sam grows up and is able, I will leave him be to so he can learn from his mistakes and make his own life choices. Not like you. You tried to control me. You tried to dictate everything. Don't you see? Not telling me about daddy didn't protect me? It prolonged the inevitable. You robbed me of my right to grieve my father. I could've dealt with all this much easier when I was younger. Now, knowing everything involved, it's harder. I won't ever get over it. Jean: So, I screwed you up...even worse? Alyson: Yes. You did. But there is still hope. I need to know the truth, mom. I know there is more to daddy's death. You don't just keep something like this for so long if it's just an accident, regardless of you not wanting me to feel guilty. Jean: Just leave it alone. You know everything there is to know. Alyson: Fine. I knew I wouldn't get anything from you. It's fine. I will learn everything on my own. The WHOLE truth. I have to. Something tells me I have to do this. And I will. I will get the answers I need. Whether you like it or not. Goodbye, mother. A frustrated Alyson walks out as a worried Jean, now alone, says: Jean: Leave it alone, Alyson. For your own good. Believe me. You don't want to know the truth about your father. You just don't. The scene then freezes on Jean's face and fades to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... SAMI DECIDES TO TAKE ACTION!!! IMPORTANT INFO!!! HELP SAVE DAYS!! CLICK HERE TO JOIN THE FIGHT!!!
JANUARY 17, 2008-EPISODE #417: WHAT TO DO? BO AND HOPE'S NEW HOUSE After Hope called them to come over, Doug and Julie stop by with Alice. They see Hope has been crying most of the night and Doug remarks about how she looks like she has gotten no sleep. Julie asks her what’s wrong and Hope tells her that after a huge fight, Bo not only knows about her and Steve.......but that he is now staying at the mansion. They have separated and it’s all her fault. As she breaks down in Julie’s arms..... KIRIAKIS MANSION Bo walks downstairs into the study. Victor is looking out the window and turns to look, remarking that it’s about time Bo woke up. Bo says he was really tired for some reason and Victor tells him that when one comes down from a lot of anger, that usually wipes them out. As a maid brings Bo breakfast, he starts chowing it down with all speed and Victor tries to talk to him............ Victor: I received a phone call from the Chief Of Police in St. Louis City. He says he got a phone call from the sheriff of a little town called Joplin in Missouri. They found five people in the town.....dead. Looks like the work of our man, Michael Myers. Bo: Damn. I thought we were done with that. Victor: Bo, my guess is that we’ll be done with that when he’s dead. Bo: If that is possible. Victor: I have a question. Is your marriage dead? After Bo pauses, he wipes his mouth with a napkin, looks back down at his plate, and says........ Bo: Ask Hope. Victor: I’m asking you. You shouldn’t be so hard on her. Bo: Look here, old man. Don’t tell me what I have the right to be mad about. She slept with my best friend. Victor: I know that.......and by the way, don’t ever talk to me like that again. Both men look at each other as Victor walks over. He sits down next to Bo, saying to him..... Victor: I know how it feels to love someone from afar and give in to passion. Bo: You mean Ma, right? Victor: Yes, son. What happened with those two was a by-product of the hell Stefano put them through. Bo: Still makes it very wrong, Victor. Victor: I know. And you’re right.......they have to live with what they have done for a very long time. I’m just saying not to throw everything away based on how angry you are now. Bo: Ok. Ok. I’ll listen to what you have to say........but for right now, I’m staying here. To be honest, I can’t even stand to look at that woman’s face. Victor: Fair enough. Victor then stands up and goes to his desk to answer his phone. When he gets through talking, he tells Bo that Nico and some men have a be-line on Nicole. She was on the roof the night Frankie fell and needs to be dealt with. Bo then says that when she's found.......she will do some serious time. Victor says that she just may not make it to a jail cell. Bo disagrees, saying this is a matter for the law. Victor disagrees as well, saying that after what she did and the fact that one brother is dead and the other is being transferred to the state prison....he doesn’t have much faith in the law. And, Victor says, since he is the head of the family....... What he says........goes. Period. He also says that Nicole will be found.... And dealt with, accordingly. As Bo looks at Victor stoically, the scene fades to..... UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL Outside of Kayla’s room, where Adrienne tells Steve that Kayla and their marriage will be ok. He thanks her for that and then walks toward Kayla’s room. As he slowly opens the door, he can hear Stephanie tell a sleeping Kayla that everything is Steve’s fault.....and she will never forgive him. He looks at both Kayla and Stephanie and then quietly closes the door, telling Adrienne he needs time by himself as he walks off. SALEM POLICE STATION Philip and Belle end up bumping into each other as they both go to see Lucas and Roman. Neither says a word and they just look at each other as Marlena, Carrie and Sami then walk up. Marlena says she will go clear Roman’s visit with them all before he heads to the state prison and, as she walks in, Roman is being brought in. They hug each other lovingly as Marlena is shocked at how Roman looks. He says he hasn’t slept most of the night. He keeps having these dreams........but everything is so jumbled. He remembered the meeting he had with Abe the morning after Orpheus blew up their house.......and then he remembers being strapped down in some room somewhere, with Stefano standing over him. He says everything is just a fog. Marlena thinks it’s stress from everything that has happened the past year and it’s his defenses trying to protect him. Outside, Kate walks up and asks why Sami is there. Sami says she has just as much right to be there as Kate does. Kate says she is the reason why Lucas is in the trouble he’s in, which makes Sami respond...... Sami: For once, just once........could you NOT blame everything on everyone else but yourself?! Carrie and Belle tell them both to stop it and Philip asks Kate if he will have to drag her out of there himself. He then says that both Lucas and Roman are being moved upstate and the last thing they both need is her selfish crap right now. Kate is silent for a few moments and then says that, for the good of the two men.......she will stop with her nonsense. As Kateif anyone has heard from Billie, Will walks up and says it’s about time they stopped fighting. Patricia then comes up and says that it’s a red letter day for her.....a Horton and a Brady at the same time. Sami asks her if she has a heart at all......or did she sell it, along with her body, during law school? Patricia looks at her and quietly but sternly says that she earned everything she has gotten in her life and her career. Belle asks if that includes getting into bed with Stefano DiMera......so to speak. Patricia says she won’t stand there and take any of that..... And Marlena then walks out, saying she will take exactly what they dish out. The Horton's and the Brady's are a united front and Patricia is about to find that out. Patricia asks if Marlena if she is threatening her and Marlena responds...... Marlena: If one hair on my husband’s head is even out of place after he is released from there......I will hit you with a lawsuit so big, you will have to street walk to pay me off, got that?! Patricia: Marlena, I......... Marlena: Don’t stutter! Just turn around and get the hell out of my eyesight! Patricia stalks off angrily as Will says how proud he is of his grandmother. Kate says that she surely doesn’t want to cross Marlena and Marlena then turns and looks at her, saying...... Marlena: Do yourself a favor.......clean the wax out of your ears and listen to me very carefully. As everyone is shocked by Marlena’s demeanor, Sami is trying her best not to start laughing at Kate, because she knows what’s about to come.... Marlena: When it comes to my children......and my man......I am the biggest bitch in this city! And, if anyone......ANYONE!.......tries to hurt them, they will end up face down in the Illinois river, do I make myself clear? Kate: Crystal. Marlena then tells her family to come into the waiting room and say god-bye to Roman, as Philip and Kate wait outside in the hallway. Inside the room, Roman looks over to see his family and can barely hold back tears. Everyone tries to hug him at the same time and he holds Belle in one arm and Sami in the other, as he says..... Roman: Look. I’ll be ok. Victor pulled some strings for the both of us and we’ll be apart from general population. It won’t be a picnic but I think we’ll be safe like that. All I want you all to do......is watch after your mom and each other. And we’ll be together again.....real soon. Roman wipes away tears and everyone is crying as the guard knocks on the door. He comes in and tells Roman that it’s almost time. As his daughters and grandson all say good-bye and leave one at a time, Marlena walks up to him once again and he tells her.... Roman: Do me a favor.......make sure that Alice can make those donuts with a file in them. Marlena: I’ll get on that right now. You take care of yourself, and remember.......how much I love you. Roman: Thank you, Doc......for everything. I love you.....and I’ll see you soon. As the guard takes Roman by the arm, the two people can’t take their eyes off each other as the door slowly closes behind him. As it slams shut..... Marlena sits at a table and cries deeply. The scene then pans upwards and then slowly fades to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... NICOLE IS TARGETED!!! IMPORTANT INFO!! HELP JOIN THE FIGHT TO SAVE DAYS!!! CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO!!!
JANUARY 16, 2008-EPISODE #416: WHAT HURTS THE MOST UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL Up on the roof, the tension is palpable between Bo and Hope. Bo's back is turned toward Hope as she begs Bo to please look at her, as tears well in her eyes. Hope tells Bo she just wants to talk. Bo tells Hope there is nothing left to say. She already said it all on New Year's and gave her explanation. Hope asks if he believed it, pointing out it doesn't seem like he did. Bo: Can you blame me? All those lies, Hope. How do I know what was true and what wasn't? Hope: Bo, how long have you known me? How long have your known Steve? You can't seriously think we could fall for each other and have an affair out of the blue like that without extenuating circumstances. Bo: Ah, yes. You and Steve getting lost in the past. Give me a break!! Hope: Bo! Please!! Bo: Please what? Look, Hope. I don't have time to deal with you and your pathetic attempt to try to sway me right now. I have enough to deal with. Hope: I know but we need to talk and... Bo: Now?! My family is in shambles. Roman is in jail! Frankie is dead! Kayla just lost her child! And all your worried about is you and me! Hope: I'm sorry! I just want to be there for you. I want to fix this! Bo: It's too late for that. You and Steve may not have killed Frankie or Kayla's child but you put Nicole in the situation she was in. Your lies and your deceit gave her the ammunition. She was only at that reception...up on that roof...because you and Steve did what you did. Not to mention all the stress that Kayla had to deal with finding out what you two did and how you both kept the truth about Chelsea from Billie and I. Damnit, Hope! Do you see how many lives are a mess right now? Hope (crying): I know! I know! Bo: Do you? Did you ever consider that this whole mess would !@#$%^&*] with so many people's lives? This isn't just about you and me. It's not even about Steve and Kayla. Billie, Greta, my family...so many lives, Hope. You can't fix this. It's just too much. Hope: We can try. Bo: There is no "we." I love this! It's hilarious! Hope: What? Bo: You? A tad hypocritical, don't you think? A year ago, you gave me hell when I chose to keep the truth about my undercover operation with Roman from you, as well as my molestation. Remember that? What was my reasoning? Ah, yes. Because I was trying to protect you. You were going through alot. We all were. The same damn reasoning you are giving me after what you have done now. I detect a double standard, don't you? Bo's words silence Hope as she wipes tears from her eyes and has no idea what to say. The scene then shifts to... A waiting area where Abe, Lexie, and Celeste are talking. Abe tells Celeste he knew that Celeste knew what was already going to happen as Lexie and the doctors were trying to save Kayla and her baby. He thinks she did the right thing holding back and not saying anything, just like she did when Frankie was dying. Celeste nods, saying as long as she knew there was no stopping it, there was no sense in making an announcement. It would only make things worse. Lexie agrees. Abe looks at his watch and says it's very late. Celeste agrees, pointing out Theo is still with the sitter and they should be getting back. Lexie says she has to check on some patients but tells Abe to tell Theo she will pick him up in the morning. Abe nods. Lexie thinks Abe for everything, including the advice earlier. He smiles and nods. Celeste tells Lexie how happy she is that things are ok between all three of them now. Lexie agrees. Celeste embraces her, saying she will kiss Theo goodnight for her. Lexie thanks her and the three then walk off and go their separate ways as the scene shifts to... Outside of Greta's room, where Jack is walking up and sees Billie near the elevators. He yells out to her. Billie seems a bit shaky and upset and Jack asks where she is going and then if she is ok, noticing she seems a bit frantic. Billie says she is fine. She reminds Jack of how he found her this morning and says she is exhausted and wants to try to get some sleep. Jack nods and asks if she is sure she is fine. Billie tells him she will be. Jack points out that he knows she is going through alot and he just wants to make sure she is ok. Billie thanks him for his concern but says she is fine and will check in tomorrow. She bids him good night and tells him to give her best wishes to Greta and everyone else. Billie enters the elevator and it closes shortly after. Jack then enters Greta's room, where Victor and Maggie are sitting. He asks them if something happened to upset Billie. Victor shakes his head, saying she seemed a bit upset but who wouldn't given what happened. He adds that she said she had to go. Jack agrees and says she is probably just tired or something. He then suggests Victor and Maggie go home and get some sleep or something to eat. Victor doesn't want to leave Greta but Jack suggests they at least go home and change. Maggie thinks it's a good idea, saying they could use some cleaning up and something to eat. Jack promises Victor he will stay with Greta and will call if something happens. Victor reluctantly agrees and thanks Jack. Maggie does so as well. Jack says it's no problem and Victor and Maggie leave while Jack sits down, takes Greta's hand, and tells his friend that he is here for her and that he will help her through this. He then hears Greta in her sleep, seemingly dreaming about being with Frankie, and saying that Nicole will pay for what she did to Frankie. Jack looks on with worry as the scene then shifts to... Kayla's room, where Steve is wiping away tears, saying to Kayla he is so sorry. Kayla then begins to stir, shocking Steve. Kayla is a bit disoriented and asks what happened. Steve doesn't answer. Kayla looks at him and is stunned to see him. She then mentions how weak she feels. Steve tells Kayla she is going to be fine and that the doctors said she just needs to rest. She will make a full recovery. Kayla asks how the baby is doing. Steve is silent again. Kayla looks at him and can see the pain in his eyes. Kayla begins to realize something is horribly wrong and asks Steve again, as her eyes fill with tears, how the baby is doing. Steve sighs and then tries to say something but just can't seem to get any words out. All Steve can do is shake his head in sadness and finally say: Steve: I'm sorry, Sweetness. So sorry. Kayla then lets out a bloodcurdling "NO!!" and breaks down in tears. Steve tries to comfort a hysterical Kayla, who is in disbelief over losing their baby. All Kayla can say over and over is: Kayla: Not our baby! Not our baby! Steve does his best to console her but is unable to offer much comfort. Kayla asks how this happened and then recalls learning about Frankie. Kayla realizes it was all the stress of learning about him that pushed her over the edge. Steve says he is so sorry for all that she has lost, saying she nor her family deserve this. Kayla is in disbelief over her baby and Frankie being gone. Kayla: How could God take them both? Why?! Steve: I wish I knew, Sweetness. Stephanie then walks in with Adrienne and demands to know what the hell Steve is doing in Kayla's room. Steve says he needed to see her and was just comforting her. Stephanie says she can do that and orders him to leave, saying he is doing no one no good. Adrienne tells Stephanie to back off but Kayla interrupts and says: Kayla: ENOUGH!! A child is dead! Frankie is dead!! Stephanie: Sorry, mom. Steve: Yeah. Sorry. Kayla: She is right though. Why are you here, Steve? Steve: I just wanted to be there for you. I wanted to... Kayla: Get out. Steve: What? Kayla: GET OUT!! I DON'T WANT YOU HERE!! YOUR PART OF THE REASON THIS HAPPENED!! YOU!! HOPE!! YOUR LIES!! Steve: Sweetness...please...understand the situation. You were letting me hold you before. Kayla: I'm a mess right now, Steve, I can barely think! You already explained the situation...with Hope. As for what happened on the roof, Nicole may have been the instigator but you and Hope gave her the opportunity. God!! I can't even look at you without thinking about Frankie. About our baby!! Steve: Kayla...I... Kayla: No! Just leave! Please...not now. I can't do this now. I'm tired. I just...it's too soon. There is too much...hurt. Just go. Steve: Kayla... Kayla: GO!! GET OUT!! GET OUT!! Kayla breaks down as Adrienne tells Steve they better go as Stephanie pushes him away and orders him out, trying to console her mother. A heartbroken Steve finally backs off and walks out with Kayla but not without looking back and seeing Stephanie comfort a distraught Kayla as the scene shifts back to... The roof as Hope tells Bo she doesn't know what to say. Bo: There is usually a penalty for repeat offenders. You know that. And this is not the first time this has happened. Remember you and John...I mean, my brother, Roman? You had sex with him and Stefano on that submarine. For awhile, you thought one of them fathered Zack and kept the truth from me for months. That was hard enough but I was able to get past that. Sure, the brain chip nonsense helped but the lies still hurt. I was able to forgive you, though, because you had never done anything like that before. Now, it's different. No brain chips this time and even if I buy the extenuating circumstances BS, there is still the matter of the lies and THEY hurt the most, Hope. Hope: I know. We had trust issues before. As long as we love each other, we can get through this. Bo: Not this time. This situation shows you learned nothing from the first time you did this. And the fact that you expect me to be lenient after the hell you gave me for doing the same DAMN thing a year ago...I can't do this right now. My family needs me. I have to go and take mom and Kim home. We have things to do and to think about. Hope: I know but don't give up on us. Please! Bo: What "us?" Right now, I don't see anything left. Hope: I know things are bad but after all we have been through...I just thought I was doing what was best..we both did. Bo: You ASSUMED you were. Hope: And so did you, Brady!! Last year...oh, and what about Zack, huh? That was a nasty lie too, was it not? Bo: I can't believe you just... Hope: I know...I'm sorry. It was uncalled for. I just want to make you understand... Bo: Mistakes were made on both sides, Hope. I know that. But don't try to excuse what you did by using the past. This is different. Many more lives were affected...I just don't see any excuse for this. No "out" for you and Steve. Nothing. Hope: So, what? That's it? Bo: I have to go so just have your stuff packed and be out of the house before I come back. Hope: You were serious before... Bo: Yes. Leave JT with the sitter and don't draw attention to yourself. We don't need the neighbors talking. We can talk in the morning about him. You can go to the new house Victor gave us. Hope: But, he's your father? Won't that be... Bo: Just go, alright. I don't have time to move my stuff right now so you go. I just...can't have you around so just do it, ok? Hope is in disbelief and asks Bo if he is really sure. Bo doesn't answer and coldly tells her to go home and pack. Hope, fighting back tears, says she loves him and always will. Bo is silent and turns away. Hope then slowly walks off as RASCAL FLATTS' WHAT HURTS THE MOST (CLICK HERE TO PLAY FOR THE END MONTAGE) begins to be heard and a montage begins.... Hope looks back as tears stream down her face and she then finally leaves the roof as the scene focuses on an angry Bo looking out over the city as the scene fades to...Stephanie comforting Kayla. Both woman are in tears as Adrienne and Steve watch. Steve can't bare to see the pain his wife and daughter are in and begins to cry himself. Adrienne takes her brother in her arms and embraces him as Stephanie holds her mother in her arms and looks on at Steve and Adrienne from inside Kayla's room. The scene then fades to...Billie, walking the streets of Salem, telling herself repeatedly she doesn't need a drink. She sees a liquor store across the street and is drawn to it, hesitating a few times before making her way across. She looks in the window and then walks off. After a few moments, she stops and begins to turn back, hesitating a few times. She looks in the window once more as the scene fades to...Greta's room. Jack is sitting with her when Greta stirs. She takes one look at Jack and falls apart once again. Jack takes a crying Greta in his arms and comforts her, saying he's there for her and assuring her it will be ok as the scene fades back to...Bo on the roof, looking over the city skyline. He then begins to wipe tears from his eyes as the scene fades to... Hope in JT's room. She kisses his forehead and then slowly walks off. The scene then shifts to...moments later as Hope is outside her house in tears, looking at the house longingly, and then walking off as the scene fades to... Billie, who is now in her P.I. office and is popping the top off a liquor bottle. She hesitates a few times before pouring herself a glass. She then hesitates yet again before picking up the glass, her hands trembling. A few moments later, she finally gives in and drinks...and then plops down into her chair, breaking down in tears as the scene fades to...Greta's room as Jack holds Greta in his arms, comforting her and rocking her back and forth as the camera pans to an overhead shot of the scene and then fades to black as the RASCAL FLATTS' WHAT HURTS THE MOST montage ends. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... ROMAN AND LUCAS ARE ON THE MOVE!! IMPORTANT INFO!! HELP JOIN THE FIGHT TO SAVE DAYS!!! CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO!!!
JANUARY 15, 2008-EPISODE #415: ONE SWEET DAY PART II UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL Kayla’s family ands friends watch anxiously as the doctors try to save her and her baby’s lives. After learning about her brother’s death, her heart rate and BP are through the roof. After twenty minutes, the three very tired doctors come out and tell everyone that she made it. She just needs to relax and take it easy. When Caroline asks about the baby, Mike says that she lost the baby. Everyone reacts with deep sadness as Stephanie runs out of the room crying and Kimberly says that she will go call the station and get the word to Roman and Lucas. Stephanie rounds the corner to see Steve walking up. She walks right up to him and lets him have it, blaming him for the baby’s death. Steve is now in shock, not being able to believe that Kayla lost the baby, and Bo walks up behind Stephanie, asking if Steve really even cares. Hope can’t believe Bo even said that as she walks up also but Stephanie truly doesn’t care. She holds the both of them responsible for what has happened to Kayla and the baby.........and Bo tells the both of them that maybe they should just find a hotel room.... And do what they do best. As Bo walks off, Marlena comes up and stops Hope from once again chasing after him. Stephanie walks off crying as Abby runs after her, having heard the fight. Back in the waiting room, Caroline can’t believe what has happened to her family. She blames herself for the baby’s death and Kimberly tells her that’s silly. It just wasn’t meant to be. Max stares Steve down as he comes into the waiting area and Caroline tells them both that this is no place for any of this. Max heeds her words and walks off, with Kimberly saying she’ll keep and eye on him. Caroline agrees to go with her and, as they both leave, Jack walks over to Steve. He offers his condolences on the baby and Steve thanks him but says he needs time by himself. Jack understands and pats Steve on the shoulder as he walks off. Steve then goes into Kayla’s room.... And sits down next to her bed. He takes her hand and starts to cry, saying how sorry he is for messing everything up. He promises that he will spend the rest of his life making it up to her.....if she’ll just come back to him. As he breaks down next to her..... Bo is on the roof. He can barely contain his anger and lashes out by punching a wall. Hope opens the door to the roof right after he punches it and stands there staring at him. Bo looks out over Salem......but can’t bring himself to look at the woman who betrayed him. Meanwhile, Greta sits outside the morgue. They have just taken Frankie’s body in but will not let her in. Victor and Nico come down and sit with her. Victor takes her hand and tells her that he is there for her but Greta needs a question answered......... Greta: You know that Nicole was on the roof. Victor: Yes, that's what I heard. Sami then wheels up and speaks....... Sami: Nicole..........why am I not surprised? Greta: Well.........I think it’s time, that she be dealt with. Sami: Greta........I think I have to agree with you. Victor tells Nico to get some people on it and find Nicole Brady..........right now. Maggie and Billie then walk up as Nico leaves and Billie says that maybe Greta should go back to her room. Sami and Maggie both agree but Greta says she’s not leaving until she can see Frankie one more time. Victor tells her it is against hospital policy to allow her in and Greta lashes out, saying that University Hospital policy is a joke. She tries to get out of her wheelchair and Maggie, Sami and Victor try and stop her. Greta fights them as Sami gets a nurse...... And after sedating her, Greta is taken back to her room. A couple of hours later, Maggie and Billie sit with Greta as Sami then comes into her room. Billie says that she needs to go and gets up and leaves. Sami and Maggie look at each other but what Billie doesn’t want them to know is that everything is starting to truly weigh her down. As she leaves, she can’t help but fight a very strong urge that she has had lately.... And that is the urge to drink. Back in Greta’s room, she sleeps peacefully and dreams of Frankie and her in a beautiful field. He is wearing all white, as she is, and he tells her that he is ok. He’s at peace now. With a big smile on his face, Greta asks him if he came back just to tell her that and he says he thinks so. He just got to where he is right now and is just amazed at how beautiful it is. He then tells her that one day.......they will be reunited. Greta smiles upon hearing this and says that she will always have him in her heart. It belongs to him. Frankie tells her how much he loves her and tells her to take care. He’ll be there when she truly needs him. As he fades away, Greta stirs in her sleep and keeps whispering his name........ As the scene pans on her tear-stained face and slowly fades to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... BO AND HOPE AND STEVE AND KAYLA FACE OFF!!
