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Posts posted by LaineyBev714

  1. But before I go, Lainey and Regency, not sure if you saw ER tonight, but Kerry is getting some action. ;) Not a super lot (eh, she probably got more than we saw), but more than our girl Tracy, nonetheless.

    I'm back (again)!! And the first thing I did was scroll through my TIVO! Yep.. I saw the Kerry/TVProducer action. Very cool... I'm very happy about that. What I didn't see in any of the GH episodes I scrolled through (Tu-Fri -- all the ones I missed) was Luke or Tracy. Neither was on!?!? At all!?!?! While I was away!?!?! (Tell me I scrolled too fast and missed something that was there) Good LuNacy ALWAYS happens while I'm away!! WTF?!?!?!?!

    I need clarification -- was there really NO Luke after Monday? And if so, do we expect to see him again before he leaves on his vacation? If the answer is "no," then how is GH going to explain his disappearance until late January? The last we heard he told Lulu he "wasn't going anywhere." I'm confused. Someone help me out... What is going on!?!?!?

    I thought we all might need a little Pick-Me-Up. :D Here is the full article of Jane's SID Gold Star:

    Jane Elliot is one of the best actresses working in television-daytime or primetime-and is able to make Tracy, whom we should despise, a character we empathize with at the most unexpected of moments. Paired with Anthony Geary's Luke, she positively sparkles. Best of all, like a diamond, she is able to shine without Tracy ever losing the razorsharp edge which makes her who she is. Ironically, while it is Luke and Laura who are considered the classic couple, Elliot's Tracy is, in reality, a far better match for Luke. And don't think for a moment that Tracy doesn't know it!

    That writer for SID is a freakin' genius (Minerva, when did you start freelancing for SID? ;) )

    Oh Minerva , if it's not too much of a pain could you upload your LuNacy and David/Dorian videos to megaupload or sendspace. I can't really watch YouTube on my home computer, cause it's dialup. I'd like to be able to download your videos and watch them this weekend... if it's not too much trouble. Thanks!

    EDITED 100 posts!! oy....

  2. Lainey, *sniff* our girl DIDN'T have a picture on that page. Yeah, it was my letter, but no, there wasn't a pic of Tracy in it.

    NO! There WAS a PICTURE!!!!!! I SAW it with MY OWN EYES!!!!

    It was from the day Luke "married" Laura. Tracy is in the black getup that you all liked, and I thought was ugly as sin. She's got the flask in her hand and is looking quite "evil." That picture wasn't there??!?! 'Cause if it wasn't on your page, then Soap Opera Digest prints at least two editions!!! I left the mag in GA, but I asked someone to scan it and email it to me. So I should have it tomorrow. I may or may not have time to email it to you tomorrow, but Deb , you'll get it before the end of the week. (You really didn't see a photo on that page?!?! I don't understand how that can happen. hmmmm)

    And ILoveTracyQ mentioned this on SZ, or SOC, or both, LOL, but the third LuNacy scene today where Tracy said Luke was walking into an abyss, and she wanted to hold him back? Can I say "Awwww?"

    Yeah... Awwwwww. It was pretty good.

    I hated today when I saw it "live," but I gotta tell you on TIVO it's MUCH better!! :lol: First time through I thought that today's Tracy-Luke was all about propping up LuLu for her next great big storyline... and while I still think that... I think there was some good stuff in today.. some stuff that could really help make LuNacy "real," if TIIC goes down that road. And I think they will.... eventually.

