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Posts posted by Sylph

  1. I do not think a different way was needed nor would have been of her character. She was as tactful as one can be without flat out saying "no [!@#$%^&*] way in hell will that ever happen" and i do not blame her.

    Apparently not.

    During one of the short segments, Andy decides to be messy by asking Adrienne if any of her single rich brothers would be ideal for Kim, who revealed she was single and dating. Adrienne takes the bait and states, almost with a look of disgust on her face, that she doesn't know because Kim is a crazy drunk according to Kyle bit "standoffish." Adrienne added, "Who knows? Maybe in the future." Sighs, I thought Adrienne could have handled this question much better than she did. It doesn't sound as bad in writing but her whole body language was a bit telling.

    God knows I'm not saying it was wrong to say no, but it the way to do it was.

    I win. :):P

    What is there to say? I just assumed Kim couldnt either afford it or was unable to manage it so Kyle took it over and put her name on the house, taking kims off. I can see why if that is what happened.

    Plenty. Plenty of stuff about this fishy business Kyle calls "private stuff". So much about it doesn't add up. You are free to ignore it, but I am free to be very annoyed by you ignoring it and painting it pink.

    I love Andy. I wish he was my boo.

    I know you do. And it's annoying. LOL. :P

    His a bit too... Forced. He came off as forced and unnatural as a host, it just didn't flow. It was question A then answer, question B then answer, just forced, unnatural, with no flow. Add to that those bizarre add-ins, as in him wanting to kiss Nick and that other thing about Lisa's house or something in the previous part of the Reunion.

    He's a bit too self-enamoured, and I detest that.

  2. Jack, you are so wrong. Which is something I thought would never happen, but ever since your DOOL love started to reflourish, it started happening a bit more frequently than I'm used to. :P

    No. No, no, no. Not at all.

    She is ALMOST right up my ally. I am all about the fake vapid shallow bitches. Trust. However i like them self aware. Camille is so diluted and truly believes she is the blameless, faultless, poor, innocent victim who has been used by... anyone and anything. You can just tell that she thinks she is this new perfect person who isnt ever at fault for anything. Not the type who plays the part but knows full well she is.

    That's the thing: I don't think she does belive she is blameless and faultless. I seriously don't. She even admitted of being wrong, sometimes very effectively. Sometimes, though, laboriously. Which you can't say about Kyle, who came out awfully. Just awfully. You are wrong about this. And I think you know it. You try to push your view, but it ain't working. For me, anyway. :P

    I could not disagree more about them being a sad, retired couple. Not at all. They seem full of life and energy. They also seem to very in love and have a good humor. I think with the cedric thing, and it was obvious from the begining, He was not into it. She was. She obviously took him in and cared for her, but i think that is just her nature. I dont know, when you are a kind and caring person and have a friend who is in need you can be blinded. Its happened to me, and others. She got played and used.

    I think the fact that the series ended the season with her husband leaving her for a younger woman added to the way she came out. of course they glossed over that she herself got with him in much of the same way.

    Oh, they do. There was so much built up pain and depression when both of them cried, you could read it on their faces. And just two minutes ago I read this comment:

    Lisa, is a disappointment. Doth protest too much. That Cedric scandal reeks of dirt. Simply put, it doesn’t add up. Her and Ken did not pay for Ceddie to be around for the pure goodness of their hearts. They were getting something out of it. Whether it be sexual or other wise. Something freaky deaky is happening in that household and I hope it comes to light.

    Take that as you will.

  3. But why, Jack? Camille seems right up your alley.

    I'm really sad about Lisa and Ken. I was even before this episode, they increasingly seemed to me like a couple of sad, retired people. I remember some people in this thread liked Cedric from the beginning, but to me – that was always a very off relationship. He seemed completely fake from the beginning, but I didn't want to push it. It's the first thing I've asked in this thread

    Camille definitely has an amazing team behind her because she got out of the season looking even likeable. Second best, after Adrienne. The dinner, however, destroys her utterly, so many things about it were so wrong. So do those awkward eye lid movements she makes when she apologizes, they always make you doubt the sincerity. Kyle, on the other hand, came like a completely different person. The photos on her BlackBerry didn't help. That was vulgar, nasty and cheap.