JANUARY 14, 2008-EPISODE #414: ONE SWEET DAY UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL The camera shows an overheard shot of Frankie's room and Greta lying on his chest as nurses turn off the monitors and start cleaning up the area. The camera then pans down and over to Mike, who is telling Caroline how sorry he is. Caroline nods, saying she knows Lexie and him did the best they could. She embraces him and thanks him and Lexie for all that they did. Abby walks over to Max and puts her arms around him, asking if he is ok. A grief-stricken Max tells Abby he can't believe that Frankie is gone. Abby embraces him. Jack goes over to Billie and asks if she is ok. Billie tells him it's hard to believe. Jack hates that it's always the good that die before their time and adds that Frankie did not deserve this. Billie agrees and adds that Greta didn't either and now the guilt will eat away at her for the rest of her life. Victor and Maggie overhear and Victor says that is exactly what he is worried about. They all look over at Greta lying on Frankie's body. Maggie notes that she hasn't moved or said anything since her outburst after Frankie was declared dead. Victor wonders if they should move her and have her sedated. Lexie interjects and says it's ok. Greta just needs time and she will make sure the nurses leave Frankie there until Greta is ready. Victor thanks Lexie. Abe walks over to Celeste and thanks her for not making a spectacle of herself even thought she knew what was happening. Celeste nods, saying there was nothing she could do to stop it and more pain is yet to come. Abe looks at her with worry as Lexie walks past him and out onto a balcony. Abe notices her upset and says he is going to go check on Lexie. Meanwhile, Bo and Kim think they should go check on Kayla and pass on the bad news. Caroline admits she almost forgot that another one of her children is fighting for her life and her child's life. She thinks it's a good idea to go check on Kayla. Carrie, Sami, and Belle say they will go with them. Billie suggests Jack go be with Steve. Jack admits he is worried about Greta but Billie says she can stay back with Greta. His brother needs him. Jack tells Billie to let him know if she or Greta needs anything. Victor and Maggie also agree to stay back with Billie to monitor Greta. Abby suggests to Max they go check on Kayla too. Max nods, saying he can't lost his sister too. Not today. They walk off, leaving Victor and Maggie behind with Billie as they watch Greta, with her head rested on Frankie's chest. Abe enters the balcony and finds Lexie in tears. He asks about what is wrong. Lexie says she's fine. Abe points out he can see she has been crying and asks what is wrong. Abe tells her that if it's about Frankie, she did everything she could. Lexie: Did I, Abe? You know, I've just returned to medicine and I'm already questioning myself. Abe: Why? What else could you have done? Lexie: Been honest. I could've stood there and told the Brady's what was really going on. Abe: What do you mean? Lexie: I was in surgery with Frankie, Abe. I saw the damage. It was extensive. Survival was a long shot from the start yet, Mike and I stood right in that room (points to the waiting area inside) and told Frankie's friends and family there was still hope. Abe: I don't see the problem. Lexie: His loved ones needed to hear the truth. Needed me to be straight with them. Blunt, even if it hurt them. You would think it would be easy for me, given how I treated all my friends and family this past year. I'm a Dimera, for heaven's sake. I should've been honest. I should've came right out and said it. Mike and I both knew it. (beginning to cry) He never had a chance. Abe takes Lexie in his arms. Abe: Lexie, that person you were this past year was not you. You may have Dimera blood but that woman that turned her back on her family is not you. Lexie: I don't know about that. Abe: I do. You just wanted them to have hope. There's nothing wrong with that. You've always been like that as a doctor. Lexie: This was different, Abe. From the minute we opened him up, I knew. Mike knew. We all knew. The more we explored the damage, the more certain it became what the result would be. One of my advisers in medical school once told me there are two kinds of doctors. You have the ones who want to give the family just the slightest chance of hope, at the very least. Then, you have the doctors who just walk out and give it to you right then and there. No BS. Just the truth. This is what the situation is. I'm sorry. It hurts like hell but isn't the truth supposed to hurt? Abe: Sometimes. Lex, you can't help the way you are and sometimes circumstances will define who you are in that moment and what you do. No one's perfect and there will always be things you feel you could've done better. We all wish we could have do-overs. I'm a cop and your a doctor. The mistakes we make can be tragic We just need to learn from the mistakes we do make and hope and pray that we make as little of them as possible. Lexie: I just feel like Mike and I gave them false hope. Abe: They knew, Lex. They knew there was a good possibility. His condition was serious from the get-go. It wasn't as if he had a good chance and took a turn for the worse. You did fine, Lex. Trust me. Lexie: I feel as though I could've done better. I think I can do better. Abe: Then do better. The thrive to improve and succeed is a great thing to have. I am proud of you for how you are taking control of your life and trying to be the best you can be. Lexie looks at Abe stunned. Lexie: Proud? Wow... Abe: Yep. I will always care about you, Lex. We have a son and I love you. I always will. Lexie: Thank you. Thanks for listening and for the advice. And for caring. You don't know how much I wish I could take back from the last year when it comes to how I treated you. I was horrible. Abe: Like I said before, we all make mistakes. We can't always get back what we lost or fix the damage done but we can learn. We can take what we learned from our mistakes and grow. Your already doing that, Lexie. That is all that matters. Lexie thanks Abe and says she needs to be getting back inside. He agrees and says he is going to go check on Kayla. She says she is heading that way to and then walk back inside together. Meanwhile, Caroline is talking with Marlena, Stephanie, and Adrienne as Hope and Steve stand away in a corner, not wanting to upset anyone. Marlena can't believe Frankie is gone. Stephanie goes over to Max and embraces him, saying she is so sorry. Jack walks over to Steve and asks if he is ok. Steve nods and apologizes to Jack for his loss. He knows him and Frankie were close. Jack points out he knows Steve cared about him too. Steve smiles and says he did but he can't comfort the family. He isn't on their Christmas card list right now. Jack pats him on the back. Kim wonders how they are going to tell Kayla about Frankie. She will want to know so she can mourn and there is going to be no right time to tell her without her being upset. Lexie, Abe, and Celeste join the crowd. Mike and Rich come out of Kayla's room. Lexie goes over to talk to them. Caroline asks Rich if he thinks Kayla could deal with the stress of Frankie's death. Rich shakes his head, saying the chances aren't good. Caroline puts her head down just as Kayla's voice can be heard. Mike opens the door and Kayla looks right at everyone outside her room, saying she could see them all out there and asks what is going on. She says they all look like they lost a puppy or something. Everyone is silent. Kayla says she can see something is wrong and knew it when she saw them all out there looking upset and worried. Caroline says they are worried for her. Kayla says she is fine for the moment and Rich told her she is stable so whatever seems to have upset all of them is not that. They would be happy she is hanging in there right now. Kayla thinks out loud and says there is only one other reason they would all be together and looking so depressed. She asks if Frankie has taken a turn for the worse. Carrie, Belle, and Sami turn away. Bo, Hope, Steve, and Max put their heads down. Kayla says they are all scaring her. She looks at Caroline, who is fighting back tears. Kayla asks her mother what is going on. Rich tells Lexie to have a team on standby. Caroline is silent. Kayla tells Caroline she knows something bad has happened. She looks at Caroline, who has tears streaming down her face. At that moment, Kayla begins to realize what may be going on and begins to shake her head, saying: Kayla: No...oh no. Not Frankie. No!! Caroline and Bo race in to comfort her as Lexie, Rich, and Mike race in, leading a medical team. Caroline takes Kayla in her arms and says she is so sorry as Kayla lets out a bloodcurdling "No!!" Kayla breaks down in her mother's arms as her monitors begin to go off. Rich orders everyone out of the room. Caroline refuses to leave her daughter but Mike tells Caroline they all have to go. A hysterical Kayla then yells out in pain several times before passing out. Kim wheels out as Bo pulls a worried Caroline out with him. Everyone watches as the team works to save Kayla and her unborn baby as the scene shifts to... A worried Victor, Maggie, and Billie as they watch Greta, who has yet to move. A nurse comes back. Maggie thinks it's time to move her. Billie shakes her head, saying they should give her more time. The camera then pans over to Greta as (MARIAH CAREY AND BOYS 2 MEN's "ONE SWEET DAY" BEGINS TO PLAY IN THE BACKGROUND.-CLICK HERE TO PLAY AS YOU READ THE FINAL SCENES of the episode montage!!!) Greta: Your so cold. I don't think the blankets are enough. Maybe... Greta then gets out of her wheelchair, grimacing in pain as Victor watches and nearly races over but Greta recovers. Greta then lies on the bed with Frankie and runs her fingers through his hair with one hand and puts her other arm around him. Tears well in her eyes once again as she says: Greta: Is that better? It is, isn't it. I know I feel warmer already. I just want...you to be comfortable. Greta then looks down at Frankie's face and caresses it with her hand. Tears begin to stream down her face as she lays her head down right next to his and the scene shifts to Mike, Lexie, and Rich working with their team to save Kayla and her unborn child. Rich yells out the blood pressure and heart rate are way too high. Mike yells out they are losing the both of them. The camera then pans around to Hope praying, Bo and Kim holding hands with Caroline and comforting her, Abby comforting Max, Carrie and Sami looking on in horror along with Belle and Marlena, Celeste trembling as a worried Abe looks at her and she shakes her head and tears stream down her face, Adrienne comforting a distraught Stephanie, and a worried Steve praying he doesn't lose his wife and child as Jack puts his arm around him. Caroline then looks to the heaven's above and says: Caroline (In tears): Please God...not her too. Shawn...Frankie...help us. Help your sister and her child. Please.... The scene then shifts back to Greta as Victor, Maggie, and Billie watch. Billie and Maggie have tears steaming down their face as they watch Greta hold Frankie in her arms. Greta then sits up and looks at Frankie. Greta: It wasn't supposed to be like this. We just...we didn't have a chance. We deserved a chance. Greta begins to break down again. Greta: How could you do this? How could you leave me? You were supposed to fight! Fight to live. What good is you saving me if you are just going to leave me? With this guilt...with this pain. My life...I feel empty without you. I fell in love with you, Frankie. And my greatest regret...will always be not realizing it sooner. Not telling you before it was too late. So much time...was wasted. This is all my fault. I killed you. You died...saving my meaningless life. You died...you died for me. Greta then breaks down and begins to pound on Frankie's body. Greta: YOU DIED FOR ME!! WHY?! WHY?! WHY YOU?! FRANKIE...I LOVE YOU!! I LOVE YOU!! The camera then pans up for an overheard shot of Greta breaking down laying next to Frankie as MARIAH CAREY AND BOYS 2 MEN's "ONE SWEET DAY" montageends as the scene slowly fades to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... THE AFTERMATH!!
PhoenixRising05 commented on PhoenixRising05's blog entry in "Salem Lives"
No offense taken Tishy. Keep in mind, Patricia and Miranda are recurring and hardly on. Alex has barely been featured as well and either has Jean. Alyson is being featured a bit more so she is the only new character actually starting up a story. Everyone else on the frontburner are characters that have been with us since the beginning. I am kind of shocked you suggested getting rid of Alyson and Jean . As for Carrie and Mike, they are only back for brief stints, as of right now. Belle will become more involved in story but I am confused my you mentioning Shawn. Shawn isn't even on SL so I am assuming you meant Philip. If you did, you will be seeing much more of him. Frankie's death is a way to propel an emotional story we are telling. We hope you will stick with us and see where the journey ends up. Thanks for the comment though -
JANUARY 11, 2008-EPISODE #413: ALL IN THE FAMILY UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL Adrienne comforts Stephanie in a waiting area. She tells Stephanie she is sorry for yelling at her but just thinks it's not the time or place to be lashing out at Hope and her father. Stephanie nods, apologizing and admitting she lost her cool. Stephanie agrees to drop what her father and Hope did until she knows that her mother and unborn sibling are ok. Adrienne smiles and embraces her, assuring her she is doing the right thing. Meanwhile, a stoic Marlena returns to Hope and Steve, who are outside Kayla's room, telling them the news about Frankie isn't good. She tells them Fr. Jansen has been called and Frankie's brain activity has slowed considerably. Hope and Steve are shocked. An emotional Hope falls into Steve's arms, saying they did this, just as Adrienne and Stephanie enter to witness the scene... Outside Frankie's room, Mike and Lexie are explaining Frankie's condition to Jack, Billie, Abe, Celeste, Max, Abby, Bo, Kim, Victor, Maggie, Greta, and Caroline. Carrie and Belle arrive, wheeling Sami. Caroline is glad they are there, saying the family needs to be together right now. Mike tells Caroline Frankie has nearly no brain activity at all due to the severe blow he took and blood is having a hard time getting to his heart. Lexie adds that it's only a matter of time. Bo and Kim comfort Caroline as she breaks down. Abby comforts Max. Abe goes to call the station to fill Roman in. Victor kneels down near Greta and tells her he is so sorry. Greta asks what he's sorry for. She tells Victor defiantly that Frankie is going nowhere. Everyone looks at Greta and they begin to realize she is in denial. Greta tells them all she still believes Frankie is going to make it, especially once she tells him what she needs to. Mike interjects and thinks they should all begin to say their goodbyes as they wait for Fr. Jansen. Caroline tells Carrie, Sami, and Belle to go in first. The girls enter. Carrie takes Frankie's hand, telling him she used to have the biggest crush on him when she was growing up. She admits being embarrassed by it. Sami and Belle are stunned and smile slightly. Sami tells Frankie she wishes she got to know him better and spent more time with him. Belle agrees, saying she promises to not make that mistake with Max. Sami agrees. Jack and Billie walk in as Carrie, Belle, and Sami move to the side. Billie is fighting back tears and tells Frankie she only wishes she had known him longer then the past few years. He is a great guy, a great friend, and adds that she enjoyed working with him to investigate the cloaked figure last year. Billie: Your going out the hero, Frankie. You were always the good guy...right up...until now. Billie begins to cry as she takes Frankie's hand and kisses it, saying: Billie: Goodbye, my friend. Jack then steps forward and tells Frankie: Jack (smiling slightly): It's not fair you get to see Jennifer first. I guess I can spot you a win, though. Jack and everyone else laughs. Jack: All the times I cheated death and I'm still here and you...something seems wrong with this picture, Francois. Seriously, thank you, Frankie. I've never had many friends but you...were one of a kind. I will never forget all that you did for me, Abigail, Jack Jr...and...for Jennifer. Not to mention all that you have done lately for Billie and I...your one of a kind. We'll meet again, my friend. Say hello to Jennifer for me. Jack pats Frankie on the shoulder and walks off, seemingly fighting back tears. Bo and Kim then walk up. A crying Kim takes Frankie's hand. Bo stands behind her and puts his hand on Frankie's shoulder. Bo: I always knew how you and Max felt...not being blood Brady's. It was harder for you both, though. I grew up thinking I was a Brady by blood but you two had no trouble fitting in. You were Brady's from the start. Always have been, always will be. Kim: Bo is right. I never thought of you as anything but a brother to me. You don't know how much you will be missed, Frankie. We love you...so much. Bo: We're losing a good man. And don't you worry about Max. We'll all take care of him. Kim: And be there for him. Bo: We'll miss you, man. Goodbye. Kim: Goodbye, Frankie. Kim kisses Frankie on the cheek as Bo wheels her away. Caroline, Max, and Abby walk in to say their goodbyes but Abe then announces that Fr. Jansen has arrived. Fr. Jansen walks into Frankie's room and apologizes to Caroline, Max, and everyone in the room for their loss. Greta wheels over to Fr. Jansen, saying she is glad he is there. Frankie could use prayers and a blessing to give him the strength to fight through this. Everyone looks at Greta with great concern. Fr. Jansen takes Greta's hand, smiles, and nods. He tells Greta it's always good to have hope. She smiles. Fr. Jansen then approaches Frankie's bedside. Mike suggests Fr. Jansen begin as there may not be much time. Fr. Jansen says he understands and announces it's time to begin...as the scene shifts back to... Hope and Steve, who are stunned to see Adrienne and Stephanie there. Hope backs away from Steve. Marlena interrupts the tense moment and fills them both in on the news about Frankie. Stephanie is devastated. Adrienne comforts her. Rich then comes out of Kayla's room and says that Kayla's blood pressure is stable. He then adds that he heard about Frankie and advises them not to tell Kayla anything about that yet. Steve wonders what they should do as Kayla would want to mourn her brother and would hate not knowing about it. Rich tells Steve it's up to all of them but any stress right now could cost Kayla and the baby their lives. Rich's words stun and worry everyone as the scene shifts back to... Frankie's room, as Fr. Jansen has finished the Last Rites and Caroline is thanking him for coming so quickly. He wishes Caroline the best and tells her to remember Frankie will be with God. Caroline nods. Everyone else then says goodbye to Fr. Jansen and thanks him. Mike looks at Frankie's monitors and says it should not be long now. Caroline tells Max and Abby to go ahead. They walk up. Abby takes Frankie's hand and says: Abby: It's not fair. First, mom. Now, you. We've all been through so much. You know, mom is probably going to be angry at you when you see her. You promised her you would be there for me and JJ. Jack smiles and laughs. Abby: She'll probably get over it though. She always does. At least, now, she will have another friend with her. She'll like that. We'll miss you, though. JJ will miss the way you read him bedtime stories with those wacky voices dad always tries to do but sucks at. Jack and everyone else laughs. Abby (beginning to cry): I'll always regret the way I treated you at times. I was a brat, Frankie. All because you were taking care of my mom and it wasn't fair. Your a good guy. You didn't deserve it and you certainly didn't deserve this. I just want you to know...that I love you. And thank you. Thank you for being there for me. And for JJ. And for my mom and dad. Abby then looks at a stoic Max and embraces him before he sits down next to his brother. Max: This isn't right, man. I know we have the Brady's but you and I...it was always us. Frankie and Max. I can't remember how many times you protected me or saved my ass, especially when we were on the streets. I don't know what I will do without you. Giving me advice, telling me how stupid I am...poker nights. Max begins to break down after trying to fight back tears. Max: Damn, Frankie. This isn't right. It's not your time. It's too soon. You haven't even had a chance to be happy. Always worrying about others. I don't know...I mean, making it without you is something I don't think I can do. I've always had you in my corner but now...I can't believe your doing this, bro. Abby puts her arms around Max. Max: I love you, man. Max then gets up and walks off in frustration, wiping his tears as Abby comforts him. Caroline then looks back at Greta, who says she isn't saying goodbye. She knows he isn't going anywhere and they have all the time in the world. Victor reminds her of what she wanted to tell Frankie. Greta says she knows he is going to be ok and that Frankie will hold on...for her and the people he loves. Victor tells Caroline to go ahead. Caroline sits down and takes Frankie's hand, saying: Caroline (wiping away tears): I may not have given birth to you or Max but you both were always my sons. In every way. And your pop and I could not have been more prouder of the both of you. Nor could we have loved you anymore then we did. I know you are going to be with Shawn now. He will happy to see you, although he won't be happy it's this soon. You tell him we all miss him, along with all the other loved ones we've lost. Caroline breaks down. Bo comes over and comforts her. Caroline: I hope you realize how loved you are and how much you will be missed. You had so much more love left to give. So much more kindness and joy. The world needs more people like you and is a worse place without you in it. I know there is a spot in heaven for you, my son. You earned it. The perfect angel. Your someone to look up to. The perfect role model. Just know, that I love you, my Frankie. Your mother loves you. Your mother loves you. A crying Caroline gets up and kisses Frankie on the forehead as Bo embraces her and walks her away. Everyone then looks at Greta. Maggie kneels down and suggests Greta say what she has to say to Frankie, just in case. That way she has no regrets. Greta looks at Maggie and then at Victor. She then looks at Frankie and agrees, saying she is only doing this to help Frankie fight this. Greta wheels over as everyone watches. Abe and Lexie look at Celeste, who is shaking and in tears. Lexie asks if she is ok. Celeste tells her the time is near and that the heartbreak is just beginning. Greta, with tears in her eyes, wheels over to Frankie, takes his hand, and tells him: Greta: I refuse to think this is it. Not now. Not like this. We finally have something in here and God knows we both have been unlucky in love. Unlucky in our lives with all the heartache we have experienced. I think that is why we were brought together. It just seemed...meant to be. Greta begins to cry. Greta: I will always regret how long it took me to realize what was going on between us. I told you that I didn't want to jinx anything, based on my past and all. That is why despite you telling me how you felt, I just couldn't tell you until I felt ready. I had planned to tell you after the wedding in a special way. A romantic evening, candlelight...but, instead, you saved my life and ended up here. Fighting for your life and my God, Frankie, that is why you can't die. You wouldn't want me blaming myself. I know you. I'm already blaming myself. You wouldn't want me feeling guilty. That just isn't you. Mike looks at the monitors. Frankie's heart rate is dangerously slow. Greta: I will always feel horrible about what happened. I will always be thankful for what you did. Reaching out, taking my hand, wrapping your arms around me as we crashed through the skylight and were falling...I will never forget you telling me you loved me as we were nearing the ground. Greta breaks down. Greta: I have faith in you. I have hope. You can do this. Fight, Frankie. Come back to those you love. Come back to me. We can both finally have the happiness we always wanted. Please...we have so many more memories left to make. This is only just the beginning. Please...Frankie... Frankie's monitor's start going off as he flatlines. Everyone in the room looks on in horror as the medical team races in. Tears are still being shed. Lexie and Abe look at Celeste, who puts her head down and turns away. Mike and Lexie tell Greta she needs to move but a hysterical Greta refuses, saying she isn't leaving him. Victor, Maggie, and Jack try to get her to back up but she won't do so. Mike and Lexie begin CPR and pull out the defibrillator. Lexie does compressions and Mike uses the paddles and charges them. Greta back up a bit so the doctors can work. Greta: Please...FRANKIE! DON'T LEAVE ME! I LOVE YOU!! I LOVE YOU!! PLEASE!! Everyone notes how tragic this is as they realize Greta finally told Frankie how he feels but it's too late. After a few more moments, Mike and Lexie stop and tell the team it's over. Caroline breaks down as Kim and Bo comfort her. Abby comforts Max. Abe and Celeste look on in sadness. Jack comforts Billie. Victor and Maggie try to console Greta, who asks why they are stopping. Mike looks at her, as does Lexie, who turns away, fighting back tears, and tells Mike to make the call. Mike reluctantly then says: Mike: Time of death...16:36 PM. Loud screams of horror and agony can be heard as Greta is a hysterical mess and wheels over to Frankie, begging him to wake up and ordering Mike and Lexie to keep trying. They both apologize and tell her it's over. Frankie's gone. Greta: NO!! FRANKIE!! PLEASE...NO!! DIDN'T YOU HEAR ME?! I LOVE YOU!! I SAID IT!! COME BACK!! DON'T GO...PLEASE!!! Greta then breaks down on Frankie's chest. The camera then pans up to show an overheard shot of Greta lying on Frankie as everyone looks on, in mourning, as the scene fades to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... ONE OF THE MOST HEARTBREAKING EPISODES EVER!!!
