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Posts posted by LaineyBev714

  1. Between you, me, and the lampshade, I would love to see them move Laura into the Qmansion. Are you kidding???? That would be suh-WEET.

    Totally Sweet!! You gonna write the fic with this plot, Minverva ? If not, I may just have to do it!

    And Tracy and LUKE are making bubble-bath whoopee on New Year's Eve. I'm telling you it will happen. Viva la LuNacy! :P

    uh...... Yessssssssssssssssssssssss!

  2. Just a little discussion prompt, as if we need them--what character would you like to see Jane play, either in the movies or on stage? Any character, from any film or movie or book? I'll think about it and post my answer later.

    Oh fun...

    For some reason, and I can't tell you why, when I saw this question my mind went to Broadway. Jane would have done a marvelous job in the Cherry Jones role in Doubt (not sure if it's open anymore, but it was a GREAT play!). Basically, she's a Nun who accuses a father of sexual molestation and you're never sure if the Jones' character is just devious and mean spirited or insightful and pious.... you had, er, Doubt. Great Play.. Jane would be have been great in it.

    Another Broadway role that brings Jane to mind is Kathleen Turner in The Graduate. Most recent reprisal closed about two years ago, but Kathleen was sexy and broken, the way Jane can be sexy and broken. Would have been awesome!!

    On TV--- E.R. is back.. and last time I checked.... Kerry Weaver's character didn't have a lover. OH MY GOD! I would pay huge money to see that!!

    Aside from my ER fantasy, in order for me to really like Jane on TV, she would have to be in one of those HBO or Showtime drama series where there are no boundaries (well, little) on how bawdy or sexy or obscene a character can be. --- Maybe a female Don on The Sopranos or a dope dealing suburban mama with tons of sexuality on Weeds.... dunno.

    KNH, I agree with you. Jane in the Barbra Steisand role in Prince of Tides would have been AMAZING. I thought Streisand was INCREDIBLY sexy in that. Jane could match it, and then kick it up a notch or two... ye-haw!

    Edited : It's 10:09p. I'll be in The Break Room for awhile.

  3. Hey .. got an email from Minerva last night saying storms in Kentucky had knocked out power/cable & it's now difficult to get on internet. She's fine.. no damage to house.. but it might be a couple days before she's back among us...

    So that's what's up with Deb... hmm..where's everyone else?!?!

  4. Lainey, you can relax. The article is from 2003-ish. :)

    Damn near killed me, Ms. Q !!!

    I thought for awhile there she was leaving... and that can't happen yet because that would mean no LuNacy Sex.. and everyone who frequents the breakroom knows I have been promising LuNacy Sex...

    and she can't go 'til she gets herself some.. damnit! :lol::lol:

    Oh Regency , your fics are AMAZING! Totally amazing. I want MORE, MORE!!! (greedy little wench I am!)

  5. "Ex-Tracy"?!?!?!??!??!

    "Reprise her role"?!?!??!?!

    Did I miss something???????????????????????????????

    Does this mean they're actually headed along a path that puts her out in the cold come November??

    Oh the pain................ the deep, horrible pain...

    I'm in shock. Truely.

    Tell me it's not so.






    But, SID adds, what if it was another baby, one that was believed to be dead at birth? Like (oh, this gets too good, and it's hilarious 'cause I'm not making it up) Laura Webber Spencer. !?!?! The time frame/ages aren't exact, but GH plays with that sort of thing all the time. SID doesn't think it's a coincidence that they mentioned this right as GH is preparing to bring Laura back.

    SoapDish wonders if that's Laura's secret. That she's Tracy's daughter. And that it would be typical Guza to have Luke married to both the mother and her daughter. Heh. I definitely don't see this happening because no way is Laura's big secret going to give JE an actual SL, but I gotta give SID props for making me laugh. Any comments?


    Scandalous... Horrific (I would be totally horrified. I HATE Laura), but hilarious... Never Happen.

    I have to admit to liking the Skye/Tracy thing... would give Tracy scenes outside of Luke.. and given the Tracy/Skye history, the scenes could be priceless and hilarious!

    I LOVE LuNacy... but I also LOVE Tracy, so anything that can happen to give Tracy scenes outside of LuNacy, I totally favor.

