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Posts posted by Khan

  1. Imagine if Susan Lucci was booked for a commercial or something and ended up playing Cathy Craig on One Life because they "still wanted her."

    Oh, man. SL going toe-to-toe w/ Erika Slezak in the Joe/Viki/Cathy triangle. That would've been all kinds of awesome.

    I'm sorry, you were saying? ;-)

  2. You know, as harsh as we were toward certain "heroines" on GUIDING LIGHT at the end, I wonder what sort of reaction Kathy and Robin would've received from the audience had there been such a thing as the Internet back then. I heart GL like nothing else in this world, but even I gotta admit their stories seemed irksome (at least, on paper).

  3. Watched Lilimae's first hurrah...Julie Harris played the hellllll out of that character, it's no wonder they wanted her back as a regular. The singing, the screaming, the sly little hints of trouble (nudging Karen to pay the taxi driver), etc. Loved every second of it.

    If KNOTS deserves any credit at all for being a more character-driven, "actors' soap," then it's due to the work of four people: Alec Baldwin, William Devane, Constance McCashin and Julie Harris. IMO, they're the only ones who gave consistently interesting and "real" performances. Everyone else just got to be a ham after awhile.

  4. Personally, I've always suspected Morgan Fairchild of being "omnisexual," willing to do whatever with whomever to get ahead. (Of course, you could say the same about many in Hollywood, couldn't you, lol?) Either way, if she's still single, I think it has less to do w/ sexual preference and more to do with the impracticality of it. Why marry, after all, when you're Morgan Fairchild, and you already have all the financial security you need?

  5. Yes, David Cherrill still write for DAYS. Supposedly, he went into retirement after leaving OLTL's writing staff, but Gary Tomlin, w/ whom Cherrill worked on OLTL, ANOTHER WORLD and (I think) SEARCH FOR TOMORROW, coaxed him back.

  6. Probably because I am one of the few posters here who has actually seen the work I discuss and not simply read about it in a book or magazine. I also understand that the "blame" for poor storylines doesn't always fall upon the shoulder of the producer or writer. Most situations are far more complex than the "I didn't like such and such, and so-and-so were the headwriters and producer, so they must be hacks" attitude.

    Seriously, there is no need to defend yourself. I just said that very few, if any, have ever complimented Ann Marcus' work as a HW. If you're taking my comments (about this, and/or what I said in regards to Mary Stuart's alleged animosity toward Ann Williams) as a personal affront, please don't, b/c it isn't. It truly isn't. :)

  7. Season 3 mostly, which is one of my favorite seasons.

    See, as much as I love KNOTS LANDING as a whole, for me, KL doesn't truly come alive until S4, w/ the introduction of Ciji Dunne (Lisa Hartman) and Chip Roberts (Michael Sabatino). That's really when they figured out how to balance the character-driven drama that creator David Jacobs wanted with the sort of soapy plotlines which CBS craved.

    Okay, back to our regularly scheduled thread. ;-)

  8. If Bunim was responsible for that, she did a good thing; however, I think a good deal of the credit goes to the writing of Ann Marcus and acting by the series regulars.

    I don't think Bunim was responsible for SFT's improvement in 1975; that credit should go to Bernie Sofronski.

    And that's about the first time I've ever heard anyone pay Ann Marcus (or her writing, anyway) a compliment, lol.

  9. As far as I know, Bunim worked on only three soaps: SEARCH, ATWT and LOVING.

    On the one hand, I cannot fault Bunim for wanting to modernize soaps in terms of pacing and production values. However, it seemed as if she believed youth and youth alone could carry them. Other producers - Jacqueline Babbin (AMC), Robert Calhoun (ATWT, GUIDING LIGHT), Erwin "Nick" Nicholson (EDGE OF NIGHT, SEARCH) - knew how to make soaps contemporary w/o alienating veteran actors or their fans. Aside from John Dixon, though, Bunim's ATWT belonged largely to younger and younger characters (and to Steve and Betsy, in particular).

  10. Do you think it was a mistake to kill off Eunice?

    If Eunice had died a less violent death - for instance, if she had contracted terminal cancer - viewers would've been upset at first. In time, though, they would've come around. I think what damaged the show in the long run was not that she'd died (although, getting rid of Jo's sister under any circumstances is something I would've thought twice about), but that she'd died under unforgivable circumstances. Although Jennifer ultimately paid for her crimes, she still got off easier than Eunice.

  11. Bridging tow age groups, the writers have put dynamic Val Dufour, as forty-ish lawyer John Wyatt, and Morgan Fairchild, as twenty-ish Jennifer Phillips, into a love triangle with John's wife, Eunice. Val and Morgan are sensational in their scenes. Morgan radiates incredible sexuality without even half-trying.

    I wonder if Miss Channel would be as high on this triangle if she knew what was coming...

  12. Oh that's right, I forgot she was Angelica on DAYS. I guess I should have remembered that because one of the other first times I saw her was in a SPW thing for DAYS 30th anniversary and she was one of many who had quotes on the anniversary, and the quote was very memorable something like, she'd enjoyed playing Ginny, but "God gave [me] a good one," with Angelica.

    And He gave her a great one with Natalie on ATWT. Judging from everything I've read on the character and her doings, that's the kind of role that, in today's environment, screams Emmy.

  13. Marc Menard and Dax Griffin both auditioned for the role Joey Buchanan.

    Dax Griffin and Michael Bergen auditioned for the role of Nash Brennan, but lost to Forbes March.

    Oh, Good God. That's so horrendous. Thank the Lord none of these men won the respective roles.

  14. And I wouldn't even know how to pronounce "Dorcas." Earl Hamner must have been out of his mind when he came up with that.

    Actually, "Dorcas" comes from the Bible.

    From the Book of Acts 9:36-42:

    Now there was at Joppa a certain disciple named Tabitha, which by interpretation is called Dorcas: this woman was full of good works and almsdeeds which she did. / And it came to pass in those days, that she was sick, and died: whom when they had washed, they laid her in an upper chamber. / And forasmuch as Lydda was nigh to Joppa, and the disciples had heard that Peter was there, they sent unto him two men, desiring him that he would not delay to come to them. / Then Peter arose and went with them. When he was come, they brought him into the upper chamber: and all the widows stood by him weeping, and shewing the coats and garments which Dorcas made, while she was with them. / But Peter put them all forth, and kneeled down, and prayed; and turning him to the body said, Tabitha, arise. And she opened her eyes: and when she saw Peter, she sat up. / And he gave her his hand, and lifted her up, and when he had called the saints and widows, presented her alive. / And it was known throughout all Joppa; and many believed in the Lord.

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