    Poor Kim. Andy trying to set her up with one of the Maloof brothers and Adrienne basically saying: No way, that's never gonna happen. She could've chosen a different way to put it.

    I often feel like this thread misses the point and goes around important issues: I mean, no one asked about the house Kyle supposedly stole from Kim. How come no one noticed or wasn't intrigued about it? That's just one thing in a bucket full of them.

    The whole reunion was really nauseating, it left a bitter taste in one's mouth.

    Andy's voice irritates me. As does the way he elongates certain words or something.

  4. <span style="font-size:120%;">Anyhoodles poodles, back stateside Your Mama's been receiving some strange and conflicting information about the real estate affairs of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills' large-lipped Taylor Armstrong and her huzband Whatshisname. More than two people recently whispered to Your Mama that they heard through the reality show gossip grapevine that Mister and Missus Armstrong are in foreclosure on their mock-Med mini-mansion located on a lonely street high above (West Gate) Bel Air.

    They are not. Your Mama dug down into the nitty gritty of the public property records, which reveals that Mister and Missus Armstrong don't even own the house they live in. Silly rabbits, they'd have to own the damn house in order to be in foreclosure.

    The Real Estalker


  5. Oldies, but goodies:

    I go to a wealthy private school in L.A., and with few exceptions, no one has houses as tasteless as those, and I am sure most are more wealthy then the people on the show. These shows portray a completely unrealistic picture of upper class L.A. life. Most people are very nice, and not at all like those people shown on the television. I know this probably goes without saying, but it is true.

    Holders of substantial wealth would never allow themselves to be shown/discussed/trashed in public this way. They are extremely private people. The women in this show obviously are wanna-be attention whores who are looking for an angle to get a better husband, a better car or money

    People with real wealth don't flaunt it on trashy tv shows.

    @Geotpf: Nope. The truly wealthy are very careful to remain below the radar. Bob Lee is right, the only women who would do this want some kind of advancement out of it

    I do believe that in general, truly wealthy with a modicum of class don't go on these shows. Paris Hilton has been a businesswoman even tho she's vapid like many of the noveau riche douches out there...

    i don't begrudge the wealth, just the lack of class in extent to which it's flaunted on thes reality shows.

    Courtesy of Curbed LA. :)

  6. I thought Camille handled herself VERY well during the Reunion - so much so that she made people re-evaluate their assessment of her. When Andy asked her if she thought Kyle was jealous of her and she automatically said NO. It was a great moment for her. Kyle's comeback while absolutely true made her look evil, especially when Camille calmly countered it was catty. Keep in mind that when Andy asked her the same question with 'Live with Andy' the week before she said that she regretted that she kept saying she was jealous because she did not think it was so and she could not blame it on editing. Kyle's smugness throughout the entire interview didn't do her any favors. I don't believe that Camille was genuine but she appeared to be while discussing (women's) insecurities because of the divorce which made her look very sympathetic.

    I have to reiterate that it's really unfortunate that Kim can't articulate her thoughts well because Taylor's insidious comments towards her was really tacky and when she gleefully whispered to Kyle about revealing her "true" state of mind and Kyle said nothing, how in the hell can she fault Kim for not defending her when she doesn't do the same?! Every time Taylor told Kim to "tread carefully" with an ominous tone I wondered how Kyle can just sit there and not utter one word in her defense.

    If Camille renews for next season (and I'm now thinking that she will) Kyle will be the new villain feuding with Taylor and it would serve both bitches right.

    Cheap, I also agree that Taylor's hair looked gorgeous. It was the best I've seen her look unlike Lisa, who looked overly made up and the gaudy jewelry did nothing for her appearance. She looked glamorously fake.

    I love your post – almost nothing to add, I don't want to pull a SoapBoy94 in doing so.

    Perhaps just these two tiny things: Lisa did look blah, I think the stockings did it. It was quite awful, indeed.