    You guys, at the end of Tracy's scenes today when she says "I'm done," I think she was really meaning 'she's done with the whole relationship.' For those of you who disagree with me, watch it again. I was struck by how odd it was that she would come to him at the Haunted Star and talk with him about LuLu and not their relationship... but then I realized in her mind, there is no relationship. She's "done." That's what sitting out in the cold was all about the other day -- coming to the realization that she would never be Luke's number one and she didn't want to be his number two. She was saying she's done with the relationship... and I believe she meant it. :o

    Good thing for us, that "Tracy" is still in love with "Luke" and that Luke is going to hit up Tracy on the way out of town and ask her to wait.. and have patience.. and she will.. cause she loves him. She may be "done," but not for long.... LUNACY WILL HAPPEN!!! :lol::lol:

    Oh ... I can guarantee a couple more good LuNacy scenes this week, my friends. I'm out of town beginning tomorrow afternoon.. pretty much for the rest of the week. Will likely miss tomorrow, and won't be able to watch again until late Friday... which means good things are coming people... really good things! (They ALWAYS HAPPEN when I'm away. It's guaranteed!!) Enjoy for me! :D



    Lainey, you'll love this, if um, one thing leads to another, which I doubt, which is fine, because I'm convinced you're still going to get a little something (not sex, but...). Anyway, if that doesn't make sense, I apologize. LOL. Just scroll...




    From Waffle Press: Tracy really ups the ante during Luke's card game, and he could wind up losing the family jewels.

    Ha. LuNacy is going to play strip polker, or at least that's what Regency and I speculated.

    Keep in mind her spoilers are literal: "Tracy can't have her cake or eat it either." Any other ideas of what this most recent spoiler could mean?

    Ohhhhhhhhhhh Lainey is SOOO happy!!!

    Here's what I think about the "family jewels"....

    It's one of his wedding rings!!!!

    Which one, is the question?!?!?! When I first read this, I said, 'sh--, she's going to ask for a divorce and demand the ring back.' But the more I think of it, the more I think she's going to want his "fake" wedding band. Looks like she might get it, and a whole lot more. Yipppeeeeeeee. Nothing could make me happier.

    And now I'll tell you guys something: On my way home from Thanksgiving weekend this evening I got an email that said I might have to go on an unexpected business trip for a day or two this week. Nothing is definite, but it looks like I'll be out of town a little this week!!! And we all know that when I go out of town -- GREAT LUNACY THINGS HAPPEN!!!!!!!!!!!! So hold tight my friends, all the signs are there!!!!


    IT WILL HAPPEN!!!! :wub:

    NO DOUBTS!! NONE!!!!

    I!!!!! AM!!!!!!! BACK!!!!!! ON!!!!!!! THE!!!!!!!!! BUS!!!!!!!!!!!

    JOIN ME!!!!!!!!!!

    Welcome to Keaton ! I like your take on the whole Luke Tracy romance.... sounds like you'll fit into our little bit of lunacy here very nicely! Good to have you!

    OH..Everyone knows it DEFINTIELY was Deb's letter in SOD, right? (I bought it. Had to!). Deb, I love that you got our girl her own little picture on that page. Without you, it wouldn't have been there!! So cool.

    Ta ta from a VERY HAPPY Lainey in La La Land!!! :lol:

  4. I'll also go on record as saying I think Jane and Tony click together better, and I also think Tracy fits Luke better now than Laura does. :)

    I AGREE ILTQ !! I have always thought that, which is why I have been having so much trouble with the L&L "I love you always" c--p. It just hasn't been ringing true to me, and I've been having a really hard time with it. I know some of you here really like Laura, and I really respect that, but I have to tell you I am SO GLAD this L&L chapter is over! So glad.

    I thought Jane's "faces" today were AMAZING. She can say more with her face than any actor on that show can say with words. "Does he love me?... Do I still want him?... I am supposed to be happy now?... This doesn't feel happy... He must be in pain..He didn't lie to me... She really did fade like he said... We're still married... " She "said" it all in her look. That is one tortured woman-- eager to find her truth at the bottom of the bourbon, but she knows it's not there. AMAZING!!

    Was anyone else here rooting for her to show up at the end when Luke was leaning against the wall, and just hug him and hold him? It's sick, I know, because he's treated her SOOO badly, and he doesn't deserve her comfort... but I wanted her there. I kept praying she'd come rounding the corner and he'd just collapse in her arms. He belongs there. I believe it. Now if only Guza would make it work.

    I think in a few weeks we'll all be back where we started. I'll be nipping olives in mah Bentley of Neutrality and ya'll will be yucking it up on the Bus. To me, it's as inevitable as anything else is on General Hospital.