    Oh... My fan fic series is called "Along the Road." Idea is they're be written from along the road to Laura's recovery. Tentative title of the first one is "The Bomb Along the Road." Guess what that's about!?!?! It's when Tracy first learns Luke is trying to bring back Laura. oy boy. I started a draft last night. MUCH MUCH Angst. I already know the second one is going to be "Stalled Along the Road," but i won't tell you what that one is about.. I'll leave ya hanging for now. Ha! Minerva will you mind being my beta/feedback giver again?!?!

  7. Very Odd.

    I posted last night.

    Right around the time Nex & Regency Posted.

    It looked like it was there, and now it's not. Hmmmmmm.

    Did someone delete it??

    It was sort of raving about how our show is lousy... but nothing out of the ordinary.


    Love your story, Ms. Q!!! (You're beginning to pop them out as quickly as Deb!!! That's a talent!!)

    Thanks for the compliments on Awakenings, Regency

    I think I'm about to write a collection of stories (short ones). They will all be separate stories but the thread will be Laura's struggle to reemerge and then her reemergence. However, they WON"T be about Laura (GH will be doing enough of that. Thank you very much!!!). They will be about how the awakening is affecting the people around her (Hey- who am I kidding.? They'll be about how LuNacy is impaacted by this whole disastrous turn of events). I promise much angst.

  8. Seems as Tracy is upset with Luke (as she should be), and she's not hiding it. That scene angel mentioned; I'm not sure I'd call it sweet. She seemed sad, angered, not to mention jealous. Angst is coming, my friends. It's already here. *buckles up* I hope it's a good ride.


    -Hmmmm. There are two ways to read the scene when Luke and Tracy are talking about her being stand-up. The first way is EXTREMELY hopeful. When I watched it live, I spent the whole rest of the show CONVINCED he was going to pop up in her room at the end of the show all sad about Lulu and Laura and ask for "wifely" comforts. I WAS POSITIVE he was going to turn to her for comfort in that way (hence the La-La Land reference above). Did you see his eyes? The way he looked at her was absolutely DELICIOUS!!!!!!! They were smiling and connected. It was fabulous!!!! Ms. Q, I read your comments above earlier- after I watched live- and I was totally confused. I didn't see the sad, angered jealous thing when I watched live. I was totally confused....

    -But then I came home.... and I watched the Tivo version. And while I still saw his smiling eyes, I did see a certain stoic-ness in her face that didn't fit with my original picture. AND, I noticed that while they were holding hands (I'm certain of it. I rewound it several times to check), you never see it. She puts down the brandy and steps close, and you can see both their arms move. They are DEFINITELY holding hands, except GH edited it out. Which means either sloppy editing (and there's been a lot of sloppy editing lately), or they decided not to show it for a reason. Grrrrr.. I don't know.

    -In Lainey's la-la land, what happens next (tomorrow! before Luke leaves!!!!) is he goes up to her room and almost apologizes to her for chasing after a cure for Laura. He tells her she's been a great support, and he really wanted to give her the respect she deserves, so he wanted to tell her he'd be gone for awhile to do this thing for Lulu. He would stress that it's for Lulu. And then she would tenderly kiss him on the cheek, and it would turn into this passionate sex scene. Then afterwards, towards the very end, he gets up to go in search of Laura's cure, and kisses her goodbye while he thinks she's sleeping. But she's not sleeping, and as soon as he's gone she just BREAKS DOWN... starts to totally bawl. **HEY, IF I WERE WRITING IT, IT WOULD BE THIS WAY!!** So folks, pray for this. Lately I am believing in the power of prayer. So all of us here at the lovefest need to grab hands... and pray.


    EDITED : Minverva , while I was posting my rant, you were posting your story. Talk about delicious! TOTALLY DELICIOUS!!! You have MUCH more control than me. I would have had to ended that story with them f****** in the Rose Garden. You are a better person than I am. ;)

  9. (Read through SOW at the store today--Fey read the part of about Guza saying Luke has "grown to love" Tracy and was like, wow! I'm like, girl, that's yestuhday's news. Read me Guza saying, "Luke has grown to make passionate love to Tracy," then my little ears will perk up.)