    And as for Camille, I know. I'm careful in my change of direction. I do hope she returns and ends the divorce settlement quickly only to marry a billionaire right after it and move into a 50,000 sq. ft. house in Bel Air – real Bel Air – replete with 3 pools, 7 koi ponds, 57 bathrooms, 62 bedrooms and so on. :) LOL. It would make things a lot more fun. :)

  7. On TWoP somebody posted an Entertainment Tonight video from 2002 with Kim and her mother. It was a 'Where Are They Now" segment and she had moved to Arizona to take care of her mother (that Kyle says died taking care of Kim) who was dying of breast cancer. She mentioned in the video when she went back to California that her house was no longer in her name. My guess is that this is the family home she was talking about. It's weird to think KIM was the one actually living with her mom (in a different state!) when she was sick. Kyle makes it seem like everybody was taking care of Kim. Why didn't Kyle move to Arizona to take care of her mother? Why didn't she move her mother in with her?

    This made me smile, I knew Kyle put her own spin to it and basically invented her own reality. :) She is seriously starting to annoy me: she is immature, childish, crude and restless not in a good way, a woman who just doesn't know how to behave. In the finale she has completely trespassed every possible limit of acceptable behaviour and pretty much perpetuated it in the Reunion.

    I had to laugh when she visited a psychic – turns out this little celebrities really are as crazy as is presumed. Then I laughed even more when EW's Karen Valby wrote:

    Anyways, Kyle had brought along what I assume was a cloaked box of her mother's ashes. "Do you think I'm crazy?" she asked her psychic. She's a psychic. You're a dream client.


    Karen also ended her recap with the following list of questions:

    Who here is glad they're not rich? Was this finale too disturbed to truly enjoy? Despite all the bombshell accusations, so much was left unsaid. What in fact has Kim been through that's made her such a shell of a grown-up? What has Kyle actually done on her sister's behalf that's made her so resentful? What kind of car did Kim buy Kyle? Why is Kim so cadaver skinny? Why wasn't Melody shoving ravioli down her friend's throat to soak up some of that pre-party Grey Goose? Did you too think Andy's poll of Team Kyle or Team Kim was crass? There was nothing fun about watching a sibling relationship unravel like that, and Kim clearly needs real help. (Incidentally, it was Team Kim by a landslide.) It's Saturday night and you've got two choices of a date: Marky Mark or Adrienne? On a lighter note, how big of a nerd was Russell in high school?

    I do agree Sylph that Kyle is a notorious social climber, just like Shana aka Taylor "Ford." I cannot stand Taylor and the fact that nobody (including Andy) will truly call her out. It's SICK that she repeatedly threatened to expose Kim's addition issues if she dared to step out of her place. That's evil and how can the housewives and Andy stand behind that?! How can Kyle? So what Kim's an alcoholic or worse, than is an addition. HELP her or stay out of it. You don't use something like that against a person! And WTF! This is Beverly Hills. Why is everyone acting so high and mighty in regards to Kim?

    Next season I can't wait for the inevitable implosion of this ridiculous Lisa/Kyle/Taylor clique. It happens every housewives series at one point and it's going to happen again.

    Taylor scares me. She basically acted like a defence attorney or something in that Reunion jumping like a shark at every 'negative' question from the viewers Andy read. Camille can talk for herself, Tay-Tay, no need for you to jump like a loon and say you'd smack the hell out of a person writing negative stuff about Ms. C on some computer somewhere in America. :wacko:

    And yes, I can't wait for the implosion too. That is another thing Kyle did wrong – she was terrible to Lisa when they had that dinner Taylor came to uninvited. Awful. If I were Lisa, I'd be pissed and would have a nice little chat with Kyle.

  8. The Reunion proved it: what's so far been a rumour around the Triangle, and beyond – is true. Kyle really is a notorious social climber who, reportedly, wanted a show of her own for years now, ever since her niece had one. She's even semi-confirmed it in the first part of the Reunion. Another rumour circulating around is: remember how Kim stayed quiet when Kyle asked her in New York around that table to confirm that Kyle has not said what Camille thought she did? Well, some say it may be because Kim didn't want to lie. And Kyle said it.

