Alison flipped her hair off her face, "Just visiting Jason. Is there anything I can do for you?"
"Is Jason here?"
Alison stepped back, "No he's not. Come in though Lucky. He should be back in a little bit." She closed the door as Lucky hesitantly walked in, nervously looking around.
"Are you and Jason," Lucky looked at the pretty, rich blonde, "are you two a couple?"
Alison laughed sweetly, "Not really. We like having fun with each oher, you know? It's nothing serious. What can I help you with Lucky?"
"I was wondering if Liz was here." Lucky looked around the penthouse.
Alison shook her head, "She was here the other night and she and Jason talked." Alison glanced at her watch, "In fact Jason went to meet Liz at the hospital for her appointment."
Lucky looked at Alison in shock, "What?"
"Yeah, she had a doctor's appointment and Jason went to meet her." Alison explained. "Is there a problem with that? I know that things are, how can I say it, strained between you two?"
"You could say that Alison," Lucky stated. He walked around the room, looking for evidence that Liz was staying there. He figured that Liz must be there. "Look Alison, I don't mean to be rude, but is Liz staying here?"
Alison looked at him with surprise. "No Lucky. Jason told me that she is staying with Nikolas."
Mac was asleep in his bed at the hospital when Dr Winters walked in. She glanced at his chart and woke him up, "Commisioner Scorpio, I am Dr Winters, a psychiatrist on staff here at the hospital. I hear you had quite the night and morning."
Mac tried to orient himself in the hospital room. He had a massive headache and his mouth felt dry. His stomach also hurt, a result of his stomach being pumped, "What happened to me? What's going on?"
Dr Winters sat down next to the bed, "You were found in your car slumped over the wheel drunk. Your blood alcohol level was almost three times the legal limit. You had to have your stomach pumped." She paused and continued, "Commisioner, several people have come forward and told me that you are often drunk, including some of the staff here. Why are you doing this to yourself?"
Mac groaned, "Look Doctor, I don't want to talk about this. Why are you here?"
"Your family asked that I come speak to you."
"My family wouldn't do that to me."
"Well Mr Scorpio they have." Dr Williams crossed her legs and said softly, "Look, I know what has happened to you recently. Why don't you make an appointment with me for later this week and we can talk about this more in depth. I would advise it."
Mac closed his eyes, "Not in this lifetime." He turned his head away from her and waited until she left. He didn't want her to see the tears streaming from his eyes.
Lucy walked out of her apartment and headed to the elevator. She was now doing fundraising work for the hospital. She had made more than enough money and didn't even take a salary. She loved her work. She jumped when a hand grasped her arm and twirled her around, "Scott! Oh you scared me!"
"Lucy," Scott said slowly, "You are looking lovely this morning."
"Thank you Scott, but I do need to be going. Ta ta!" Lucy attempted to get past him. He stepped in front of her.
"Not so fast Lucy," Scott said, "Why don't we grab some coffee or something. We have some things to discuss."
Lucy closed her eyes and said in a rush, "Scott, we don't have anything to discuss. What happened between us was just one of those things."
"I agree"
"So I am sorry if my not wanting to be with you will hurt you, but that's the what? You agree?" Lucy looked at him with surprise, "What do you mean you agree? You can't agree."
"Why not?" Scott grinned lazily."
Lucy's brows came together as she said, "Because, because you're you and I'm me, that's why!"
Scott crossed his arms and cockily leaned against the wall, "I happen to agree with you that it won't work. You and I were over a long time ago. We hurt each other more than anything. I think it's better that we not try again."
Lucy looked at Scott with confusion. She opened her mouth and closed it again. "Ok....I agree."
"Ok great." Scott said and pushed himself off the wall. "That night was a one night thing. We are old good friends and I hope you know you can count on me for anything. So I will see you later." With that, he pushed the button for the elevator and went in it.
Lucy looked down and realized she had a run in her stocking. She stamped her feet in frustration, "Damnit!"
Brenda and Ned were laying on the floor in the foyer of the living room. James was laying on his blanket and happily playing with his toys. Brenda was explaining to Ned about the other night with Sonny and her feelings for Sonny. Ned was justifabily concerned for his closest friend. He had seen her hurt too many times by the mobster. In the middle of their talk, her cell phone rang, "I better take this, it may be my agent. You don't mind, do you?" Brenda stood up and grabbed her cell phone and walked into the foyer, "Hello"
It was Sonny, "Hi Brenda, it's me."
"Sonny." Brenda sighed audibly, "What can I do for you?"
"I was wondering if we could have dinner soon. Maybe tomorrow."
Brenda bit her lip, not sure what to so. She was silent. "Come on Brenda, I won't bite. I know a great restaurant in the next town that we could go too. No pressure, I swear."
Brenda was interrupted by Tracy, "Hold on Sonny." She turned to Tracy, "I'm sorry, did you say something Tracy?"
"I was looking for Ned. Do you know where he is?" Tracy asked, coat in hand and ready to leave for the day.
Brenda pointed to the living room. "He's in there." She watched as Tracy poked her head in and asked Ned a question. She soon left him and went out the front door. "I'm back Sonny." She said, doubt in her voice.
Sonny's confident voice rang through the line, "What do you say Brenda? For old time's sake? How about it. You have my word I won't do anything, unless you want me too of course."
"Sonny, it's not that." She sighed, confused on what she should do. She ached to see him, but she knew she shouldn't. "Ok, Sonny tomorrow night is good. If I can't get a babysitter, I will let you know. Pick me up at the Quartermaines at seven. I gotta go." Brenda hung up the phone and swallowed audibly. She hoped she knew what she was doing. She walked back into the living room.
Ned had picked up James and was tickling him. James was laughing with pleasure. "Who was that?"
"Sonny. I am going to dinner with him. Do you mind watching James?" Brenda smiled at James. "I know you like to spend time with him and I would appreciate it."
Ned blew a raspberry on James' stomach. "James, do you mind, if Daddy watches you while your Mommy goes out?" Ned looked over at Brenda. "See, James doesn't mind. I do have to go out at nine tomorrow, but Monica and Alan will be here. I am sure there will be someone here."
Brenda leaned over and ruffled James black hair, "As long as it's not his evil grandmother."
Ned laughed, "My mother will not watch my son. No way. I don't want anyone knowing he is a Quartermaine. I want James to have a normal childhood."
Brenda kissed James' forehead, "He will Ned, he will."
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