JANUARY 10, 2008-EPISODE #412: HELPLESS PART II UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL Hope and Maggie arrive. As Maggie tells her she is going to find Victor, Hope sees Bo with Caroline. As she begins to walk over, Bo sees her as well.......and then turns and walks away with Caroline. Marlena then comes around the corner, long enough to see Hope crying once again. As Marlena asks Hope what’s wrong, they sit down and Hope tells her everything that she did. Marlena tells her it will ok and as she hugs her......... The Brady's are in front of Frankie’s window. Caroline asks if there has been any change and Mike says he’s still the same. Abby asks when he might wake up and Lexie can’t give any answer. Abby then says she talked to Stephanie and was told Kayla and the baby are stable. When Caroline asks about Roman, Bo says it doesn’t look good for either him or Lucas. Inside Frankie’s room, Max tells him to get better so they can have poker night again and Abby tells Jennifer to watch over him. She also reminds Frankie that he promised her mom he would be there for her and J.J. so he has to wake up. Jack then arrives and stands behind Abby, asking if Frankie has improved. She says no. Billie then walks up and Jack tells the Brady's how sorry he is. Abby then suggests that Jack and Billie go in and see him. He would like to know his friends are there. Jack looks at Billie, who says it’s ok, and they both go in. Once in his room, Jack has to hold a crying Billie as they both look at him.......laying there, helpless. In Greta’s room, she insists on seeing Frankie. Victor says she’s not strong enough but Greta tells him that she wants to say to him what she should have said all along. She wants to tell him how she feels because she believes he saved her life that night. As Maggie fights back tears, Victor tells Greta that she isn’t going anywhere until she is stronger. Greta tells him that he doesn’t understand and if it were Maggie laying in a hospital room and he had a chance to say something to her.......would he pass it up? Victor gets a wheelchair and tells Greta’s nurse that he will accept full responsibility for her. Outside Frankie’s room once again, Hope and Marlena walk up to the family. Bo turns and gives Hope another cold look, making Caroline and Kimberly uneasy. Marlena sees this and suggests that her and Hope go and see Kayla. Bo says that is a good idea and, as the women walk off, Hope turns and looks at Bo, who has turned his back to her. In Kayla’s room, Steve wipes his face as she starts to wake up. She looks at him, asking what is he doing there. He just says he’s happy she’s awake. She turns her head back, saying he shouldn’t be there. She says she needs to stay calm and he says that is what he’s there for. Kayla ask if he was there for Hope when he slept with her and produced Chelsea. Steve says that he has no feelings for Hope and Kalya says he has a funny way of showing it. She then says he needs to leave. She has to stay calm and he’s not helping. Steve says he is not leaving until he knows she’s ok and Kayla’s monitors start going off. Her blood pressure starts shooting up and she grabs her stomach. As doctors and nurses rush in, Rich tells Steve he has to leave.......now. Steve reluctantly walks out and joins Hope and Marlena, who have arrived, right before Kayla passes out from the pain. Stephanie walks out into the hallway and sees Steve and Hope standing. She is appalled, saying that they can’t even keep their hands off of each other while her mother is fighting for her life. Marlena and Adrienne watch as Steve tells Stephanie to watch her tone. Stephanie walks up to Steve and Hope and tells them both...... Stephanie: Watch This!! She then hauls off and slaps Hope hard, making her take a step back. Hope holds her face and looks at her in shock as Adrienne takes two big steps over, grabs Stephanie by the arm, and tells her in no uncertain terms that no matter how pissed off or scared she is, that will NEVER give her the right to behave like that. Stephanie says how sorry she is to everyone and then runs off, crying. Adrienne chases after her as Hope starts crying once again in Marlena’s arms. Rich come out, telling everyone that they are trying to bring down Kayla’s blood pressure for her and the baby’s sake. If they can’t........ They both may die. Steve can’t believe how bad everything has gotten and, as everyone looks at him, he does only one thing.......... Blame himself. Abe and Celeste then walk up to Frankie’s room, asking how he’s doing. Bo is sitting next to Caroline and says there is still no change. Greta is then wheeled around the corner by her father as Celeste says that something is about to happen. Jack and Billie look at Frankie as his eyes start to slowly open and then, in a whisper, he says..... Frankie: At least.......I woke up in time......to see the NFL playoffs. Everyone laughs as Jack goes to get a nurse and Greta is taken into his room. As Jack runs out, Billie leans forward and Frankie asks her to do one thing...... Frankie: Tell my family.........how much I love them. Tell Greta too. And.........tell Ma.........thank you. He then goes into cardiac arrest as Caroline jumps up and has to be restrained from going into his room. Greta is taken out and so is a crying Billie as Mike and Lexie race in, along with a full medical crew. All Greta hopes is that she gets the chance to tell Frankie how she feels......and blames herself for not saying it sooner. The blinds are closed as the family waits and, fifteen minutes later, Mike walks out with Lexie right behind him. When Caroline walks over to him, followed by her family and friends, she asks Mike how her son is doing. Mike looks at her.........grimly, and tells her........ Mike: I think it’s time you called Father Jansen. There isn’t much time left. Bo stares ahead as a tear rolls down his cheek. Greta starts crying and, as both Victor and Maggie try to comfort her, Caroline asks to go in and see her son. She wants to be there when he dies. Abe and Celeste and Kim, Max, and Abby look on as Caroline is helped into Frankie’s room by Bo....... And as they look at a brain-dead Frankie, the scene sees Caroline crying in Bo’s arms......and then slowly fades to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... THE UNTHINKABLE HAPPENS!!! UPDATE: FRIDAY'S EPISODE WILL BE POSTED BY MONDAY AFTERNOON AND MONDAY'S BY MID-DAY TUESDAY. TUESDAY'S EPISODE WILL BE POSTED ON OUR NORMAL SCHEDULE.
JANUARY 9, 2008-EPISODE #411: HELPLESS HORTON HOUSE Maggie brings Hope home to be with her family. Doug asks about Lucas and Hope says that with the new evidence against him, he’s looking at some serious time. Julie says that Victor and Lucas’ lawyer won’t let that happen and Alice says she hopes not. Hope then sits down and says she has something to tell them all. As everyone is seated, she says that her and Bo are split up right now. Everyone is shocked and when Julie asks why, she explains her affair with Steve and what led up to it. She also admits that Chelsea is her child and is sorry she kept that secret for so long. Maggie says that this is a lot to take in and Hope realizes that. She just hopes her family can forgive her. Doug walks over and sits next to his little girl and hugs her, saying that he now sees why she was siding with Julie before. Alice tells Hope to look at her and, when she does, Alice says one thing.... Alice: You and Bo have been through too much to end it now, dear. Trust in your love for each other. Hope listens to Alice as Doug rocks her back and forth. The scene then fades into.... UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL In Kayla's room, Stephanie has just walked in. She sees Steve and Adrienne sitting on either side of Kayla and is unhappy to see Steve there. Adrienne shakes her head, hinting to Stephanie it's not the time to fight with her mother laying right there. Stephanie asks how she’s doing. Adrienne says there is no change. She then tells Steve and Stephanie that her and Justin talked and she will stay in Salem, by their side. Steve doesn’t want her to neglect her family and Adrienne says that her and Justin both agreed. He’s already back home with the boys anyway. Steve and Adrienne then walk out into the hallway and he says that the one thing he doesn’t want to do is put more pressure on Kayla or the baby. Adrienne says that is why she is there to help. Everything will be fine. Stephanie walks back out into the hallway and Adrienne says they should go see Frankie. Adrienne then winks at Steve and, as they leave, Steve re-enters the room. He sees Kayla laying there, quiet and helpless, and starts crying. He says that this is all his fault and he begs her to just wake up so that she can hopefully give him one more chance to prove how much he loves her......and how sorry he is. As Steve takes her hand and cries deeply, the scene shifts to.......... Greta’s room. Victor sits by her bedside and just smiles at her. A few moments later, she finally wakes up. Victor is elated as doctors and nurses come in and check on her. As Greta asks a happy Victor if she can see Frankie........Caroline sits in front of a window to his room. Frankie hasn’t moved a muscle since he was brought in and Kim, who has joined her, asks if they should start considering bringing their priest over. Caroline looks at her and tells her she guesses the question needed to be asked. Max then walks up, asking if there has been any change. Abby walks up behind Max and hugs him, as everyone looks at Frankie and prays for a miracle. SALEM POLICE STATION In their cell, Roman asks how Lucas is holding up. Lucas says he’s got another day to sweat since his arraignment was postponed because of new evidence. As a guard tells Roman that he is being transferred to the state prison tomorrow, he also tells him he has a visitor. Roman excuses himself and, as Lucas plays another game of Solitaire...... Roman is brought into the visitor’s room. He sits in front of the glass and waits. As he looks, he sees his visitor......and turns his head and laughs out loud. As his visitor sits down, the visitor waits for Roman to pick up his phone. Roman sits forward, picks up his phone and says.... Roman: Well......nice to see you. Stefano: Likewise, Roman......especially behind bars. Prison orange seems to suit you, my friend. Roman: You !@#$%^&*]. My sister is fighting for her and her child’s life, my brother is fighting for his life, but you are here to gloat. Congrats, old man. Stefano: Thank you, my friend. You know......you were my favorite........and best Pawn. I hope what I trained you with will serve you well in prison. Roman: Oh, don’t worry about that, Stefano. Once I get out of here.......I'm coming after you. You haven’t heard the last of me. Stefano: Well.........I’ll have to tell the lovely Marlena that......one night, when we’re all alone. Roman stands up quickly and tells Stefano......... Roman: You stay the hell away from her! SHE’S MY WIFE!!!! DON’T EVEN THINK ABOUT TOUCHING HER!!! Stefano: More useless threats. Well..........take care, my friend. And just remember one thing. Roman: What is that, you bastard?! As Stefano stands, he stares at Roman and, right before he hangs up the phone, tells him...... Stefano: Don’t drop the soap!!! Stefano hangs up the phone as Roman bangs on the glass and, as Stefano laughs heartedly, the guards have to restrain Roman as they force him back to his cell. Stefano leaves and, as the scene shows him walking down the hallway, laughing all the way.......it slowly fades to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... RELATIONSHIPS FALL APART AND LIVES ARE IN DANGER!!!
JANUARY 8, 2008-EPISODE #410: THE LITTLE THINGS... STREETS OF DOWNTOWN SALEM Nicole is walking the streets wearing a red haired wig, glasses, and layers of clothing. She is carrying takeout food and is about go south on West St but stops herself, saying something is telling her not go that way. She decides to take a shortcut to get back to Orpheus' apartment. As she walks toward an alley, she notices a little boy digging in a trash can in an alley. He pulls a sandwich out and sits down but seems to be favoring a knee that is all cut up. Nicole can see and hear him crying and seems tempted to go over to the boy. She prepares to walk away but can't seem to. Drawn to the child, Nicole opts to go over to him and does so. Nicole approaches the boy...it's Joelle's son, Joey! Joey backs away as she approaches. Nicole tells him not to be afraid, saying she heard him crying and saw that he was hurt. Joey says he is not supposed to talk to strangers. Nicole nods and then points out that his knee needs to be taken care of and adds that eating sandwiches out of a trash can is not a good idea either. Joey tells her he has no choice, he is all alone. Nicole asks if he ran away from home or is lost. Joey shakes his head, saying he has no one. His grandma is gone and now, so is his mother. Nicole asks what he means by "gone." Joey tearfully says they both died and he has no one else. His mom always said it was just the three of them. Now it's just him. Nicole is shocked and seems very affected by this. She is confused about what to do about this boy, knowing full well she is in hiding. Nicole seemingly can't help but feel drawn to Joey and even seems to be fighting back tears. After a few moments of indecisiveness, Nicole tells Joey she knows he doesn't know her and that she is a stranger but suggests he come with her to her place. She can give him a decent meal and clean his knee up. Joey is unsure and a little afraid. Nicole smiles and says he probably has one hell of a scream and is quicker then her so, if she is a manic, he can probably get away. Joey laughs. Nicole holds out her hand and introduces herself. Joey tells her his name and, after a few moments, takes her hand. She then helps him up and helps him along as the scene shifts to... BILLIE'S P.I. OFFICE Billie is asleep on her desk. After a few moments, she begins to stir. She is disheveled and hung over. She looks around, wondering where she even is, She sees two empty bottles of vodka on the floor near her desk and comes to the realization of what happened to her last night and how she fell off the wagon. She covers her face in shame and can't believe what she did after all these years of sobriety, telling herself all that has happened to her is not an excuse. She gets up and tries to get a hold of herself and clean herself up. She puts some coffee on and jumps in fright at the sound of a knock at the door. Jack yells out it's him and Billie slowly and reluctantly goes to open up, trying her best to make herself look presentable. Billie answers the door and Jack is shocked at the sight of her, asking what happened. Billie lies and says she was so stressed out she left the hospital and tried to throw herself into her work, adding she got no sleep at all either. Jack tells her that she looks like she had been drinking. Billie shakes her head, saying what she said is the truth. Jack asks if she is ok. Billie tells him she is dealing with everything but needs time to work through it all. Jack tells her he has good news and bad news. Billie braces herself. Jack tells her that Greta is fine, Kayla and her baby are stabilized but still in danger, and that Frankie made it through surgery but it's still touch and go. Billie nods, saying that is better then she expected. Jack tells her that he will give her the bad news now...Lucas is arrested and is being charged with 9 counts of rape and murder, saying he has now been tied to the Midwestern rapist crimes on top of Joelle's murder and rape. Billie is stunned. Jack points out that Kate and him have been looking for her to tell her. Billie quickly says she has to get dressed and get down to the station. She tells Jack not to wait for her. She can take herself and thanks him. Jack asks if she is sure she is ok and tells her they are all worried about her. Billie insists she is fine, says goodbye, and closes the door in his face. She then tells herself she doesn't know how much more she can take while Jack tells himself outside Billie's office that something is really wrong with Billie and wonders what. The scene shifts to... SALEM PARK Belle is with Claire near the playground when Philip walks by. Belle asks what he is doing there. Philip tells her not to worry. He was taking a shortcut to a meeting, not stalking her. Belle gives him a cold and sarcastic look. He smiles and says hello to Claire, kissing her as Belle looks on. Philip asks what they are up to. Belle tells him that Claire had a play date and she came to get her while her family deals with what has happened to her father and Lucas. They are just on their way home and Claire wanted to walk through the pretty, snow-covered park. Philip asks about Lucas. Belle is shocked no one told him. Philip realizes his phone is off and turns it on, seeing the many messages he has. Belle fills him in. Philip decides he has to go to the station. Belle asks why he had his phone off as he never does. Philip says he was busy last night. Belle remembers how early Philip left his father's wedding and asks what was so important that he left Victor's wedding and turned his phone off. Philip shakes his head and smiles, telling Belle why she even cares. He has been trying for weeks to prove himself to her and she kicks him around like a rag doll. Belle rolls her eyes, saying he is taking it all the wrong way. Philip doesn't think he is and tells Belle he doesn't care anymore. He knows she will never forgive him and he knows she will poison Claire against him. Philip points out he loves his daughter and doesn't want to give up on her but doesn't know what else to do. He tells Belle she will have to come to him if and when she is good and ready but he isn't waiting anymore or groveling. Philip: You will see, Belle. One day, when Claire is older, she will ask about her daddy. What are you going to tell her? You always pride yourself on being Ms. Perfect. Doing no wrong! Certainly, you wouldn't lie to your own daughter, would you? Belle looks coldly at Philip. Philip: That day will come, Belle. When it does, you will realize what an insensitive brat your being. Looks like you still have alot of growing up to do. Philip kisses Claire goodbye and walks off, giving Belle one more look before leaving, as a stunned Belle looks on and the scene fades to... ORPHEUS SECRET PALATIAL HOME(on the outskirts of Salem) Nicole is tending to Joey's knee, telling him the disinfectant will sting. Joey braces himself as Nicole sprays it. Joey doesn't think that was bad. Nicole smiles. Joey looks at her and says she has a nice place. Nicole says it's a friend's, who went on a long vacation. Joey points out that him and his mom had a small place with his grandma. Nicole puts the bandage on his knee and says he is all set. She then gets up and asks what he wants to eat. Joey asks why she is being so nice to him. Nicole looks at him and says she really doesn't know. It just feels right. Joey tells her that his grandma always believed in angels. Not so much his mom. Joey tells Nicole he thinks she is his angel, coming to help him. He thinks that is why he felt he could come with her. Nicole smiles, saying she is no angel. She asks again what he would like to eat. Joey tells her he likes PB&J. Nicole thinks she can do that. Joey thanks Nicole and says he will be gone after he eats. Nicole asks where he is going to go. Joey is silent. Nicole thinks it's best if he stays with her for the night and they can talk about possible plans later. Joey asks if that is ok, saying it would be nice to be in a warm place tonight. Nicole nods, saying it's fine. Joey smiles, thanking her again. Nicole goes to make his PB&J and glances at her purse. She notices a picture she has of Eric that is loose in her purse and takes it out. She stares at it, recalling how something told her to go where Joey was earlier and how she was drawn to him and he to her. She looks at Eric and then looks to the heavens above. Nicole wonders if Eric brought Joey to her for a reason. Nicole looks over at Joey on the couch as the scene shifts to.... SALEM POLICE STATION Billie arrives and Kate notices how awful she looks. She looks at her and asks if she has been drinking. Billie gives Kate the same lie she told Jack. Kate doesn't seem to buy it. Marlena, Abe, Carrie, Will, Bill, Mike, and a wheelchair-bound Sami enter the room just as Jack and Philip arrive. Abe tells them there is more evidence. The Midwestern rapist left a calling card near all his victims...it was a letter...which turned out to be the first letter of all the last names of the victims. Abe notes that this evidence was just pieced together and, with Joelle's name now on the list due to Lucas being tied to the Midwestern rapist murder crimes, the letters now seem to spell out something. Kate asks what that is. Abe writes the name of each victim on a board in front of them. Brenda Sanders, Myra Andrews, Melanie Meadows, Selena Ingram, Lorna Burrows, Leslie Ryder, Paula Adrian, Melinda Drier, and...the most recent and only Salem victim, Joelle Young. Everyone is stunned when they realize what the letters spell out...SAMI BRADY!!! Abe nods and then says Lucas doesn't have a single alibi for any of the rapes/murders and that they did not start until shortly after Sami's presumed death and adds there was a lull around the time Sami was found as there was no victims after that until Joelle. Kate thinks Lucas is being framed. Everyone agrees. Abe tells them all that whether that is the case or not, Lucas is in a whole lot of trouble. Mike goes to call Maggie so she can fill the others in as Marlena and Carrie comfort Sami and Will while a stunned Philip, Kate, Billie, Bill, and Jack look on as the scene fades to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... A STEFANO AND ROMAN SHOWDOWN!!