    In that limousine in the finale, didn't Kim also say that Kyle drinks all day? And that Kyle stole her house?! There are several things that are quite fishy here: if Kim has once been to Gregg Davis, from the famous, billionaire Davis clan (!), who made their money in oil in Denver, she must receive a hefty alimony. In fact, some sources claim it's $20,000 a month. And Kyle is helping her financially? Right. Then again, why is she renting? In Westlake?! Kyle really was a bully. She was awwwwful. My sympathy, support and understanding towards her – TANKED. You all know I found Kim to be a bizarre creature, completely uninterested in the show and that she didn't mash well with the rest of the canvas. But I don't think she's a bad person. If she only put in a little effort to conquer her depression and problems and try to talk to some of the ladies, she would be received very nicely, I believe. Instead, she was so awkward and rude (for example to Lisa & Martin). Someone above put it nicely – she just can't, or doesn't seem to be interested in articulating her thoughts clearly.

    Kyle made weird grimaces the whole damn night, for example when Camille said friends rallied around her during the divorce and when there was that bucket comment. That was nasty.

    Camille. I am starting to make a complete U-turn on this woman. I didn't know she studied English literature and went to film school. She also apparently married Kelse when he was penniless, after all the drug and drinking problems. Even if she did sign the prenuptial agreement, today it would be invalid, because according to California laws it expires after 10 years. His money came from his production business, and Camille helped a lot in that one. If she hadn't covered for his a*s, he wouldn't be as successful as he was. So everything she gets – she earned it. Even if she hadn't, Kelse deserves to spill out as much as she asks. Adrienne wouldn't have spent so much time with her had she thought Camille was an evil bitch, albeit, yes, after she ran away from her from the lunch the two were having. There''s a lot of stuff she did during the season that was downright terrible, but...

    What do you people think of Ken?

    I was so mad at Kyle, that was a low blow to call her an alcoholic in front of everyone and cameras. Kim clearly has a problem, but instead of talking to her sister to sister she berated her and yelled at her, that is not the way to handle anything and made Kyle look foolish.

    And Kim was ABSOLUTELY right, Taylor,Kyle, Camille, and Lisa won't let the drama go and keep bringing it up. They say they want to move on but every time they get together they rehash it over and over again. And Taylor TOTALLY instigated the fight in tonight's episode, if Kim could string two sentences together long enough to be coherent she could have held her own, but she obviously can't take confrontation well at all.

    I love Lisa and Cedric together, it breaks my heart to think that Lisa's husband may have been talking about Cedric in the reunion episode.

    BH was very entertaining tonight.

    Russel is such a control freak I wouldn't be surprised if he's secretly abusive to Taylor.

    Cedric is a drama queen. It's sickening how he manipulates Lisa into staying with them. Hopefully this will not be an issue next season.

    I'm siding with Kim on this one. There she was minding her own business and Taylor comes up and starts attacking her. That is NOT what Lisa had in mind when she told Taylor to work things out with her. Then Kyle jumped on the bandwagon and didn't even care what she had to say. Taylor is two faced and she definitely instigated the drama but Kim is such a neurotic mess. The chick is a walking poster for suicide. It's clear the tiniest bit of confrontation or friction and she falls apart. Kyle is definitely ashamed of her and she either needs to put up or shut up. She keeps screaming that she did so much for her with little taunts of "don't mess with me" when it's obvious she helped her through a major ordeal but she keeps throwing it back in her face. Kyle was very unlikable and every bit the bully but it's funny - every time they cry they can't produce real tears.

    Kim hiding behind Adrienne when Kyle started attacking her was hilarious if not a bit sad.

    And speaking of Adrienne, she's gorgeous but that mop on her head has GOT to go! A new sleek due will do wonders for her.

    Awesome finale.... I gotta side with Kim on this one. I feel so bad for her, bc Taylor totally started it that night. They all know Kim can't do confrontation, especially when they gang up on her, so it was a recipe for disaster! I feel for Kyle too, because I know Kim hasn't been all roses throughout their life... just wish Kyle hadn't exploded like that in front of cameras with the personal stuff.

    At least Adrienne was thrown in the mix a little tonight. As funny as she is with Paul in their own scenes, I feel like she hasn't been part of any drama, and she usually stays quiet during group scenes. She's the richest, so she'll probably be back, but she better plan for a storyline for Season 2!

