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Posts posted by LaineyBev714

  1. Ha! I love your smut , Minervafan !

    Funny I should see that today. I started writing LuNacy fic last night, and I stopped at 7 pages because what I wanted to be 'bittersweet' was turning out quite.. well.. raunchy. I turned on my computer now to try to finish my story, and saw yours.

    hmmm.. What to do? What to do? We'll see.... ha!

  2. Actually, Luke first returns for a couple of episodes in the beginning of September. Then, he takes off again and re-appears Sept. 28th, which is Holly's first day back. So, basically, it looks like those few episodes in the beginning of the month are going to be Holly free. :)

    OH GOOD... So there is some hope for some LuNacy sparks sometime soon.

    EVEN MORE SPOILERS (um, you might not like them...)



    Also...More news on GF's return. Laura wakes up a la the movies Awakenings (the victims of an encephalitis epidemic many years ago have been catatonic ever since, but now a new drug offers the prospect of reviving them) and The Notebook (an old man tells an old woman about their life together, and finally, one day, she remembers). TG is very talented, and I don't mind if Luke visits Laura every once in awhile, but if I'm going to have to listen to monologue upon monologue on how Luke/Laura came to be and how their love is one that cannot be destroyed...UGH. Sorry, guys, just had to rant, and hopefully, since most of us, a minority we may be, are in favor of Tracy/Luke and not Tracy/Laura, I figured that'd it be okay to express my anger. :)

    OH BARF... so much for the LuNacy sparks. If he's raving to Laura a la The Notebook (Yucko movie), then any LuNacy 'sparks' will have been snuffed out by late September. BARF BARF BARF! I HATE LUKE & LAURA.






    ~ Week of August 28th ~

    Edward and Tracy discuss with Lulu her options.

    Dillon and his family try to convince Lulu to carry the baby to term.

    Tracy's concern for LuLu leads to her searching for Luke to bring him home.

    Now there would be a fun little episode or two: Tracy popping in on Luke while he's on some exotic island: Tahiti... or Fiji... or Bali. "Oh you hoo, my son knocked up your daughter, but it's just so damn hot and tropical here, let's sit around for a day or two and get hammered as hell on frilly pineapple drinks while flirting like two teenagers. And hey, if we end up in bed... well worse things have happened."

    Ha. If only they'd go there... but you mention that Luke comes back with Holly, which means he's been with her the whole time, which is going to snuff out the possibility of any fun, romantic reunion in lala land. God I hate this show. Why do I watch again? I think I'm going to stop watching and choose to get my fill of Tracy from Minerva's fiction.... it's much more fun than anything I've seen on GH lately.




    From GHFF: A small "epidemic" of pregnancies hits Port Charles. What does ELQ have to do with all of this? Oh man. TQ is sooooo going down. I love how every time she's CEO the company just happens to be in some kind of turmoil. Jeez...That Tracy is so incompetent and incapable of running a business. *rolls eyes*

    So let me get this straight: There was a lot of weird, hot sex going on lately. (Ric-Sam, Liz-Jason, Lucky-Maxi, Lulu-Dillon etc.. etc..) Tracy didn't get to have any weird, hot sex of her own, and yet HER character is going to have to pay for all the bad choices these people made when they start popping up pregnant?!?? Ha!! I would HATE this if it weren't for the fact that it could actually be a very good non-Luke story line for our girl.

    Edit: SoapDish finally has a TQ spoiler. Tracy will be back on screen soon and will be a sounding board for Luke as the 25th anniversay storyline begins with Luke's memories of Laura. A sounding board? Are you freakin' kidding me? Yeah, yeah. JE can do so much with a single look, but I'm getting the impression that Luke will get all the dialogue, while Tracy's stuck with "Mmm hmm's" and that kind of thing.

    Hmmm... If she is going to be a "sounding board," then there is the potential for some real emotional connections/conversations between Luke and Tracy. That could be promising. God, I hope they end up in the sack at least once before Laura comes back. Once blondie is back, I think I'm out of the GH thing until she's gone. I really don't want to watch the buildup to a 25th anniversary wedding with Luke & Laura. Yucko.