    I don't know about you in the Bently, but I've already got a foot on the bus. It's sick, I know.. but they're SO right for each other. I'm just looney for LuNacy!

    And oh -- Angel , I LOVE your Avatar. LOVE IT!!!!!!!!

    OH BIG EDIT HERE!! : Everybody must go to Jane-Elliot.com and vote in my poll!!!! The Question? "How Long Until Luke and Tracy become a 'Real' Couple?" Go forth and vote, my friends. It's your right and your duty!!! :lol::lol::lol:


    From what I can gather, today was supposed to be Tracy walking through the gardens (trying to shrug off Luke and sort of "reclaiming" the space that Laura took from her earlier in the day). They DEFINITELY cut one scene with DILLON. The one they aired didn't entirely make sense, so there must have been one before the one that aired where Dillon runs into Tracy and they begin a conversation about Laura. The Tracy "breaks down" scene was DEFINITELY shaved. They got out of it just as she was beginning to "breakdown." And -me thinks- there was one more Tracy in the garden scene that got cut - maybe the one where Luke ignores her.

    Anyway, after watching today, I think what GH might actually do is have Tracy divorce Luke while he is away. Then he comes back and SHE's the one who went to the Dominican!!!!! Ha!!! And he has to whoo her back. Could happen. Might happen. I both LOVE and HATE the idea. I LOVE it because it would be Tracy taking her power back. I HATE it because once they're divorced I don't think TIIC will resist Luke playing the field like he usually does, and I don't think Luke and Tracy would ever get married again. And - I gotta tell you - I love the idea of them has the happily married dream scheme team. Love it! Love it! It may never happen, but it thrills me to DEATH.

    I also had this dream about Luke calling Tracy after his RL Break and asking her to meet him somewhere to begin "reconnecting," and she agrees but then her plane goes down, and he can't find her!! I really did dream this, and I'm not sure what to make of it. Oy. :unsure:

    EDIT 1-What's the prize going to be for turning the 200th page?? We're awfully close, and we haven't mentioned it yet. Last time it was a breadmaker, this time.............

    2-I'm almost at 100 posts! (If I don't post for a few days, maybe I can do my 100th post at the top of the 200th page! ha! oy)

  6. I can take second best, as long as the humiliation stops.

    I want Tracy to be first.

    Sorry guys, it's what I want. It's why I'm having so much trouble with this. (It's also why I dislike Laura so much).

    Everyone should be number one in the heart of the person they love. It they're not, well then, it's not love... it's something else.

  7. what exactly, really guys--tell me, what EXACTLY did Luke do in Friday's episode that has everybody so furious?

    Because I didn't see a thing.

    Not one single thing.

    I am still on the LuNacy bus. Hell, I'm the conductor, bus driver, ticket taker, and popcorn seller for the LuNacy bus. They can totally bring this back around.

    Lainey, TracyLuv, MsQ? Ya'll tell me what I missed. Until then, the bus leaves at 7:00 am. Rock on, LuNacy.

    Hmm.... I can't speak for anyone else, but here is what I was reacting to:

    *I believe it is impossible for someone to feel as overwhelmingly, actively and presently in love with one person (the feelings Luke apparently has for Laura), and still have active, viable feelings for someone else (Tracy). What I believe is: you have to get over someone in order to *really* love someone else. The Tracy character believes that too. Just after Luke told Tracy "I love you," she reminded him it took him years to get over Laura, and asked how long it would take him to get over her this time. The sort of love that he announced to Laura and to the world (telling her that she is his soul, etc. etc) takes YEARS to get over. And I don't want to wait years for LuNacy. It also negates some very real feelings that Luke has developed for Tracy. Luke was telling Laura that she is his everything, and that's just not the truth anymore. It's been four years. He really did move on. She's not his "everything." Tracy is supposed to be at least part of his "something." And the writing reflected NONE of Luke's growth. None of it. Yes, I believe Luke loves Laura, but I don't believe he would love her as actively and as presently as the way they depicted it. I just don't buy it. It's not 25 years ago, and acting like it is disrespectful to what happened in between (Tracy!).

