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Posts posted by Ponds

  1. Well, Joy and Whoopie are both very vulnerable to Covid because of age and Whoopie's health issues.  Sara has been coming to the set for filming for some time now, but Sonny is very cautious about leaving the sanctuary of her home.  I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't continue the show remotely.

  2. If things don't improve on the COVID front by September, which I don't think will happen, I'm sure they'll continue doing the show remotely.  I'm sure Ana would continue to be available for extra days if that happens.

  3. I don't think they had much of a choice.  Once people were fully vaccinated, they wanted a reward and NOT wearing a mask was just that for many people.  As we go back into lockdown, they need to make it perfectly clear it is due to the unvaccinated in this country.  I, personally, have no problem with wearing a mask when in the presence of people other than our children and grandchildren who have all been fully vaccinated for months.  I still spend my time with family in an outdoor environment while the weather is warm or HOT!

  4. I can't wait for the end of the season.  McCain REALLY has a chip on her shoulder now that she's resigned.  I couldn't believe she was making anti-Semitic accusations to Schumer.  She's pulling out all of her hubby's issue now.

  5. 12 hours ago, carolineg said:

    I am fully vaccinated and tested positive for covid yesterday.  I work on the Las Vegas strip and my boss had it (she refused the vaccine) and now I have it.  And it's my second time having covid.

    My gawd!  I really don't know how you are able to maintain.  I hope you recover soon and have no lasting effects from it.  It makes you wonder if the vaccine is as effective as they claim.  

  6. My husband and I are fully vaccinated and have been since February.  I was just beginning to loosen up and leave the house, but now it seems fully vaccinated people are coming down with the new variant and I'm back to being paranoid about being around anybody except close family.  This really is beginning to suck and I totally blame the ignorant fools who refuse vaccinations.

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