  5. Next, videos for LaineyBev: Fun, upbeat LuNacy ones: Let's Get Together by our very own MinervaFan. Won't U Please B Nice by Shazzer. And I Ain't No Quitter by Christina. Other videos: TQ video (focusing on her relationships with the men in her life; includes Tracy/Lila as well): Full of Grace by Ms. Q (My first video ever, and that much is obvious, LOL). A Luke/Laura/Tracy video: I'm Not That Girl by MinervaFan. Tracy is banished May 1993: I'm Gonna Be Strong by MinervaFan. And finally a Quartermaine family video: On Being Quartermaine by smirks.

    Ms. Q , thanks so much for all the videos. I am just loving all the vids and all the new fiction (from you and Keith )!!!

    Luke suing ELQ would definitely be the end of Lacy. It might be a good ending though. A heartbroken Tracy slipping out of Port Charles might not be as powerful (unless of course there was a powerful break up scene before that).

    In my world (read: my little 24 hour fan fic) there will be powerful, soul shattering, earth moving TRACY RAGE!!

    uh... When's GH's Tracy Dearth gonna end? Any ETAs on Luke's re-emergence??? I thought it was supposed to be August, but now I'm hearing September?!?!?!

  6. OMG, that just cracks me up. I have a strong suspicion that a lot of the things she gets most annoyed about in her boys (Ned's music, Dillon's old movies) are things she herself enjoys a lot but has repressed in order to be a "proper Quartermaine."

    Yeah, I'm mean. But seriously, there's no sequel--no need for one--so what do ya think? C'mon. ;)

    I thnk if it's Canon, then she's fine... because GH is not going to go there...

  7. Ms. Q, thanks so much for all the videos. I had a download-fest late Saturday night and then again on Sunday morning. I think I got everything you posted, with the exception of Nex's Ohh La La video which, for some reason, won't download 100%... but I'll keep trying!! They've been really fun to watch!

    Minerva, I love your newest fic.. a lot!

    So I was brainstorming for an idea for my 24 hour fic (I'm going to do one!!), and I had a horrifying thought (Premonition? Predicition?). What if Luke is the one to sue ELQ over the defective condom? Somebody's spoiler somewhere mentioned that ELQ gets in trouble over the condom thing. Luke might think he could win such a suit, and get his money... but if he did that, Tracy would be furious because he'd be going after more than just her, it would be her "family" business.. and she would get rip-roaring mad.. and that would be the END of them.... at least for awhile. Anyway, this popped into my head today... and I'm having a bad feeling about it. So if it happens, you heard it here first!

  8. Another video. Nothing special. Just a bunch of TQ clips to music.

    Ms. Q , This was the first one of these LuNacy things I was ever able to see. So fun! Love it! Thanks for sharing!!! Okay.. who's got more of these LuNacy vids that are 1) still on Sendspace or 2) you don't mind uploading to sendspace!??! (I think I'm about to go over the edge on this LuNacy thing.. I may need to dial back soon. I'm beginning to scare myself :o:o:o )

    Started on my Tracy Q piece. Not sure what I'll name it as yet. The first chapter is not nearly finished, but the first bout of writing landed me at 1,932 words per minute and roughly 3 1/2 pages in Word. After some brainstorming, I'm off to write a little more.

    Yeah! Can't wait to read it. Go Keith !!!!

    (You think us newbies are beginning to write because of the Tracy Dearth? Think that's our motivation?)

  9. Thanks to everyone for all the kind words. You guys are great!!!! I think I might have another fanfic bubbling in me... we'll see. :D :D

    I'm off now to upgrade my operating system (I bought it! I bought it!). Hopefully in a little while I will actually be able to see some of the clips and vids you guys have posted in the past. I have never been able to see any of them because my "older" (It's barely 3 years old) Mac OS doesn't work with the "flip" software needed to see .wmv..... but all that should change really soon! I'm off!