    A big Amen to that sister. A Big Amen to that. :D:D

    This weekend was so $%&^#@-up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But then... I get home to find all these new vids, and Minerva's new story! I love the new story!!! I go weak in the knees for anything that ends with Luke and Tracy spooning in bed together, and I don't care who has to die in order for them to get there (gasp! I said it).

    Ms. Q, your vid was lovely! I am downloading Minerva's "Perfect" now, and I'm sure it'll be... uh.. perfect!

    Thanks for helping me end my #(*&$@(#$# weekend on a bit of a up note!

  10. Luke gets to live, because he made our girl laugh so pretty--I rewound.

    Tracy is the Ultimate of Gorgeousness. Beauty incarnate. I'm in love........

    Oh, and while I missed the curls, MsQ, her hair was sooooooo magnificent--fluttery and shiny and thick---LeSigh. She's so purty.

    We really shouldn't go weeks without a TQ/JE fix. It makes us goofy.

    Uh... Ditto.. Ditto.. Ditto.. Ditto!!!!!!!!!!!


    1) I LOVED all things LuNacy. In my opinion, they couldn't have done that "reunion" any better.

    -Tracy was angry at Luke, and wouldn't let him touch her (at first), but they still talked and "connected." Think about it, Guza & co could have had the two of them screaming DIVORCE the minute they hit that patio. Luke could have painted Tracy as a monster for opposing the abortion. OR they could have had Tracy not even mention the Holly thing, and forgive him by omission. Or they could have played the whole thing for laughs... and they didn't do it that way!!! This felt good to me, folks.. it felt "right." The writers are DEFINITELY setting them up for some sort of "connection," whatever the hell that means.

    2) I HATED all things that involved LAURA (this is going to become a theme, my friends. Apologies in advance). But there were 2 things about today's LAURA scene that really bothered me. 1- They could have had Luke having that conversation with Tracy. She has been his emotional touchstone lately, not Laura. It didn't really "feel" right.. and it reminded me HOW ready they are to go in the WRONG direction with L&L. 2- Those comments Luke made on Laura's bed re: corporate greed are a very very very bad omen for LuNacy. It could be the LuNacy "split" comes over the condoms and not Laura.. dunno.

    P.S. -- Angel , your banner is amazing! Where do the words come from?????

  11. Hey.. Thanks for all the support re: my story. You guys are great! The definite antidote for my bruised and battered ego. Definitely! :D:D:D

    On the Zine thing.. or the idea that has to do with sending anything to anyone connected to GH.. I say go for it if you want!!! But, I don't want to be in it. The idea of anyone connected to the show actually reading anything I wrote freaks me out BIG TIME. :o I just want to putter in my la-la land!!

    Speaking of puttering in la-la land...

    Minerva, if you log back here tonight, check the breakroom again. I just checked there, and you were gone. I am bubbling with ideas today, including one that I'm going to do -- a little three pager or so -- an introspective angsty thing that has Luke & Tracy meeting up again 5 years AFTER the divorce. ohhhh.





    Leslie? Spoiler? *looks outside window for flying porcine objects*

    Leslie and Tracy, in a scene together? *checks west for rising sun*

    Smirks, you are hilarious!! Very funny stuff. Very true and very funny!!!!

    funnnnn. :D

  12. okay....

    AWAKENINGS is done.

    Check out the ficathon.

    Once again, I had "posting issues."

    I hope it's my computer, and not me. It could definitely be me.

    So.. right now it's there via sendspace. I will try to fix soon (Really. I will.. but I'm clueless)

    Enjoy. I tried really hard.

    A big shoutout to Minerva for all her help and support. Without it, Awakenings would have never seen the light of day.

  13. I have to tell you, I think I'm in the minority opinion on Luke too. I was Mega-hating him when he first came back and made that NASTY comment about 'the delicious dish he was doing.' But I really like how Luke has been there with unwaivering support for Lulu - no judgments, no SH**, just support. I really like that they decided to portray him that way.

    What I DON'T like is that TRACY isn't there!!! WTF?!?!? Damn near every Luke/Lulu scene is dying for her. She could have come "clean" by now-- she could have told Luke she went looking for him after deciding that all she wanted for Lulu was her dad, nothing more. She could have sided with Luke against the evil Qs, furthering herself from them, and aligning herself more with Luke. She could have.. she could have!!!!!!!

