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Posts posted by John

  1. 1 hour ago, Contessa Donatella said:

    We haven't seen much of Scott for awhile. I expect that to continue.

    I hear we're going to see less of Cyrus, which I can only applaud!

    Also hear seeing more of Blaze & more of Heather, both things seem predictable just from watching the show. 

    If you ask me, Lois is grounded. It's her reality, but she owns it. 

    I gave yesterday an 8 out of 10. 

    Will not be surprised if we also see less of this particular version of Lucy. I think we're seeing them edge her out. They made her so obnoxious that I feel we need a break from her. 

    Are they benching Cyrus, Scott & Lucy. I could less of them at this point But FV loves vets so I dont seem him phasing them out (Scott, Lucy)

    I am not liking Lucy right now either

  2. Laura Vinning first arrived on the scene in 1975 played by Stacey Baldwin

    Lesley's then Husband Cameron Falkner grew jealous of Laura and paid her adoptive Dad, Jason to take her away. 

    Lesley found out, Cam raped her and he died in a car crash while Lesley was driving

    Rick Webber (Then Michael Gregory) who arrived in 1976 helped Lesley find Laura (now Genie Francis) who was taken into a cult ran by Buck. They brought Laura back to PC and Rick raised her like his daughter when Laura was just 15



  3. 1 minute ago, Vee said:

    Something Tony confirmed, I believe.

    There were many very specific hints early on re: early '90s GH that made it clear it had to be Bill. We went over them on here awhile back.

    I remember Bobbie having Dinner with Luke and she said something like Bill never loved Sly and Luke lost it. That is when I thought it was Bill pretending to be Luke. 

  4. 11 minutes ago, BetterForgotten said:

    The whole scene felt unnatural, and the premise is ridiculous that Natalia would have a conversation like that with people who she literally just met. 

    Well given that Natalia confirmed she is a controlling mama, I totally bought her going to Kristina for help with Blaze. She wants to know Blaze she is not privy to.

  5. The Heather & Laura used the history very well

    I am glad Kevin said that it may stay imprinted on her brain  her murderous ways even with the Hip Transplant


    I am ok with Heather being moved to a psych facility not sure how id feel if She got to move back to PC proper


    The deception stuff was weird

    I do have a hope for the 2nd face: Trina


    It was nice to Elizabeth at work. 

    What did Willow think no one would find out the meds were missing

    Go with me here: Could Esme have been the hook but Heather wanted to take heat off her so she killed Hagerty and Brit.


    I am manifesting that the second face of Deception needs to be Trina

  6. 17 minutes ago, Contessa Donatella said:

    There are plenty of stories about discussions being held & determining if an actor is going to be comfortable playing what they have in mind. This is not singular to Steve Burton. And, these things only come up when it is a drastic change. More like being asked to play a different character, than accepting or not, a storyline. And then there are examples like James Mitchell, AMC teen gay coming out & gay teacher story, Palmer was going to be written as a homophobic bigot & Mitchell simply said that would not be happening, period. 

    Difference there is that AMC still told the story and made Opal the ignorant one and she then realized said ignorance


    This one with Burton saying No got the whole story dropped

  7. 29 minutes ago, Contessa Donatella said:

    I suppose you know that this was offered to Burton & he declined. 

    Personally I think they're positioning to address Sonny and/or the mob. 

    Of course, what they plan to do to fix things might be different from anything any one of us might imagine, or wish. 

    Yeah Burton or no actor should be allowed to dictate story.

    If that was the story they wanted to tell and he said No, I'd say ok go call Y & R and see if they want ya back

  8. 3 hours ago, dragonflies said:

    Yikes someone didn't do their research, Joss already knows this



    They know this. They are showing Joss as the true hypocrite she is.

    Joss has been a hypocrite for a while now. Its not like she didnt know Sonny ran a MOB and Jason as enforcer killed for him. What did she expect Dex as his new enforcer was gonna do, pour coffee?

  9. 4 minutes ago, Liberty City said:

    I just fail to see when Heather became so erratic. Even during Robin Mattson's previous tenures Heather appeared level-headed, but it seems like they wanted her over-the-top and unmanageable, and it's very.... off-putting. Unless that's simply how Alley Mills interpreted the material she was given, so they're rolling with this punch.

    Pratt/Guza made her a cartoon Villian killer in 2004. She killed Ross Duncan  framed Skye and kidnapped Laura

    All because of some 1980's ONS she  had with Luke  ( which never aired in the 80's)

    RC continued this

    Maybe PM & EK finally wanna answer how and why she may have began killing

  10. 3 minutes ago, Vee said:

    Heather was prepared to murder Diana Taylor 40 years ago. I don't think she's going to reform that much, or at least I wouldn't buy it. She's always been nuts. Can I allow for her turning really psychotic in more recent times, sure. It's not like they didn't turn her into a cartoon starting when she first came back in '04.


    Whatever said poison has done to her most likely cannot be undone

  11. 1 minute ago, Vee said:

    What indication is there that they're saying Heather sold Steven Lars because of a hip replacement she almost certainly had afterwards? This whole development is likely only being done to mitigate Heather's more recent history of serial murder.

    Yep the first time she killed on screen was 2004

    So I could see them saying the hip replacement was like 20-25 years back

    2 minutes ago, Vee said:

    What indication is there that they're saying Heather sold Steven Lars because of a hip replacement she almost certainly had afterwards? This whole development is likely only being done to mitigate Heather's more recent history of serial murder.

    Also I knew a few long term fans like me have stated on soap blogs ever since her 2004 return when did Heather become a killer?

  12. 9 minutes ago, dragonflies said:

    Yikes if they do that, I literally have no hope for the new writer's at all. A hip replacement made her sell her kid??? yikes 

    No she sold her kid in 1977 because she was mad at Jeff

    She took LSD in 1979 and this hip thing is could be decades old. So the LSD trip plus the posion leaking from the hip could have altered her brain chemistry. That combo could have made her act out more violently. 

    9 minutes ago, Contessa Donatella said:

    Right. And they've got fans saying they are racist. 

    Nope. Timeline. I'm sure it will be established that the hip replacement wasn't ages ago. They only want an explanation for being a serial killer so they don't have to keep losing salvageable sorta villains. 

    I dunno Heather did say it seemed like ages ago but Im sure medical records can answer that

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