    (And if I don't get back on later tonight it's because I messed something up!!) :(:(

  10. Help... I wrote a little LuNacy fanfic (or tried to anyway), but now i'm having all sorts of posting issues.. because I'm a bit of a web idiot. Fanfiction.net isn't going to work for me because I have a Mac, but it's not 10.3 OSX or higher. It's only 10 OSX.. and yeah, yeah, yeah.. I'm going to upgrade anyday now, but I haven't yet, and my current operating system won't work with this software ff.net says I need to use. So.. I just opened a livejournal account.. but now I'm completely at a loss about how I get my little story out of my computer and linked to the TQ ficathon community. Help please! (and gosh.. don't be too rough on my story.. I tried REALLY hard! And while I sorta like it, it's not nearly as good as I wanted it to be. Oy)

    Edited : I did it! My little fanfic, called "Surprise," is now on the tq_ficathon.

    Yeah! Finally! It took me awhile.

  11. #1: What would Tracy go back and change about her life? Try to choose only ONE thing.

    Leaving her sons for long periods of time.

    #2: Who does she think of most when in a melancholy mood?

    Lost loves? Lost battles? Or her own regrets? Or something else.

    These days, it’s Luke – always Luke.

    #3 Tracy can secretly _touch her nose with her tongue_. And only _Dillon_ knows it.

    #4 Tracy would _die__ for __Luke__.

    #5 What Tracy loves best about Luke is __the way he looks at her when he thinks nobody is looking__.

    #6 Tracy admires _Luke_ more than any other person on earth. Living or dead. (You want me to say Lila.. but I’m not going to do it!!)

    #7 Tracy has been married how many times and name her husbands in order.

    Lord Larry Ashton, Mitch Williams, Paul Hornsby, that guy from “The City” (It starts with an “S.” Solieto?), Luke Spencer (So 5. Is that right?)

    #8 Tracy keeps _a silver flask of Greygoose_ in her nightstand.

    #9 Tracy is currently reading _The Lesbian Karma Sutra_. (She’s been trying to get some inspiration to swing the other way for a while. Men haven’t worked out very well.)

    #10 Tracy's best traits are: her willingness to stand up for herself no matter what!!, her sarcasm, her !@#$%^&*]iness, her cut-throat do or die attitude.

    #11 Tracy's worst traits are: her sarcasm, her !@#$%^&*]iness, her cut-throat do or die attitude.

    #12 Essay question: The reason I am the world's biggest Tracy fan (or just a Tracy fan) is: her willingness to stand up for herself no matter what!!, her sarcasm, her !@#$%^&*]iness, her cut-throat do or die attitude.

    I love “women of substance.” Tracy is a “woman of substance” (She is only one of a handful on daytime TV, where vapid pretty women rule ---until they’re no longer vapid and pretty. Then they fade into the background like Bobbie and Monica).

  12. LaineyBev, I would like to thank you for the feedback on Oh, Baby as well. I'm trying to get them "together," but I don't want to move too quickly. Hope I'm not moving too slowly either. LOL.

    Ms. Q, you are doing a GREAT job!! (But I gotta tell you...if you want to go faster on the "getting them together thing," I would not be opposed. Ha!) :lol::lol::lol:

    It's all part of my (now very sad and pitiful) Tracy & Luke addiction/obsession. GH isn't helping.. so I am seeking my "fix" elsewhere!!

    No, no Tracy today, tracyluver, Audrey was the lucky winner of the 'get out of the vet closet free' card today.

    Audrey!! Audrey!!! No Tracy, but Audrey!?!?!?! What the heck? When's the last time we saw her?!?!??! I wasn't even aware GH had a deal where they could bring her back for a day like that. (She looked great by the way!)

  13. Sad that her hardass self was reduced to one line before being regulated to the ABSOLUTE REAR of Kelly's. Tracy...wallflower? Nononono.

    I may be in the minority here... but I would be happier had she NOT been on the last two days. Monday she shows up at the very end of the show for two minutes to haul lulu off to a party that everyone on this thread knows "our" Tracy wouldn't be caught dead at. Tuesday, she's essentially set dressing along with Bobbie/JZ.