    *Secondly-- Minerva, I realize after reading your "This Fragile Shell" fanfic, as well as your comments here, that we are thinking about this Luke-Laura-Tracy thing differently. You seem to be comfortable with Laura being number one in Luke's Heart. Your Tracy in "This Fragile Shell" has made peace with the fact that if Laura comes back Luke would choose her, not Tracy. I hadn't been thinking that way. In my mind, Luke has to get to a place where he we would choose Tracy if Laura came back. In other words, he needs to move on and love Tracy overwhelmingly, actively and completely. Every spouse deserves that from a partner. And the Luke I saw on Friday (and for the past several weeks) isn't capable of that sort of love for Tracy. That is why I have been so despondent. (That said.. I gotta tell you I like your perspective a lot better than mine. It hadn't occurred to me, and I'm going to try to embrace it! :D )

    Anyway-- you asked what I was thinking. And that's what I've been thinking.

    Ta ta from Lainey's LaLa Land,


  8. WARNING -- Spoiler mentions below




    I am concerned that our two biggest LuNacy fans have walked away from the ship--that seems unfathomable to me.

    You talking about me, Minerva or Ms. Q and TracyLuv ?

    I haven't jumped ship (yet. actually I think I used the term 'bus' - ha!). Anyway, I'm off to the side waiting to see how they pick up the pieces from this horrible crash. I am heartened by the spoilers about Tracy trying to be there for Luke when Laura slips back, and about how there is a tender "goodbye" between the two of them. I even like the spoiler about how Tracy is encouraging him to be there for Lulu because that all points to signs that she still cares for him, and wants the best for him. And I am fairly certain that when he comes back he will see all this, and there will indeed be LuNacy Love.

    I am enormously disappointed in the way this whole thing was written. Luke is up there telling the world (and himself and Laura), how much he loves Laura. Sure, he tossed Tracy an "I love you," but in the middle of what was happening it seemed so trite and unimportant. For 1.5 years now Luke and Tracy have been written and acted with this wild, crazy spark -- it reeked of lust and lunacy and possibility. And I know that it was partly that way because Jane and Tony have been pushing for it, but the writers went along with it. And for them to just IGNORE that history the way it was ignored was completely unfair. It COULD have been different. Luke could have come to Tracy beforehand and told her about his plans for Laura, and there could have been this heartbreaking scene where he tells her he cares but he has to go down this different path for now. It COULD have been dramatic and funny and wouldn't have spoiled thier L&L extravaganza (barf. gag). IT COULD HAVE BEEN 'SOAPY' WITHOUT BEING 'BAD.' IT WAS BAD!!! AND THAT IS WHAT IS SO DISAPPOINTING. :blink:

    So.. I haven't jumped the LuNacy bus yet, but I might.. we'll see.

    In the meantime, Ms. Q , your avtar is HILARIOUS! :lol:

  9. Hola Todos!!!

    I'm BACK! . Actually, that's not true. I'm not back until Sunday night, but I'm back HERE right now. I've seen most of the week, including Tuesday, Thursday & Friday (today). I gotta tell you:

    a)I thought the "I love you" sucked. They didn't cut to her face (which was awesome even from the side), and it wasn't heartfelt enough on Luke's part. Tracy deserves a real "I love you." Not one said to get her to stay quiet at her husband's wedding (even if he MEANT it, the timing was just WAY too convienent).

    b)The bit where Monica leaned over to Tracy and said "we're all taking bets on the day Luke flew to Dominican and divorced you behind your back" was one of the cruelest things I have ever heard on TV. Ever!!!! (Sure there is a history between Monica and Tracy-- but what has Tracy done to Monica, lately?!?! uh.. nothing.. cause monica hasn't been around! ha)

    c)I hate Luke. I am no longer sure if Luke and Tracy are married. Could he have gotten a secret divorce in the Dominican, like Monica said?? Maybe, maybe. And even if he didn't, if he REALLY cared for Tracy, he could have told her what was happening with Laura from the very beginning, and said to her: "listen, I have strong feelings for you, and maybe we have a future, but I'm not going to know until I get through this thing with my ex-wife. So I want us to work on something once I take care of Laura and end it once and for all, but I have no right to ask you to wait. I hope you do." AND he should have divorced her (or at least given her the option of divorce). This whole thing is disgusting and reeks of mockery.

    d)The Tracy in the closet thing.. well, it's so awful and ridiculous, that I'm just going to leave it there! ('nuff said!)

