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August 10, 2007-SURPRISE...FUNERALS PART 2
Tishy commented on PhoenixRising05's blog entry in "Salem Lives"
YAY!!!!!!! I am a very happy girl because I was livid that so many people had passed. But I knew that you two would come through for me. I love it....I can't wait for Roman to realize that Sami is alive. You know what I am going to do? Make my Mom read this. I bet she is going to cry just like me -
Very well written....mde me cry. Nie touch adding the Izzy part. I have to ask though, where is Belle & carrie? Is austin going to have a service too? But thnx for making me blubber!!!! I had tears running down my fcae
I know writing my scenes were tough on me as it was very close to my heart. Jen & Ryan you two did awesome. Beautifully written scenes you two. Thank you everyone for the feedbcak, its alwys great to reda. I for one am so happy to be part of suh a wonderful writing team
Roman deserves everything that he has coming to him. He had the power to stop Orpheus and now his two kids are dead and the father of his grandchild is dead. Ok, maybe Austin and Eric's death's he couldn't prevent, but Sami's he definately could have. I have no pity for him whatsoever. To me, I don't see how this can be redeemable and if I was Marlena, I would kick him to the curb. I would love to see the grieving process of Lucas, Belle, and carrie, even Nicole. They lost a lot and I hope it's addressed. I love the cassie and Stefano interation, it was great! Plus Tony and Lexie, that is the REAL Tony, the one I fell in love with so many years ago and not a cartoon. Exellent fleshing out of his character in that one scene, it really made me smile. Again, great episode and I can't wait to see more Tony!
Great episode, its well written. I like how you are going into Lucas' past. Liked Maggie getting involved, she should. I am curious as to who Bo was talking too, was it a Ewing brother?
Love it! It's hot! In fact, I don't know who's hotter, the whole opening or Marco!
Very well written. I love the Alexis and Ric scenes, great comedic relief for a lot fo the drama lately. I can just visuliaze Alexis asking Ric if he thought she was fat. It is just the way married couples act and it was great.
July 20, 2007: JAW-DROPPING TWIST!!!
Tishy commented on PhoenixRising05's blog entry in "Salem Lives"
Wow. I really don't know what to say. It's well written as always. But, wow, I have been thinking all day on what to say and am still stunned. Not sure what to really say -
UPDATED: Lucas' Love Interest Revealed! Casting News!
Tishy commented on Ryan's blog entry in Port Charles
Interesting -
The beginning made me laugh so hard. I loved it! I am a huge Dallas fan having the Ewing brothers on made me chuckle. Oh, I do hope that Billie and Jack are ok! I hate this suspense. Great episode allaround, it tied things up yet opened new territory as well.
Yay! I am glad that someone noticed that there might be a bun in the oven with Robin!
Poor, clueless Alan. He has no idea what he is walking into. Carly was phenomenal. Going after Elizabeth and Jason was great. Thats the think I love about Carly, she tells it like it is. Jason has to wake up to the fact that Sam doesn't remember their life together. Awesome job again Ryan
Poor Mike! I can't believe they would beat up Mike like that. Heartless bastards! So, who will be Sonny's nurse???
I love that Sarah is doing the mature thing and backing off. She should back off from a committed relationship like Patrick and Robin. I love the message he left Robin, how romantic. Lucy putting down her foot was awesome to Serena. Serena is a prescence who has been missed in GH for a long time. It's good to see that Serena will be around for a while Lucky and Liz....end of an era. I loved the detail of how she fixed her hair because that is totally what I would do as well if my ex showed up. I loved this episode!
What happened to Phyllis? I hope she is ok....I love Phyllis! Good episode...clear and concise and too the point which is always good. I have a bit of catching up to do and I promise I will
Excellent episode. Loved the Steve and Kayla reunion and the fight in Samlena's head. It was great that the love of Roman and the love of her children are still there, that no brainwashing could take away that love. After so much angst, it was such a great payoff this week. You two pulled off an excellent story and it is only the beginning. As a die hard Days fan from the 80's, this is brilliant. You two should be proud of yourselves
Tishy commented on PhoenixRising05's blog entry in "Salem Lives"
Stop killing all the hot men. Please. But you can kill Roman, I don't care about him Wonderful drama....I love that Billie was the one to confess her feelings to Jack first. Is there anyone stupider than Roman Brady. His grandchild's father was just killed by Orpheus and he is on his high horse tellin gMarlena not to kill him. How high does Orpheus' body count have to get? -
I can totally hear Ephinany speak those words to Patrick. I loved the dialogue. Great episode
Tishy commented on PhoenixRising05's blog entry in "Salem Lives"
I can't believe you killed Eric. I'm stunned -
Loved the ending Ryan, it was perfect. Awesome job
Will you let us know if either Daysfan or myself were correct in our guesses?
Very Intriguing. I like a lot
Tishy commented on Ryan's blog entry in Port Charles
Great episode! Love the interaction between Sonny and Lucky as well. The meeting of the 5 families is proving to be interesting, especially with the mysterious person... Great job! Loved it! -
Daysfan, I wonder if we are thinking of the same person! I can't wait to find out who it is. I have it narrowed down to two people, leaning more towards one. I am afraid if I guess that person, it will be the other!