JANUARY 7, 2008-EPISODE #409: FREEDOM UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL Mike tells everyone that Frankie survived the surgery........but his spleen was removed. He can live a normal life without it. Caroline asks if her son is going to survive and Lexie looks at Mike and steps forward, saying that with the injuries that he sustained that the chance for blood clots and other complications are high. Kimberly wheels into the waiting area, saying that everything is ok at the Pub. Max and everyone else fills her in on what took place and she can’t believe Nicole hasn’t been picked up yet for attempted murder. Kimberly adds that Roman can sit in jail but Nicole can walk free. The Brady's then take a slow walk to the I.C.U. and see Frankie laying still in his bed, with machines helping him survive. As Caroline cries on Bo’s shoulder, Bill and Mike walk up and tell them that Kayla and the baby are stable and she is resting in her room. That is when Bo tells Bill and Mike he’s surprised that they are still there. When Bill asks why, Bo says that Lucas was arrested tonight.......... On rape and murder charges. Bill and Mike look at one another in shock as Bill says he’s going to the station to help his son. As Bill races down the hall, the scene shifts...... SALEM POLICE STATION Carrie and Will walk in. Lucas is brought in dressed very nicely and Will gives his father a hug. As Lucas thanks Carrie for bringing Will in, Kate walks in in a huff, saying she wants to know why Lucas or no one else called her. Lucas answers, saying that he’s already looking at life. With her there, he didn’t see the need to sign up for the death penalty. Kate rolls her eyes and Lucas says that is exactly what he’s talking about. All she can do is throw her hair back, roll her eyes and treat everyone like they are so much crap on her shoe. Well.........time for her to know where they stand with each other. She can truly go straight to hell. Period. End of story. Kate says that no matter what, he is her son, and she will always be there for him, which makes Lucas agree. She will be there.......just like having herpes. Kate is silent as she looks around, turns and leaves. Once outside the office, she calls both Philip and Billie but gets no answer from either one. Carrie walks out, saying she is off to Roman’s arraignment. Right before she leaves, Patricia walks in, smiling. She tells everyone that Lucas is facing nine counts of rape. Kate says that this is absurd and Patricia answers, saying that these Midwestern rapes that have been occurring have now been linked to Lucas.......with the evidence that she has found in his apartment, including news articles, a black outfit, and other items........ That will guarantee that this member of Salem’s finest family spends the rest of his life......behind bars. As everyone looks around shocked, the scene once again switches...... MOTEL ON SALEM'S EAST SIDE Philip and Alyson wake up at the same time and look at each other. Both are hung over but still can’t believe what they did the previous night. They both slowly get up and start getting dressed, as they wonder what to do next. For his reputation, they promise to each other that whatever happened will stay their secret. They both then say that unwinding really felt great the previous night. As they finish getting dressed, they smile at each other and then leave separately. As each of them drive in the opposite direction, they wonder if what they did will affect them.....and if so, how. The scene then shifts to... SALEM COURTHOUSE Several hours later...family and friends sit in nervous anticipation for the proceedings to begin. Sami is helped into the courtroom by Max while Marlena sits in the front row. Sami and Marlena take each other’s hand as Sami tells her everything will be fine. Carrie, sitting on her other side, and Belle also encourage her to stay hopeful. As everyone sits still, the judge comes out and as he sits down, Roman is led in. He looks at the standing room only crowd that came to support him......his family, brothers and sisters, and longtime friends. He smiles at everyone and waves, as he and Marlena take each other’s hand. He kisses her on the cheek and then sits down, as Patricia calls the court to order......... Patricia: Your Honor........the defendant that sits before you today.......was once one of Salem’s finest. This court recognizes the many sacrifices that he has made in the line of duty......but, that does NOT excuse his wanted and blatant act of murder that he committed on the evening in question. After engaging in a fight to the death with a citizen of this community, he willfully caused his death by firing his personal weapon at a jetliner........causing it to crash on national television and burst into flames, killing both of the occupants and the flight crew in the process. It is my duty to inform the court........that this man, Roman Brady, be held without bail.......for four counts of murder.........in the first degree. If not, it will send a message that he and others like him are above the law.........and I hope that the court will grant this action. As Patricia sits down, smiling, Roman’s lawyer stands, but he says something shocking........ Lawyer: At this time.......I use the right to recuse myself from these proceedings. Everyone gasps as the judge calls order and, at that moment, all eyes turn to the doorway......as Stefano walks in with Cassie, arm in arm. They sit at the back of the courtroom and, as everyone stares hatred at the pair, the judge asks Roman’s lawyer why he is doing this. The lawyer responds..... Lawyer: Because I was instructed to.......by Roman’s new attorney. In walks a very beautiful woman.....who sends chills down Patricia’s spine. The new lady lawyer looks at Patricia and says..... Special Guest Star Layla Ali: Nice to see you again.......Patty. Patricia doesn’t say a word, as the new lawyer introduces herself as....... Diana Winters, Roman’s new lawyer. The judge is very impressed, knowing that she is a partner in one of the country’s biggest law firms.......and is on Victor’s personal payroll. Roman turns and looks at Bo, who simply smiles back at him and nods his head. Roman silently says thanks to his brother, as Linda proceeds..... Diana: Your Honor.........my colleague was indeed right. This man has sacrificed a lot for his duty of being a police officer in Salem. I would like to enter into evidence Exhibit A......a picture of what this man looked like 24 years ago. His face was surgically altered by one of Salem’s........and the world’s......most notorious crime bosses. His memory was erased and he was separated from his family for many years. In 1991, a ruse was perpetrated on him.....when another man claiming to be the REAL Roman Brady surfaced and he lost everything that was dear to him. Well, over a year ago, he regained that which was stolen from him.......only to have a man who had once blew up his home.......with his wife, Marlena Evans Brady inside, no less.......and has, just recently, been responsible for the kidnapping and supposed death of his daughter, Samantha. Everyone is listening intently, as Diana continues...... Diana: And now, when he had been pushed to the edge......when he felt that the man responsible would once again gain his flight to freedom, not answering for the crimes against the people of Salem......he took action. Anyone......who has been through what this man has been through, surely would have done the same. And, I ask the court to consider all of this.... As it makes it’s decision. I thank you. Diana sits down as everyone on Roman’s side applauds and the judge once again calls order.....and threatens to clear the courtroom. Patricia stands and asks for a rebuttal. As the judge grants it, she says..... Patricia: Is this the same man who, with his brother’s help, his best friend’s help, and the help of one Alice Horton, escaped from this same jail over 25 years ago when he was rightfully arrested for the Salem Stranglings? Diana stands and counters....... Diana: Yes, he escaped......to prove his eventual innocence! He was almost framed for those murders, murders that were committed not by him......but by one Andre DiMera, nephew of crime kingpin Stefano Dimera...... Who arrogantly sits in this court today! The judge calms both women down and reminds them to act civil in his courtroom. As both women stare at one another and sit down, the judge announces that he has heard everything and will now render a judgment...... Judge Hardcastle: Well, both attorneys make very compelling cases. Please stand, sir. Roman stands and looks at the judge..... JH: And, I must commend you, Mr. Brady, on your many years of service to the people of Salem. That does not weigh lightly in my decision. You have saved these people time and time again.......and at the risk of your own personal safety. Roman: Thank you, sir. JH: But.........one of the things that really counts against you, sir, is the escape that occurred all those years ago. Even though you eventually gained your freedom, we simply cannot have one person who.....for whatever reason.....feels that they can use the law as they see fit. Roman: I understand, Your Honor. JH: And therefore, because of that, I have no choice sir........ But to deny bail at this time. Everyone gasps in shock as the bailiff takes Roman by the arm. Marlena reaches out to him but they are separated too quickly. Sami is being comforted by Belle and Carrie as Bo and Abe stare at a smiling Stefano and Cassie. Tony then storms over demanding to know why Cassie came there today. Marlena stomps over, wanting to know the same answer. Cassie tells them both that they never have been parents and she has never been a mother, so Cassie owes them nothing. Tony tells Stefano that if he finds out he had anything to do with this.......and Stefano tells him to watch who he’s threatening. Diana walks over and says Patricia won this battle but that she doesn’t fight battles....... She wins wars. Linda walks off and tells Marlena she will be in touch later on today and Bo tells Stefano that this isn’t the last of anything. Stefano agrees. He says the last of it will end.... Stefano: With Roman Brady locked away.......FOREVER!!!!! Stefano laughs as he walks Cassie out the courtroom and leaves a tearful yet defiant Marlena seething with anger....... And plotting her revenge. As the scene freeze frames on her tear-stained face and slowly fades to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... NICOLE MAKES A DISCOVERY AND...WHERE IS BILLIE?!
2008 PREVIEW EDITION OF SL INSIDER (WEEK OF JANUARY 7, 2008) SPECIAL REPORT: 2008 PREVIEWS!! "After an adventurous and action-packed 2007, things will shift in a different direction in 2008," says EP/HW Tim Lowery. "My partner and I feel it's a good time to focus on more emotional, family/traditional-type stories. That is not to say we still won't have adventure too but the first month or so of 2008 will be like nothing we have ever done. It's very emotional and can't miss. We will also begin building a HUGE umbrella story that will tie up alot of loose ends and that is filled with mystery, intrigue, and some returns as well." Bo/Hope/Steve/Kayla: "The aftermath of what happened on New Year's Eve will dominate the early part of the year. Bo and Hope's trust issues that seemed solved come back to the surface. Her infidelity and discretion present the biggest test Bo and Hope have faced and the consequences of the secrets that were kept and how they came out will affect many lives. Shawn will also fit into their part of the story down the line, as will a face from Bo's past. Meanwhile, Steve and Kayla face a similar plight. Kayla and her baby are at great risk and Stephanie can't even bare to look at her father. Steve is in for the fight of his life as he faces one of the greatest challenges of his life." Roman/Marlena: "Roman in in jail for Orpheus' murder and Stefano is pulling all the strings. Marlena and the Brady's will fight like hell to save him while Roman finds himself being overcome by memories of his past, so much so that he becomes immersed in it. That will play a key role in our big umbrella story this year." Jack/Billie: "Billie's life spirals out of control as she falls back into bad habits to deal with all the problems and revelations she has dealt with of late. Jack knows something is wrong but Billie continues to push him away. He is still determined to save her and to find out what is wrong. Kate and Miranda's relationship will come into play hugely here after Kate tries on her own to save Billie. She finds herself making things worse once again and having to turn to the last person she wanted to ask for help-her estranged sister." Frankie/Greta: "Frankie has confessed his feelings but Greta hasn't, not wanting to jinx it. That is pivotal in January as Greta races to tell a critically injured Frankie how she feels. They have some really beautiful stuff coming and it's classic love story stuff. Greta has finally found her happiness and so has Frankie. It's going to be an emotional journey for the characters and fans." Sami/Lucas: "Lucas is in a whole lot of trouble after Joelle's murder and things get worse when he is linked to other crimes. Sami launches her own crusade to prove him innocent and teams up with a shocking ally. Meanwhile, a paranoid Will begins to question his sanity." Alyson/Belle/Philip: "Philip and Alyson's drunken night of passion was supposed to be nothing more then a one night stand yet they can't stop thinking about each other. Philip's world will get rocked when he learns a shocking bit of info and he will also find himself involved in a world of trouble when he is under suspicion of a crime. Fate will keep bringing Alyson and Philip into each other's orbit while a case of the green eyed monster strikes Belle." Abby/Max: "They are together and are supporting each other. They will try to have a normal relationship but shocking info Forrest brings to them will rock their world. They will face a new threat and will be quite involved in the big umbrella story too, while also being involved with their families." Abe/Celeste/Lincoln/Lexie: "After Lexie gives the ok, Abe and Celeste will decide to embark on a relationship but it might not be as easy as they had hoped. Meanwhile, Lexie is back at the hospital and begins her surgical rotation. She will find herself striking Lincoln's fancy and a bond begins to develop." Tony/Anna/Stefano/Cassie: "Stefano learns of Lexie and Tony working together to bring him down and "fix" the Dimera dynasty, leading to them having to face down his wrath. Cassie turns her back on Tony and Marlena and is closer to Stefano then ever. Meanwhile, Anna and Carrie try to bond and proves how far she will go for her daughter." Victor/Maggie: "Victor and Maggie try to plan their future while also supporting and helping their family and friends. Victor's plans for Philip will be uncovered. There will be a big complete cast event in February as all of Salem gathers for the opening of Maggie's club." Nicole: "Nicole is in hiding as her list of enemies grows. She encounters someone who she thinks was sent from Eric and this person brings Nicole to a point where she realizes how far she has gone...but it may be far too late for redemption." Jean: "Jean and Alyson are on the outs and Jean will do anything to get back into her daughter's good graces. Expect her to strike up a shocking alliance and she still has at least one more skeleton in her closet." Mike: "He is sticking around Salem for awhile. His explained his reasons for doing so to his family...but is there another reason he purposely left out? There is more to this then meets the eye." Big Umbrella Story: "The seeds have been being planted for months and the buildup begins fully in January. It's a slow moving story to start but once it gets going it will involve a good deal of the cast and some big returns. It will answer alot of questions and will bring a finality to several ongoing stories. It's exciting, adventurous, and is truly edge of your seat drama that can't be missed. We are excited about it." ANNOUNCEMENT: THE BEST OF 2007!! We at Salem Lives want to hear from you! Over the next month, several polls will be started over in the poll center of SON that will feature choices for categories like "Best Story," "Best Twist," etc. This is our chance to hear what you think and also feel free to explain your choices in comments below the polls. It's just a way of being interactive with our fans. A link to each poll will be posted in the blog when a poll is posted and will also be posted in the mySONBC discussion thread. We would appreciate all of our readers participating. It helps us see what you liked and disliked and we do this all for you...the fans. We look forward to the results! The first poll is already posted and you can find the link right below this announcement. SALEM LIVES: BEST OF 2007: POLL #1 COMINGS AND GOINGS COMING Two Returns: Setsiders report that two familiar faces will return in January. See 2008 previews for more. GOING Arloa Reton (Joelle Young): Reton last aired on January 2 when Joelle succumbed to her injuries. Reton has been recurring as Kate's secretary since 2002 but had been MIA for a lengthy period until being trust into a story with Lucas in August. "We loved her and the fans loved to hate her," says EP/HW Tim Lowery. "She will be missed." WHO'S STAYING Kale Browne and Jaime Lyn Bauer (Bill and Laura Horton): Both characters will be sticking around for a little while longer as Bill deals with his son, Lucas' (Bryan Dattilo), legal troubles. They have both been placed on recurring status. Patsy Pease (Kimberly Brady): Pease is sticking around a while longer to support her family through their current troubles. She has been placed on recurring status, much like she was in 2007. Judi Evans (Adrienne Johnson-Kiriakis): While Justin (Wally Kurth) has left, Adrienne is sticking around a bit to support her brother, Steve (Stephen Nichols), and his family. She has been placed on recurring status. Christie Clark (Carrie Brady-Reed): As previously reported, Clark is remaining on the show for an indefinite period of time and is recurring. Micheal T. Weiss (Mike Horton): As previously reported, Weiss is sticking around indefinitely and is on recurring status. Jake T. Austin (Joey Young): Joelle's son is going nowhere and setsiders say that fans should expect to see more of the young actor in 2008. PREVIEWS AND PEEKS INTO WK OF 1/7/08 -Philip and Alyson wake up in each other's arms! -Roman is arraigned. -The evidence against Lucas piles up. -A new man comes into Nicole's life. -Alyson wants answers. -Philip lets Belle have it. -Steve and Kayla come face to face. -Greta wakes up, determined to see Frankie. -The unthinkable happens. RED ALERT: THURSDAY AND FRIDAY JANUARY 10 AND 11 THE UNTHINKABLE HAPPENS AND ROCKS SALEM!!! NEXT WEEK: Tragedy strikes. Steve faces his greatest challenge yet. Bo and Hope fall apart. Nicole bonds with her new friend while several Salemites target her. A familiar face returns to Salem.
ANNOUNCER:A Family Holds An Emotional Vigil........ Scenes Of Frankie & Kayla Laying In Hospital Beds. And, As One Man Fights The Memories Of His Past........ Scene Of Roman Getting Shot by Stefano On A Cliff. And, Another Man Is Trying To Save His Future..... Scene Of Lucas Being Led Away In Handcuffs. The Wheels Of Doom Slowly Start Turning....... Scene Of Wayne Northrop Saying.........."Now, The Real Game Begins." This Week......On...
JANUARY 4, 2008-EPISODE # 408: CHAOS THEORY PART III SALEM POLICE STATION In his cell, Roman walks around, looking at his new home. He chuckles and then shakes his head, not being able to believe that he has ended up there, of all places. As he lays down on his cot, the guard brings in another prisoner......Lucas. They put both men in the same cell and Roman asks Lucas how his day is going. Lucas tells Roman about as well as his. Lucas then asks who will get the top bunk. Roman says he goes to the bathroom a lot in the night so it’s better for him to have the bottom bunk. Lucas is ok with that and Roman asks Lucas what he’s in for. Lucas says one never says what they are in for.....just what they have been charged with. Roman pauses for a moment and then tells Lucas he’s been charged with murder. Lucas then smiles, saying.......birds of a feather. Lucas then says he needs to get some rest and, as he lays down, Roman stands at the bars and looks out. He then, suddenly.....gets a memory flash. He shakes his head, trying to clear his thoughts, but another memory flash comes and goes. He chalks it up to stress and then goes to lay down on his cot. UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL Victor and Maggie come walking in. Bo sees them and walks over, shaking Victor’s hand and kissing Maggie on the cheek. Victor tells Bo to fill him in and he does. Caroline sits off in a corner, by herself, and Victor walks over to say how sorry he is. He knows Frankie will be ok. Maggie walks over and agrees, telling Caroline that she just needs to keep that famous hope of hers going. Caroline says its been hours and she has two children in the hospital and one child locked up in jail. Victor asks what that is about and Bo tells him that Roman was arrested on murder charges. Before Victor can respond, Bo says he has their legal team working on it. Maggie asks has anyone seen Sami or any of the other family members and Hope then walks over, saying that some of them at the station...... Seeing Lucas, who was also arrested for murder. Victor then wants to know what the hell is going on. Bo pulls him to the side and, as Hawk walks into the waiting area and over to the two men, Bo and Victor start talking...... Victor: Tell me this, here and now. Is DiMera behind this? Bo: With Roman, yes. Even though there was an attorney down at the station......on Roman’s behalf, asking about bail. Victor: And Lucas? Hawk: I have some people that I know in the place. Both men are being looked after. Victor: Thank you, Hawk. Bo: So, what do we do now? Victor: Tell you what, son. You make the call. What should we do? Bo: Ok. Well, Hawk, do me a favor. Get in touch with our people at the D.A.’s office and see if they can get both Lucas and Roman moved to a minimum security jail. I’ll have Nico and some men watch Stefano’s house and get some taps on his phone reactivated. And then.... Victor: Yes? Bo: Then we circle the wagons........and bear down. I feel another bad wind headed our way and if we don’t stop it........ That’s the end......for all of us. The men separate as Max looks out a window. Abby comes over and asks what is on his mind. Max says he is thinking about all the times he and Frankie had to eat out of dumpsters and sleep on the streets when he was a kid. He then says, now look at them. Frankie is a world-class lawyer and he has made something out of himself as well. And all because the Brady's took them in and made them part of the family. But, that bond will always be there between him and Frankie and, as Max starts crying, all he can say is..... Max: He’s the only real brother I’ve ever had. I can’t lose him, Abby. I just can’t. Max puts his head on Abby’s shoulder as she pats a crying Max on his head, telling him that Frankie will be just fine. At the nurses’ station, Bo hangs up the phone. Hope walks over and asks if everything is ok. Bo tells her she has some nerve asking that after what she did. Hope just wants a chance to explain and Bo says she lost that right when she screwed his best friend. Victor overhears this as he stands behind a wall, listening. Hope tells Bo that it happened just one time and Bo says...... Bo: Sure. One time you told me about. Hope: (Starting to cry) Bo, please. Forgive me. Bo: You really must be nuts to ask me for forgiveness. Hope: Steve is just as much a victim as I am........ Victor’s face frowns into a cold stare and he pulls out his cell phone, calling Nico........ Hope: And I just don’t want you to hold this against him. Bo: Hold it against him?! He steals my daughter, screws my wife behind my back, but I’m the one overreacting. That is BS and you know it, Hope. Hope: Bo, for God’s Sakes, listen to me....... Bo: (Grabbing her wrists) The only thing I want you to do......is go home, pack your [!@#$%^&*], and get out. I never want to see your face again.... That is.......until we see each other in court......when I divorce you. Bo walks off as Hope tries to chase after her but Maggie runs over and grabs her, telling Hope to just give Bo time. Maggie comforts a deeply sobbing Hope...... As, back at the... SALEM POLICE STATION Roman is asleep in his bunk. He tosses and turns, remembering days gone by....... The nightmare is ravaging his mind. He remembers a cabin exploding and himself on the run from the law. He remembers being charged with the Salem Stranglings..........the handcuffs being placed on his wrists........the breakout that Alice, Bo and Abe engineered.........and....... Being shot on the top of Stefano’s island and, as he falls, right before he hits the beach below........ He wakes up, sweating and breathing very heavy. Lucas wakes up and asks if Roman is ok as Roman sits on the edge of his cot and tells Lucas it was just a bad dream. He then tells Lucas to go back to sleep.......they both have a long day ahead of them. Lucas lays back down and so does Roman but he is now terrified of going back to sleep. What he doesn’t want to tell Lucas, or anyone else, is that this is not the first time he’s had these nightmares...... And he fears it won’t be the last time. UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL Adrienne walks in and her and Steve hug. Steve tells her that he has really made a mess of things and Adrienne says he can’t think about that now. All his thoughts must be with Kayla. Steve then says that if the baby dies, or if Kayla doesn’t make it......it’s all his fault. Adrienne hugs her brother and, as he cries in her arms.... Stephanie walks into a darkened room. She slowly walks over and takes a chair, sitting down by her sleeping mother. Stephanie takes her hand gently and asks her to please be ok. She tells Kayla she never had a brother or sister so for the both of them to die now would be pretty messed up. Stephanie then wipes the tears from her eyes as she places her head on her mother’s shoulder. Out in the waiting area, Mike and Lexie both walk in to the waiting area. Everyone stands as Mike says..... Mike: Well, we do have news........ As the scene pans around the waiting area, Victor walks into Greta’s room. Maggie stands behind him as he takes a chair and, as he looks at his beautiful daughter, he says....... Victor: Damn. You just got out of here. Now, why would you end up back in here? Victor and Maggie both chuckle, as he continues...... Victor: You can’t do this to us. Not now, not after all we’ve been through. So, I’m just going......to sit right here, until you get better, ok? Victor then leans in and kisses her on her forehead and, as the scene pans upward, it then slowly fades to black. Meanwhile, down in the parking lot, a mysterious man makes a phone call....... Man: My, my. What a New Year for these three families. Yes..........yes, everything is being monitored. Roman Brady is behind bars. So is Lucas Horton. Bo and Hope Brady are on the skids. Kayla Johnson, Greta Kiriakis and Frankie Brady are fighting for their lives. And Stefano DiMera is still being the puppet master. Soon, very soon.......it will be your time to strike. Sure, no problem. I’ll keep you informed. Good-bye. As the man hangs up, he looks toward the night sky and says...... Man (CLICK HERE TO SEE HIS FACE!!!): Well.......looks like this is going to be one hell of a New Year. The man then walks toward his car as the scene slowly fades to black once again. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... EVIDENCE PILES UP FOR ONE SALEM RESIDENT...WHILE OTHERS FIND THEMSELVES DEALING WITH THE REPERCUSSIONS OF THE NIGHT BEFORE!!
