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Posts posted by LaineyBev714

  1. WTMF!!!! Tracy hasn't had her wedding ring on since the "I Love You Tracy" episode!!! WAHHH!!!!

    None of us ever noticed this? We must be slipping.

    I am totally freaked out!




    ***shakes violently***

    I bet you 20 bucks that she divorced him during her December hiatus from Port Charles. Ha! Cr*p. I bet you anything it's true. I still think they'll get together... eventually. But I bet you ANYTHING she ditched him in the Dominican WEEKS ago.

    We all know that if "Tracy" was married, JE would put that ring on every single time she played her. She's not a "sloppy" actress. Sh*t. Crud.


    Oh other things: FIVE TIMES IN A ROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Tomorrow: I'm gonna DIE! Just DIE!

    Ummmmm... any chance we'll get six? HA!

    Can anyone explain to me why they had to put Tracy into this Sam SL? I'm not complaining.. not really. I just don't get it. I guess it'll make sense in the end, but there are SO MANY people on the show who could bring Sam down (Liz, Carly, Ric, Alcazar's group). Why Tracy????? There is a reason it's Tracy, and I wish I understood it. Hmmmmmm.

  2. ohmygod!!



    If Tracy is on five times this week, I will DIE. JUST DIE! I don't think my heart will be able to stand it. I will just keel over and DIE! Holy Cow. IT COULD HAPPEN. IT COULD ACTUALLY HAPPEN!!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:





    And I agree with those who said that Tracy must side with Alan/Monica in all of this (no matter how much I adore LuNacy).

    Sorry, you guys. This is sad, but i disagree with the bulk of you.

    In my world, Luke is Tracy's Laura. He is her ultimate, the *match* made for her. He is also her weakness. It's also why she hasn't turned on him yet. Think about it, she took a lot of cr-- from Mitch and Paul, but by this stage in the game, she had turned on them. She hasn't turned on Luke. And she won't. Because she knows he 'gets' her. And she 'gets' him. They match: his angel to her angel. Her devil to his devil. They are soulmates. They were made for each other. I believe it. And I think a part of Tracy does, too. And a part of Luke's mind is playing with the idea. The two of them feel for each other POWERFULLY, which is why they are able to tolerate the long separations, because the closeness scares the hell out of each of them. Tracy has never felt so powerfully drawn like this before. And Luke may have felt powerfully drawn to sweet, dear Laura. But he has NEVER felt so drawn to a woman who is so gutsy and so ballsy and so clearly his equal. It thrills the hell out of him!

    So anyway... family is important to Tracy.. but in truth, they have never really been there for her. They hate her more than they love her. So if Luke can step up and admit his TRUE feelings for her, he will win her loyalty and her love. In my mind, there are no ifs ands or buts.

    That my friends is a little look inside Lainey's fantasyland!

    ta ta!


  3. As for Tracy, I don't think she knows who killed him, but I'm sure she's suspicious about Monica.

    ....... Anyway...At the start of the episode, it seemed like Tracy was on the kids' side, but she's totally on Monica's (and the family's) side now: "Monica said I should send you (Lulu) off to college. I'm beginning to think she's right." (something along those lines)



    I dunno...

    I just dunno....

    Does Tracy know who killed Rick, and is she protecting that person (Alan?)?

    When I watched 'live' today, I thought to myself 'Holy crud, she knows and she's protecting Alan.'

    But now I just watched the tivo version, and I'm not so sure.

    If she isn't protecting Alan (or Monica), I'm not sure why she would have suggested Lulu go to college out of state. It seemed like an odd about-face. Up until that moment, I really thought the kids were going to bring her into their confidence, and she was going to help them out. The part where Tracy 'agreed' with Monica REALLY suprised me and unnerved me a bit... that's because if Tracy KNEW Laura didn't kill Rick and failed to tell Luke about it, well, we can FORGET LUNACY!!! FORGET IT! IF SHE KNEW AND DIDN'T TELL LUKE, THERE IS NO CHANCE OF LUNACY. Therefore, I am choosing to believe she didn't know...


    Oh.. I LOVED Tracy's face when she popped up behind Monica in the hall. HILARIOUS!

    There was just a little touch of cat-fight potential today. GOD, I hope they come down on opposites sides of this fight. I hope that for three reasons: 1. I love to see Monica and Tracy battle. 2. If Tracy sides with A&M (and against Laura), LuNacy will die. 3. If Tracy needs to pick 'sides,' between Alan and Luke, I would LOVE for her to pick LUKE (it would thrill the hell out of Luke, and score her BIG Brownie points).

