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Posts posted by LaineyBev714

  1. I LOVED Tracy's scenes today!



    LOVED 'EM!!!!!!! :wub::wub::wub:

    She wasn't "evil" Tracy. :lol: She was kind Tracy.. Concerned Tracy.. Loving Tracy.. NUANCED Tracy! I LOVE THIS FRACKIN' TRACY. LOVE HER!!!!!!!!!!! :wub:

    TracyLuv.. check your messages. I know how to flip video for imovie.

    ILTQ.. I bite.. who is LemonFace?!?!?!

    Regency.. I am DYING to read your fic. DYING!

  2. Hola Todos,

    Yep... Lainey is back! It was fun vaco, but I'm glad to be back.

    Hey, I caught up on my GH's (on ff, of course!).. and I have to tell you I am pleased with what seems to be developing.

    Guza et al seems to be setting up a true LuNacy partnership. I gotta tell you -- I don't care why, and I don't care who gets hurt -- I LOVE that we might see the 'dream scheme team'.. at least for awhile. Here's hoping!

    I LOVE that there is an enormous potential for Tracy/Luke versus Skye and Lorenzo. Tracy versus is Skye and Lorenzo is JUST DELICIOUS.. but throw Luke in there ON TRACY'S SIDE... and that, my friends, is too good for words. :lol:

    I do have to admit to being a bit disappointed that Tracy is being painted as evil and a bit demented. I sorta hoped that would soften as she evolved into Luke's TRUE partner. I guess every soap opera needs a villaness.. and Guza isn't willing to let Tracy get too nuanced. So, in most of her Alan or Quartermaine Group scenes this week she came across as very one dimensional. So, while I liked those scenes, I didn't LOVE them. I think the reason I LOVE her scenes with Luke is because she is multi-layered in those, and not just "evil Tracy."

    Anyway, waves back at everyone who waved!

    Deb, I hope you're doing okay now. Sorry about your problems.

    Ta ta all,


    Edited to ask y'all one more question: This is off topic, but someone here might have an opinion. Anyone else think the female mercenary (The one who shot the priest), is Diane, Sonny's new attorney? Me thinks it might be. I hope not, but I think so....

  3. The way I saw it... Tracy seemed concerned that Dillon took part in trying to prove Alan killed Rick. After Tracy mentioned Lulu's name, Edward made comments about how strong she was and that she would get through the hostage thing. Tracy seemed to not be listening to him but she seemed deep in thought. She turned around and started the convo about the loyalty of the family. From this I gathered that she was trying to figure out a reason why Dillon would be disloyal to the family. From that I thought Tracy concluded that Dillon is in love with Lulu and that may be why he was disloyal.

    Maybe I was wrong. But I hope not. Considering what the alternative could be for LuNacy if she knew something. But I totally did not get this from the scene. I am off to watch again though, just to see if it changes my opinion.

    Any thoughts?

    Oh baby... I have thoughts. And I don't like any of 'em. If Guza is really afraid of 60 year old sex, and he really wants l&l back... why not use this as a wrench between Luke and Tracy, and keep them apart until.. until.. ta da.. she comes back from the dead.. again. :o

    I know.. I know.. I'm supposed to be the positive one. And I am!!!!!! But, I'm not feeling good about this thing. Tracy KNOWS something. And that can't be good. It can't be good.

    On the flip side.. if Guza REALLY wanted Laura back, she'd be back already. Her agent MUST have told him the magic number or the magic deal. So I think, sorta what I thought when GF was telling everyone at that fan event that she wants to come back to GH, that it's a big p.r. pile of hooey to make the l&l fans have hope. I hope I'm right. I hope I'm right. I hope I'm right. I do!

    Also, I thought Kin was only back for three weeks. It's six?!?!?!


  4. **lainey walks up to mic**

    **taps softly, and then says in a quiet, but FIRM voice***

    "Uh.... excuse me, but..Uh.. Ummm.. WTF DID TRACY KNOW ABOUT RICK WEBBER'S DEATH, AND WHEN DID SHE KNOW IT?!?!?!??!?!

    I am not asking for a lot here, folks.. I'm not asking for LuNacy forever (though that would be nice).. I'm just asking for some hot monkey sex and for Tracy to get herself a man who loves her, and is her equal... at least for a little while.