JANUARY 3, 2008-EPISODE #407: CHAOS THEORY PART II DIMERA PENTHOUSE Stefano has returned and walks into the living room. He pours himself a brandy and sits down by his chessboard as Lincoln walks in and asks how everything went. Stefano smiles, saying it went splendidly. Lincoln mentions that Cassie asked about him and why he disappeared after midnight. Stefano smiles, saying it's lovely that she worries about him. Cassie then walks into the room. Stefano is shocked she is still up and apologizes for leaving after they rang in the new year together. He had business. As Lincoln leaves them alone, Cassie asks if it had anything to do with Roman Brady being arrested. Stefano thinks Cassie has gotten to know him too well. Cassie asks why he would care so much about Roman going down for Orpheus' death since he hated him, unless it's just a way of exploiting the situation to put an enemy in jail. Stefano turns around and says that is exactly it. He then pours Cassie some brandy and says he would like to propose a toast. Cassie nods. They both raise their glasses as Stefano says: Stefano: To the new year. May it be prosperous and one of great success for the Dimera's. Stefano and Cassie clash glasses and begin to drink their brandy as the scene shifts to... SALEM POLICE STATION Marlena is in Abe's office, asking if there is anything they can do for Roman. Abe says they just need to wait until he is arraigned in the morning. Marlena looks through the window at Roman being booked and processed and says this isn't right. His family needs him right now. She asks if there is any news from the hospital yet. Abe shakes his head, saying not since Celeste called him. They then hear Sami arguing with someone and race out into the lobby. Abe and Marlena find Carrie and Belle trying to keep Sami from standing up and attacking Patricia, who is standing next to a handcuffed Lucas and an officer. Marlena asks what happened. Patricia fills her in on Joelle's rape and brutal attack and how she accused Lucas of it all. Patricia warns Abe not to show any bias on this or she will make sure the department undergoes a clean sweep. Marlena tells Patricia that her witch hunt against the Brady's and Horton's must stop. Sami asks if she gets some sick pleasure out of it. Patricia smiles and says: Patricia: Many of your loved ones have gotten away with enough already. I will be damned if that appalling trend continues. Not on my watch. My career and justice are at stake here. It's about time someone stop the corruption in this department. Patricia then orders the officer to take Lucas to booking and processing while Abe follows as Marlena, Belle, and Carrie comfort Sami. The scene then shifts to... UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL Nurses and doctors race feverishly around the ER between 3 cubicles. Rich races into Greta's and asks a nurse if the X-rays he requested are back. Meanwhile, Mike and a team of nurses and doctors work on Frankie. A frustrated Mike yells out they are losing him and says he can't stop the bleeding as monitors and alarms go off. Mike sees Lexie in the waiting area and motions to her to come over. Lexie races in and Mike asks when her first day on call is. Lexie tells him it's later tonight. Mike says she is starting early and tells her to scrub in. In the waiting area, family and friends await news. Lexie races out and announces it looks like she is going back to work early. She tells Celeste to head to the house and take care of Theo so the babysitter can head home. Celeste tells Lexie that the pain and suffering is far from over. Lexie tells Celeste to just go as it's not best for anyone to hear that right now. She will call her when she has a chance. Celeste nods in agreement and takes off. Caroline asks Lexie how Frankie is doing. Lexie says she will let her know when she can and races back into the ER. A frustrated Caroline wishes they knew something. Bo comforts her, saying it's all going to be ok. Caroline admits she thought things were finally turning for their family but now with Frankie and Kayla in the hospital and Roman being arrested, she isn't so sure. Caroline admits she doesn't know how much she can take. Meanwhile, Jack is with Victor and Maggie waiting for news on Greta when his cell rings. Jack realizes he forgot to turn if off and races outside to answer it. It's Kate, who asks if Billie is with him. She isn't answering her phone and seemed upset earlier. Jack says he thought she stayed back with her to talk once they all headed for the hospital. Kate says she is really worried and Jack wishes he could go look for her but doesn't want to leave with Greta and Frankie like this. Kate says she will look and call Lucas and Philip for help. She tells him she will call and check in later. Jack thanks her. Laura, Doug, and Julie think Alice should head home but she says they need to stay to support the Brady's and says Greta has always been a close friend of hers, like a daughter. She wants to stay. Doug says they know better then to argue. Tony says they feel the same way and want to support the Brady's. As Anna stands next to him, Tony asks where Bill went. Laura says he was helping with Kayla as the doctors needed a hand and is now up with Kayla, Steve, and Stephanie as tests need to be done. as the doctors needed a hand. The scene then shifts back to... SALEM POLICE STATION Carrie and Belle think Sami needs to go back to the hospital. Marlena thinks it's that is a great idea. Sami says not until she sees Lucas, at least. Will arrives and asks what happened, saying he heard on the news about dad. Sami fills him in on everything that is happening with Lucas, Roman, and his uncle Frankie and aunt Kayla. Will can't believe it. Lucas is then dragged in on his way to his cell as Will rushes into his arms. Lucas walks over to Sami and says he will be ok and tells Will it will all work out in the end. All three embrace as the officer pulls Lucas away as he tells Sami and Will he loves them. Sami holds Will in her arms as Marlena, Belle, and Carrie look on in sadness as the scene shifts back to... UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL Kayla is now in a ICU room as Steve and Stephanie wait outside. Steve asks Stephanie if she is ok. Stephanie doesn't answer. Steve notes that she has said nothing to him at all since the reception. Stephanie looks at him coldly, saying: Stephanie: Mom said we would talk about it later but I know already what I need to. This is all your fault. You and aunt Hope? This all happened because of you. Steve: Baby, I... Bill comes out of the room to talk to Steve and Stephanie, interrupting their talk. Steve asks what is going on. Bill says that the OB GYN is still in with Kayla and that things are precarious based on a high level of stress and upset, especially with Kayla's age as a factor. Stephanie stares daggers at Steve. Billi tells them the OB GYN can explain in more detail but he can tell them that Kayla and the baby are both at risk as the baby is nearly in distress and there is a possibility that one or both of them may not get through this. Bill stresses further tests are needed yet and thinks they shouldn't panic but they need to be aware. Steve is in shock and can't believe what is happening. Stephanie begins to cry. Steve looks in on Kayla in her room, unconscious with the OB GYN and a two nurses with her. Bill tells him that Kayla has been sedated to help her relax and get some rest. Stephanie breaks down and yells out that this is all Steve's fault and that her mother and baby brother or sister's blood is on his and aunt Hope's hands if they die. Stephanie then orders Steve not to see Kayla and to go away. Steve tells Stephanie he is sorry but all she can do is to lash out again and order him away from Kayla and from her. Bill tells a heartbroken Steve to just abide by Stephanie's wishes, as hard as it is, just for now. Steve nods and says he loves her and tells her to tell her little bro or sis that too and her mother. Steve walks off as Stephanie turns away in disgust and cries while Bill watches. Meanwhile, Steve enters the stairwell, fighting back years, and looks around aimlessly before taking out his cell and making a call to someone, telling them he needs them to come to the hospital right now as the scene fades to... Caroline, who asks Bo why they aren't hearing anything. Bo comforts her as she asks how it happened. Max, who is being comforted by Abby, wants to know too. Caroline asks if it was the footage of Steve and Hope making love. Bo looks at Hope, who has tears welling in her eyes. Caroline looks over at Hope and asks if all this is because of that. Bo tells Caroline and everyone else it's not the time and place right now to discuss this, especially a private matter. Kayla and her unborn baby, Frankie, and Greta are all that is important. Caroline hopes Roman is ok too. Mike and Lexie then emerge with Rich close behind. Mike says he is sorry it took so long. He wanted to consult with Rich on Frankie's situation. Rich announces Greta will be fine but she re-injured some of the injuries she had from her hit and run. They have given her meds for the pain and she is sedated right now. Victor, Maggie, Jack, and everyone else are overjoyed. Mike says that Frankie saved Greta by breaking her fall and tells his loved ones: Mike: He suffered a massive blow. There are spinal injuries and considerable swelling to that area. He ruptured his spleen and damaged his liver and kidneys. We stabilized him and stopped the bleeding but there is still internal hemorrhaging. There is also massive head trauma and bleeding around the brain. He needs surgery ASAP and we don't even know how effective that will be. Caroline is devastated as everyone else looks on in horror and sadness. Victor whispers to Maggie that Frankie saved his daughter's life and Caroline may lose her son. Maggie comforts him. Mike tells Caroline she needs to sign the consent forms. Bo comforts her and says she needs to sign to help Frankie. Bo helps Caroline, who is shaking, as she signs. Mike says they will begin to prep him and leaves, asking Lexie if she would like to scrub in to begin her surgery rotation. Lexie says she would and adds she would like to be in there to help. As everyone reacts to this heartbreaking news, Bo comforts Caroline and Max is comforted by Abby. Hope tries to reach out to Bo and puts her arm on his shoulder but he yanks himself away and coldly stares at her. Hope puts her head down in shame and walks off. Meanwhile, Jack goes outside and calls Kate, who says she tried calling Lucas and Philip to help but got no answer. She tells him she has yet to find Billie. Jack says he will start looking to and admits he is worried also given the last time he saw her. The scene then shifts to... CHEATIN HEART Billie walks up outside, looking like an emotional wreck and her hands trembling. She looks insider the bar and hesitates for a moment and then goes in. She looks at the bar and is happy to see her bartender friend who knows about her past history not on tonight. She walks over to the bar and is asked what she would like. Billie: A...vodka tonic...wait, maybe...yeah. A vodka tonic. Billie then sits down at the bar and thinks, with tears welling in her eyes as she tries to fight them. She recalls learning that Orpheus is her father and that Chelsea is not her daughter. She then recalls Frankie and Greta falling through the skylight. The bartender puts her drink in front of her and notices her trembling and being upset. He asks if she is ok. Billie looks at the drink, picks it up, hesitates and thinks for a few moments, and says: Billie: No. I'm not ok. But...I will be. Billie then takes a sip of her drink and puts it down. The bartender smiles and walks off. Billie then looks at her drink, thinking again. She then looks at it with disgust before picking it up, hesitating again for a moment, and then raising it close to her mouth and taking another sip...followed by another..and... The scene pans up and shows an overhead shot of Billie at the bar and then fades to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... THE PAST HAUNTS A SALEM RESIDENT!
JANUARY 2, 2008: EPISODE #406: CHAOS THEORY SALEM TOWERS Loved ones run into the ballroom and everyone gasps in horror at the sight. Mike runs up with Laura and Bill close behind and he and Lexie check on both Frankie and Greta. Mike says that from the angle, Frankie must have broken Greta’s fall. Caroline races over to see her son lying unconscious amongst broken glass and debris and can’t bear to watch as she falls into Bo’s arms, crying. Max wants to know if his brother is going to be ok and Mike can’t answer that. As the Hortons and Bradys pray for miracles, Kayla is almost doubling over in pain..... But won’t reveal it to anyone, as she steps off to the side. Stephanie runs over to her mother wondering what is wrong and what happened. As Bo and Kayla stare coldly at Steve and Hope, Kayla says she’ll tell her later. It's not the time and place. As Hope blames herself for this night’s tragedy, Steve tells her not to blame herself. They should have just told the truth from the beginning. Kate then runs over to Billie, asking if she is ok. Jack tells Kate what happened and Kate hopes everyone will be ok. Billie tells her that is a laugh.........her mother is actually thinking of someone besides herself. Kate says this is not the time for that and Billie agrees, saying that there truly is nothing anyone can do now. As Billie walks off trembling and in tears, Jack and Kate watch and wonder. SALEM AIRPORT On the Kiriakis private jet, Victor hands his new bride Maggie a glass of........ice water. Maggie says that’s not fair and Victor tells her not even on their honeymoon is she going to drink. As the couple laugh and then kiss, the pilot walks in and disturbs them. Victor is none too pleased but changes his mind dramatically when the pilot tells them that his daughter has been injured and is being rushed to University Hospital. Victor tells Maggie to grab her purse and then orders his driver to get the car ready..... And move with all speed to the hospital. SALEM PARK Joelle goes into cardiac arrest, all the while accusing Lucas of raping and attacking her. Lucas swears he didn’t do it. Patricia says that Joelle pin pointed him as her attacker. Lucas says what is amazing is that the D.A. would allow a crime scene to become contaminated while trying to go on some witch hunt to lock him up. Joelle tells Lucas one thing as she breaths heavily...... Joelle: I’ll see you Lucas.....in hell. At that moment, Joelle dies. Lucas and Patricia are stunned but she snaps out of it, calling for an officer to take Lucas back to the station and book him...... On murder charges. As the officer drags a defiant Lucas away, Patricia orders the area sealed and for an investigation to begin......at once. She then orders a search for Joelle's son, Joey. The scene then fades from Patricia......... SALEM POLICE STATION Roman is brought in wearing handcuffs. Abe takes his coat off of Roman’s wrists and then takes the cuffs off. Roman thanks him, saying he thought he was over wearing cuffs after the last time he was arrested for murder. Abe says that was 25 years ago. New day, new time. Roman agrees as Marlena and Belle come walking in. Marlena and Roman hug as Belle thanks Abe for his help. Abe says that he will fight this tooth and nail. Carrie then walks in, wheeling Sami in, and Roman asks why Sami is there. Sami says there is no way she is staying out while her daddy is being charged with murder. Marlena smiles and asks if Sami is pushing herself too much. Sami says she is fine but wants to ask one question...... Sami: How in the HELL can Orpheus and Stefano get away with all the [!@#$%^&*] they have pulled this past year, but my dad gets arrested?! Stefano walks in, defiantly saying....... Stefano: Maybe you should wonder why he hasn’t been locked up a long time ago. I told you that you and your family would pay for what happened to Andre, and Renee, and Megan. I keep my promises, Roman. Roman: Whatever, old man. You have the upper hand now.......but, as you know, it won’t last long. Stefano: Oh, on the contrary, my friend. This is check......and mate. Roman: I still have some moves left on that chess board, Stefano. Remember that. Both men are kept separate as Abe warns them both that the station will not be used as their personal battleground. Both men stare hatred at one another as Marlena, Carrie, Belle and Sami can cut the tension with a butcher’s knife. Marlena then asks to speak to Stefano.........alone. As they walk into the outer hallway, she asks him how he can let Roman go to prison after what his son has done. Stefano says that, for a price, Roman can walk out of the station a free man. Marlena is appalled......and tries to slap Stefano. He is undeterred, saying that she will always be his “Queen Of The Night”. Marlena then says that his queen just may let everyone in Salem know who his son is. Stefano swears that if anyone finds out about Orpheus........Roman will die inside prison walls and that will be just for starters. As Roman is brought out for booking, Sami and Carrie follow. Marlena says that she will try her best to have him released as soon as possible and Stefano demands that no police corruption occur in this case. Roman kisses his ladies and then takes a walk to booking, led away by Abe. As the Brady women look at Stefano, all he can do....... Is smile, as he walks away. SALEM TOWERS Kayla is still in serious pain as Steve walks over and asks if she is ok. She stares coldly at him once again and says nothing. Bo is still comforting Caroline as Abby holds Max’s hand. Laura, Bill, Mike and Lexie work on Frankie and Greta while everyone watches and waits. Mike hopes that Greta hasn’t re-injured herself. Bo says that he will bring in whatever doctors Mike needs to help save his sister and brother. He then says that Frankie has massive internal injuries and, by the fall, he may have suffered a broken back. They can’t stand around talking. These people need to get to a hospital.... And fast. At that moment, two helicopters land and the medical teams start loading Greta and Frankie on board. As the helicopters take off into the cold night, everyone watches them disappear into the stars...... Hoping that everything will be ok. At that moment, Kayla doubles over in pain and Bo and Jack come rushing over. She grabs her stomach and Steve then runs over to her. Kayla instinctively takes his hand as Bo and Jack catch her and, as Steve tries to comfort Kayla........ The scene shows her holding his hand tighter.......as the scene fades to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... LIVES HANG IN THE BALANCE!!
DECEMBER 31, 2007: EPISODE #405: IMPLOSION PART II JOELLE'S APARTMENT Patricia is with several officers who are still canvasing the apartment. Lucas can't believe what he is seeing. Patricia asks if it looks familiar. Lucas says nothing. Patricia supposes he can't remember anything...again. Lucas says he can't. He admits coming to see Joelle and then his mind is a blank. Patricia smiles, saying just like the last time and the time before that. Lucas assures her it's the truth. Patricia laughs, saying: Patricia: I guess it must be true. I mean, your a Horton, right? That should buy you a free pass! Give me a break! Just then, an officer tells Patricia an officer came across a little boy in the park. It's Joelle's son, Joey, and he found Joelle near death. EMT"s and more man power is on the way. Patricia and Lucas are stunned. Patricia says let's go and they race off as the scene shifts to... SALEM TOWERS Everyone at the reception reacts in shock and horror at the images of Steve and Hope making love being played on the big screen. Victor quickly orders someone to turn it off. Bo and Kayla both look at Hope and Steve, appalled at what they just witnessed. Kayla looks at Steve in disbelief as Bo looks at Hope, rage beginning to build in his eyes as tears well in Hope's as they lock eyes. Hope becomes overwhelmed with emotion and runs off in tears. Bo chases after and Steve and Kayla follow as the crowd talks amongst itself. Stephanie and Caroline want to go after them but Victor stops Caroline, saying they need to deal with it themselves. Abby consoles Stephanie as Max and Alex look on. Maggie hates what just happened. Roman and Marlena can't believe it. Abe says he can't either and remembers what he has to tell Roman and says he needs to talk to him...right now. Meanwhile, Lexie sees Celeste in a corner and goes to her. She sees that she is upset and asks if she is ok. Celeste looks at Lexie and says lives will be destroyed tonight...and that death is closing in on Salem. Tony and Anna come over just as she says this and they both look at Lexie and Celeste with concern and worry. Up on the rooftop, Greta can't believe what she just saw. Neither can Jack, Billie, and Frankie. Billie admits she never thought she would see Hope cheat on Bo, let alone with Steve. Greta looks at a smirking Nicole, asking if she did do this. Nicole nods and admits she did just as Hope comes racing on to the roof with Bo, Steve, and Kayla close behind. Nicole looks at Hope and says that she warned her and Steve to do as she requested but they dragged their feet and will now pay the piper. Hope becomes enraged and lunges for Nicole, tugging at her hair and beginning to choke her. Jack and Frankie pull her off Nicole as an angry Bo says that is enough and that he wants answers right now. Hope looks around and tells Bo there are too many people around. Bo says he doesn't care and he isn't chasing her again. Bo:Kayla and I have wondered...for MONTHS! All the times you two took off...were talking in a corner, thinking no one was watching. Do you take us for idiots? Kayla kept saying you would slip up and I guess, in a way, you did. How sad is it??!! How disgusting is it that we couldn't rely on you both to be honest with us. HUH??!! Hope (in tears): BO!! Please!! It's not what it looks like. Let me explain. Bo: Well, someone better. And they better NOW! Kayla is hyperventilating. Jack asks if she is ok. She begins to clutch her stomach and says she is fine, just in shock. Steve looks at her with concern. Kayla stares daggers at him. Steve: Bo...look, man. We didn't set out to hurt you or Kayla. What happened was a mistake. There were circumstances... Bo: Oh, this should be good. Hope: It started when Steve found out some things about his past while on the ship with Orpheus. Kayla: You mean when Orpheus forced Steve to work with him? Steve: Yeah. He reminded me of memories from my past...from my missing years. He recreated situations...he was playing mind games with me. He then told me something I wouldn't have believed if not for some of the vague memories I had of being with a woman while I was imprisoned. Kayla: A woman? Bo: What did he tell you? Tell us!! Steve is silent. Hope is silent and looks over at Billie, her eyes filling with worry over the devastation Billie may feel as a result of what is about to be said. Bo: Well?! Come on! Steve looks at Hope, who nods, saying: Hope: We have to. It's time...time to admit everything. Bo: Damn straight, it is!! Steve: Chelsea was imprisoned at that time with Abby and Forrest. Orpheus took me to them and told me that Chelsea...was my daughter. Billie's face turns to one of shock, saying she never slept with him. Bo looks at Steve in disbelief, saying that is impossible. Steve shakes his head as Hope jumps in and says: Hope: It's not...because I'm Chelsea's mother. Billie, Bo, and everyone is shocked and in disbelief as the scene shifts to... "RIOT" (A LOCAL SALEM NIGHTCLUB) Philip and Alyson are dancing among a large crowd on the dance floor, both drunk and both all over each other. Philip tells her he is so glad they did this. He is having the time of his life and is feeling an unbelievable rush. Alyson agrees, saying she feels truly alive tonight. They continue to dance, with her dancing growing more and more seductive. They end up being pushed closer together, forcing them into a moment where they lock eyes and she says: Alyson: Whatever...happens tonight...stays between us... Philip: Letting loose...time of our lives...the way it should be... Alyson then lunges forward and kisses Philip passionately. He breaks away as they lock eyes again for a few months before they kiss again, this time with him kissing her. They break apart and look each other for a moment before she races off with him behind him as the scene shifts back to... SALEM TOWERS Caroline thinks Victor and Maggie should just leave for their honeymoon before they miss their flight. They both say they could never leave with what is going on with Bo, Hope, Steve, and Kayla. Alice, Bill, Laura, Doug, and Julie insist they go, saying if something happens they will fill them in. Victor looks at Maggie and tells her it's really not their business and it may make things worse if they knew they were holding back because of them. Maggie nods, saying they should go then. They just hate not being able to stay with midnight only less then an hour away. Alice says it's ok. Their union has made 2008 a blessed year already. Victor and Maggie say their goodbyes as everyone throws rice and they head off. Meanwhile, everyone on the rooftop is still stunned by Hope's revelation, especially Billie and Bo, who think it can't be true. Hope insists it is, saying they have DNA tests to prove it and Chelsea found out herself on the island from Stefano last year. When she returned to Salem, she had a DNA test done that proved it. Greta jumps in and says it's true. She found Chelsea at the hospital as she was there having a DNA test done to see if Victor was her father after Stefano had revealed that to her as well. Chelsea confided in her and swore her to secrecy, admitting she was also there when Hope found out. Hope says she found out on Christmas Eve last year when Chelsea came out of her coma. Chelsea had felt it was time to tell her after all that had happened. Hope adds that they kept the truth because so much was going on...the war between Victor and Stefano, Chelsea's very own problems and Billie helping her deal with them, Bo concealing his molestation and working with Roman on busting Victor and Stefano and then the Orpheus ordeal. Hope tells Bo she is sorry and so is Chelsea. There was just enough going on and they felt it was for the best. Billie says if this is true, where is her real daughter? Hope looks down in sadness. It's up to Steve, who tells her that Georgie likely did die in the swamp in her arms. Billie is devastated and asks Hope how she and Steve could keep this from her. Hope says they thought it was for the best. Bo says: Bo: Why do people always assume that they know what is best? That's a pathetic excuse. Hope: One that you used too to justify keeping the truth about Zack from me! As well as the truth about other things, like your molestation and undercover operation with Roman. Bo: So, that must be what Orpheus was talking about on the ship. He looked right at you and I was blind to it. Damnit! Jack goes over to Billie and asks if she is ok. Billie has tears streaming down her face and is trembling, recalling learning for sure she was a Dimera and Orpheus' daughter earlier and stunned by what she has just learned. As a concerned Jack looks on, Billie can say nothing but: Billie: I don't know how much more I can take. Meanwhile, Bo asks Hope: Bo: Alright. Go on. Then what? Hope: Steve had no idea that I was Chelsea's mother so, after we all were back in Salem after the ship disaster, he launched his own investigation. Steve: I wanted to know if Chelsea was really mine. I had no proof. Hope: