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Posts posted by Ponds

  1. I live in a state where we are entirely vote by mail.  It has worked extremely well for years and we have larger turnouts than before.  I don't understand why other states don't do this and stop all of the voter ID crap.  We also can register to vote when you go to the DMV.

  2. I have been supporting PBS annually for years and years.  This isn't the first time that a Republican administration has cut their funding.  I think the listeners and viewers of public broadcasting are going to have to step up to the plate and support them with their money, otherwise, we could lose the best of it.  I would never eat at a McDonalds, but thank gawd for the Krocs and their endowment to PBS.

  3. I love Bill Maher AND Larry Wilmore....they're both tops on my list.  I'm an atheist, so really don't mind his religious outbursts because it's basically how I feel.  Larry's senior black correspondent was always my favorite parts of John Stewart's show.  I also thought Milo made such a fool of himself that it shows why to not be afraid of having him on the show.

  4. If the Republicans actually wanted Pence in the White House, they should allow the independent  investigation of the Russian connection.  If anything showed up, with the help of the Democrats, they could impeach Trump and have their savior in Pence.  I don't think they're ready to stand up Bannon and his bullies yet.

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