    And she could have been a support for Dillon without actually agreeing with him. Luke was there for Lulu. What did Dillon get? Edward!!!! WTF????

    Also, I HATE how every third word on that damn show is now LAURA! No Tracy but.. LAURA, LAURA, LAURA, LAURA. She's not even back, and I'm dying over here. DYING.


    Tracy, come home!

    [ Minerva .. check your mail. I sent you my story. Please help it. Thanks!]

  14. Ms. Minerva, you are the bomb! Today you are my total hero!! --- For helping me with my story, and for posting all those stories I haven't read [i thought I had read all fanfic connected to Tracy. Who knew?!?], and for posting the link to the Dillon movie, which I have never seen. Hilarious.

    Okay.. off to write now.. you have totally inspired me! :)

  15. im lovin the new fics! FF.net was beign a !@#$%^&*] but i eventually got to them all and i loved them! Oh and Regency was it? (I get you and Lainey confused for some reason) HAAAAWWWWWWWTTTTTTTTTT!!!!! Like wow. it was awesome.

    Hmmmm..... You're the second person to say that. hmmmmm. I don't get it.....

    More Topic? Jane has seriously incredible teeth. And I love her cheekbones.

    Hmmmm... I feel exactly the same way... Maybe I do get it.

    Hey... you guys hit the breakroom early today. No fair! Hope you had fun.

    My thoughts on today's show? Luke had some weird lines:

    'I dropped the delicious dish I was doing.' !??!?!?!?!?!?!??!? WTF?!?!??!?! BARFFFFFF!!!

    It was a total diss of our girl. VERY disappointing. She needs to divorce his a**! Seriously. I had mega hate for him today.

    And then later to Lulu: 'I heard you were facing lions, and I thought you'd need a whip and a chair.' I appreciate the sentiment, but the line is... dumb... (there I said it)

    Why did Jane take off the week TG came back? She has the right to vaco whenever she wants, but I'm totally disappointed. Why this week of all weeks??

    **Goes to sulk**

    (actually, I'm going to try to work on that piece of fiction that is coming out really lousy and has begun to take up too many hours. Minerva, I think I will take you up on the beta reading thing. I'll PM you when I'm ready.. I'm not ready yet.. ugh..)






    Tracy and Luke won't be divorcing. But Tracy lets Luke go to be with Laura. Explain it to me like I'm 3. She's going to let her married husband be with another woman? Wouldn't it make sense if she filed for the divorce, so Luke could be with Laura legally?

    Laura's secret and the fact that she kept it from Luke will be one reason the L&L reunion will be less than rosy. Tracy and Luke's connection being another. Luke's neglect of his children being yet another. Hehe. That's right. Tracy and Luke's CONNECTION. I hope this is true.

    Oh... These just MADE MY DAY!!!!!!!!! God.. let them be true. let them be true. let them be true (please!).

    Ms Q., I could see how Tracy would let Luke go to Laura.

    A -- She really has no power to stop him.

    B -- I think she really knows **this Luke** and might have a feeling that **this Luke** and **that Laura** won't have the connections they used to... so she figures let him go and learn that for himself and then come back to her.

    And C -- She really LOVES him.. and I believe she wants him to be happy.

    It would tear Tracy to shreds if he leaves her to be with Laura. And I hope, if this really happens, there will be a GREAT Jane Elliott scene where Tracy just breaks down and looses it after he leaves.... but still, I think it's in character for her to let him go.

    On the Luke and Tracy connection thing... it's so damn obvious that even a woman emerging from 4 years in a catatonic state can see it!!!!! I mean she can't be the most alert, intuitive person at this point, and yet even SHE sees it. Maybe this will make Luke see it too. MAYBE MAYBE.

    Go Tracy.. Go Tracy.. Go Tracy...

    Edit : I have a fic I called "awakening." I was writing it for 24 hour ficathon. I was having trouble with it, and I never finished it. It was the whole.. 'should it be raunchy? should it be bittersweet?' debate that I posted a while back. Anyway... the whole bittersweet part was about Tracy loving Luke and still allowing him to be there for Laura. I'm going to try to finish it tonight. What the hell. hmmm.