    So in Summary.... I am now CERTAIN that Lunacy Love WILL happen, and you know why?!?!?!?! It's because I'm no longer certain that I WANT IT TO HAPPEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She deserves better. SOOO Much better. Hmmmm....

    But in the end, I believe that he and Tracy will find their way back to each other. I do. And Lainey, if you're reading this, please go on vacation more often. We've had KILLER TQ episodes since you've been gone. We miss you, but do it for the team.

    Uh... If you still WANT Luke and Tracy together, you might want to know the following things about my schedule: Out of town for 4 days at Thanksgiving (th-su). and then from Dec. 22 through the end of the year (31). I think I have a long weekend away at the end of January. The December week falls while TG is away.. but maybe he'll be sending her love notes from wherever he is hiding out in order to lead up to their New Years Eve lovefest. Maybe.. Maybe...

    But as I said, I may be tumbling off the Luke Tracy Bus. He SUCKS. He needs to start "letting go" of Laura soon.. and then he needs to grovel like mad. Ugh.


    Folks, what's going on here?!?! People seem to be freaking out about Tracy's future. What's wrong?? Too much good news get you nervous?!?!?! We get a little high-level exposure and teases about "I Love Yous" and we can't handle it?!?!?! Relax!!! There will be bumps and lumps along the way (this is a soap, and Tony has to take his mega stupid vacations), but Jane is STAYING , and there WILL BE LUNACY LOVE!!! I have NO DOUBTS!! IF you have doubts, go to Jane-Elliot.com and check out the spoiler section. I laid out my "proof" that I am right point by point!! Trust me folks, I AM RIGHT! :lol::lol:


    P.S. - I'm off on a combo play/work extravaganza.. won't be back until the 19th.. and internet access will be limited. So I won't be here much (if at all). And if (er.. excuse me- WHEN) there is LuNacy "Love Yous" (sex?!?), I won't be around to squeal about it in the breakroom afterwards. But don't worry.... I

    will be back!!!!!!!!!!! BYE!

  11. _




    OH. MY. GOD.

    Attention LuNacy Fans: You are going to uber-love Tony Geary more than ever after reading the following. It's going to be fun in the breakroom tonight. Lainey, you are not going to be able to control yourself. No, it's not LuNacy sex, but still. ;) Without further adieu...

    LUKE TELLS TRACY HE LOVES HER. It's in one of the mags that CarolineSpencer summarized at SoapZone. It wasn't part of the script. Tony Geary added it in; the writers let him. Here's what was posted:

    All right. Let the squee'ing begin. Of course, if this does air on Luke/Laura's WEDDING DAY? Oh man, LuNacy fans, arm yourselves, LOL.


    As for arming myself... BABY, I AM LOCKED AND LOADED!!! BRING IT ON!!!!!

    I REALLY want Lainey to join tonight, so I can see her react to all of this. Heh.




    IT'S ABOUT DARN TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'm thrilled folks. Thrilled! :lol::lol::lol:

    All I have to say is, there better be a darn KISS with the " I LOVE YOU!" There must be some passion with the I LOVE YOU!!! or I will definitely feel robbed! (Actually, I'm hoping for a sex scene with the I LOVE YOU!!! , but we'll see! I keep remembering that spumor about a Lunacy love scene, and it rang true to me at the time, so we'll see!!!!!!

    The "break down thing" troubles me.

    The wedding in Tracy's garden troubles me.

    The black dress is hilarious and sad.. and it troubles me.