    Sorry - I would rather JE leave than allow what happened to JZ to happen to her. Tracy is a great saucy, !@#$%^&*]y, independent, unique character.. and to reduce her to what she's been reduced to in the last two days is really really sad. GH is wasting JE/Tracy.. and they need to stop now.

  14. Fanfiction Updates: The Right Thing is almost done. Well, it was done. 'Til I decided to change some things. I might edit the final chapters in later.

    Ms. Q , I am eager to see what you've done with your story!!! I need to feed my Luke-Tracy addiction... and god knows GH isn't doing the job these days!!

  15. LULU SPOILERS........................................................................


    Week of July 31st: Pregnancy test.

    Week of Aug. 7th: She tells Laura.

    Week of Aug. 14th: Georgie finds out.

    Laura?!?!?! What the heck??? It's too soon to have the shock of it bring Laura out of her catatonic state.. so I wonder what's going on there.

    Fanfiction Updates:

    The Right Thing: Chapter 5 and Chapter 6. (This is the Anniversary story, by the way.)

    Thanks Ms. Q for helping to feed my Luke-Tracy obsession. This has been an extra shitty week, and your story has definitely helped make it a little better.


  16. Anyone else think it's a bad sign for the Qs that Emily came home today and grandfather - not Monica or Alan or even Tracy - were there to welcome her home? They all made SUCH a big deal when she left... and all she got today was Edward! A post here awhile back mentioned that GH was thinking about drastically cutting back the Q family. It has SOOO happened. When's the last time anyone saw Monica??! (way before Justus' funeral) Shoot.. who am I kidding.. when's the last time anyone saw Tracy (it's 2 weeks, right?)?? Geez!

    I almost typed something the other day that said something like: 'They can't get rid of all the Qs because then they'd have to scrap that lovely Quartermaine Mansion set.' And whola-- look what they did today. They put Emily & Carly in it (Carly **barf!!**). What the hell is Carly doing in the Q mansion?

    I know I'm pesimistic when it comes to Tracy, but this is all bad news for Tracy... very bad.

    That's okay, because if she leaves GH, I do, too.... and then maybe I'll be able to wean myself off of this Tracy-Luke obsession.

    Ms. Q thanks for the new story. It's definitely helping with my Tracy withdrawal!

  17. VERY INTERESTING?!?!? Do you think it just happens to be a coincidence that JE appears on Soaptalk talking about having to keep her mouth shut when seeing an "accident" and now she disappears from the canvas at GH? ;)

    I could be wrong.... but i don't think the timing's right. JE disapeared pretty much right after the interview aired (right?). I believe Soap Talk only tapes a couple days in advance of air... and GH tapes three weeks before air (right?). Anway, I think it's a conincidence. I'm choosing to believe it's a coincidence. I also don't think her comment was bad -- by that I mean incendiary or mean spirited. I'd be really surprised if any of the writers or producers were angry (because she could have been talking about anything: other actor's scenes, staging, camera placement, makeup, lighting, etc, etc, etc.)

    I miss my Tracy.. I really miss my Tracy. There is no Tracy on when Luke isn't around. Which means when Luke is with another woman, there will likely be very little (no?) Tracy. My friends, I fear Ms. Tracy is doomed.. doomed (I hope I'm wrong).






    Through November: 2 babies, 1 death, 1 divorce, 1 marriage, and a couple other things. *goes to search* 1 person leaves PC, 1 woefully underused character is considered a lame duck. We've seen "spoilers" like this before, and really, anyone could come up with something like this and be right. It's a soap. Of course there's going to be babies, deaths, etc.

    Anyway, speculation is that Luke/Tracy are the divorce and Luke/Laura are the marriage. I think there's a good chance LnL remarry on their 25th, Laura slips back into catatonia, leaving Luke morally bound to her. Also...I suppose Tracy could be the one leaving town.