    Some more positive stuff here...

    Has anyone noticed a real change in the tone, pace, and writing of the show?

    There are more vets on (Bobbie, Tracy, Monica and Alan today). There are more minor characters on (Alice, Sneed, Epiphany. Heck, Sneed and Epiphany actually shared a scene today!). The scenes are shorter (so the pace is quicker), and they are getting more characters in per day. They are also using more extras (coffee shop people, day care people, etc). The writing seems snappier (Spumoni's dialogue is a great example!). The story lines seem a little edgier (Alexis & pot). Also, there seem to be more 'new' characters popping up: Spumoni, Sonny's HOT new attorney, Mateo, Jax's mom, this couple that has something to do with liz but I don't know what, cause I always speed by it....etc, etc.) Anyway, what I'm saying is, I've really begun to notice a change over the last few episodes.. AND I REALLY LIKE IT!!! :lol:

    Anyone know why? Have some behind the scene changes happened already? Or have we just gotten 'lucky' lately?

  4. OHMYGOD!!! After I watched today, I had TWO reactions. The first one was VERY VERY GOOD. The second one was VERY VERY BAD. I will tell you about both reactions.. and I will also admit: yes, I do over analyze. (I'm a Cancer. Deal with it. It's what we do ;) )

    What I thought was VERY VERY GOOD!!!!!!:

    -Tracy was on!!!

    -She was being maternal with Lulu!!! (Well, as maternal as Tracy can be).

    -Tracy identified with Lulu!! And she was being very, very kind to Lulu (It will win her MAJOR points with Luke later, but I don't think this is why she did it. I think she genuinely cares about Luke and Lulu).

    -Lulu was actually NICE to Tracy (I couldn't believe it!). She refused to call her Step-monster, and later, when talking to Laura, she back tracked on Step-witch. She said, "I shouldn't call her that. She's a witch, but she's being strangely empathetic. She knows what it's like to loose a mother..."

    -The writers made Tracy a little vulnerable (Well, as vulnerable as Jane Elliot will allow Tracy to be!).

    -Lulu mentioned Tracy's relationship with Luke, and she referred to it in a NICE, SUPPORTIVE way and even though Tracy dismissed what Lulu said, at least the writers WROTE it!!! So I thought to myself.... 'hmmm... why did they write that, and why is it airing today?' And then I thought.... 'ahhh... they're getting ready to bring Luke back, and they have to start setting up Tracy's emotions toward the return.' And I was thrilled at the prospect of Lulu supporting the relationship, because then it means she won't "fight it" when it starts to really gel. So all of this had me THRILLED... for a little while, before I started to over-think it (hint: see the VERY VERY BAD section below!).

    -Lulu brought up Tracy when speaking with LAURA!! I thought that topic was a 'no no.' So, I LOVE THAT IT HAPPENED.

    -AND OH- you're going to think I'm NUTS on this last point, but I'll type it anyway: Tracy was holding her robe closed, and she had her arms crossed across her body for the two scenes with Lulu. Sure, it could be Jane acting-- trying to show that Tracy is trying to protect herself while being 'vulnerable.' However, I have chosen to believe that's not the case. I think she's hiding a much thinner body. I think she's loosing weight like mad, and I think it's because she's getting ready for some hot LuNacy Sex scenes. Sure... you think I'm nuts.. but you wait until LuNacy sex happens and Luke comments on how fabulous she looks... you just wait!!!!!! :lol:;):lol:;):lol:;)

    What I thought was VERY VERY BAD:

    -Um... the back of Laura's head made an appearance today. Ummm.. That's bad my friends, very very bad. Last time that happened for the 'first time,' was when ABC announced via an article in USA Today that Laura was returning to GH. The minute I saw that head, I did a google news search to make sure there were no newspaper articles today (there were none.. whew). But this is not good. Reminding viewers of Laura's existence is not good... it makes viewers think she's still around, and opens the door to her return.

    -Lulu actually told Laura that she wanted to solve the mystery of Rick Webber's murder so that Laura could come back. She's never said that in such a black and white way before. That, too, leaves open the possibility that Laura will return.

    -Today, for the very first time, I noticed a Genie Francis picture in the upper left of SOC (you know where they have rotating pictures of GH characters). I have NEVER seen Genie there before today.