    But what happened today, folks.. that is not good. Not good at all. It implies that our girl knew something about Rick's killer, and if that is true... well it's not good for luNacy, not good AT ALL ! :angry:

    I remember the day Tracy threw Lulu off the scent about Monica killing Rick, and I thought something was up that day. Something was up. Tracy knows something. This is NOT good. NOT GOOD. :angry:

    Ugh.. anyway, I'm off on vaco early tomorrow morning, which means this week should be JAMMING for LuNacy fans. You already got some great stuff today! If you ask me, her facial expressions were PRICELESS. Her slack jaw when Monica was talking about her second affair with Rick, was great. The expression when Alice said, 'you hope,' well.. that just cracked me up and blew my socks off.

    I'm tired of this Guza crud. Tired of it. Give Tracy her man already.. GIVE HIM TO HER . Just for a little while. COME ON!!!!!!!!


    If I didn't already have a goddess, I'd have to worship you. Very nice video. You are so CREATIVE, and you're getting very very good!

    That little flick made me very very happy (And I don't even like that Averel girl. Under normal circumstances, she drives me wacky. But not when you run her song under LuNacy pics!!!)

    And oh -- I LOVED the very very very end, when you put "LuNacy in 2007." :lol: You said it!

    ta ta,


  6. LAINEY'S BACK!! (I was out of town Thursday/Friday)....

    And I gotta tell you, my "curse" has been revived... because while I was away, there was some VERY good Luke and Tracy. VERY GOOD!!!!!

    Lucky for you folks I'll be in Florida beginning Tuesday (fun this time, NOT work!!! Finally!!). Tueday-Friday should have much LuNacy Goodness. It's practically guaranteed!!

    Lainey's (very optimistic) take on all the LuNacy these last two days:

    1) Yeah, Tracy was only on for five minutes Thursday.. and yeah Luke yelled at her. But so what, they always yell at each other. Because of Tracy's insistence that he go see Skye, Luke got the info he needed to play hero. He was grateful for it. He essentially told Lucky this when he said, 'I should thank you for having me arrested. Because of it I learned what this crisis is really about.' In other words, 'my wonderful wife pointed my in the RIGHT DIRECTION!!!' (Go LuNacy!! :lol: :lol: :lol: They're beginning to act like a 'couple' already!)

    2) I LOVED the way Luke treated Skye!!! A- It shows a loyalty to the Qs he has NEVER showed before. B- If he was able to treat Skye so dismissively he is TRUELY over her (I knew it, but it's nice to SEE it). C- She deserved it!! When you act like a *&(*$&#, you deserve to be treated like one!

    3) Friday's LuNacy kiss was just adorable. AND (this is big!): SHE pulled him close for the kiss, then SHE pushed him away. Not only is she "in" this LuNacy relationship, but she's taking control. GO GIRL!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

    4) I almost stood up and clapped when Tracy told Scotty that Luke would never divorce her -- that he was in the marriage forever. You GO GIRL!!! Wrap your head around that one!!! (And say it to yourself ten or fiften times a minute! Will do your soul a lot of good!). He's not gonna leave ya, girl. He wants to be married to you, and he loves you. HE LOVES YOU!!!!!!!!!!!

    I have to tell you, the ONLY thing that has me a little worried about the last two days is what Scott said to Tracy about it 'behoving her' to join up with him. DON'T DO IT, TRACY!!! DON'T DO IT. STEP AWAY FROM THE EASY WAY OUT.... PLEASE OH PLEASE DON'T GO THERE (She might... which would mean months of LuNacy separation, which would make the prediction for May LuNacy sex accurate. I had been hoping for it MUCH sooner.. because, hey folks, IT'S TIME!


    And I'm with you Minerva, I fast-forward through much of the show. Although, I do like Spinelli/Jason (Spinelli is a mini-Luke.. he's very funny, and very anti-hero. Me Likee!) and Luke/Lucky (Heck.. folks.. you've probably figured this out by now, but I like Luke ALMOST as much as I like Tracy. They're not equal in my heart (she's ahead, but not by THAT much!).

    ta ta from la la land,


  7. So I know this is a Tracy lovefest....

    But I gotta tell you, I was LOVING Monica today! The girl is BACK! It thrilled me when she called Skye a [!@#$%^&*]! It's sad that Alan has to die to give her some juicy stuff, but then again, Alan could be dying and they could be giving her minimal dialogue. They're CHOOSING to use her, which is a good thing!! I forgot how spicy and tough she can be (She had been nothing but wallpaper for so long)!