    The only problem I had with BH... they had to drag out that New York drama because that was the ONLY thing that really happened that affected them all together as a group. Every episode, they had to beat the dead horse NY trip just to muster up any sort of fiesty drama. And that all started because of one thing Camille THOUGHT she heard that was not even caught on camera.

    Next year they need to get to know each other all better and create juicier storylines.

    Anyway - so ready for the reunions - they are always awesome.

    I started the season as a huge Kyle fan but found myself liking her less and less as the season progressed. I found it absolutely appalling how she not only let Taylor talk to her own flesh and blood like garbage but actually joined in on the bashing and attacking. And yes they're sisters so sure they're gonna have brawls, but I know in my family blood trumps all and none of my siblings would ever let someone speak that way to any of the others....

    I still love Lisa but she was almost unlikeable as well during the Kim fight..Some of those looks she was sending Kim were downright awful...

    Honestly Kim being drunk at a party didn't even seem that crazy to me, especially given that this is the Housewives series and the women on most of the franchises are seen drinking constantly..but whateves..

    So ready for the reunion.


  9. That would have made it much more interesting to me. I felt there was a certain lack of tension in the episode - a predictability to it that let it down.

    I'm a lapsed viewer who dips in for the big events (the kind of viewer I'd usually slate incidentally) so I was watching the episode rather out of context. That considered, I really didn't enjoy it. There were some standout moments such as Jean/Stacey and erm...the final scene but otherwise it just felt weird to me.

    I didn't understand half of what was going on and the characters outside of Janine/Stacey/Jean/Max seemed so flat. I barely recognised Tanya Branning and her boyfriend was a mute. I don't know what was supposed to be going on between Tanya Branning and Tanya Turner but I did enjoy the ambiguity of TB's reaction to Max running after Stacey.

    Kat/Alfie turn my stomach. Ronnie/Roxy seem completely and utterly played out. I couldn't agree more when Ronnie was telling Roxy to "leave it".

    I'm probably being far more judgmental than I should be but from the odd episodes I've seen over the past month, there's very little substance to anything which is strange because to begin with Kirkwood seemed to be working on things. Except for a chosen few, the character personalities seem interchangeable and they react depending on what the story requires of them.

    I'll watch tonight after a little less boozing and see if I change my mind.

    It was and they all are. Next Christmas Tanya, Max, Ronnie, Roxy, Kat and Alfie need to die when a Korean missile hits Walford.

    Kirkwood isn't doing well... I can almost feel his frustration and nervousness to the point that I could see him quit. As in not fired, just fed up wanting to flee as if pursued by mad dogs.

  10. It was also pretty lame as an exit. A very bloated episode where those very good moments served to disguise the shiteous exit decision. Oh, well. It's good that that evil, psychopathic, vulgar, uncultivated and savage mess of a character, liar and a cheater finally left the premises. She didn't deserve to flee.

    And had it been a mystery wetter Janine stabbed herself or whether it was Stacey, it would've been a terrible writing choice.

  11. Everything about this show is so phony and staged, Cheap. I often wonder why do I love this show so much given that fact, but I just do. It's also so blatant and in-your-face, but you somehow end up watching the whole episode and wanting more. The editing, the lines, the stares – it's all written.

    The women are also very chemistry-less, but, again, it works. Even with Kim. Kim adds some bizarro-world factor that comes in handy at times, diversifies things a bit.

    I was also thinking about the hairs: every one of them has terrible hair quality – they're all so dry, like mops, lifeless. Adrienne has terrible hairdos, I like it when she has like in that commenting scene, I think she was dressed in purple.

    Umansky isn't a Greek surname. I actually just kept waiting for his religion to pop up, just to confirm my thoughts, and now I'm just waiting for the ancestry. At times, he looks like a Latino to me, but Umansky isn't a Latino surname. It sounds Easter European to me. He is probably Russian.

    Adrienne rocks. My favourite too. happy.gif

  12. So many awkward moments and stares in this episode. Taylor and Kim having a manicure?! That was just WTF?! Kim just talks to say something, she obviously doesn't think before doing so.

    Adrienne and Camille? What was that? And the way Adrienne "cut" the lunch to go pick up the kids? mellow.gif

    Cedric and Lisa... I wonder whether he'll be featured as much when he moves out of Lisa's house.

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