I overheard him saying something to Chelsea as she was dragged off to the hospital. Steve: I didn't tell her I could be her father. I told her I had some ideas and would work on it. Hope: Hearing that and overhearing him when he went to Tony for help with access to Maison Blanche...I decided to follow him. Bo: Knowing how dangerous that was! Why didn't you come to me? Hope: You had enough going on! Plus, it wasn't my place to tell you or Kayla what was going on. Bo: No, of course not. We're only talking about Chelsea here. The girl I believed was my daughter. Hope: Bo...it's not like that. Bo shakes his head while Kayla tries to conceal the fact she is in pain. Nicole looks on with glee. Bo: Go on, Hope. Keep going. Then what? Hope: I don't think I should. Bo: Go ahead. Hope: Once I arrived at Maison Blanche and Steve saw me, I told him I was Chelsea's mother and we put two and two together...and realized I could be the woman in his memories. So, we tried recreating the memories he was having in a room he thought was the one in his memories...one thing led to another... Bo: And you made love... Steve: No. We came close and stopped ourselves. We pulled back because we didn't want to make a mistake. Tony arrived and we got dragged into something he was working on. Hope: It's not our place to say what but we ended up in Italy and got stuck in a pit. Steve: We nearly were gassed to death and it recreated another past memory, where I, as Patch, rescued Gina and was beaten badly. Bo: Oh, Patch and Gina, eh? Hope: You know I called myself that at Maison Blanche. I gave Steve that name then. He said it seemed familiar and it seemed to stick. Bo: Yeah. Sure. Steve: So, we got lost in the memories, man. We came close again... Bo: To making love. But, of course, it was only close and we are supposed to believe that with all these lies. Hope: It's the truth. Tony saved us and we then went with him to see Liz to help him with what he was dealing with and came back to Salem. We were going to leave the past alone, not wanting anything to happen but the Myers crisis...it convinced me I had to know. I would have regrets and pieces of my past were missing. Bo shakes his head in disgust. Bo: It's the Gina scenario all over again. Hope: Bo...we went back to Maison Blanche, with Tony's help. I remembered where I had left a diary Gina had wrote in and we found it. We read it in the room we were held prisoner in and learned about Gina and Patch's story. I forced Steve to stop reading it when things got to be too much. We headed back to Salem and I refused to read the rest. The memories...emotions...were too powerful. Steve: She was afraid and she was right. I kept pushing and... Hope: The night of the Ball...I told Steve not to come... Kayla: That's why you wanted to stay home that night. Steve: Hope was feeling uncomfortable and she knew I was pushing to read the rest of the diary. When the power went out, we got stuck in the elevator and we read the rest. Hope: The elevator malfunctioned when the generator began working. Steve saved me and we ended up on the roof. We got soaked from the storm. I was feeling overwhelmed...the memories. All the emotions from that time as Gina...they were flooding through my mind. I tried running away but we ended up on an office floor and we locked eyes, We both knew the whole story and...it was too powerful. Steve: We lost it...we lost control. We got lost in the past. Hope (in tears): We were weak. I was weak. Bo: WEAK!! WEAK?! That is all you got!! Hope breaks down in tears, saying she is so sorry repeatedly as Bo turns away in disgust. Steve looks at Kayla and says he is sorry...from the bottom of his heart. Kayla is hyperventilating and clutching her stomach. Steve asks what is wrong. Kayla says she needs to stay calm and is really trying. Steve tries to console her but Kayla pushes him away, telling him to back off. Steve says he is worried but Kayla tells him he should've thought about that before. Steve puts his arm around her but she yanks it away, telling him to think of his child. Steve says he is thinking about Stephanie and knows she is hurting but gets the feeling she is talking about someone else...but they only have one child. Kayla looks at Steve and says: Kayla: Your right. I was talking about our unborn baby. I'm pregnant, Steve. Steve is shocked, as is everyone else. Kayla: It was going to be a New Year's surprise after midnight but, I guess the surprise is on me. The scene then shifts to... A MOTEL ON SALEM'S EASTSIDE Philip and Alyson throw each other into the door as they kiss passionately and he tries to open the door. He does and they begin to rip each other's clothes off as he closes the door. They then collapse on the bed and begin to make love as the scene shifts too... SALEM PARK Lucas and Patricia arrive at the crime scene and sees a bruised and bloodied Joelle being tended to by EMT's. An officer tells Patricia that Joey found her and ran off to get a security man from a nearby hotel, who called 911. Joey panicked when they took too long and ran off to get help on his own. Lucas hates to think of what that child is going through. Patricia gives him a cold look and asks about Joelle. The officer says she seems to indicate she was raped again and adds that she has several stab wounds, one to the side and two to the abdomen. There is also a gash on her neck and she was beaten badly and appears to have been dragged at one point. She is in and out of consciousness but the EMT's think she won't make it more then an hour. Patricia wants to talk to her and goes over and kneels down next to her. Patricia can't believe she is even conscious and asks Joelle if she is awake. Joelle slightly opens her eyes as Patricia asks her if she knows who did to her and what happened. Joelle nods and whispers she was raped...and attacked real bad. She screams in pain as the EMT's say they are losing her as she begins to hyperventilate. Patricia asks if she knows who did it and to tell her right now so justice can be served for her and her son. Joelle says she will be with her mother soon...she can feel it. Patricia tells her to tell her who did it. Joelle then lifts her trembling hand and manages to point at Lucas, saying it was him just as she closes her eyes and stops breathing. The EMT's push Patricia out of the way and begin CPR as Patricia coldly stares at Lucas and the scene shifts to... SALEM TOWERS Stephanie worries about what is going on with her parents as Max and Abby assure her everything will be ok while Alex looks on. Lexie asks Celeste if she has any idea what is going to happen. She shakes her head, saying midnight will bring terror to Salem. Lexie looks at an equally worried Tony and Anna. Abe has finished telling Roman and Marlena about Roman's impending arrest. Roman says he will just have to deal with it. Marlena says she will be right by his side. Carrie and Belle, who have arranged to send the kids home, are there and say they will do the same. Just then, several officers arrive and approach Roman, saying they hate to do this but he is under arrest for the murder of Orpheus. Everyone is stunned as Roman is handcuffed and read his rights. He is then dragged off as Marlena follows, along with Belle and Carrie. Caroline wants to go too but Marlena tells her to stay, saying she will call her. Abe tells Celeste he is going to and asks if she can find a way home. Lexie agrees to take her as Abe races off before Celeste can say anything about her premonition. Tony and Anna notice it's almost midnight. Meanwhile, up on the rooftop, Steve is stunned that Kayla is pregnant. Kayla tells him to just not say anything. She needs to stay calm for the baby. Hope tries to reach out to Bo but he rebuffs her, telling her he can't even look at her. Bo: After all the hell you gave me over lying after Zack's death and about me and Roman. All the hell you gave me over my concealing my molestation and you do this? When you slept with John, I could take that. You were under mind control. This time...there was none of that. THERE WAS NO DAMN BRAIN CHIP, HOPE!! Hope breaks down yet again. Bo: THIS WAS YOU!! YOU AND THE MAN I CALLED A BROTHER IN LAW...A FRIEND OF MANY YEARS!! YOU BETRAYED ME!! YOU BETRAYED MY SISTER!! Frankie and Jack try to calm Bo as Greta comforts a devastated Hope as Billie and Jack look on. Bo then looks at Nicole smiling and supposes she found out and was blackmailing them. Nicole nods. Bo assumes they didn't produce so she exposed them. Nicole says that is true and admits she was happy to do it. They deserved it as they looked like they enjoyed their little romp. Steve tells her to shut up as Kayla grimaces in pain. Bo tells Steve that Nicole would've had nothing to gloat about if he and Hope didn't have sex. Bo admits he can't even fathom this and he doesn't know if he believes any of the BS they just told him. Steve insists it's true. Bo then asks if he enjoyed the sex. Steve begs him not to do this. Bo wants an answer and an honest one. Steve tells Bo he loves Kayla and only Kayla and that what happened with Hope is complicated and just a mistake. They just got lost in the past. Bo says: Bo: Lost in the past, eh? Bo hauls back and punches Steve, sending him to the ground as Hope and Kayla scream out for Bo to stop. Bo: When I get through with you, your ass will be knocked so far into the past, you will really be lost. Bo then begins to beat the hell out of Steve as he begins to fight back. Frankie and Jack jump in to break it up as Kayla, in obvious pain, tries to help too, along with Billie. Meanwhile, Nicole sees everyone distracted and decides it's time to go. Greta sees this and races over to her, grabbing her and saying she is going to pay for what she has done. The scene then shifts down below, into the ballroom, as midnight is approaching. Those still left at the reception prepare to ring in the 2008 as Celeste trembles, telling Lexie "It's coming..." The scene shifts back to the rooftop as Bo and Steve continue to fight as everyone tries to break it up. We hear people counting down from 10 below in the ballroom. Greta still has a hold of Nicole, who tells Greta to let go of her. Greta says it's about time someone puts an end to her games. Nicole then says she doesn't think so and pushes Greta off of her, sending her backward toward the fight. The action then happens in slow motion as Bo and Steve continue to fight and force themselves and everyone trying to break the fight up into Greta, who loses her footing and falls back toward the skylight. The countdown to 2008 is at 5 seconds. Frankie sees Greta falling and puts his arms around her as they both crash through the skylight as the clock strikes midnight and everyone yells "HAPPY NEW YEAR". The crowd in the ballroom below sees glass and two bodies dropping from above and scream in terror, taking cover. The glass from the skylight, Frankie, and Greta then fall to the ground, Greta's bloodied body on top of Frankie's as everyone looks on in horror as AULD LANG SYNE-(CLICK HERE TO PLAY FOR THE SCENE!!!) begins to play. Caroline screams in pain and races over to Frankie as Laura and Bill race over to help. Alice, Doug, and Julie look on, horrified. Lexie races over to help as Tony and Anna do as well. Max races to his brother's side along with Abby, Stephanie and Alex. Hope, Bo, Billie, Kayla and Jack look on, shocked and almost numb about what just happened as Nicole looks on, worried and scared about what will happen next to her. Meanwhile, Celeste looks at the carnage as tears stream down her face, saying: Celeste: It's only...just beginning... The scene then pans up for an overhead shot of the ballroom and everyone trying to help Frankie and Greta as AULD LANG SYNE continues to play among the chaos. The scene then fades to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... CHAOS!! *ROMAN AND I JUST WANT TO THANK OUR LOYAL READERS FOR TAKING TIME OUT EACH DAY TO READ THE BLOG AND TO COMMENT. WE APPRECIATE YOUR SUPPORT AND DEVOTION AND HOPE YOU ENJOY SALEM LIVES AND WILL CONTINUE TO DO SO INTO 2008. HAPPY HOLIDAYS AND HAPPY 2008!!! ALSO, REMINDER THAT SALEM LIVES IS PREEMPTED TUESDAY, JANUARY 1 AND WILL BE BACK WEDNESDAY JANUARY 2!!
DECEMBER 28, 2007: EPISODE #404: IMPLOSION ST. LUKE'S CHURCH Right before the gunman pulls the trigger...........A nickel plated revolver is pointed at his temple with Roman Brady, the man holding it, saying.... Roman: Pull that trigger and you're dead.........a half a second later. The gunman puts the weapon down and Roman walks him out quietly at gunpoint. Once outside, he hands him over to one of Victor's men, saying that he will ask him questions later on and to get him to the station.........quietly. As the men lead the gunman away, Roman puts his gun away and walks back into the church... Where Victor and Maggie are celebrating becoming husband and wife as family and friends embrace them and cry tears of joy as loud organ music plays. Victor and Maggie look into each other's eyes. Maggie is in tears and Victor admits to her that he has never been as happy as he is right now. Maggie smiles. They kiss and then proceed down the aisle as Caroline watches, fighting back tears. Victor and Maggie stop in the vestibule and see Roman there. Victor asks if everything is ok. Roman says it is now. Nico walks back there and Roman tells Victor he will fill Nico in and he can fill him in later. Victor nods and then turns his attention back to his bride. The scene then shifts to... SALEM TOWERS Several hours later as guests have arrived for the wedding reception and are awaiting the bride and groom. Bo walks over to Nico and asks if they are coming. At that moment, Nico sees them get off the elevator and tells Bo to prepare everyone. Bo tells everyone to be quiet as Victor and Maggie walk in. Everyone claps for them as Nico says: Nico: Introducing Mr. and Mrs. Victor Kiriakis! Victor and Maggie acknowledge the crowd and thank them for their applause. Victor then takes the microphone and thanks everyone for being there for their special day. Maggie does the same. Victor then tells everyone to enjoy the reception as it's also a New Year's Eve celebration and they are grateful everyone is there to celebrate with them. Everyone applauds. Nico then announces it's time for the bride and groom's first dance. We then see a montage set to EDWIN MCCAIN'S "COULD NOT ASK FOR MORE" (CLICK HERE TO PLAY!) as Victor and Maggie share their first dance and remember the journey that got them to where they are today....working together during the island adventure in summer 2006, Victor comforting Maggie over losing Mickey and Maggie comforting Victor over Philip fighting for his life and his feeling guilty, Victor helping Maggie through her fall off the wagon, the adventure in Sydney, their time apart this winter and their reunion on the cruise ship this past summer, their first time making love, special dinners and nights together, and Victor proposing to her. Victor then motions for all the couples to join them on the dance floor. Bo and Hope, Steve and Kayla, Tony and Anna, Doug and Julie, Max and Abby, Frankie and Greta, Roman and Marlena, and others join them on the dance floor Jack asks Billie to dance but she says she doesn't feel like it. He promises not to step on her feet. She reluctantly agrees. Lucas asks Alice to dance and she agrees, saying how wonderful he is. He helps her up and along. Shane asks Kim to dance. She asks him to take Caroline for a spin. He agrees and Caroline does as well, after some urging. Philip approaches Belle, who is holding Claire, asking if beautiful wife or daughter would like to dance. Belle tells Philip it's not a good time and walks off as Philip stews. Abe asks Lexie if she would like to dance. Lexie thinks it's too soon but tells him it's ok for him to dance with Celeste. She can handle it and she knows she would like it. Abe asks if she is sure. Lexie nods. Abe asks Celeste, who agrees, as long as it's ok with Lexie. Lexie smiles and nods. Mike approaches Carrie and asks her to dance. Carrie says she would love to and hits the dance floor with him. The montage then goes from everyone dancing to Maggie choosing not to toss the bouquet and simply giving it to Alice, saying it's only right since she has been the greatest influence on her life. They embrace. We then see Victor taking the garter off Maggie's leg and tossing it to the single men. Alex ends up catching it, shocking everyone. Jack pats him on the back. The montage continues with Victor and Maggie cutting the cake and shoving it gently in each other's faces, leading to a kiss as the montage ends. Victor then says he has something he wants to say to Mrs. Kiriakis. Victor: I'm a man who has everything one could want. A nice home, money, power...things that are assumed can make one truly happy. People of that nature are ignorant and they would learn how empty one can feel leading a life like that without someone to share it with. Family, friends, a beautiful woman...love. Money can't buy it yet it's the greatest thing one can have. I never thought I would find it but I found it. With you. During a time of despair for both of us, a bond formed that will last for the rest of our lives. Maggie begins to cry. Victor: My only hope is that I can make you as happy as you have made me, Maggie. That I can protect you. That I can love you like you deserve to be loved. Treat you like you deserve to be treated. Make every wish you have come true. Maggie (crying): You already have, Victor. I love you and you are all I need. All I want. Victor and Maggie kiss as the crowd applauds. Meanwhile, Hope takes Steve aside and tells him she isn't taking no chances. She is going to tell Bo everything...tonight. Steve says he was thinking the same thing, saying it's better that Bo and Kayla here it from them and not Nicole. Hope tells Steve she is sick of keeping secrets from Bo and everyone else. It's going to be a New Year and it's time for a clean slate. She just needs to hope that their love can get them through this. Steve agrees, saying it's time they do this, whether Nicole is bluffing or not. Hope says she is going to try to drag Bo home as soon as she can. Steve tells Hope he is going to do the same for Kayla. They both wish each other luck. Patricia arrives and bumps into Abe, who asks why she is there. Patricia tells him not to worry. She isn't there for his buddy, Roman. She has other business she isn't going to share with him out of fear he will cheat the system to get one of his friends off. Abe rolls his eyes as Patricia walks off. Lucas is looking for Frankie to talk to him when Patricia approaches him, asking where he was last night. Before Lucas can answer, Patricia says she already knows the answer. She tells him that 911 dispatch got a call this morning. Joelle's son. Joey, returned from a sleepover and found the apartment ransacked, with blood stains on the couch and rug, and ran straight to the neighbor's, who called 911. Joey then ran off to find his mother. Lucas turns white as a sheet and has no words. Joelle says that his expression says it all and asks what he did with Joelle. Lucas says he did nothing and isn't speaking without his attorney present. Joelle says that's fine but he is coming with her to Joelle's apartment. Lucas asks why. Joelle takes him by the arm and says she wants him to see what happened for himself. Lucas, realizing he has no choice, agrees and goes over to Maggie and Victor to wish them the best, saying he has to go, not telling them what is up. He then goes and tells Will to tell everyone he had to take care of something and tells him he will see him at the hospital later. Before Will can say anything, Lucas takes off as Will wonders what is going on. Philip walks over to Belle and Claire and asks Belle what the hell her problem is. He's been trying for weeks and it's not enough for her to even let him spend a half hour with his daughter. Belle tells Philip to calm down. Philip reminds Belle he has been calm but enough is enough. He is trying and she won't even give a little. Belle tells Philip he has alot to prove before he can earn the right for her to "give a little." Philip says he's had it and he isn't trying to prove nothing to her anymore. He's done and he tells her to go ahead and turn Claire against him. There is clearly nothing he can do. Philip walks off and straight to the bar as Belle looks on and walks off. At the bar, Philip begins to down shots as a clearly drunk Alyson walks up and sits down next to him. Alyson (looking at Philip): Bad night? Philip: You could say that. Alyson: Me too. Bad few days, actually. Just...learned my dad is dead and my mom kept it from me for over a decade. And the last thing I said to my dad? I hate you. Nice, huh? Philip: Yeah...why are you telling me this? Alyson: I'm hammered and your cute. You seem easy to talk to. I've been kicked out of one bar already. That's why I came here, although I forgot about the reception. Too many people here that I know. Not that I care. I just want to forget about my sorry excuse for a life and let loose. I'm sick of playing it safe. Gets me nowhere. Philip: Yeah, I guess. No. You know what? Your right. Alyson: I am? Philip: Surprisingly in your state, yes. I'm just going to sit back and just live tonight. It's something I haven't done since high school, to be honest. Hey, what do you say we take off? It's New Year's Eve and I would rather be around people who don't know me or have expectations. What do you say? Alyson: We don't even know each other. I mean, I know your Philip Kiriakis but... Philip: And your Alyson Parker. It's a small town. We know all we have to. You just talked about not playing it safe. Why not be adventurous? Alyson: Got a point. Alright. Hell, why not? I'm already two sheets to the wind. Wait, this is your father's wedding... Philip: The important parts are over. It's all good. I will tell him I'm off. Philip then walks off and goes over to Victor, congratulating him and welcoming Maggie into the family. He says he is heading off with a friend he hasn't seen in awhile, if that is ok. Victor says sure and wishes him a Happy New Year, saying he will see him after the honeymoon. Philip nods before walking off and back to the bar. He tells Alyson everything is set and they take off as he helps her along. Jack approaches Billie and says he enjoyed their dance. Billie says she did too. They look at Max and Abby dancing. Billie tells Jack it's great they are together again. Jack agrees. A messenger then shows up, looking for Billie. Jack asks why she would need a messenger. Billie says it's a case she is working on and excuses herself. She signs for the envelope the messenger has given to her and thanks him. She sees it's from the ISA and goes off to open it privately. Meanwhile, Greta congratulates her father on his and Maggie's marriage and welcomes Maggie into the family. Greta sees Frankie and excuses herself, wishing them the best on their trip and marriage. They both wish her a Happy New Year and she does the same. While alone, Greta asks Frankie to meet her at her suite after the reception for a special surprise. There is something important she needs to tell him and she thinks it's time for them to take things to a much deeper level. Frankie smiles, saying he is intrigued. They kiss. Caroline approaches Victor and Maggie and embraces and kisses both of them, telling Maggie she landed a good man. She tells Victor he landed a good woman too and says she wishes them the best. Maggie thanks her, saying that means alot coming from her. They embrace. Victor tells Caroline she will always hold a special place in his heart. Caroline nods, saying she feels the same way. They embrace. Doug and Julie sit with Laura, Billi, Mike, and Alice and admit they are sad that Spencer, Stephen, Tommy, Jessica, Joshua, and Pete all had to leave so soon. Alice says they had no choice with the storm causing flight delays the next few days. Victor and Maggie come over, along with Melissa and Sarah, who admit that they have to get going to in order to get home. They admit they would love to ring in the New Year with them but have no choice saying they have already said goodbyes to everyone else. Don comes over and says he must head out too, apologizing for that. Everyone says their goodbyes, wishes each other a Happy New Year and wish Victor and Maggie the best. Abe is on his cell when Celeste comes over, just as he is hanging up. She notices he looks upset and asks what is wrong. He looks over at Roman and Marlena dancing and says that he checked into some things at the station and a case has been built up against Roman. He tells Celeste officers are on their way to arrest Roman for Orpheus' murder. One of the employees working the reception discovers a DVD while moving the wedding gifts, labeled "To Victor and Maggie...One Their Special Day. Play Me." The employee takes the disk to Nico, who inspects it and deems it safe. They go to Victor, who inspects it. Maggie thinks someone made it as a gift and tells Victor it's harmless. Victor admits he must agree, not seeing what harm a DVD can be and it does appear safe. He instructs the employee to play the DVD on the big screen. Meanwhile, Billie comes out of a back room, with the envelope she received crumpled in her hands. Kate comes over and asks if she is ok. Billie is silent, her hands trembling. Kate again asks if she is ok. Billie then says: Billie: It's true. He's...he's... Kate: Oh...sweetie. I told you not to get your hopes up. Billie: Orpheus...he's...really my father. I'm a Dimera. Kate embraces Billie as Jack looks on. He sees what is happening and asks if everything is ok. Billie looks at Jack, tears welling in her eyes, and takes off. Jack looks at Kate, who tells him to follow her, saying Billie wouldn't want her to help anyway. Jack races off but bumps into Frankie and Greta, who ask what is wrong. Jack says he thinks something is wrong with Billie, filling them in about the messenger. Frankie and Greta offer to go with Jack to see if they can help. Jack thinks it wouldn't hurt, given how Billie has been lately. They race off. A short time later, Billie races on to the roof, where she finds a man who appears to be working the reception. She apologizes, saying she had no idea anyone was up there. The man shrugs it off and walks off just as Frankie, Greta, and Jack arrive on the roof. Greta bumps right into the man and looks at him strangely, saying she knows him. The man doesn't think so and tries to run off. Greta then reaches and pulls the fake mustache off to reveal Nicole!! Greta then pulls Nicole's hat, wig, and glasses off and asks what the hell she is doing at the wedding and on the roof no less. Nicole suspiciously looks through the skylight at the ballroom below as Greta and everyone else does as well. Greta asks what she is up to. Meanwhile, downstairs, Hope tells Bo she would like to go home and ring in the New Year by themselves. Bo asks why. Hope says there is something she wants to do...to tell him. At the same time, Steve tells Kayla he wants to go home, saying he wants a clean slate going into the New Year. Kayla asks what he is talking about. Just then, the employee begins playing the DVD on the big screen and everyone turns around to watch...and...shockingly... THE DVD IS SHOWING THE SURVEILLANCE FOOTAGE OF STEVE AND HOPE MAKING LOVE!!! Everyone looks on stunned, turning toward Steve and Kayla and Bo and Hope. On the roof, Greta looks at Nicole and asks if she did this. Frankie asks why she would thinks that. Greta says that Nicole was disguised and on the roof, looking down right before it happened. She asks Nicole if she did it. Nicole smiles as the scene shifts back into the ballroom as Bo and Kayla both look at their spouses in shock and disbelief as a horrified Hope and Steve look on as the scene fades to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... THE FINAL EPISODE OF 2007....WITH 4 SHOCKING CLIFFHANGERS!!! *NOTE: THERE WILL BE NO SL INSIDER THIS WEEK SO READERS CAN CATCH UP ON EPISODES FIRST.*