    I LOVE the idea of Tracy and Monica teaming up against Skye. Love it! Love the idea of Monica and Tracy being on the SAME side, AND I love the idea of Tracy being on the "good" side for a change. (Face it guys, we all love her, but quite often she's wearing the black hat. It's nice to have her wear the white hat for once -- or at least a beige hat. Ha!) GO GIRLS!

  8. Hola Todos! Lainey is back... and she's happy!!! (about LuNacy devlopments anyway! ;) )

    So... because I haven't been around, I'm going to give you my LuNacy analysis for Wednesday through Friday. Here goes:

    1) Wednsday's Luke/Tracy interaction was VERY true to the LuNacy dynamic. She held his feet to the fire.. And he didn't grovel or apologize. I'm glad TIIC went that route, because it means they're staying true to the 'real' LuNacy dynamic.

    2) I disagree with those of you who said the Wednesday conversation was retread. He gave her some very new and very important things in that discussion. a- He told her that it was the first time in his life there's a woman in it who pushes him to the 'edge of his experience.' That's a real biggie. What he's saying is 'you give me something Laura couldn't give me, didn't give me. You are unique and different.' She needed to hear that, and she needed to hear it "that" way. Had he said it in a flowery, romantic emotional way she wouldn't have believed him, because he wouldn't have beeen acting true to form. It was very effective dialogue. And I believe it was a breakthrough moment in LuNacy history. b- Luke did a HUGE thing when he told Tracy they'd stay married until SHE decided otherwise. WHAT HE DID WAS GIVE HER BACK THE CONTROL HE TOOK FROM HER DURING THE L&L 'MARRIAGE.' We all know how much they BOTH love control, and both Tracy and Luke are aware that it's a big deal that he gave her ALL of the control on this very important issue. It's BIG! And, i believe, it's why her eyes went wide after he left the room. It was sinking in (and thrilling the hell out of her).

    3) I loved the way she said "I'm a Spencer" on Friday. There was no bitterness there. In fact, she seem thrilled or tickled. Add that to the fact that SHE'S WEARING THE RING! By Friday's epi, Tracy had decided that she was going to pony up for yet another round of LuNacy madness, and see what happens. She's "in" my friends... she's very invested, and happy to be there.

    This was further underscored by her genuine care for LuLu. You saw it in her conversation with Dillon, and again on the stairs when she dropped the banter and pretense with Luke when informed that LuLu was a hostage. Not only has Tracy begun to think of the four of them as a family, she's begun to act that way.

    Friends, I no longer have to say that LuNacy love is coming, because IT HAS ARRIVED! That doesn't mean it will all be smooth sailing, or that Luke and Tracy will always agree (They won't! I wouldn't want them to). What it means is that these are two adults who are committed to each other in their own ways, and now that Laura is out of the picture (for now, anyway) and they've begun to communicate their feelings, this relationship will grow. She's going to bail him out of jail, thereby helping him rescue Lulu. He will be grateful for that. And she will be gratetful when Luke helps Alan.

    After Alan 'dies,' Luke will be there for Tracy in a way that proves to Tracy he genuinely cares for more than just her money. And - after that - when she is feeling better, there will be LuNacy sex my friends. There will be LuNacy sex! :P It's going to happn folks. It has to... because there is already LuNacy love, and these two are now beginning to embrace it, not run from it.

    Thanks for reading!

    The optimistic,



  9. About the chats, would Tuesdays starting at 6 pm Eastern be okay for everybody?

    Hi... would love to be able to participate in these chats from time to time. If you do them this early (6p et), I won't be able to do it. I can rarely get on before 9p et, and it's usually closer to 10p et (but this Tuesday i'm out of town again, so it's irrelevant! Ha!) Anyway... would love a "late" chat every now and then if you can swing it. Thanks.

    Off to read about Sister Mary Hotpants now... I'm very excited! :lol:

    Ta ta,


  10. You guys, I don't know what's wrong with me....

    I am suffering serious LuNacy withdrawal. I think it's simply been too long without them. I can't stop thinking about 'em. It's sick, I know. It's like they're stuck in my brain. WTF?!?!?!

    And next week he comes back, and is immediately drawn up into the 'let's save LuLu mode,' where he will stay for the next several weeks. So us LuNacy lovers are going to remain screwed for awhile :(

    It's depressing......

    Thanks to ILTQ and Ms. Q for the explanation on the Edward stuff. I am grateful. I agree, ITLQ, the "first" Edward was definitely darker and more oily than this current Edward. I think I liked him best, too.

    And thanks, Ms. Q, for the Nancyfan hint. I am uploading now. (I don't have a Hellagood account. In fact, I have no clue how to find it. I've tried!).