  17. Ms. Q, love your new chapters! love your new video!

    I noticed you didn't include Luke in Tracy's "family." Very interesting... I imagine you were doing just the "Qs".. still... In my mind the fact that he's not in there says something. Is it supposed to say something?

  18. Okay, we have got to schedule a party in the breakroom. That was so much fun last night with so many people there--we should do it more often. I think Regency and LaineyBev714 are actually the same person--:) At least, they are kindred spirits. LOL--olives and femslash, the food of the gods!

    Ha! We're not the same person! (She's a better fanfic writer than I am... but I am working hard on that front. So one day.. one day.. ).

    However... I do love all things femslash and all things Tracy (and hey - when Tracy ends up in femslash.. well.. that's just too fun for words ;);) )

  19. I LOVED today.. and I almost never even like the show anymore....

    Here's why:

    1) Tracy had an abortion and she regrets it.... see she's "real." She struggles.. she's not the one-dimensional, evil Q TIIC often writes her to be. She has layers and feelings... go Tracy!!

    2) In the end, she essentially said Lulu is hurting, and she needs her dad and I'm going to go find him, and I don't care if he tells her to abort. And that's AMAZING! TIIC is allowing her to really love and really care and act like a person with principals and emotions.. and I think that bodes really well for Luke/Tracy. It gives me hope that there will be several weeks of really good Luke/Tracy before they get busted up for laura or for this lawsuit that I think Luke may file (Edward has already made reference to how litigious luke spencer is).

  20. I'm bacccccckkkkkkk! A week of family hell. I knew it would be bad! But now I'm home and the very first thing I did was watch the six episodes I missed (Last Wed through This Wed.) I did it on fast forward, pausing only for Tracy/Dillion/Lulu -- or anyone remotely related to the pregnancy storyline. Everyone else got a pass (made an occassional stop on alexis, but that's about it).

    Before I got to today's preview, I was very very ticked. All of us here think of Tracy as a multi-layered character with real depth and emotion.. and the TQ I just saw was a one dimensional, melodramatic bore. Not good. Not good at all. (although her hair looked really sexy ;) )

    But then..... I saw the preview!! I love the fact that Tracy may have had an abortion. I hope she did and isn't lying about it to trick lulu. (It would make her more "real," and less like a cartoon character). What if.............. she manages to convince Lulu to let her raise the baby-- to raise the child the way that she wished she had raised Ned and Dillion. Y'all talk about Tracy wishing she had raised her sons differently. Maybe this is her chance. If this happens, if would make that old spoiler about "Tracy being slammed into motherhood" true!

    So in my fantasy world (if i were writing it): Luke comes back, supports Lulu's decision to have an abortion. Tracy finds out about this and they have a crazy heated argument that crosses the line into mad passionate sex (you know, that sort of #*($ happens on soaps all the time, where a hot argument becomes hot sex). She convinces Luke they both made mistakes when it comes to their kids, and that they should raise this child together. He begins to agree.. or at least Tracy and Luke begin to build a "real" relationsihp, and lulu passes into the second trimenster (past abortion stage), when....... ta da: Laura wakes up.

    Could happen. Should happen. Might be really fun.

    So anyway, while I was gone you have created a "breakroom" (wow!), written tons of fic, and created a new video!! Ms. Q , I am downloading "Almost" right now! And I'm toddling off to read the new fic and check out the breakroom. What Fun!! What a way to come down off of a kooky "vacation." Yeah!

  21. Minverafan , I LOVE your icons (especially Yum! Fun!)

    Ms. Q , I'm lovin' "Oh Baby." It didn't occur to me until today that you might not let her have "Lila." Oh please.. oh please... she's gotta have the kid (I'll stop beggin' now).

    I tried and tried to finish my fic this weekend.. but I'm stuck. It's definitely coming out more bittersweet than raunchy. Turns out.. I'm not good at raunchy. ha! But anyway.. I don't like it.. and it's not done.. and I have to go out of town for a week, and by the time I get back all my references to the real show will be dated. grrrr. I'll get over it!

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