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Posts posted by Soapfan8

  1. On 8/17/2022 at 11:51 AM, Faulkner said:

    She and JMW are the two best actresses on the show. (Rena is actually better at elevating shoddy material.) Yet Quinn had become useless. How could they let her sit on the sidelines during all the Brooke/Sheila drama? B&B is very unsubtle and by-the-numbers, which is probably one of its strengths, viewer wise. RS deserves a project she can sink her teeth into, but this ain’t it. Neither is present-day GH IMO.

    KKL and Annika are both stronger than Jacqui to me 

  2. 4 hours ago, PSPCindy said:

    Ian Buchanan was almost impossibly handsome back then.  His accent didn't hurt either.  I was actually quite taken with his relationship with Brooke.  He took note of the past, was cautious in getting close to her and brought out a light and gentle part of Brooke.  Even though I found the beach wedding glorious and loved the honeymoon, for the most part, I was sad that James had to take a backseat to Ridge.  To me, James was a much better match for Brooke than Ridge could ever be.  But the show has constantly not allowed Brooke to ever get past her feelings for Ridge, no matter how horribly he treats her-point in fact, 2005 when once again back from the dead Taylor appears, Ridge is glued to the hypocrite, thanks to Mommy.  It was horrendous.  Poor RJ was just left behind for two witches who didn't care a thing about him.  And Ridge, what a dope.

    The friendship between Stephanie and James was nice.  She started out very suspicious of him and was rightfully angry that he and Taylor cheated on Ridge but their alliance in dealing with Sheila bonded them.  I miss both actors.

    I don’t think they have sexual chemistry 

  3. Who would you all say have been bolds chemistry magnets? Does a good with with generating chemistry with costsars and onscreen romances.

     For me:

    Susan Flannery- had chemistry with about every co star and always brought out the best in others, however I wouldn’t say she was the best in the sexual and romantic chemistry. Done her best with KKL Darlene Ronn Jacqui and Jim

    Jennifer Finnagan- Same as Susan. done her best with KKL Sean JT and Susan

    Heather Tom- Same as Susan. Done her best with Don Jacqui  JG KKL and Darin

    KKL- bolds former it girl.back in the day i feel she did decent playing off other actors and had pretty good romantic/sexual chemistry with most men she was paired with, her magic has kinda watered down though-done her best with ronn Susan Jf Sean and winsor.

    Sean Kanan- does a good job playing off co stars and have pretty solid Romantic/sexual chemistry with pretty much everyone he’s paired with. Done with best with addriene JF Rena and KKL

    Don Diamont- plays off co stars well and understands the assignment in romantic pairings. Does his best with Heather Jacqui Scott and Rena

    Jacqui Woods-B&b it girl, usually understands the assignments and has sparks in almost all her pairings, does a good job at generating chemistry with co stars, done her best with Don Heather Hunter Tanner Tk and Susan. 

    Kim Matula- worked pretty good with the cast and sparked with everyone she was in scenes with. Did a decent job generating sexual/romantic. Done her best with Darin Heather    Jacqui and Scott. 

    Rena Sofer- she always understands the assignments when it comes to romance rivalries familial relationships and has chemistry with about everyone. Done her best with Lawrence JMC darin Don Heather and Jacqui

    Thorsten Kaye- he pretty much sparks with everyone except KKL. Does a solid job playing off other for stars. Done his best with Jacqui Krista Rena Linsey and Don

    darin- has light fun chemistry with co stars, and gives  most of his pairings a bit of a fun and unique dynamic done his best with Heather kim Rena Scott and Don

    Mathew Atkinson- solid actor and usually has chemistry with actors he’s in scenes with. Does his best with Jacqui Annika TK and Krista

    krista Allen- is doing a good job working with the cast, sparks with pretty much everyone she works with, even some inappropriate chemistry with Thomas. Doing her best with Tk Jacqui Kimberlin and Matt so far. 


  4. 33 minutes ago, divinemotion said:

    Most beautiful

    1. Brooke... in the sense that her beauty has Lasted for 35 years... she was and still is so beautiful

    2. Taylor... hunters taylor... but I am placing her second because of the way she looked later years

    3. Caroline 

    4. Stephanie first 3 4 years 

    5. Sheila

    6. Macy 

    7. Annikas Hope

    8. Bridget Jennifer F 

    9. Lauren 

    10. Jackie 


    I would place Lauren in honorable mentions I forgot her. I think Jf got prettier when she aged. I was gonna put Lesley In honorable mentions but eh. 

    The character itself sucked but I’ve always thought Katrina coulda been a solid Hope recast, she favors KKL & even Sean kinda. She’s so pretty and a decent actress though not  the best. 

  5. this is shallow but who would you all say have been the most beautiful actresses on the show?

    1. Hunter Tylo (90s)
    2. Ashley Tosoro
    3. Susan Flannery (80s)
    4. Kim Matula
    5. Ashleigh Brewer 
    6. Katherine Kelly Lang
    7. Rena Sofer
    8. Colleen Dion
    9. Karla Mosley
    10. Krista Allen

    Honrobale mentions: Katrina Bowden,Diamond White, Jacqui Woods, Joanna Johnson, Tracey Bergman, Maybe Jennifer Gareis?

  6. 14 hours ago, Videnbas said:

    Who would you say are/were the top 10 actors on B&B

    I think it's a lot harder than to think of 10 good actresses because the male characters tend to be less developed and have more of a supporting role. So a lot of the male characters are sort of one-note - meaning they work as one "character type" but rarely have the opportunity to show any range. The show usually isn't "about" them the way it is "about" the women.