    Speaking of Nancy (this is sorta OT, but here goes anyway): I really like this new character Diane with Alexis... anyone else see it? It's two smart women with lots of verve (for those of you who write femslash... there is a TON of potential here. hint hint hint ;) ;) )

  11. Hola Todos,

    So.. I'm not usually into the clips.. but since there has been so much vid on the site lately, I have been downloading stuff I've never seen before (Tracy in July 04 after Lila's death mostly). So I have a question and a request:

    1) Where was the "regular" Edward during Lila's death? It seems so odd to have a fill-in playing Edward during that time. What happened?? Where was John Ingle (is that his name)? And how long was that "fake" Edward actually playing the role of Edward? Weeks??? Months??? Who is that guy?!?!?!? (And did TIIC realize he looks more like Tracy's husband than her daddy? Previously, when I saw that guy in music videos, I thought he was Lord Ashton or some long lost cousin or boyfriend or somthing. That actor is not old enough to be Tracy's dad. Ridiculous!!!)

    2) Are the 11-7-06 Tracy/Luke on the Haunted Star clips on sendspace? Ms Q? Nex? Has one of you put that stuff there lately? It's my all time favorite episode - the one where Luke tells Tracy he'd want to be married to her if she didn't have a dime. I mistakenly erased it from TIVO, and I realize now I could watch it over and over again if I had it on my computer!!! Pls let me know.

    Nite nite,


  12. So..... NO Tracy at all while was away? AT ALL?!?!??!

    Gosh... I think I officially lost my touch (although I'm gone again next week, and that's the week Luke comes back, so maybe not!)

    I hear I missed some fun Alan/Monica stuff on Tuesday. I'm about to do a mega scroll on the tivo, and then hit the pillow

    Ta ta Todos,


  13. OT-Woo! Ms. Q went out last night AND today AND enjoyed herself!

    Yeah! Gooooo Ms. Q!

    Finally, been meaning to mention this, but for those who don't know, GH got pretty high ratings (2.9) last week. Actually, the ratings still aren't good, but they're much better than usual. I'd love to think TRACY was responsible, LOL, but I'm assuming it's either the Sonny/Carly marriage that brought them up (GAH; sorry Lainey!), or the overall balance in general. BALANCE is KEY. Come on, Guza. It's not that hard.

    You mean the week of the 8th or the week of the 15th? I thought the week of the 8th was flat-out FANTASTIC!-- and not only because it had Tracy on everyday. It was because it had LOTS of characters on, and the pacing was very quick. Last week was good, too, but not as good as the previous week. If you're talking about the week of the 8th, I'm not surprised by ratings spike AT ALL! It was a fast-paced, spicy week (and our girl was a large part of that!)

    uh.. folks.. I'm not liking these spoilers about Tracy and Luke butting heads. Not liking them at all. I expected Tracy to be angry, but i thought Luke would be contrite. Note to Luke: You were an a$$ to the woman you "love." Be humble, you fool!


    OH.. how old is Cybil Sheppard? Older than Jane Elliot? Cause Cybil is getting action on Showtime.... They gotta be about the same age. hmmmmm

  14. Someone needs to tell me these aren't real...






    From Take It Or Leave It of SoapDish

    (SD trusts him/her for the most part; I guess he/she's been accurate about other backstage happenings)...

    My commments in italics.

    Two actors have been let go. So, it could be ANYONE, right?

    Another vet will be leaving - she has asked to be released. It's gotta be Leslie Charleson.

    Sad times for one backstage has brought an unwanted spotlight on some. Has to be about Stuart Damon's firing.

    A fav actress is on her way back to the studios. And this is where she (Ms. Q) flips out...Genie Francis? Which is fine as long as Jane Elliot gets to remain, but then, there's that "2 actors have been let go" possible spoiler.

    Deep Breath, Ms. Q. Breathe!!!

    My first reaction to this was: "Ah that's B.S., Jane Elliot isn't going anywhere." Then I reread it, and I have a different perspective. IF - and it's a very big if - she's leaving, it's because she's asked to go. And hey, if she wants to go it's because she's fed up with the way they're treating the vets, and she thinks it's time to move on... AND I WOULD TOTALLY SUPPORT IT!!! I'd be sad, but I'd support it. And, actually, it's sort of in keeping with the way I think of Jane Elliot - a strong, free-minded soul, someone who has her own opinions and isn't afraid to act on them. I love the idea of her saying, "enough!" and giving the big finger to the studio. HA!