DECEMBER 27, 2007: EPISODE #403: THE WEDDING ST. LUKE'S CHURCH The day of the wedding arrives as Victor, Bo, Nico, Justin and Roman walk into the church. Roman tells the others that he will look around and check with security as he pats Victor on the back. Bo says he never thought he would see the day that his father would marry anyone. He thought Victor’s business meant more to him than anything. Bo doesn’t mean to be disrespectful and Victor doesn’t take it that way at all. In fact, he agrees with him. Victor says that for most of his life, the fight and the business did mean the most to him. He says two women changed that........Caroline and Maggie. Especially Maggie. She showed him what it means to love. And that is what he intends to do for the rest of his life. Justin is proud of his uncle, saying that he has come a long way from the man he used to know. Victor hopes he doesn’t mean he was a bad uncle. Justin says not at all. He’s just always seemed.......lonely. He didn’t want Victor to spend his life without knowing what true love was. Steve agrees. He says that he and Victor were a lot alike back then. Victor laughs but agrees, saying they were two men who didn’t care who they hurt. Just as long as they got what they wanted. And, Steve says, they were both saved by the love of a wonderful woman. All the men agree, as Nico says it’s time for the groom to get ready. Roman walks back in and says everything is in order. Victor turns to Roman and says that when his legal troubles are over, he wants to sit down and talk to him about something. Roman says sure. As the men walk into the groomsmen’s room, the women come in a short time later, immediately going to the bride’s room. Julie can’t believe Maggie would spend the morning running around town on her big day. Maggie pauses and tells Julie she went to the cemetery.......to see Mickey’s grave. Hope, Melissa & Sarah grow quiet as Julie asks her why she went there. Maggie just says that she wanted to make sure she was doing the right thing........and not walking all over the wonderful years she spent with Mickey. Julie then says that Uncle Mickey would only want one thing for her.......to be happy. Hope says she’s right and, if marrying Victor makes her happy, Mickey would be proud today. Maggie tries not to cry as Melissa says that she can’t mess up her make-up now. It took too long this morning to do it. The ladies all laugh as Sarah walks over and tells Maggie that she looks absolutely beautiful. Victor is a very lucky man. Hope agrees and says that it’s time to get ready. The women then close the door to the bride’s room......... As a mysterious dark figure walks into the church.........carrying a black duffel bag. As the figure disappears behind one of the curtains....... It is now two hours later as guests start to arrive. Will ushers everyone to their seats as Victor II, Victor’s great nephew, comes running up. He asks Will if everything is going smoothly and Will says he’s getting everyone seated. Will then asks how the outside is going and Victor II says he never knew his uncle knew so many important people. Will says he is shocked as well. Victor II says he’s been reading the cards and well wishes from governors, senators, the mayor of his hometown in Greece, the president of the country..........Victor II hopes Maggie knows what she’s getting into. Will then asks where Victor’s mother is and he says that Adrienne will be there shortly. Just then, she comes walking up, saying that she hopes she’s not late. Will says they are still seating people and Adrienne kisses her son as she goes and takes her seat. Victor II says he’s going back to check on things and, as Will greets more guests...... The mysterious figure walks into the upper balcony. He puts down his duffel bag and opens it.......revealing a shotgun inside. As he looks down on the incoming guests........ The scene shifts to the... DIMERA PENTHOUSE Stefano is on the phone. He tells the person on the other end that things are now in place. He wants that taken care of as soon as possible. Stefano grows angry, saying that he doesn’t give a damn about any of that. He wants it done.....and done now! He hangs up the phone as Cassie walks in. She asks what is the matter and Stefano says he’s just taken care of some.......odds and ends. He asks how she is doing and she thanks him for recommending that she spend time with Tony. Lincoln then walks in and Stefano says..... Stefano: Ahhh........Lincoln. Darling, would you excuse us for just a few moments? Cassie: Of course, Papa. As Cassie leaves, Lincoln walks over to Stefano and, as both men shake hands, Stefano asks..... Stefano: How are things going? Lincoln: Well, we have our people in place......but so far, nothing. Stefano: (After a pause) Ok. This is what I want you to do. Contact our people in Switzerland and tell them that things are moving along as planned......and to be ready when I give the order. Lincoln: No problem, Stefano. As Lincoln leaves, Cassie returns and asks.... Cassie: Papa.......are you planning to do something at Victor’s wedding? Stefano just smiles........and walks over to pick up the king from his chess board. He looks at it........and laughs heartedly as the scene switches back to... ST. LUKE'S CHURCH Most of the guests are seated and mingling with each other. In the groomsmen’s room, Bo helps Victor on with his bow tie, saying that he never liked putting one of those things on. Victor says that's fine........he never liked wearing those things either. Both men laugh as Justin puts JT’s jacket on him. Steve combs his hair and says the only other time he’s wearing a tuxedo is when he and Kayla get remarried. Everyone looks at Steve, as he says it won’t be anytime soon. He still has a lot of missing spaces in his mind and won’t pull her into that until all that is taken care of. Roman says he knows exactly how Steve feels and then asks if he wanted some help in unlocking those missing years. Steve smiles, saying it would be an honor to have his help. Roman says what are brothers for, as he then tells the others he is going out and checking on things. As he leaves, Justin tells JT not to wander off too far, as he then stands and looks at Victor. He then walks over and tells Victor one thing..... Justin: Thank you, uncle. Without you.......I don’t know where I would be. Victor: It’s always been my honor to watch you grow into the fine, fine man that you are. Justin: That is because of you. You saved me, Victor. I know we haven’t always agreed with things, but...... Victor: No buts today, Justin. Just remember......how much you mean to me. Adrienne is an outstanding woman and she reminds me a lot of your mother. You keep her happy. Justin: And you make Maggie happy. I know she will be. Victor: Thank you, Justin. Both men hug as Bo tells them they need to get this show on the road. Steve walks to the door and asks if the bride is ready. When he is told she is, Steve says he’s going to go sit down. He then walks over to Victor and tells him...... Steve: Wow. Where we started to where we are now. I never thought I would say this.......but thanks for becoming the man that you are now. And thanks for giving my sister a chance with Dimples over here (Pointing at Justin). Victor: Thank you, Steve. That truly means a lot. Steve turns and leaves as the men prepare to walk out. Meanwhile, in the bride’s room, Maggie has just walked out and everyone gasps at how beautiful she is. Marlena and Adrienne walk in and marvel at Maggie. Alice is then brought in and her and Maggie hug as Alice tells her not to start crying. She will ruin her make-up. The ladies laugh as they then start with the bride rituals. For the something new, Sarah gives Maggie a new necklace that she saved up for. She takes it out of the box and places it around her neck. Maggie is still holding it together as, for the something blue, Melissa gives her a silk blue handkerchief. She said she was secretly holding it for when she married Pete and now wants her to have it. Maggie hugs her and then, for the something borrowed, Julie gives her her wedding ring for luck and to bless her new marriage. The same one Doug gave her when they got married. After Julie slips it on her hand, Alice says it’s finally time for something old and she doesn’t mean herself. As the laughter dies down, Alice says that she wants Maggie to have something that is old and timeless.......her love for her. Alice stopped thinking of her as her daughter-in-law years ago. As far as she is concerned.........her daughter is getting married today. And she wants her to know that not only is she very happy for her,........but that she feels Mickey is smiling down on her right now. Maggie says someone is going to have to redo her make-up. As the women sit her back down for the touch-up, Marlena tells one of the ushers they will be a few moments. Back out in the church, Lucas comes running up. Kate stops him and asks where he has been. Lucas tells her that for once, she should mind her business. Before Kate can respond, Frankie comes up and asks if everything is ok. Carrie and Will then walk up and Lucas tells everyone that things are fine. They can all go back and sit down. Lucas then pulls Frankie to the side and tells him that the truth is..... He doesn’t remember a thing from the night before after going to see Joelle. He woke up in an alley, went home, got dressed, let Sami know he was ok, and came to the church. Frankie tells him to be cool. He hasn’t heard anything in the news so they will talk about things after the wedding. As they go into the church to sit down....... The scene fades to everyone being seated in the church. Claire walks out as the music starts playing, dropping rose petals in the aisle as Victor and Nico start to walk behind her. Before they go down the aisle, Greta walks up......and simply says how much she loves Victor and hopes he will be happy. Victor tries not to cry as they both hug each other and, as Greta goes to sit down, they continue down the aisle. After Claire is done, she walks over and sits in Belle’s lap, as everyone applauds her. As Belle kisses her baby on the cheek, Bo and Julie walk out arm in arm. Victor and Nico smile as they walk down the aisle as the scene slowly looks upward..... To the mysterious man in the balcony. He starts to place a silencer on the rifle and gets ready to take aim. Back down on the floor, Justin and Sarah come out together as they walk down the aisle. Steve and Kayla hold hands and Marlena smiles as this couple takes their place. Everyone then stands as the wedding march starts to play. Don takes Maggie’s arm and tells her that he has the car running in the back if she wants to ditch this pop stand. Maggie laughs and Don then tells her one thing..... Don: Be happy, lady. Maggie: Thank you, Don. Don then walks Maggie down the aisle as Victor is amazed at how beautiful his bride looks. All the ladies start to cry and even Bo, Steve and Lucas wipe away tears of joy, which touches everyone. As Maggie reaches the alter, Don shakes Victor’s hand, and Father Jansen asks..... Fr. Jansen: Who gives this woman away? Don: I do, sir.......with great pride. Don raises Maggie’s vale and kisses her on the cheek and then takes his seat as everyone sits down. Fr. Jansen continues, saying..... Fr. Jansen: My, my. After the year everyone in this church has had, it is truly a blessing that we gather today to wed this man, and this woman, in the sacred bonds of holy matrimony. I had asked both Victor and Maggie if they had any words to say.......but they both said they ain't getting any younger..... Everyone laughs....... Fr. Jansen: And just want to get the show on the road. So, without further ado, Victor....... Victor: Yes, sir..... Fr. Jansen: Do you take this woman......to be your lawful wedded wife..........to honor and to cherish, for better or worse, in sickness and in health......for as long as you both shall live? Victor: I certainly do. Fr. Jansen: And Maggie..........do you take this man........to be your lawful wedded husband..........to honor and to cherish, for better or for worse, in sickness and in health......for as long as you both shall live? Maggie: I do.......forever. Kayla starts crying and Caroline wipes away tears as Fr. Jansen continues..... Fr. Jansen: Then, may we have the rings please? As Julie and Nico pull out the rings, the scene quickly goes to the balcony, as the gunman takes aim...... Fr. Jansen: Victor, Maggie......these rings are a symbol from Almighty God.......of your love, faith and devotion to each other. These rings symbolize the bind that will keep and hold you in this life and into the next, and they symbolize the love that each of you share. Please......place the rings on each other’s finger..... As Victor and Maggie exchange rings, Belle and Philip smile. Don smiles as well....... As the gunman readies himself to pull the trigger, aiming in Victor and Maggie’s direction..... Fr. Jansen: With these rings, you two are now joined......as husband and wife. I now pronounce you husband and wife, and Victor.......you may now kiss your bride. Victor lifts the vale off of Maggie’s face and, as he kisses his new bride.... The gunman takes aim..........and the screen suddenly goes black! ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... SURPRISES, REVELATIONS, AND TWISTS THAT YOU WON'T BELIEVE!! *NOTE: THE FRIDAY 12/28 EPISODE WILL BE POSTED ON SATURDAY NIGHT SO PEOPLE CAN CATCH UP.*
DECEMBER 26, 2007: EPISODE #402: TWAS THE NIGHT... SALEM INN Frankie and Greta exit the elevator, having picked her up from her suite. Greta wonders what he has in mind for tonight, reminding Frankie she has to be up early for her father's wedding tomorrow. Frankie takes her outside and tells her he knows. He then motions to the left and Greta sees the horse-drawn carriage that Frankie arranged for on Christmas Eve. She asks how he arranged to have it on city roads. Frankie smiles and says he pulled a few strings. He asks Greta if she is ready for a night she will never forget. Greta smiles and nods excitedly as they enter the carriage and ride off into the night. Meanwhile, Alyson is up in her and Jean's suite, looking for a sweater that Jean wanted for the hospital to keep her warm. She is digging through all their luggage and comes across something that catches her eye. It's tucked inside one of Jean's jackets and it's a letter. The letter's envelope was stuffed in with it so both are crinkled up. Alyson sees that the letter is addressed to her mother but seems shocked by something she sees upon glancing at it. She shakes her head defiantly, saying it can't be true as the scene shifts to... PIER Hope arrives and sees Steve there, pacing back and forth. She asks if Nicole called him too. Steve nods, saying he just told Kayla and Stephanie that he had a headache and needed some air. Hope says she told Bo that she lost an earring when she went to pick JT up at a friend's and adds that she hopes Bo doesn't find out she is lying. Nicole then arrives, saying she loves when people are punctual. Hope asks Nicole what this is about. Nicole reminds Hope of what she told her a few days ago. They had a deadline to make progress and they only did with Carrie. Hope says that isn't true. Nicole tells Hope and Steve she has see for herself what they have been up to. She admits she had hoped that they were merely stalling to come up with ideas but she knows that wasn't the case. She does know they were stalling to come up with ideas to outsmart her somehow but they failed. Nicole reveals to them she knows they warned Carrie and Alyson both about her. Hope asks how and Nicole says she has her ways. She then tells Hope that while she did manage to get Carrie home, Steve never did anything that was instructed concerning Alyson and points out to Hope she did nothing to help it along either. Hope tells Nicole to give her more time. Nicole tells Hope she is done giving more time. Time is up...for both of them. Nicole tells them she wanted results and now she is moving on to another approach...but not before blowing them out of the water. As she walks away, Nicole turns and smiles, saying that Hope and Steve won't no when she will strike but she will...and their lives will go down in flames. Nicole laughs as she walks off. Hope begins to panic and asks Steve what they are going to do. Steve says he doesn't know. They can sleep on it and talk tomorrow at the reception. Hope asks if that is all he has got. Steve says for now. Hope smacks him on the shoulder and says he once again screwed up and she believed him. He told her it would be ok now and now everyone will know the truth. Steve tries to calm her and tells her ot just go home and be with Bo. He thinks they both need time to think and they can talk at the reception. A worried Hope tells Steve they better think of something or better hope that Nicole is bluffing. Steve thinks that could be true as they are all she has to do her dirty work right now. Hope sighs, hoping they can catch a break as the scene shifts to... UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL Lucas walks into Sami's room, saying he is glad to finally be able to see her as she has been in tests and physical therapy all day. He asks where Will is. Sami says that Caroline took him home. Lucas sees a stack of newspapers on Sami's dresser and asks what those are for. Sami tells him she had to do something to keep her busy around all the doctors today. A worried look crosses Lucas' face. Sami looks at him and says she knows all about Joelle. Lucas apologizes for not telling her, saying he didn't want to upset her as she just woke up on Christmas Eve. Sami tells him she understands but was going to find out anyway. She knew he and everyone else was leaving something out as they caught her up on everything but that and she knew he was in trouble with her. She points out to him that Orpheus had cameras all over and showed her things, including the night Joelle drugged him and mixed drugs with alcohol, nearly killing him. Lucas tells Sami that Joelle just confessed to being involved with Orpheus and how he bowed out and she began her tirade on him on her own a few days ago. Sami tells Lucas she knows he didn't do anything wrong, even if he can't remember much. Lucas thanks her for saying that. Sami then suggests Lucas do something about it. Lucas points out having a restraining order against him and that he has tried everything. Sami thinks if he goes over to Joelle's and talks to her calmly, without raising his voice, that she may at least listen. She thinks it's worth a shot and he can maybe offer her a deal. Lucas points out that he did offer several and nothing. Sami asks him to try and just see if presenting himself in a different way will help. From what she gathers, it seems all their encounters of late have been tense and Joelle seems like a woman who had it tough and is using the situation. Lucas knows she has had it tough, especially with her mother and her son. Sami encourages Lucas to go see her now but Lucas wants to stay with her. Sami insists, saying it would make her feel better. Lucas reluctantly agrees and says he will be back soon. They kiss. Sami smiles and wishes him luck. Lucas says he will need it, thanks her, and walks out. KIRIAKIS MANSION Maggie has a suitcase packed as Victor enters the foyer and points out the next time they see each other, she will be walking down the aisle to meet him to become husband and wife. Maggie smiles, saying she can't wait. They kiss. Maggie tells Victor she never thought she could have happiness like she is feeling again. Victor didn't think he would either and says he loves her. She does the same as they kiss again and she tells him she has to go before midnight. Victor smiles, asking if she is that superstitious. Maggie nods and bids him good night. Victor does the same as they both smile and she leaves. After Maggie has left, Nico joins Victor and asks if he would like to share a drink with his best man...kind of like a farewell to bachelorhood. Victor smiles and says he would love to. They enter the living room and Victor pours the drinks. Both men then raise their glasses with Nico saying: Nico: May Mrs. Horton and yourself be blessed with a happy and long life together. Victor: I'll drink to that. Victor and Nico toast and then down their drinks as the scene shifts into... A montage of Frankie and Greta in the horse-drawn carriage, riding through the streets of Salem. Greta lies on Frankie's chest, with his arms around her, both laughing and smiling. We then see the carriage ride through Salem Park. They stop and see people ice skating at the pond. Soon after, we see them lacing up their skates and him helping her to skate on the ice. At one point, Frankie falls and Greta laughs. She helps him up and they both end up falling backwards into the snow. They lock eyes and then end up in a steamy kiss. We then see the scene shift to them building a snowman. Frankie turns his back and Greta takes the opportunity to throw a snowball at him. Frankie retaliates and they end up in a snowball fight that ends in a close moment and a kiss. The scene then shifts to them being back in the carriage as it pulls up in front of the Salem Inn. Frankie takes her inside and says he had a great time. Greta says she did too. They kiss again as she thanks him for everything he has done in the past few weeks. Frankie admits he was always a sucker for a beautiful woman but her beauty is so overwhelming, he would take on the world for her. Greta smiles and bids him good night, saying she will see him at the wedding tomorrow. Frankie nods and wishes her the same. After he leaves, Greta smiles, saying all her dreams are finally coming true. She thinks she has finally found love. The scene then shifts to the... HORTON HOUSE Maggie is now sitting with Alice, Doug and Julie as everyone else has gone to bed. Julie asks Alice if she is tired yet. Alice reminds Julie she is a night owl and tells her she can go on up to bed with Doug. Maggie tells Julie she can as she can help Alice to bed. Julie says she will do that and wishes Alice good night, kissing and embracing her as Doug does the same. Julie then does the same to Maggie and says she will see her in the morning of her big day. Maggie smiles, saying she can't wait. Doug bids her good night as they go upstairs. Once alone, Maggie says she can't believe tomorrow is the day already. She admits she is nervous and hopes that it all works out. Alice asks if she is happy. Maggie nods. Alice tells her that's all that matters and that Mickey will be happy too tomorrow if she is. He will be watching her...always. Maggie smiles, admitting she is almost afraid to be happy. Alice reminds her that Mickey would want her to be and that they all want her to be. Maggie smiles and embraces Alice, saying she doesn't know what she would do without her. Alice smiles, telling Maggie she would be lost. They both laugh as the scene shifts to... UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL Jean is reading a book in her room when Alyson bursts in and tosses the letter she found in Jean's face, asking when she planned to tell her that her father died over a decade ago. Jean tells Alyson she can explain. Alyson tells Jean she found that letter in one of her jackets. It's from one of her friends wanting to keep in touch, who wrote her to see how she was doing on the anniversary of her husband's death, knowing how hard it is. Jean explains that she never told her about the accident because of the fight they had. She knew Alyson would feel guilty as the last thing she said to her father was "I hate you." She didn't want it to destroy her or eat away at her. Alyson begins to break down and says that she made the pain deeper by keeping that from her. She robbed her of the chance to grieve for her father and it makes her wonder what else she doesn't know. Jean says that's it. Alyson thinks that is enough and tells Jean she can't even look at her right now. Alyson begins to hyperventilate and says she has to go. Jean begs her not to leave upset. Alyson breathes deeply and says she is fine. She just needs to digest all this and needs to be alone. She walks out as Jean looks at the letter and begins to tear up, saying she is so sorry. Meanwhile, outside Jean's room, Alyson breaks down, crying out: Alyson: I'm so sorry, daddy! So sorry... Alyson crumples into a chair in the waiting room and puts her face in her hands, crying uncontrollably as the scene shifts to... STEVE AND KAYLA'S HOUSE Kayla comes into the bedroom and sees Steve staring out the window. She tells him Stephanie is asleep and asks if he wants to spend some quality time under the sheets. Steve is silent. Kayla asks if something is wrong, saying he has been quiet since returning from his walk. Steve turns, smiles, and says everything is fine and it's going to stay that way...no matter what he has to do. Steve takes Kayla in his arms as the scene shifts to... BO AND HOPE'S HOUSE Hope lies in bed as Bo gets out of the shower and admits he is shocked to see her hitting the hay so early. Hope says she is tired and they have a long day with the wedding tomorrow. Bo agrees and asks if something is wrong. Hope turns, smiles, and says everything is fine. They're fine and it's going to stay that way. It has to. Hope embraces Bo, kisses him, and then says good night. Bo says good night to her and turns out the lights and lays down as a worried Hope looks on and then shifts to... SALEM TOWERS The grand ballroom is all prepared for the wedding reception as a mysterious man walks in. The man walks slowly further into the ballroom as the camera pans up to reveal his face to be...Nicole in disguise. She is wearing a brown wig, a mustache, glasses, and fake eyebrows. She smiles and pulls something out of her coat and, after looking at it lovingly for a few seconds, begins to laugh, saying: Nicole: When will people learn never to underestimate me. (looking above) I'm sorry, Eric...I have to do this. I didn't want to but they left me no choice. It's time they all pay...and pay dearly. Nicole then walks off further into the ballroom as the scene shifts to... JOELLE'S APARTMENT Joelle hears a knock at the door and wonders if it's Joey coming home since he forgot his key. She goes to answer and is shocked to see Lucas. She tries to close the door but he forces it open, saying he wants to talk...calmly. Joelle says they have nothing to talk about. Lucas tells her Sami is awake and their family has been through enough. He wants this to be resolved...tonight. Joelle asks how he got past the outside guard and the hall guard assigned by the police. Lucas asks "What guards?" He then adds he saw no one and tells her to stop changing the subject. They have business to tend to. Joelle orders him to leave, reminding him there is a restraining order. Lucas says he isn't leaving until they reach an understanding. Joelle goes to pick up the phone but Lucas forcefully removes it and throws it on the couch. Joelle begs him to leave but Lucas refuses. Joelle then grabs him and tries to forcefully remove him but Lucas stops her, grabs her tightly, and orders him to listen to her, saying defiantly that this must stop...NOW!! The scene then suddenly goes black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... THE WEDDING OF THE YEAR....IT'S A SPECIAL SALEM LIVES...WILL VICTOR AND MAGGIE REALLY WED?!
