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Posts posted by Ponds

  1. I am simply to the point that I cannot watch his live broadcasts.  I took a very long hot bath while he blathered on.  I didn't hear him and slept well last night.  It's much easier on me to read the recaps in the morning.  I am totally in agreement with all the pundits that he is mentally ill.  I don't care what you call it, he's nuts.

  2. I hate the bastard, but the government didn't pay, it was FDR and March of Dimes:



    Mitch McConnell has been relentlessly working to roll back Medicaid and deprive millions of Americans of government-sponsored healthcare coverage for eight years now.

    But if it weren’t for the government, McConnell wouldn’t be able to walk at all. 

    Young Mitch came down with a terrible case of polio as a child in Alabama. “My mother was, of course, like many mothers of young polio victims, perplexed about what to do, anxious about whether I would be disabled for the rest of my life” he admitted in a 2005 interview.

    But luckily for him, his mother took him 50 miles to the Warm Springs, where President Roosevelt won his own battle with polio and established a polio treatment center that was paid for by the public.

    President Roosevelt asked the people of America to send in dimes to the White House as part of his “March of the Dimes” foundation. Over two and a half million dimes were mailed in, and they paid for Mitch’s physical therapy and treatment.

  3. I have voted in every election since I was 21 (the legal age then) and have to say that Democrats are so fu*king lousy at getting out to vote, especially in off term elections.  Apathy is killing the liberals!!!!!!

  4. 25 minutes ago, Juliajms said:

    He doesn't look well at all. CNN just had a clip of him being interviewed by a gaggle of reporters and he looks ill and a bit disoriented.  I hope nothing happens to him. He's not perfect, but at least he wants an investigation.  We need Republicans who are behind this effort. I just looked up his age. I had no idea he's already 80 years old. Ugh.


    His office has now put out a statement of what he "meant" but it was awful watching him.  It was not the "normal" John McCain.  I hope he hasn't had a stroke.

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