    The locked in closet thing (after she passes out from being too drunk), troubles me to no end.

    And Luke leaving for December troubles me, too.

    But that's only because I LOVE TRACY and she is SO CLOSE!!! to bliss. Just like Guza to put a GIANT 25 YEAR OLD ELEPHANT in her way so close to the finish line! Grrrrrr.

    You know why next week is going to be TOTALLY FANTASTIC?!?!?!? . It's because I'm going to be out of town all week at a work conference thingy, and will have trouble watching regularly. Whenever I can't get to a TV, something BIG happens. SO - odds are good that prior to the L&L "wedding," there will be hot monkey sex!!!

    VIA LA LUNACY!!!!!

  12. Luke is going out of town from end of Nov. till Feb 2007? what the heck?

    Funny... when the writers were "messing" with the L&L reunion, I was like 'Oh well. I don't care. I'm not one of them. I don't like the story anyway. I don't think it's genuine. Via la Lunacy.' (Actually that's pretty much exactly what I thought... er.. think).

    But... NOW... we've got THIS Luke MIA B.S. again... and I CARE!!! Now that "MY" storyline is directly affected, quite honestly, I AM PISSED!

    Okay.. it's hypocritical of me, but I don't care!!! All signs pointed to Lunacy Love post-Laura... and now, it seems, that may have to wait until FEBRUARY?!?! . Sorry folks, but that is insane! They're going to celebrate their second anniversary madly in love but never having slept together. So freaking stupid I can't even begin to articulate how stupid that is! Ugh.

    I'm not asking for much..not much at all. I just want SOMETHING... ANYTHING ... prior to his departure that gives me REAL hope that LUNACY LOVE LIVES. Without it.. well..friends.. I might finally have had enough. I mean I'm a LUNACY nut, but I'm not certifiable (yet!).

    End Rant (for now)

    So... Regency I read your WIP. You are a beautiful, complex writer. Please never stop writing, and please promise me you'll try to publish someday. I want more.. more.. more of your stuff. You stun me.

    Minerva , I had crazy crazy long day but me and Ben and Jerry are cracking open your "gift" now.. and beginning to go through it. I am sure I will love it. You, too, move me (This group is amazing actually!)

    Peace, Love and Lunacy!


  13. OH MY GOD!!!!!!

    I am in LOVE with today's episode!!!!! Jane Elliot always rocks my world. Today, she spinned it around.. and around.. and around!!! She was so amazing, and so poignant and SOOOOOO "real!!!!" :D:D

    When Luke said that he would want to be married to Tracy if she didn't have a dime, and she did that sharp intake of breath -- I cried!! And then later, when they were at the bar, her body was all curled into him.. as if it was giving away her complete and total and utter attraction. :D:D

    I have been saying and seeing this for months: Luke is Tracy's Laura. I am positive!! :lol:

    And guys she is going to MEAN something to him -- something real and hot and long lasting and yummy yummy yummy. Shoot! She already does!! He's only about 85% wrapped around it. The 15% will come soon. You watch!!!

    And oh-- you heard it here first... at the end of their scenes today -- Tracy went screen left, NOT screen right!! She didn't leave The Haunted Star. She went back towards Luke's office. TOMORROW, my friends, Tracy will try to seduce Luke. You've heard it here first. I think it's gonna happen. (And I think he's gonna give in.. Hot monkey sex in the Haunted Star office!! I'm promising it! You heard it here first!)

  14. Thanks to Nex for The City clips. I'm too sleepy to upload them on dialup tonight.. I will get them in the morning, or when I get home. I can't wait to see them!!! THANK YOU!

    I'm eager to hear Regency's song, too.. But, alas, that will also have to wait until tomorrow because I am a sleepy old fart.

    Um.. Ms. Q I LOVE that banner thingy!!!! LOVE it. Is it for the main page of the JE site? What's it for? (LOVE IT!!!!!) And I love the quote you added to your signature.

    [Lainey is in just a loving sort of mood tonight]

    Night all! You are the BESTEST group on the web!