    -I'm worried, friends. I'm waiting for a "Laura Returns" announcement anyday now. GOD... I hope this is just TIIC F-ing with us again. I hope so. I hope so (but I don't think so). Ugh. :( :( :(

    On other things:

    KNH, Your picture is amazing!!! Bravo!! Bravo!!!

    Ms. Q, I'm downloading your video now. Based on the reviews here, I can't WAIT to see it!!

    Nex, your video gets downloaded after Ms. Qs!!! I LOVE new vids!

    What I also love is new fic... Regency, I can't wait to read whatever it is that you're now working on!!!

    Ta ta from La La Land,


    EDIT: Ms. Q, I am Crazy about your Crazy video! I just watched it like five times. Totally awesome.

    Nex, you're still downloading.. and I don't think I'm going to make it... so it'll be on the screen when I wake up in the morning. What a fun thing to wake up to!! nite nite.

  5. New page count on the AU--99 pages. And I'm not nearly done.

    OHMYGOD! I've read what you have sent to me. I LOVE it SOOO much. I find it amazing that you were able to take a plain, uneducated version of Tracy and still make her ring SO TRUE. The way you're having Tracy evolve is exactly how I feel she'd evolve if the situation 'really' happened (You know what I mean!). Your talent AWES me. Truly.

    Per recaps: Monica sort of referred to Tracy as Lulu's guardian. She saw Dillon, Lulu, and Spinelli hanging out at Kelly's and wanted to know if Tracy knew that she was hanging out with "him" (Spinelli).

    You know what... Monica looked sizzling today (in Kelly's). And I am DYING for a couple of Monica-Tracy matchups. I know Dillon is old enough to take care of himself, but I'm dying for him to tell Tracy that Monica is butting into Lulu's business.. and then have Tracy go all wild-eyed and crazy at Monica because she is angry the woman is butting into HER business. COME ON TIIC!!!!! The old Monica-Tracy catfights were WONDERFUL!!! Bring 'em on!!!!!!!!!! Bring 'em on!!!!!! :lol:

  6. GRANDMOTHER?!?!?!?!?!

    Shoot me DEED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    LOVE the mother storyline. HATE the grandmother storyline with such a passion I can't even begin to tell it to you.

    Tracy loved Europe... Alexis went to boarding school in Europe, no? Maybe Lord Ashton messed around with a young Alexis (while he was married to TRACY!?!? timing is off.. but that never stopped TIIC before), and Ned and Sam are half-siblings.

    Y'all.. i'm kidding, but I bet it's something like that. I bet Sam's dad has some links to Tracy (past lover or past husband... or something!)

  7. I'm telling you people.

    Sam is soooo Tracy's kid. Or at the very least, a Quartermaine/Cassadine hybrid.

    Why else the background check? Hasn't Sam's background already been looked into once?

    So you better learn to love her !

    Get it? Got it? Good. :P





    IF TRACY IS LUKE (MR. BIG GH STAR) SPENCER'S WIFE AND SAM (MS. BIG GH STAR) MCCALL'S MAMA-- Then she will get BIGTIME AIRTIME... talking 4x a week airtime.

    More Spumor talk below:




    I'm hearing all sorts of stuff (ON SOC) about AJ coming back.

    Have we talked about that here?

    More Quartermaines is a good thing, right?

  8. Anyway, I just found it today, and SoapDish is speculating that it might have been TG's idea and that he will behind the scenes for most of this.

    GH only gets TG a few months out of the year, and people actually tune in to see him. NO WAY they'll let him disappear behind the camera during the time he's actually working. NO WAY! He may do some directing type stuff, but it would be in addition to the on screen stuff. I AM CERTAIN!

    OMG. GH is doing a "24" series for Feb sweeps? *thinking back to thehideous green animal that died around Tracy's neck during the Monkey Fever storyline*

    Please Please Please, Tawny Madison. If we're going to see Tracy in the same outfit for 24 episodes, PLEASE make it a sexy one! Or at least a flattering one? PLEASE?

    Ha! 20 bucks says it's that black and white jacket she wears every third appearance. You know, the one she was wearing on the Christmas episode (I also think it's the one she's wearing in your banner, Minerva.)

    Oh, Minerva, I just read all your AU emails. THANK YOU!!! How delicious! I am SOOOOO waiting for more. Yummy Yummy Fun!! :lol:

  9. Hola Todos, just popping in.. not home yet.

    Okay.. here is my (POSTIVE!!!) take on all the spoilers and spumors:

    We have confirmation of a certain spoiler...






