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Posts posted by Ponds

  1. I turned it off before it was over.  I was saddened that Biden was unable to state anything without interruptions.  Wallace let the whole thing get out of control.....terrible moderator.  They need to be able to turn off Trumps mike when someone else has been asked a question.  I hope that is the last debate...if that's what you want to call it.

  2. I'm as paranoid about the situation as you are!  Hubby does grocery shopping once a week in mask & gloves, but we live in the middle of nowhere so no grocery ordering & delivery here.  I can't wait until 4 pm when I can have a glass of wine because it's about the only enjoyment in life now.   I am scared to death what the fall & winter will bring.  We will get our flu shots this month at the pharmacy, but I'm not counting on a viable vaccine until maybe spring.  I certainly won't get an early release that hasn't been totally vetted.

  3. Kamala knocked it out of the park with her speech this afternoon.  She has always been my top choice to run with Biden.  It makes me happy and it's been a long time since I could say that about politics or politicians.

  4. 18 hours ago, DRW50 said:

    Someone else here can explain it better than I can but Trump just put out a bunch of worthless executive orders (the only one that likely will stick is cutting payroll taxes and capitol gains tax to benefit the rich and bankrupt Medicare and Social Security) in order to get media hype for making a big decision. Mark Meadows and the Senate GOP clearly worked together to give Trump this win and allow him to do something they want to do but don't want to be on the record for (ending entitlements). They are destroying this country and no one can do anything about it. 



    Yes we can.....we can vote the MF out of office!

  5. We have total vote by mail in my state and I never mail in the ballot, I simply drop it off in a drive thru dropbox.  One year, during a May primary election, the ballots came the day before we left for Hawaii.  I decided to take them with us and mail from there.  Well, 3 weeks later when we returned and picked up OUR mail, there were 2 ballots that the post offices sent to our home address, when the address was clearly our county clerk.  Thank goodness the only thing on the ballot was a school board election.  I will never use the mail again.

  6. Val Demings was on the show this morning.  She's very impressive, just like during the impeachment hearings.  I didn't realize she had been the Chief of Police for Orlando before running for Congress.

  7. I live in a state that has had total mail in voting for 20 years.  There's no fraud, more people vote and we still elect many Republicans in our state.  It's ridiculous that it isn't mandatory in every state.

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