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Posts posted by Ponds

  1. I don't like the disappearing characters on B&B that leave without an explanation.  Zende acts like Paris is his first love and never mentions that he's recently divorced.  Where's his ex-sister in law Maya and her child (Brooke's grand daughter) Lizzie?  RJ just dropped off the earth and nobody even mentions him.  When was the last time Brooke or Eric even mentioned Rick?  I understand moving on with new characters, but they could close out the old with one of their flimsy explanations.

  2. 14 hours ago, j swift said:

    The problem is that a mistrial would be used by the defense as a motion for acquittal.  The citizens of Kenosha need to remember the misdeeds of this judge and vote him out.

    The judge in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial, Bruce Schroeder, has repeatedly clashed with the prosecutor, raising his voice and at one point telling him "I don’t believe you."

    The way the judge is allowing this trial to be handled is insuring an acquittal.  I can't believe a higher authority (Justice Dept.) hasn't stepped in.  If he's found not guilty, the vigilantes will be out in force!

  3. As someone who lived a good portion of my adult life before Roe v. Wade, abortion will never go away...it will simply result in the death of women who will find a way.  Poor women will be the ones who die by the thousands.  Wealthy women will continue to get them safely.

  4. 1 hour ago, JaneAusten said:

    Good Question but they did when Trump was in office. One thing FEAR. The GOP keeps their base in a perpetual state of fear - 24 by 7 365 days a year. Notice how democrats did turn out when Trump was in office in all elections. FEAR.  

    IMO January 6th needs to be focused on a lot more. They need to be talking about it regularly and the danger the GOP is to our democracy. The fact that republicans don't believe in it anymore and keep pounding it EVERY DAY. Thats what the GOP has done for 40 years. Willie Horton, Welfare Queens, Immigrants an array of people they have brainwashed their followers in to fear. Now they have moved it to democrats as the enemy not just opponents. Im shocked we as of yet haven't seen more attacks and shootings this year.

    I have to totally agree with you!

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