DECEMBER 25, 2007-EPISODE #401: MERRY CHRISTMAS!! HORTON HOUSE The Horton clan is gathered in Alice's living room. Many conversations are going on so the noise level is at a high level. Tommy and Bill sit by Alice, with Maggie sitting on the couch with Julie and Doug. Jessica, Josh, Melissa, Pete, Sarah, Spencer, Stephen and Don are all sitting on fold up chairs. Mike and Laura come out of the kitchen with more cookies and doughnuts to serve the masses. Bo, who is holding JT, and Hope are getting their coats and preparing to leave. They tell everyone they will see them later at the Pub for Caroline's Christmas Day party. Alice says they will be there. Goodbyes are exchanged as Bo and Hope leave with JT and, after a short lull, the conversations pick up again. Bill and Tommy can't believe Maggie and Victor managed to put a wedding together in such a short period of time. Maggie smiles and says the Kiriakis and Horton families have connections and carry alot of clout around here. Don admits he never thought he would see the day where Maggie would be with a guy like Victor, or that any Kiriakis would marry a Horton for that matter. Jessica says that's because they never thought they would lose Mickey so soon. Everyone then turns silent. Alice breaks the silence and says he will always be with them, as will the many other loved ones they have lost or that have left Salem. Jessica then tells Joshua she misses Nick. Spencer looks at Stephen, who tells him that he knows he would like answers about his mother and says it's not the time or place. Spencer reminds Stephen he says that every holiday, actually every day. Spencer then says that he will drop it again, for now and for everyone's sake. Mike then stands up and says he has something to say since they are speaking about those away from Salem. Everyone gives him their full attention. Mike says he has decided to return to Salem indefinitely. He will be working at University Hospital again and asks Alice if it's ok if he stays with her, Doug, and Julie for the time being. Alice says she would love that. Laura and Bill are shocked and ask why he decided on that move. Mike mentions how Jeremy has graduated from medical school and thinks he can run the clinic in Israel for him, along with Robin. He adds that he feels it's time to come home to Salem for a bit as Israel can get kind of hectic. Julie makes the comment that they all wish it was alot quieter there. Mike agrees and suggests Laura and Bill consider staying in Salem. Laura tells Mike she enjoys counseling Billi's patients in Africa. Doug wonders if there is a little more going on. Laura and Bill look at each other awkwardly. Bill says they are friends and have managed to move past the pain of the past. Laura agrees, saying she is just happy they can be as close as they are and, if more happens, then it happens. Maggie thinks it's ok as long as they are happy. Laura and Billi agree they are. They just wish Jennifer were still with them. Alice says they all do but she is watching over them, with Tom and so many other loved ones that have passed. Laura says she is just glad Abby and Max worked things out last night and that Jack made it. Maggie adds that she is happy Sami woke up last night. They all could use some good things happening. Doug thinks they may have finally turned a corner. Julie hopes so. Alice tells everyone they just need to have faith and hope that is the case as the scene shifts to... SALEM PARK Greta tells Frankie they need to get back to the Pub and asks why he is always dragging her to the park. Frankie says it's the only place big enough to avoid the paparazzi that is always after her. He wanted to be alone with her. Greta apologizes. Frankie says it's nothing. He likes spending time with a real princess. Greta smiles and asks what they are doing. Frankie says he has a Christmas gift for her. He gives her a present, which she unwraps. She opens it and finds a sapphire heart pendent. Greta is in awe. Frankie tells Greta it's his heart and it belongs to her. It has for awhile and he just couldn't find the words to explain it so he showed her. Frankie then confesses he has fallen in love with her and can't hide it anymore. He needs her to know in hopes she feels the same. Greta gets choked up and says all she can do is cry tears of joy right now. She tells Frankie she doesn't think she wants to say what she truly want to right now. She doesn't want to jinx it as she has been down this road. She tells him he has made her so very happy, more then he can ever know. They embrace, then slowly pull apart, look into each other's eyes, and then kiss passionately as the scene shifts to... UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL Marlena, Roman, Belle, Lucas, and Will are all in Sami's room. Lucas is right by Sami's side as Carrie walks back into the room with Evan. Sami tells them all they don't need to be there as she knows there is a party at the Pub. Marlena tells Sami they have missed her so much and want to spend time with her. It's Christmas, afterall. Sami reminds Marlena they have all been there since she woke up and says they can all catch up later. She wants them to go and have fun at the Pub and that's a order. Roman doesn't think they can argue with that. Lucas says he will stay with her. Sami tries to encourage him to go but he says he is staying with her and no is not an answer. Sami tells Will to go but he wants to stay with her too. Sami tells Will it would make her happy if he went to the Pub. Will reluctantly agrees. Everyone says their goodbyes and is so thankful she is awake. Sami thanks them for everything and says seeing them and being back with them was the greatest gift she could ever get for Christmas. It was the best present ever. Will embraces Sami and she kisses his forehead, telling him to have fun.Marlena blows her a kiss and Carrie waves Evan's little hand at her to say bye. Sami and Lucas wave back as everyone leaves. Once alone, Sami smiles at Lucas and says: Sami: Alone at last... They then kiss as the scene shifts to... Jean's room as Alyson holds Sam at her side. She hands Jean some Christmas cookies from Caroline and tells her to enjoy but to eat quietly so a nurse doesn't catch them. Jean smiles and thanks her for everything, saying she could not have asked for a better Christmas. She is happy that Sami is awake too. Alyson agrees, saying all she needs is for Nicole to get hit by a U Haul and this Christmas would be flawless. They both laugh as Jean says she wouldn't wish that kind of fate on anyone but her. Alyson agrees and says she just hopes Nicole has an epiphany and stays away as the scene shifts to... SALEM INN Nicole sits in her suite, drinking champagne and looking at her picture of Eric. She mentions how that is all she can bear to do right now as she misses him and wishes they could be together with Evan and Sam. A family...the way they should be. Tears stream down her face as she vows to spend Christmas next year with their children, the way it should be, and the way he would want it. The scene then shifts to... KIRIAKIS MANSION Philip is in the living room making a phone call. He then hangs up as Victor enters the room. He notices Philip is upset and asks if something is wrong. Philip tells Victor Belle keeps rebuffing him and has hardly let him spend time with Claire. He held her at mass last night and that's it. He can't even give her the presents he bought. Victor tells Philip to give Belle time. It hurts like hell now but Belle needs to make sure his efforts to change are truly sincere. Philip asks if Victor is impressed. Victor nods, saying his work at Titan has been splendid and was needed since he had other matters. Victor tells Philip he thinks he is really changing for the better and he is proud of him. Philip thanks Victor and says that means alot. Victor says he has one more gift for Philip he wanted to give him in private and, with the staff off the rest of the night, it seems like the perfect time. Philip tells Victor he already have him several gifts. Victor hands him a wrapped box and tells him to open it. Philip does and finds a frame inside, containing a picture of Philip and Victor with the inscription at the top reading,"The Kiriakis Empire: The Present and the Future." Philip says he is touched and thanks Victor. Victor tells Philip he just wanted to let him know how proud he is of how far he has come in the past few months and wanted to urge him on to continue his hard work. Victor admits a year ago he was worried about him but now feels he is on the road to becoming a strong leader of the Kiriakis Empire. Philip smiles and then embraces Victor, showing a guilty look on his face and recalling how he betrayed his father to Orpheus. Victor shows a devilish smirk as he hugs Philip and says he loves him and adds that he would like nothing more then to give him all that he earns and deserves as the scene shifts to... BRADY PUB The Horton clan has now arrived and the Pub is jumping. Stephanie is talking with Max, Abby, and Jack (who is holding JJ). Stephanie says she is so happy they worked things out and asks Abby if she feels much better now. Abby says she does and thanks Stephanie for all she did, saying she already thanks her grandmother too. Jack says he is pleased too and tells Max he knows that both him and Abby care about each other but warns him not to hurt his daughter again. Max nods and says Jack has his word. Meanwhile, Hope goes behind the bar to fix a drink. Steve joins her and asks how she is doing. Hope says she is just trying not to think about Nicole or their secret but it's hard. Steve says that it's Christmas and that they can worry about it all tomorrow. He tells Hope to try to enjoy herself. Hope says she is doing her best and walks off to rejoin Bo, who is with Roman, Marlena, Caroline, Kim, Shane, Kayla, Adrienne, and Justin. Carrie holds Evan in a corner as Tony and Anna walk in. Tony says he wishes Cassie would've came but admits he is lucky he spent Christmas Eve with her. Anna looks at Carrie and wonders if she should go over. Tony thinks she shouldn't push. Anna agrees and says she will just give it time as they have at least made progress. Carrie turns and looks at Anna and approaches her. Carrie tells Anna that she did what she did last night because they all have enough problems and she was thinking she was too harsh on her. She would like to start trying to talk things over and see where it goes. She apologizes for saying all that she did. She's her mother and nothing will ever change that. Anna embraces Carrie, saying she doesn't know how much that means to her. Tony walks up to Marlena and asks if she has seen Cassie. Marlena nods, saying she told her Merry Christmas in person last night. She only wishes Cassie would spend more time with her and other loved ones and not with Stefano. Tony agrees, saying he was shocked that Stefano encouraged her to spend Christmas with him. Abe, Lexie, and Celeste come in with Theo and overhear. Abe says he opened his home to Stefano last night and was shocked he was so appreciative. Celeste adds that Stefano realizes every year at Christmas the mistakes he has made when he sees how alone he truly is. Lexie nods and looks at Tony as both of seemingly reflect on how Stefano has affected them. Billie walks in with Kate. Jack and Billie come face to face. Jack says he is happy she made it. Billie says Caroline invited her and Carrie invited her mother. Jack smiles and says he is sorry he didn't get her anything. Billie says she doesn't have anything either and adds that all she wants from him is time. She tells him it's like she told Abby, she needs to work some stuff out and then they can try to get back on track. Jack says he can give her what she needs and says he knows what he wants from her as a gift. Billie smiles. Jack says he wants her promise that she will always be a part of his life, no matter what happens between them. Billie begins to tear up and nods, saying she can promise that. They embrace. Frankie and Greta then arrive at the Pub as Kate walks up to Carrie and says she knows she is missing Austin. They all are. Carrie admits to Kate it's hard. It's Evan's first Christmas and his father isn't here to share it with him. Kate nods and begins to tear up. She embraces Carrie and says he is still with them and always will be. Meanwhile, Carrie sees Mike and smiles at him. Mike smiles back at her. Billie is at the bar as Bo walks up and asks if she heard from Chelsea. Billie shakes her head, saying she didn't want to speak with anyone. It seems it would be too hard for her. Bo nods. Billie says she misses her so much. Bo says he does too. They jug as Hope stands nearby, having overheard them and missing Chelsea herself. Meanwhile, Marlena is outside the Pub, looking at the stars above. She thanks God for bringing Sami back to the people who love her and for getting them through such a trying year. She adds that she will hold to her word now that he brought Sami back as that was a sign that it is ok. Ok to move on from the past and forgive herself. She thinks she can do that now. She just hopes God will help them now as Roman faces the charges against him. Marlena says she feels their family deserves peace and hopes they get it. Roman then comes out and asks if she is ok. Marlena smiles and nods. She then tears up as she wishes Eric could be there. Roman agrees and says he will always be with them. They kiss and enter the Pub, with Victor right behind them. Victor says he is happy he made it, kisses Maggie and then Greta, and stands next to her as Caroline asks everyone to raise their glasses in a toast. Caroline: It's been a rough year but we persevered. Just like we all always have and just like we all always will. That is the stuff the Brady's (scene pans over all the Brady's present), the Horton's (scene pans over all the Horton's present), and all of our friends and loved ones (scene pans over Abe, Lexie, Tony, Anna, Celeste, Theo, Kate, Billie, Jack, and Victor) are made of. Here is to a much better year ahead and to good health and good times to be had by all. Merry Christmas! Everyone yells out "Merry Christmas!" as we see couples kissing and family and friends embracing each other as the scene pans on Alice, who says: Alice: Another special Christmas in Salem... We then see A MONTAGE OF PAST CHRISTMAS' IN SALEM (CLICK HERE!!!) The scene then pans on Alice as she smiles as the sounds of all the happy and joyous people in the Pub can be heard. The scene then fades to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... A SHOCKING TRUTH IS REVEALED...AND LUCAS TAKES ACTION!!
DECEMBER 24, 2007: EPISODE #400: THE MAGIC OF CHRISTMAS HORTON HOUSE Everyone has just come back from Mass. People go upstairs to relax and undress and the others go into the living room to talk and reminisce. Lucas then walks in, being greeted by his family and saying how he couldn’t miss the hanging of the family ornaments. Alice tells him that everyone is pulling for Sami. Lucas thanks Alice as Bo and Hope walk in as well. Hugs and kisses go all around as Don asks Bo if all the danger with Orpheus is over. Bo seems to think it is. Pete says he hopes so, with the way the plane exploded. Tommy comes downstairs, saying that he couldn’t believe all the violence that was going on in Salem. Bill agrees, saying that he hopes Bo, Roman and the rest of the police finally have things under control, which makes Bill do one more thing in front of the family..... Bill: Come here, son. Lucas looks around and sees that Bill is talking to him. When he walks over to Bill, he says..... Bill: I just want to tell you........how proud I am of how you have handled yourself this year, especially with that psychopath Michael Myers trying to kill most of Salem. Lucas: Thanks, Dad. That means a lot. Both men shake hands and Bill walks over and picks up Lucas’ ornament.......and places it on the tree. This makes Lucas smile broadly and everyone cheers as father and son hug. Lucas wipes a tear from his eye, saying...... Lucas: Feels good to see your dad hang your ornament. Now........I feel like a Horton. Bill: You ARE a Horton, son, and don’t forget it. Bill hugs his son as Lucas then walks over, picks up Bill’s ornament, and places it on the tree. As everyone applauds, Lucas then looks down into the box and pulls Will's ornament out and puts it on the tree. He says a silent prayer for Sami, hoping she is by his side next year putting up her own ornament with them all as family members hold one another and wipe away tears. Bo and Hope are next and they walk over, look at one another, kiss gently, and place each other’s ornaments on the tree. One at a time, family members and friends place ornaments on the family tree. Maggie walks over, pulls out a new ornament with Victor’s name on it, and places it on the tree. Tommy walks over and gently takes Marie’s ornament and puts it on the tree as Alice wipes tears from her eyes. Billie then hangs Chelsea’s ornament as Hope watches and Bo hangs Shawn’s ornament. Alex then sees Jack going over and hanging Jennifer’s ornament and, as Jack thinks about his late wife, Alice tells Alex that there is one in there for him as well as he is part of the family now. Jack looks in the box and sees one for Alex and he walks over as Jack hangs his on the tree. Maggie then walks back over, takes Mickey’s ornament out, says a silent prayer, and hangs it from the tree. The scene then slowly shifts to... BRADY PUB Christmas music is playing and Steve is giving out candy to the kids. Caroline is giving egg nog to everyone and Kimberly thinks about her kids as Shane walks in to applause from everyone. He kisses Caroline on the cheek as he sees Kimberly and goes over to sit down. They look at each other and smile and Shane quietly takes Kimberly’s hand, as they thank God for what they do have this holiday season. Then scenes start to play out all through town. Nicole sits by herself in Orpheus' apartment, looking at a picture of Eric, sitting on the couch , and crying over how lonely she is. Alexandra, Abe & Celeste watch Theo play with his new X-Box 360, and, at the DiMera penthouse, Stefano plays chess, listens to Christmas music, and drinks brandy........as he looks through a photo album with pictures of all his children including Renee and Megan. Tony walks in and stands at the entrance to the main room and sees a sad Stefano. He begins to walk in but, feeling that Stefano would want to be alone, turns and leaves the mansion quietly. | Cassie then walks in and Stefano tells her.... Stefano: Now, what are you doing here? Cassie: Spending the holidays with you, Papa. Stefano: No, my child. Go find your father..........and show him how lucky he is to have you for a daughter. Christmas is a time for family.......and I have given up on that years ago. Cassie: Are you sure, Papa? Stefano: (Kissing her on the cheek) I’m positive. Now go, go........and we’ll see each other tonight. Cassie kisses Stefano on the cheek and turns to go upstairs to get ready. Stefano walks to a big picture window, looks out, and makes a toast...... Stefano: To my beautiful children. I know I have not been the father you’ve wanted........but my love for you is everlasting. Salute’. As Stefano downs his brandy, the scene once again shifts to... UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL Several hours later, Marlena and some other family members are looking at the children enjoying their gifts and Alice brings over the bible to read the Christmas story. She gives it to Marlena, saying that with the strength she has shown this year, she should be the one who reads it. Marlena is beyond happy at that news and wipes away tears before she sits down to read. As she starts reading, at Abe’s home, there is a knock on the door. When Abe goes to answer it.......it is Stefano, bearing gifts. Abe looks at his long time foe and decides that since it is Christmas, even Stefano shouldn’t be alone, and invites him in. Alexandra walks over and hugs her father, which makes him smile broadly. Celeste then welcomes Stefano for the holidays and he works up the nerve to say something he never thought he would say....... Stefano: Abraham.......thank you........for opening your home to me. I’ve made a lot of terrible mistakes in my life......... Abe: Well, for Theo and Lexie, and for today......let’s put that to the side. Stefano: Very well. Stefano then gets a big hug from his grandson as the scene shifts back to... UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL Marlena is still reading the story when Tony and Anna walk in. Carrie, who is sitting in a chair near the children, sees Anna and gets up to walk over to her. Roman comes around the corner and shakes hands with Tony and Marlena looks up form her book long enough to see Carrie go over to Anna..... And kiss her on her cheek, saying..... Carrie: Merry Christmas, Mama. Anna starts to cry as they hug one another and Marlena smiles broadly as Roman and Tony look on with happiness. Cassie then comes into the room and Tony sees her. Roman wishes her a Merry Christmas as he excuses himself and Tony asks why she’s there. She says..... Cassie: Papa told me how important it was that I spend time with you. He’s sad, Daddy. Really sad. Tony: I think he’s looking back on his life and the mistakes he’s made. Cassie: And I’ve made some as well. I hope we can work through those. Tony: I would love to do that. Tony smiles as he takes a teary-eyed Cassie into his arms and they both hug each other deeply. As they smile at each other.......inside Sami’s room, Will sits by his mother. He looks at her as he hears SILENT NIGHT BY THE TEMPTATIONS (CLICK HERE TO PLAY!) playing on the radio and he turns up the sound. He looks at his mother and then walks to the door and opens it, letting everyone hear what is playing. The children are then taken back to their rooms as both the Brady and Horton families start arriving at the hospital. Will walks back over and looks at his mother again and then asks God to give him the one thing he wants for Christmas...........for his mother to come back to them. He says he knows what she has done in the past and he knows she is sorry for all of that. Roman and Marlena walk into Sami’s room, just to hear what Will is saying. The other family members listen out in the hallway as they all think of the great sorrow they have had this year..... And the great joy they have received. Scenes of Marlena returning one year ago at St. Luke’s church, Roman finding Sami alive, Maggie being proposed to by Victor, Bo and Victor shaking hands, Marie’s funeral precession, and the faces of family and friends that are no longer with them, come back to each and every person standing in that hospital on this evening. Even Kate is smiling, thinking that, even with all the mistakes she’s made, her children are alive and well, and she silently promises God that in the New Year, she will change.....for the better. As Will finishes his prayer, Marlena tells him how wonderful that was. Roman concurs and then, out of nowhere, a voice says........ Sami: Thank, you, baby. You’ve got your wish. Will slowly turns back around.........and sees Sami’s eyes wide open, with tears falling down her cheeks. Will can’t believe it and Roman goes to get a doctor as everyone cheers out in the hallway. A doctor runs back in with Roman as Lucas then comes running into the room. He runs over and sees for himself that Sami is awake as Roman wipes tears from his eyes and hugs a deeply crying Marlena. After Silent Night ends, If You Leave Me Now by Chicago starts playing, and everyone starts hugging and cheering this wonderful Christmas miracle. Kate walks over to a window, looks out toward the stars, and says...... Kate: Thank you, Lord, Our Father.......for hearing my prayer. CARVER HOUSE Stefano receives a phone call, saying that Sami Brady is awake. He thanks the person calling him and tells the others, as he sighs deeply in relief. Abe is shocked, saying that Stefano seems almost happy about the news. Stefano says nothing and goes back to playing with Theo. As the song plays on the radio in Sami’s room, the doctor looks up, pulls off his mask......and Mike Horton, who has been the one overseeing Sami’s case, says......... Mike: I have always said it...........God is always the best medicine. She’s going to be just fine. Lucas walks over and shakes Mike’s hand, thanking him. Marlena goes over and gives him a big hug. And, as Roman shakes his hand and everyone watches Lucas and Sami kiss, the scene goes back over to Alice, who clutches a cross hanging around her neck and says.......... Alice: Merry Christmas to all......and to all a good night. The scene then goes back to Lucas as he sits on Sami’s bed and rocks her back and forth in his arms. As he wipes the tears from her eyes, she holds Will‘s hand, and the scene then slowly fades to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... CHRISTMAS DAY IN SALEM!!