    That said --- JE has been floating all over soap world for the last 30 years. We all love her as Tracy, but she's done other stuff, (DOOL, GL, AMC, CITY...) and acted with lots of talented folks. Her ties likely aren't as deep to Stuart Damon as....... LESLIE CHARLESON!!! LC has been Monica to SD's Alan for 30 years!!!! They must be close. She has to be the one most affected. 20 bucks says that: a] Monica decides to leave town after Alan dies or b] She's implicated in the Rick Webber thing (which would link her departure to Genie Francis' return).

    And I have to tell you guys... I'm NOT opposed to a "REAL" Genie return... one where the writers don't have to rush her reunion with Luke. I would love to see Tracy and Luke "REALLY" get together, and then have to deal with Laura's return together. It would be great acting for JE. And I have to tell you -- if the writers do this right -- the ONLY way Tracy will accept Luke into her life as a "REAL" husband is if he can convince her SHE'S his NUMBER ONE. TIIC set it up that way when he left. So, if they are "REALLY" together when Genie comes back, it would be interesting to see how the whole LuNacy thing unfolds. I gotta tell you, once Luke got over the guilt with Laura.. my money would be on LuNacy. Tracy is SUCH a better match for Luke. SOOO MUCH better.

    Ta Ta,

    Lainey's going shopping!

    More later,

    LB :P

  15. [ILoveTracyQ, LOL about the "slackers." I just thought Lainey posts each night, so it seemed odd to me that she'd miss a couple nights in a row.

    Yoo-hoo !!! Lainey !!! Get your LuNacy lovin' butt back in here. You're making Staci worry.

    Me and my LuNacy lovin' butt are ......BACK!

    It's nice to be missed! Thanks for missing me!

    Work was horrific this week. I travelled Monday into Tuesday, and then Wednesday into Thursday. You wondered why Tracy was on EIGHT days in a row????? It's because Lainey was back on the road! When Lainey is away, Tracy comes out to play! Ha!

    I DO Lurk when I'm travelling. I just won't log in here on my work laptop... but I can see the posts! What I couldn't see -- until today-- was TracyLuv's quote of ..... LAINEYBEV!!!!! Thanks, TL. **blushes**

    Minerva, I LOVE your Smutty Nun fic (when's it going to get smutty? ha!).

    Ta ta from la la land,


    (Oh.. I'm going to try the breakroom around 10p eastern or so.. so be there or be square!)

  16. SEVEN DAYS!!!!!!!



    comes back from beyond the grave for another comment: ;)

    And Luke protecting one of his own--SpankyBuns is your OWN TRUE LOVE, jacka$$, so you better be protecting you some WIFE, boy.

    I was going to say it's Tracy he protects. I hope so! I hope so! :D (Though it could be Lucky. For some reason, I don't thinks its LuLu).


    EDIT: to include a reaction to the brand new SPOILER POST from ILTQ:




    On the outside Tracy may APPEAR UNMOVED.

    But on the inside... all her damn internal organs have melted from the heat in there!!!! And they're now threatening to leak out her toes! Really our girl may be the Queen of appearances... but she's having trouble keeping this one contained. Trust me! ;) I know! ;)

  17. *~*~* Rumors Galore *~*~*







    LuNacy made the list for the GH couples set for 2007. When asked for more specifics, the insider revealed that their marriage will be consummated. ***


    A LOT!!!!!

    *back flip*

    *front flip*

    *back flip*

    *front flip*



  18. Dear Tracy,

    Start your own business. It worked for me, and I've got scads of money, a great work environment, and a Simon of my very own to prove it. You'll never earn his approval, so why not work on earning your own instead? Love you, sis!

    Tracy Walker


    That's it!!! Now that would be an interesting storyline. If he won't leave her the business, she should go head to head with him (and take 90% of the company's business with her on the way out!!). :P

    I'm tired of this blind family loyalty b.s. What the heck have they given her - aside from grief?!?! Well, yeah, there is the wealth but that's a birthright, she didn't have any say over which family she was born to. I say to hell with them Tracy. Become his worst nightmare. Sink him! You can do it!!! (And it would be even better if Luke was at your side helping you do it, but that's another story).

    Come on you guys... this would be a Quartemaine storyline we would all pay to watch. Who knows, maybe after Alan takes Sam under his wing, after Alan's death, Tracy will become enraged enough and do exactly what I'm suggesting. Could happen.... :lol:

  19. To the sassy women of last night's breakroom chat,

    Apologies! As many of you know, I still have dial up! I got kicked off due to issues related to my antiquated method of accessing the internet... and then I couldn't get back on!!!!