    From Wizard/Merlin: Sam quits working at the hospital, and Edward hires her to work at ELQ. Needless to say Tracy is not happy. Since Wizard gets breakdowns, it's safe to assume this will air (or at least begin to air) within the next 2 weeks. And now, I quote SoapDish:

    • It'll be the best thing that will ever happen to the Q's. IF Sam is in a storyline with them then its almost guaranteed their airtime will double, or triple.

      --This is GOOD!!!!!!!! :lol: This is very good. :lol: Any Tracy in anyway, especially when she's teamed with a "hot" character is good. Dueling divas... it's a soap... what more could we ask for while Luke is away (actually a lot more, but THIS IS GOOD!)

      --Oh, on the hospital/hostage thing --- Luke comes back around Feb 7, right? (Did I make that up?!?!) Anyway, he likely comes back to SAVE THE DAY!! And Tracy will be on the outside 'helping' and after Luke risks his neck becomes the BIG HERO there will be lots of celebratory LuNacy Sex!!! Trust me on this folks.. I FEEL IT!!!

      --Also, I'm very glad-- if it's true-- that Alan dies while he is INSIDE the hospital and not because he's being arrested for Rick's murder. (I mean I DON'T want Alan to die, but if he has to go I don't want it to be connected to Rick's death!) If that is true, that too is VERY GOOD NEWS!!!! I was a little concerned that Luke would turn against Tracy if her brother framed 'dear Laura' for a murder HE committed. SO -- I really really hope Alan didn't off Rick. Judging from today, I don't think Alan did it. As Dillon pointed out, it's almost too obvious. Either Monica or Scotty did it OR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Laura actually did it, which would be great for us Tracy lovers. Totally great (decreases the odds of her coming back, IMHO)!

      On other things:
      Oh, and a fic update to those who weren't in the Break Room last night--the AU story has taken a spin in my head, and it's actually going to be longer than I thought. Marco and Tracy have put a spin on the storyline, and I can't go back now. At this time, the story is 87 pages long (38,800 words), and it's about 2/3 of the way through. I'm not sure how long the final draft will be, but it will be LONG, a short novel. Not sure how this happened, not sure why I'm doing this to myself, but there we are.

      Wanna share, Deb? I LOVE :wub::wub: the Tracy you have in that story, and I would LOVE to read whatever else you have added while I am on vacation.

      Oh -- the "Island" story is nearly completely written in my head..... it's a totally believable and plausible "May scene" for LuNacy. It "works." Now.. if only I were near a computer..... (Oh.. I now believe the "May scene will happen late February.. you heard it here first! :lol: )

      I will say that Susan Lucci had a (very brief) naked bed scene with her hubby today. Susan has got to be near Jane's age. Hey.. if La Lucci can get one, so can Janie!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:I"M POSITIVE!!!!!!!!!!!

      Ta ta from La La Land,

    Just a quick pop-in from LaineyBev to say Howdy. HOWDY!

    -Ms. Q, I love the Avatar!!! Love it!!! I'm not home, so I haven't downloaded your vid, yet. I can't wait to see it. Hopefully, I can do that tomorrow!!! I will read "Oh Baby" tomorrow, too!!!!

    -You guys, Alan's leaving is BEYOND sad... but I have to admit i really like seeing Monica actually have somthing to DO!! She's part of a REAL storyline!!!! If it wasn't so sad, it would be exciting.

    -I'm in the minority.. I LIKED the Christmas episode! Any episode where you get to see Tracy and Bobbie and Max and everyone else we never see... is cool!!! I also liked seeing "mean" Tracy. (The comments to Georgie were mean). Lately, Tracy has been playing victim more than meanie. I like mean Tracy better than victim Tracy.

    Ta Ta from La La Land,

    Lainey :lol:


    Here's why:

    1) Tracy was on!!!!!! :lol:

    2) She looked FABULOUS! Yeah sure, the jacket sucked, but her makeup and hair were AMAZING today. Yes, TracyLuv, she was bordering on natural (ahem... I WOULD use another word instead of natural. Think hard, you'll get it! :lol: ). She's loosing weight folks. Bigtime! In my head, she's getting ready for those LuNacy sex scenes! I'm positive. (That's alright, Ms. Q, you don't have to believe because I believe enough for the two of us! :lol:) GAWD!!! she looked SOOO good today!