  15. Lainey's thoughts on today:






    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!BARF BARF BARF BARF!!!!!!!!!!!!!




    Tracy looked so sad and so wounded!

    **Hugs drunk Tracy!!**






    Thursday ~ Luke and Laura decide to get married on November 16th. Is there when Tracy has the "pleasure" of walking in on the announcement? Because if it is, that's THREE days of Tracy Q. this week. Meanwhile, Laura begins to remember Rick's death.

    Three??!?! Hmm.. there might be an upside to Laura afterall. :rolleyes:

    Breakroom, anybody? It's 7:20p Eastern.

  17. Hmmmm....

    Little action on this board today....

    I think it's all because we're all rather sad today.

    Yesterday was great -- it was Wounded Tracy, followed by POWER Tracy on the WARPATH...

    Today, I felt sorry for her. And apparently she felt it too, which is why she crawled into the bottle. Poor thing. That bastard is just trouncing all over her heart.

    There are some things I don't get:

    -We know our girl has NO problems standing up for herself, so why did she keep quiet today? We all know she loves him, but we also know she can be pretty destructive (both to herself and others) when she is angry (she is broken that way). So why didn't she spill the beans to Laura? Why'd she stay quiet? I gotta tell you it's NOT entirely in character. Maybe a little in character, but not entirely.

    -Leslie asked Luke yesterday what he is hiding. Ummm. What is he hiding? Does he ALREADY know she's going to be a ruttabega again? If so, how does he know? If not, what is he hiding? Is it his feelings for Tracy? Sorry, I'm not buying it. Especially after today. Any thoughts on what he's hiding? (Aside from the obvious from Laura. The writers - and Leslie- seem to be pointing to something else. Hmmm).

    I do like the new Haunted Star set. If they spent money on it it means they're going to be using it more in the future. Hmmmmm.. I did have that 'monkey sex on the craps table' premonition.. maybe.. maybe..

  18. OH!!!!!!! MY!!!!!!! GOD!!!!!!!!!!

    I can't believe there isn't more excitement on this board!!!!!!!!

    I finally got home from work, and was able to watch the bulk of the show on SoapNet (Thank God for SoapNet because my TIVO !*%#&$?#-up today of all days!!!). I am DYING PEOPLE!!! DYING!!!!!!!

    FINALLY - Jane got to strut her stuff!!!!!!!!!!!! She was MARVELOUS!!!!!!

    Somebody over at SoapZone did a Spencer recap and here it is:

    And Jane Eliot is a superb, understated actress.

    AMEN TO THAT!!!!!!!!

    Her facial expressions were amazing!! In the hospital she looked destroyed!! And in the bar, you could tell she cared so much about him -- still. Amazing!!!!!!

    P.S. "The Second Mrs. Spencer" looked totally hot today.

    Didn't she though?!?!?!?!? SOOOOOOOOOO HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wub::wub:

    Her hair looked great. Her makeup looked great! She looked better than she has in months!!! The make-up/wardrobe people actually spent TIME on her for today's episode -- imagine that!

    I'm so happy. SOOOO HAPPY!!!!!!!


  19. -



    Also, GF's last air date is around November 22nd. It's Thankgiving on GH, but the Spencers celebrate Christmas because Laura will be in her catatonic state again by the time Christmas does come. All right. This is sad. Laura might be boring. But this is sad. And it might just be the song I'm listening to right now and RL, but I actually have tears in my eyes! Anyway...What are you thoughts?

    Uh.. um... nope.. Not sad. F******* FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bye Bye Laura!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hello LuNacy! (God I hope GF doesn't come back! Is she definitely coming back?!?!)

    And oh my God.. L-n-L get married in the Q Garden!??!?!?! Does Tracy LUV Luke or what?!?!?!?!

    Hmm....let me check my eyes. NOPE.



    Yep. Mine too.

    Blondie has been back since Thursday. How many times has Tracy been on since Thursday?!?!?!?! Sorry... the sooner Blondie leaves, the quicker we get LuNacy. I'm obsessed, what can I say. I know it. You know it. We all know it!!!!!


