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Posts posted by Ponds

  1. She is nuts!  She hated Trump as much (if not more) than anybody on the panel.  Her hatred was certainly based on the fact that he disrespected her father so many times before he died.  About the only things she vehemently disagreed about with the others was abortion and gun rights.  She's not doing herself any favors writing this crap!

  2. 12 hours ago, John said:

    Id be ok with SE Cupp in Chair 5 if Ana doesnt want this full-time      



    She seemed to fit in well with the others.  I don't remember not liking Sherri Shepherd (not spelling it correctly) when she was a regular on the show, but she annoyed the hell out of me last week.  She couldn't seem to shut up and let others talk.  

  3. If you are immunocompromised, they gave boosters out last month, but for the rest of us we wait.  We should be near the first in line when it finally happens.  I have started double masking when I do have to go to doctors appointments and my husband does as well when he grocery shops.  Unfortunately, we live in an area that is very anti-vaxxer and we don't feel safe among any groups.  If we don't get boosters before the holidays we'll be spending the time home alone again.

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