    3) The way she said "Oh Regal One" to Monica just SO reminded me of "old times," when Tracy and Monica actually used to interact (remember way back then?)! It was hilarious.. and it was good to finally see it again!!! :P

    4) There was MAJOR editing going on during the Monica-Tracy-Dillon scene. Watch again. They use the single cameras on each of the three characters. They never take the wide. That's because the wide would show them in the "wrong" place. Tracy ends up at the end of the couch (opposite from Monica) way too quickly. (Look at the windows in the background, you'll see what I mean). There is no way Tracy could move from being a dot by the tree to the other side of the couch THAT quickly. They cut something out. I don't know why I think this is anything other than sloppy editing, but I do. This means something good. I have decided to interpret it that way (because the editing was so lousy and obvious and distracting, that I decided something good MUST come from it or they would never had decided to do it. ha!)

    5) Something is up with Monica! Maybe she's protecting Alan... maybe she's protecting herself.. I dunno. But Monica actually has something to do other than be SET DRESSING!!! This is good my friends. Very Very Good! Maybe that is why I so loved the "Oh Regal One" exchange between Tracy and Monica. They've finally started to give the "VETS" something to do. I smell change my friends. I smell change!!!


  12. TracyLuv, CLIPS for you! That should cover it. :)

    So, I'm searching for stuff to share with you all. In case you didn't already know, you can get Tracy Wallpaper for your cell phone. LOL. Wow, I love Tracy, but ABC or whoever must really need the money.

    Hey.. on Coleman clips. Ms. Q, I am looking for the scenes between Coleman and Tracy where she is in the white outfit with very little makeup. I believe it's from the day she woke up with him, and Luke rolled into the hotel room with "breakfast." Ha! It's in your "She's a lady video." They're obviously enjoying each other, and then he flips her down on the bed. Got that? Wanna share? By the way, I NEVER saw any of the Coleman/Tracy stuff first time through. In the middle of downloading all the stuff you've put up on sendspace for TracyLuv. Would love anything else you're willing to share ;)

    Oh.. and on the wallpaper.. this is sad but true: If my cellphone wasn't a work phone, I would so own that wallpaper right now. The idea of opening my phone and seeing that makes me grin so goofy that it's sick. SICK! :blink:

  13. Ms. Q, I just watched your video!

    All I have to say is: SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    I LOVED it MUCHO! It made me smile. :lol:

    I could tell those effects took time and effort. BRAVO! You're marvelous!!!

    Oh.... I'm currently writing something called "The Island." Ha! Can you guess what it's about?!? ;)

    Uh, yeah.. you guessed right. :lol:

    Who knows if I'll ever finish it. Here's hoping!!!

    ta ta,


  14. I need a reason?

    I like Tracy because she's Tracy Quartermaine, B*TCH!

    Ummm.... DITTO! :P

    spoiler talk

    GotInfo from SD spoiled that Spinelli thinks Alan killed Rick Webber and tells Lulu this.

    I'm kind of sick of Guza dumping on the Q's, but that one makes a little sense. At least Alan and Rick have a history, and if Alan thought Rick and Monica were still fooling around, he might get into a fight with Rick and it could have happened.

    I just hope if Alan did it, it was accidental and/or that Alan doesn't go to jail.

    spoiler talk over

    You Guys.. this is GREAT NEWS (WITH A BIG FAT CAPITAL G)!!! If this happens, it means they're finally giving one of the unused vets an actual darn storyline. Gasp! :o ... Gosh! :rolleyes: .. maybe the winds of change are blowing. Maybe. Maybe. Wouldn't that be nice!?! MORE VETS MORE VETS!! (cough.. cough MORE TRACY!). Also - don't forget - Alan's hatred of Rick stems from the Rick/Monica Affair. And Tracy was involved in that storyline. Remember she spent much of the late 70s trying to prove baby AJ was Rick's not Alan's. AND-- if Alan is going to jail or trial or whatever, then that means Monica will be on more and Tracy will be on more. YEAH! I hope this happens. I'd love to see Alan get a real storyline. It's about darn time!






    knh, I'm not sure it's true. People have information for May, but not late December? I guess we'll see. I'm not sure if I want LuNacy having a love scene just so Laura can interrupt. It's Guza's style, all right, but I don't like it. *hands on hips*

    Okay-- I have OH SO MANY THOUGHTS ON THIS TOPIC OF LUNACY SEX :lol:. You knew I would, didn't you? You, Ms. Q, definitely knew. I want it noted that it was NOT me who started this speculation mania (was it ILTQ or KNH?). Anyway, I'm more than happy to play. I just wanted it noted.. THAT I DIDN'T START THIS!

