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Posts posted by Ponds

  1. Meghan is definitely a spoiled brat, but I also think Joy shouldn't have blanketed all Republicans as racists, etc.  Meghan is going to have to get thicker skin if she wants to stay on that program.  She definitely made it snarkier when she kept talking about HER interview this weekend on CNN.  It was fun to see it go down! 

  2. Big Pharma should have to sell their drugs in this country for the same price as countries with universal healthcare.  Absolutely NO politician will take this on.  Trump made a big deal of it during the campaign and then just did a hand holding meeting with them for the press.

  3. Trump has more allegations against him than Franken and he is allowed to stay in office without so much as an investigation of the allegations.  I am not sticking up for Franken, but can't come to terms with that, or that Moore most likely will be joining the Senate.  I'm just too f*cking old for this sh*t day in and day out.

  4. To the married people who post here:  Have you given any thought of what you would do if your husband/wife was called out for sexually harassing one of their employees?  I would be so shocked because my husband has always treated me as an equal and been supportive of all the things I've wanted to do since we married.  After decades of married life, I know I'd be REALLY pissed, but at this age I don't think I'd leave him.  I guess it would depend on the seriousness of the complaint.  

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