    I was eager to learn if MinervaFan and TracyLuv convinced Ms. Q to include lots of hot LuNacy sex in her Oh Baby extravaganza. I hope they did!!! I really hope they did!!! :)

    Much Love and kisses,









    Okay... What I'm hearing is that Tracy discovers Sam pulled off a con with the name Angela Munroe. And it's the people connected to the Angela Munroe scam that cause the explosion at the MetroCourt that eventually leads to Alan's death - in some form or fashion.

    So.. if Tracy is the one that gets the ball rolling on the people looking for Angela, well then.... she's going to be playing a role in her brothers death. In other words, SHE starts the events that lead to Alan's death.

    Just a thought..........

  21. Do you think they are going to make Dillon fall in love with Lulu for real now? That would be pretty twisted to have step siblings be a couple with their parents married too....only on the soaps!!!

    Yes! I do. :lol: I think they're going to be the next Luke and Laura. I really do! (I am POSITIVE TIIC is going in this direction)

    The twist is -- she has lots of her father's attributes and he has lots of Laura's attributes (Shhhh. DON'T tell Tracy!!) What I mean by that is -- she's the dare-devil risk taker, and he's the creative thoughtful one. He brings her down to earth. In the L&L relationship, Laura brought Luke down to earth.

    And Lainey, as for the "why doesn't she stash away some of the money" idea, while entertaining, it's also ilegal. Seeing as she is a favorite vet, she is still a vet, and they seem to show them no sympathy unless their name is Luke, so she'd be in prison and we'd have no more Tracy, at least not anything good (maybe).

    There is a difference between illegal and creative. My Tracy is very creative. ;) She could do it!









    Jason comes across something interesting when searching through Lorenzo's shipments

    Tracy does a background check on Sam and finds out about Sam's former secret identity.

    She confronts Sam and Sam is left in shock.

    Sam quits ELQ and uses Jason as an excuse.

    Jason questions Sam about her quitting ELQ

    Jason finds Sam's pregnancy test in the garbage can

    Sam gets a new job at Metro and is visited by "an old friend"

    Did someone change Sam's fertility tests so it would make it seem she can't conceive?

  22. Ummmm.... You all know I WORSHIP Jane Elliot & Tracy... but I have to tell you... this Sam storyline... ick!! :(

    It's the old recycled 'battle over the heir' cr*p they do every other year or so. Who cares?

    Tracy: You run the damn company and you probably have access to a hell of a lot of family cash.. start stashing away several million a year, then who the hell cares what he does with the company when he kicks? Hell, you're crafty, set something up so when he kicks, it essentially goes bankrupt. THAT might be interesting. But this?!?! It's a recycled storyline with stereotypical Tracy dialogue.

    Okay... not that I'm complaining.. cause I'm LOVING seeing Tracy so much... I just don't understand why they're giving us this.. now. It's not original... so why now? Is it filler? It's not filler. So, what the heck is going on?!?!

    And I gotta tell you... I don't really like this Tracy. The Tracy I know is so much more nuanced than this dialogue.

    Ugh. Oy...







    After a tragedy takes the life of a sibling, someone vows revenge.

    Could it be Tracy? Getting revenge for Alan's death? Whoa...Deja-vu. That's weird. Okay, carry on.

    Okay guys.... I've read somewhere (If not here, SOC) that Pete kills Georgie. So it might be Maxie who takes revenge.

    Another thing I've read (probably on SOC), is that Ric dies... but I can't see Sonny vowing revenge. He'd probably throw a party. :o

  23. Oh I so can't sleep.............

    Hey, is there anyway in hell that Sam is related to the Rick Webber storyline? Could he be her father? Or could someone connected to her be the murderer? Or could she be the murderer? Is there ANY possible connection?!?!?! :huh:

    (Can you tell I'm trying to figure out why the hell she's been paired up with Tracy? Sure, it gives Tracy an excuse to call her Jason's 'bed-warmer,' but is that the ONLY reason!?!?!)

    Edited: ohmygod! Check out SOC. There is a GIANT Tracy vs. Sam thread there (about 150 responses since just after 3p Thursday), and people are overwhelmingly (more than 80%) pro-Tracy. This is incredible! Truely incredible. I have died and gone to Tracy heaven. Wait.. I don't die until tomorrow. Wait.. i can't sleep so it's already tomorrow! I must be dead. Ha!

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