    1) It sorta makes sense to me that it would happen in May. It's their anniversary, and so the timing makes sense. Also, if they're going to bring Laura back again (permanently or temporarily), it would make sense that they would do it in a sweeps period. Feb sweeps is too soon.. If Tony comes back late January, the focus will be on Lulu's quest, and don't forget TIIC set it up so that Tracy is going to be very frosty and distrustful of Luke when he returns. She believes he will never love her as much as Laura, and she doesn't want to always be second in his heart. So they need time to 'thaw.' Scotty's presence in February might help with that!

    2)That said, this May spoiler could have been written by somebody like... ME!

    NO NO NO.. I didn't write it (I've thought it, but I didn't write it!). I'm just saying, someone who loves LuNacy and knows a little about the show (LuNacy anniversary is in May. If Laura is coming back, it will be in May, not February!) and has a little knowledge about what's planned for Feb (Lulu's search for Rick's killer, Scotty's return, etc.) could have come up with this spoiler. It could just be an educated guess!

    3) That said, when they get together - AND I DO BELIEVE IT IS WHEN (MS. Q ARE YOU PAYING ATTENTION!?!) :P - I think Luke has to do something that is sort of in line with Minvera's story about the roulette wheel. He has to surprise her-- and it has to be WOW!! He has to make a conscious decision, and then do it with BIG, NO HOLDING BACK flair. She has to have no doubt that he wants her, and that she is number one in his heart. That's why I think it will be May -- he'll do something extraordinary for their anniversary (like maybe ask her to marry him again, because I have a feeling they may not be married when he returns. He left her pissed!)

    4) As to how this unfolds.. I want something dramatic!! :lol: :lol: Like Luke gets Robert to lure Tracy to some island for a "business trip." Robby & Tracy get there.. and it's a tiny romantic island with no meeting, and just Luke with lots of candles, chocolate, champagne and oysters. Robby says ta ta, and takes the jet leaving LuNacy behind (He comes back in a week). Meanwhile, Luke has all the shelter, and all the food, and all these little sweet romantic surprsies (Including an engagement ring, that he calls a promise ring. And inside the promise ring is inscribed 'You're my number one, Spanky. Love, Luke' or maybe 'Spanky, I choose you! Love, Luke').... so after much fighting and fussing from your highness.. and much pampering and worshipping and groveling from our hero.. well, you know. ;)

    That's what I got for you -- for now! :lol:

    ta ta from la la land,


  16. And we're back.....

    I was going to ask, what the heck was up with SON... but when you post, you'll see.
    They have updated the features. There seem to be some new nifty "quick access things" I'm not sure I know how to use.
    Did SON tell us they were going to do this upgrade, and I just didn't pay attention? (total possitibility!)

    I feel so pathetic.. I was having a bit of a Lovefest withdrawal... ugh...

    Ta ta,
  17. Just read this over at SOC. I have no idea of it's origin or if it's even true. If it's true, it's GOOD news for us (anyone else heard this?)

    Just read that Guza has said Carjax is getting married at the end of feb sweeps, and that carly and jax are going to become port charles power couple.Who are going to try and to take over ELQ and Cassidine's company. And that carly life is heading for a different and NEW direction!
    Carly trying to take over ELQ?!?!?!?!? That would pit Carly against Tracy. That I'd pay to see!! I think Ed' Meds on the Jane-Elliot board (or someone) had wished for this diva matchup. I'd love to see it... that's all I have to say. :D

    Also, I want clips of Scott/Tracy. I mean, seriously, chasing each other around the Qmansion dressed only in sheets? Scott & Tracy playing cards in bed? I'm telling you, she has so much more fun with the inappropriate men, doesn't she? :)

    God!! When did this happen?? Did these scenes really happen? Anyone have these clips?!?!? I want this. I gotta see this! I have never seen this!! Anyone have it? Anyone?!?!?! :lol:

  18. Happy Birthday to you Keith! I hope you're having a good day!

    Oh, and Lainey? You need to write some more. Now. Your Bomb series is just languishing.