    **Lainey trots off to mark Nov. 22 on her calender! That's only three weeks, my friends!!!!!!!! THREE weeks. That's a total of four GF weeks on GH!! I thought she was back for six???? Just four? Oh Hell, I'll take it as a gifts from the Gods. Thank you, Gods.**






    According to Guza himself, 25 years after their first marriage, Luke/Laura tie the knot again. Guza laughs, "Tracy is not pleased."

    Well, of course, she isn't, but what's with the "laugh" Guza? You got something evil planned for her? Anyway, I feel like all these spoilers are contradicting themselves. Luke and Laura don't renew their vows. They do renew their vows. It's a fake wedding. It's a real wedding. Tracy agrees to keep the marriage a secret. Nikolas prevents Tracy from telling Laura about the marriage. *head spins*

    I knew my joy wasn't going to last long. I knew it. I thought Guza had previously hinted at NO marriage. WTF!?!?!

    Anyway -- I watched live, and those of you who know more about GH history than I do might be able to make heads or tails of this....

    Carly tells Jax she wants to get married on Nov. 16.

    hmmmmm. Now is that the L&L Anniversary or is it the 14th?!?!! Even if it is the 14th, I can't see GH doing two weddings so close. The fact that Carly chose a date SO close to the 25th anniversary means something to me (and in my mind it's connected to LuNacy, but then again, in my mind damn near EVERYTHING is connected with LuNacy. Ha!)

    Would love to hear the speculation....

  21. And I think that it's already been spoiled that Luke tells Laura eventually that he is married to Tracy...and I think it might be *Laura* of all people, to realize Tracy is in love with him and tell him...especially after Tracy is willing to give him up.

    EEEEE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Good stuff people good stuff

    This has been spoiled already?!?!?!?!?! I missed that. How'd I miss THAT?!?!

    HOLY COW!!! This is genuine GOOD news. Thank you, ILTQ

    I hope it's true. I hope it's true. I hope it's true. :D:D

    (It's almost tooooooo good to be true. yipeeeeee)

    Could it be, because Guza is a bit of a warped dude, that this L&L thing could actually end up being good for us LuNacy fanatics? (Hmmmm......just wondering.... it's a thought)

    P.S.... Happy Anniversary Deb & Fey!!

  22. I am actually excited about what Guza has in store for Tracy while Laura is awake.

    And after.....helping Luke pick up the pieces?

    I have no idea, honestly.

    But I can't wait to watch.

    I think it's going to be some of Jane's best work in YEARS.

    Um.. ILTQ you actually sound (**gasp!**) POSTIVE! I thought you were the NEGATIVE one, but kiddo... you definitely sound hopeful and optimistic here. Most Definitely!

  23. I believe:
    • Jane is not leaving the show.
    • Luke will eventually wind up with Tracy.
    • LuNacy has a future.
    • Tony Geary will win an Emmy this year.
    • All will be well.
    I believe.


    ****I hope you're right. I hope you're right. I hope you're right.****

    ****I think you're right. I think you're right. I think you're right.****


    WTF was happening at the end of the show when Luke was having all of these doubts about Laura, and Robert said to him (paraphrase): "I know you too well. Something else is going on here."

    Something was definitely going on. And while I would LOVE to believe it had something to do with Tracy, I don't think that's entirely true - maybe partly true, but not in the way we would like. SO: WTF was happening there?!?!?!??! Thoughts?!?!?!??!

  24. Title: At the Café

    Author: MinervaFan

    Fandom: General Hospital

    Character: Tracy Quartermaine

    Word Count: 2601 words

    Rating: R

    Pairings: Tracy/Luke

    Ficathon: No

    Summary: Four years after their divorce, Tracy and Luke have a brief encounter in Brussels.

    Author’s Note: LaineyBev requests something to get us through this current dark times in LuNacy history. I believe, too, Lainey.

    URL: http://community.livejournal.com/tq_ficathon/52792.html

    Debbie B, you rock my world!

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