    Okay-- I saw this earlier today, and I freaked out a little because - at the time- I was CERTAIN that Luke and Laura would indeed remarry. I saw it and thought, 'oh yeah, that's exactly what they'll do because it'll get them so much mainstream media coverage' (Think USA Today's story on Laura returning). And more mainstream media, means more viewers tuning in... so of course they'll do it! My gut tells me they probably will (and i hate that hate that hate that hate that :angry::angry: ), and I have been trying to talk myself out of believing it....

    If they DO do a Luke and Laura remarriage, I think the upside for us Luke/Tracy fans is that there will probably be some fun Luke/Tracy romantic action in August when TG returns for 2 weeks (2 weeks, right?). I say that because Laura will only be back for six weeks, and six weeks is a short time to bring T&L together, bring Laura back, break T&L apart and then get L&L remarried. They really need to get Tracy and Luke together for awhile before Laura comes back so people think of them as a couple before they break them up. So it needs to start happening soon.. hence my August story line. And I do believe they will get Tracy and Luke together, if only for a brief time. They've been flirting with the story line for wayyyy too long not to do it.. and besides, it gives the L&L thing a little extra zing!

    Another possibility is that the marriage in November is Jason & Sam!!!! and that ties into the Laura thing, because we learn during Laura's six week return that Sam is Nicholas' twin sister (that's the spumor that's been floating out there, right?). So Laura is there for her daughter's marriage, and GH gets a whole bunch of press off of that. Less likely, but it could happen. And this is the angle I'm pulling for!!!!!!!

    IF IF IF Luke & Tracy don't get divorced.. the divorce could be Lucky and Liz. I think that **might happen** if I'm right about my next guess -- which is that one of the "babies" belongs to Maxi & Lucky (Lucky is Laura's kid, too.. so Laura could be in some of these scenes, too.. you figure they're going to want to maximize her scenes while she's around because many old viewers really do love her and will watch for her).

    The divorce could also be Alexis and Rick, who I just HATE together!!

    ah... I am becoming more and more convinced that GH will make lulu preggers. She may not have the baby, but I do think they'll start that storyline. If they do, that points in the Luke/Tracy divorce direction, too... because L&T might think it's too gross for them to stay married. I dunno.. but I do think a Lulu pregnancy is very bad omen for Luke & Tracy.

    Bottom line... there are many signs pointing to no Luke/Tracy after November, which means maybe JE WILL leave. If she does.... I think the way they should do it is: Tracy tells Luke she loves him so much and she wants him to be happy, so she hands him the divorce papers in this great dramatic scene. Then she goes over the top with grief (oh come on.. most of you on this thread would love to see JE do that scene. JE would do it so well!), and then goes off to Europe or NYC or somewhere... because she just can't stand to be around in PC near Luke and Laura (then when L&L bust up or Laura goes catatonic again, Luke will be SCREWED cause Tracy will be GONE! But he will deserve it, because he will have hurt our girl!!!!!!).

    Ok.. I'll stop now. (But my Luke Tracy obsession continues.. I dont know why.. but it does) Oy.

  19. 5. To what famous singer has JE been romantically linked (although she denies the rumors emphatically)?
    5. Elvis Presley

    NO! I love that! This supposedly happened in 1969??? (During "Change of Habit"?? I've never seen it. Must see it now)

    Or are you kidding? Tell me you're not kidding, because I'm loving the idea of this wayyy too much!!!

    On another topic..... can somebody tell me how I can get a lovely Tracy Icon to go beneath my name? (Avatar, is that what you call it?!?!) I've seen icons on a few sites (posted by some of you guys), but I have no idea how to "grab" them and then how to get them under my name. (I believe someone gave TravyLurver a tutorial on how to do this several pages back, but I can't find it. And what is proper icon etiquette? I see talk about grabbing and giving proper "credit," but I'm not exactly sure what that means either. Would love some advice... I need me a cute little Jane Elliott picture under my name! :D:D:D

  20. Something must change,or *real* marriage or not, the story will die. They must grow,or end.

    By growing,yes,I mean first off,Luke choosing Tracy.