    The bomb series blew up. :( GH went a direction that I didn't like, and I didn't want to do AU... I have a few pieces of a few bomb stories, but they will never see the light of day. Sorry. :(
    HOWEVER... I was home sick again today, and decided to play with a new idea. The story is called "Divorcing Luke," and it will be coming to a live journal site near you within the next couple of days. Stay tuned. :lol:

    I saw the tv ad for the new SID and it said,"One of these people will die!", and it showed Jason, Sam, Emily, Nicholas, and Helena. and then it said ....

    I think they're finally going to kill Helena... but I'm voting for Emily. She's annoying. I don't like her!! :lol:

    Oh.. on another topic... if GH wants to keep me on the LuLu bus, they're going to have to STOP doing what they did today. God she was annoying. If I were Jason I would have bound and gagged her and stuffed her in the trunk. Geez!! :blink:
  19. Oh boy.. I am sick.. I called in sick today and slept all day! :( I finally got up at 325p, and watched "live." What a disappointment!

    Anyway... i have thoughts.. here are my thoughts:

    Lainey you're actually watching, so I'll defer to you, but truthfully? The only time I haven't wished swift sudden death upon WhineLu is in scenes with Tracy. I also don't like the apparent mob center Lulu's stories are taking.

    Trust me on this folks. She's changing. GH is making her a mini-Luke. Sonny made reference to it today, and others have, too. Laura did it before she left. The writers are giving her sass and gumption and smarts.. it's a different LuLu these past few weeks. If you like Luke (and I do.. he's just flat out interesting the same way Tracy is flat out interesting), then you will like this new Lulu. :lol:

    And guys.. I gotta tell you.. LION is good for us, because if they're on a lot getting into all sorts of trouble then that increases the chances of their Parents being on and getting into all sorts of trouble. Trust me. More Lion = More LuNacy (in the long run). I'm Positive! :P

    I'm calling it right now. Something is coming up for Tracy for next year. Something GOOD.

    I can feel it.

    I think you're right! I think Lion is going to get into trouble and it's going to be LUKE to the rescue, and since Dillon is Tracy's boy she's going to want to come along... and there will be some version of the story that Minerva wrote where Luke and Tracy are on a jet and it goes down in the middle of nowhere.. and well, you know...

    Anyway, I'm not kidding - there will be good stuff, and my gut tells me it'll be connected to Lion [Dudu?!? You're not watching! Watch! :D ]

    Let's hope I have Lainey Energy, and my not being here will create TONS of Tracy Goodness, which you will all capture on video clips and send to me when I get back, right?

    Let's hope!

    (My LaineyEnergy was non-existent last time. Maybe I passed it to you prematurely!!)

  20. LuNacy breeds Lion?!?

    Okay.. I know this is the TQ lovefest.. but Dillion is TQ's son.. and TQ is hibernating until the love of her life returns.. and I'm bored... and as of about ten minutes ago I've become fascinated with LION, so I'm going there...

    Here goes...

    Until today whenever anyone spoke about the next Luke and Laura I sort of just rolled my eyes, because I never thought they were all THAT to begin with.. and I especially don't think they're all that now.. but anyway, until today I never thought there could be another Luke and Laura.. but now I'm convinced it's Dillon and Lulu, who apparently are called Lion by some [i love that nickname as much as the nickname LuNacy!]

    I gotta tell you.. Lulu has changed lately. They're framing her differently. She's got all the beauty of mom, but the guts and gumption of DAD, and hey, that makes her INTERESTING. Prior to today, I didn't see the Dillon Lulu potential.. but you guys I really see it now. I ALMOST like them as much as LuNacy (not quite as much.. but it's still early in my fascination, and they're very very young Give it a few years!) Trust me folks. I have an eye. Lion is going to be BIG!

  21. I had ONE crappy day.

    But I came home to TWO new stories (One by Minvera and the other by Regency !!) What more could a fangirl ask for!?!?

    Oh.. and then there is Minerva's Token story that is blissfully buried in my brain! I LOVE it much!! It's rapidly becoming my "happy" place when the world is going nutso.

    Yeah!! Thanks!! :lol:

  22. Okay, Ms. Q , you need to start having more birthdays... just start making them up! I love the birthday presents you've gotten here. Deb , I know that story was for Ms. Q , but it must have occured to you that I would loose my mind over it. OMIGOD! I was DYING! DYING! ha

    Nex , I love your video! It was super-fantastic!! Very moving!!!

    Sorry, Ms. Q your day wasn't the bestest... you certainly deserve the bestest!


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