    I mean *really* choosing her. For the best, happiest reasons,and not just because he can't have Laura.

    I can see this happening,because I do think Laura is going to emerge still wanting the same things,and Luke no longer does.

    I think there's a reason that they show Luke talking about his lack of interest in the domesticated life.

    With Laura,he would be domesticated.

    He could remain married to Tracy the rest of his life,and NEVER be that way.

    I agree with you ILTQ!!

    The less Tracy (and Luke) are on... the more I think about 'em (I guess it's my overactive imagination filling in the blanks). And I have been thinking about 'em a lot lately, and I have become obsessed with the whole idea of him choosing her. I even *gasp* have started playing with a fan fic about it. I call it "surprise." In it, Luke shows up for Lulu's surprise 18th birthday party (organized by Bobbie) and everyone, especially Lulu, is surprised (and impressed) by his appearance. Turns out his presence at the party was just luck -- he was simply looking for Tracy. He never got to Holly. He figured out enroute that she was going to use him, and that he was simply using her as an excuse to run away from whatever was simmering wih Tracy. So he had spent the last several weeks kicking around Europe trying to get Tracy out of his head, and realized he couldn't! So, in my little fic he returns to PC to tell her he really cares about her and wants to give thier relationship a whirl. It's sorta sappy, and I'm having a helluva hard time with the tone and the dialogue!! I've written stories before, but never fanfic. It's a lot harder than I thought because I have real established characters with voices and personalities running through my head, and its difficult for me to match my writing to those voices. I gotta tell you, MinervaFan, I've been a big fan of you fic for several weeks (since I've been reading it), but I am a *really huge* fan now. I don't think I realized how difficult it would be for me to write this little idea I had....

    So anyway... I am obsessed with the whole Luke *choosing* Tracy thing. I am glad to see others share my obsession!!

    oh.. one more thing..

    Ms. Q, I LOVE your banner-thingy (What do you call that? "String of Icons?" "Graphic?" "Banner-thingy?" ha!). I saw it earlier this evening while I was at work, and laughed out loud. So thanks for the distraction. I was having a cruddy day, and it helped brighten things up!!

    Edited: To apologize for not being able to get the screen names in this post to appear in bold. Ugh!! I have tried and retried, and the "bold" is not taking, no matter what I do! oy! I'm going to bed. Sorry! I tried!

  21. Apparently Wally is up for a big role on ATWT, so if he gets it I wonder how they will write Ned out? I sincerely hope it's not another Quartermaine death...and what I can only imagine would be another offscreen funeral, which would just sicken me because Ned has so many friends in this town, and so many important characters would have to impossibly return for an onscreen funeral. Maybe they'll just have him move away to spend time with his daughter or go on tour or something. Maybe they'll just do nothing and he'll be perpetually away on business. In any case, I at least want another Tracy/Ned scene before he goes, if he goes. There should be some closure to their relationship before he leaves. God, it's so depressing being a Quartermaine fan these past few years.

    I don't think they'll do anything if Wally leaves. They don't have to.. I mean, serously, when is the last time anybody saw him? (It's been months I think) I can't remember the last scene I saw him in. What's he supposed to be doing these days, anyway?

    Speaking about seeing less of the Quartermaines these days.... When's the last time Monica has been on? I believe it's been close to a month. There was talk on this board awhile back about more Q characters going recurring. Is LC recurring now. She had been popping up here and there for awhile, but now she seems to have disappeared. :(

    That said -- fewer Q characters to choose from means "our" favorite Quartermaine may actually get on more often. (It' sad but true, I think)

  22. Okay... I'm working late nights all week.. and I got home about 2 hours ago.. and watched the SoapTalk interview.

    I have a question -- How come Jane looked so much younger on SoapTalk than she does on General Hospital!?!?! Really, I thought "Jane" looked 10 years younger than "Tracy." I know the lighting on GH HAS to be more sohpisticated than the lighting on a little cable network talk show, so I just don't get it. GH makeup has to be at least partly to blame.

    Am I the only one who thought this way? (It could be that I'm just so wacked-out tired that I'm not seeing clearly...)

  23. ETA: Tracy/Patrick? Huh???? No, my brethren and sistren, Tracy does not need a boy toy. She's already married to an overgrown adolescent and pseudo-flirting with another overgrown adolescent. What she needs is a man, not a boy. She's never actually been paired with a real grown-up--don't you think it's time?

    I am with you... No Patrick. Not enough substance...

    Bobbie has the substance.. but for some reason, I'm not loving the pairing. If they ever do a woman for Tracy, I think they'll need to bring in a new character (I'm voting for someone played by Kate Mulgrew. I would SO pay big bucks to see that!!!!! Yes, apparently in addition to a Jane Elliot obsession, I have a Kate Mulgrew obsession. Who knew?!?!)

    Good news (for me anyway), is that I have become convinced Lacy will happen when Luke returns in August or just before Laura returns in the fall. All the spoilers/signs point in that direction, and I choosing to believe it!!!





    Ms. Quartermaine was quoting SoapDish about Lulu possibly getting shot with Tracy possibly making all the medical decisions..

    Supposedly an SD rumor for August says (this is from a fan email I get.. I can't find the darn thing on SD, but anyway..): "Dillion and Lulu aren't the story."

    If Dillion and Lulu aren't the story.. then their parents are. I am convinced that something is going to happen with the kids that will finally push Tracy and Luke over the edge (only to have it busted up by Laura)... but it is definitely going to happen. I feel it in my bones!!!

  24. Dear fracking GAWD! Will some man, some clever, insightful, sensible man, PUH-LEASE kiss this woman without the intention of making another woman jealous? Have you freakin' SEEN her? She's beautiful, sexy, smart, rich, funny--probably a wildcat in the sack (remember the picture, boys...)--and you stupid Y-chromosomes are not getting it! Ugh. Just Ugh.

    Tracy so needs a female lover. Preferably one with brains, who isn't psychotic, murderous, or out for revenge against the Quartermaines. I'm thinking we bring back Zoe from The City. They were good together.... Or maybe Marlena from Days. (Oh, just shoot me--I'm still recovering from The Day from Hell, and my brain is shot.)

    Hola... been out of town for awhile.. checking back in.

    I SOOO love the idea of Tracy with a woman!!.. but there isn't a woman on GH who is a match for our girl (Really.. Nobody comes close to matching her strength and complexity. Anna sort of does, but not really).

    Come to think of it -- there aren't really any good male matches for her, either. Luke is as close as it gets, which is why all of us seem to love the idea of the two of them (He matches her stength and complexity).

    Maybe the "old" Robert would have been a good match for Tracy.. but this new incarnation of Robert is sorta bafoon-ish. I really don't like the idea of a Robert-Tracy match-up..

    Not one little bit. Not at all. Sorry.. I know many of you disagree.

  25. Okay if you haven't seen today's show yet, you may not want to read on









    I started out extremely disappointed with today's episode. I was listening to the chat between Tracy and Robert at the beginning, and I was thinking 'what the heck is up with this filler cr**?!?!' But, I have to tell you, I was 1000% wrong!!!!! I ended up thinking today was amazing!! It was as if the writers were peeking in here or reading our minds or something. I thought Robert's description of Tracy was dead on!!!! (I am away from my Tivo, so can't rewind and quote directly -- but basically he said she was independent and lacked sensitivity and would do what it takes to get what she wanted, but that she genuinely cared about Luke and therefore cared about Lulu. There is more I liked in his description, but I can't remember). Anyway, Robert's description of Tracy was something I would write -- or something someone in here would write. And then came the part when Tracy compared herself to LuLu. She said she was a lot like LuLu at her age --that they were both were eager to attract the attentions of absent/distant fathers. I may be mistaken, but I believe MinervaFan (or someone else) said exactly that just a short time back.

    Anyway, I clicked off the TV feeling quite hopeful that at least the writers know the same Tracy I know.. and that is a good thing for now!!

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