    Ranking them is hard but thorsten kaye, d Jack Wagner, Charles grant, Ian Buchanan, Mathew Atkinson, Scott Clifton, Jacob Young and Ric Hearst, Obba Bat, John Mccook would be included 

    honorable mentions: Winsor Harmon, Justin T, Daniel M, Scott Clifton Jim Storm and Don Diamont

  7. 48 minutes ago, divinemotion said:

    Nobody asks me but I will tell my Top 10 for me are...

    1. STEPHANIE the queen in charge.. with the one exception is that she is better at ice and bully than crying and sadness. Stephanie has hard time crying with tears.

    2.BRIDGET 2001 2002 amazing... truly masterpiece of an actress. She could have given so much more to the show.  

    3.HEATHER TOM KATIE but she overdoes it sometimes. How many times did she have a heart attack... too much... but again.. pure talent.

    4.SALLY icon... not realistic at all.. more like a cartoon character but very unforgettable and unique. 

    5. CAROLINE she can be very real and very fake based on the material... the actress was not that consistent but the highest moments were truly special 

    6.AMBER very big potential and she drove such great moments of the show... she and Sally have made me laugh more than anyone.

    7.BROOKE the biggest storyline driver... not a genius actress but I belive kkl is kkl when she acts like brooke. That's the only way she can act... and it's good. Brooke is irreplaceable. But not the top talent. Nope.

    8. SHEILA. She is amazing but only in her 2 3 perfect notes... sheila has never been the most realistic character... there have been a lot of bad acting moments with her... but I blame the material 

    9.PAM she could be in top 5 if she got more material.. true psycho... and really superb actress.. I place her here because the show gave the others a lot more opportunity to shine... but I think alley mills needs to be more active as psycho pam. I would kill for sheila vs pam

    10.TAYLOR... very beautiful but that's the negative... you can't really see past the beauty sometimes... and after 2005 she acts absurdly bad. That's why I place her last... if I judged her from the early Years.. she would be top 5.... but in the late Years...



    Notable mentions

    1. Jackie. Had some great moments but in the end ended very boringly 

    2. Morgan... not the best actress but I loooved her

    3. Macy... again not the best actress... she is too soapy and melodramatic but I love the character... and she can sing that woman

    4. The new Hope that is on right now... she us the best for me acting wise

    5. Lauren...


    Negative top 5 chacters

    1. KIM Matula hope... sorry many people like her...but for me she made the character too naive and too sweet... it was like I had eaten too much candy... really really got bored by her... and didn't find her effective at all. That's my opinion many people love her.

    2 steffy... I mean.. for me there has been so so much overacting... very bad body language. Too much gesturing.. she just feels off to me... I just don't like the actress at all... I feel vulgarity when I hear her voice... and the character is very copy paste from past bold vixen types.

    3. Beth Logan.... ew... the most boring character in history of the show.

    4. Margot... I mean... overacting... melodramatic...

    5. Donnalogan ... all of them.... have been bad.


    Nothing against actresses... just opinion of a fan.

    1. Susan Flannery

    2. Jennifer Finnigan

    3. Heather Tom

    4. Lesli Kay

    5. Anna Maria Hasford

    6. Darlene Conley

    7. Rena Sofer

    8. Joanna Johnson

    9. Kimberlin Brown

    10. Bobbie Eakes

    honorable mention: Courtney Hope, KKL, Linsey Godfrey Jacqui and Annika 


    54 minutes ago, divinemotion said:

    Nobody asks me but I will tell my Top 10 for me are...

    1. STEPHANIE the queen in charge.. with the one exception is that she is better at ice and bully than crying and sadness. Stephanie has hard time crying with tears.

    2.BRIDGET 2001 2002 amazing... truly masterpiece of an actress. She could have given so much more to the show.  

    3.HEATHER TOM KATIE but she overdoes it sometimes. How many times did she have a heart attack... too much... but again.. pure talent.

    4.SALLY icon... not realistic at all.. more like a cartoon character but very unforgettable and unique. 

    5. CAROLINE she can be very real and very fake based on the material... the actress was not that consistent but the highest moments were truly special 

    6.AMBER very big potential and she drove such great moments of the show... she and Sally have made me laugh more than anyone.

    7.BROOKE the biggest storyline driver... not a genius actress but I belive kkl is kkl when she acts like brooke. That's the only way she can act... and it's good. Brooke is irreplaceable. But not the top talent. Nope.

    8. SHEILA. She is amazing but only in her 2 3 perfect notes... sheila has never been the most realistic character... there have been a lot of bad acting moments with her... but I blame the material 

    9.PAM she could be in top 5 if she got more material.. true psycho... and really superb actress.. I place her here because the show gave the others a lot more opportunity to shine... but I think alley mills needs to be more active as psycho pam. I would kill for sheila vs pam

    10.TAYLOR... very beautiful but that's the negative... you can't really see past the beauty sometimes... and after 2005 she acts absurdly bad. That's why I place her last... if I judged her from the early Years.. she would be top 5.... but in the late Years...



    Notable mentions

    1. Jackie. Had some great moments but in the end ended very boringly 

    2. Morgan... not the best actress but I loooved her

    3. Macy... again not the best actress... she is too soapy and melodramatic but I love the character... and she can sing that woman

    4. The new Hope that is on right now... she us the best for me acting wise

    5. Lauren...


    Negative top 5 chacters

    1. KIM Matula hope... sorry many people like her...but for me she made the character too naive and too sweet... it was like I had eaten too much candy... really really got bored by her... and didn't find her effective at all. That's my opinion many people love her.

    2 steffy... I mean.. for me there has been so so much overacting... very bad body language. Too much gesturing.. she just feels off to me... I just don't like the actress at all... I feel vulgarity when I hear her voice... and the character is very copy paste from past bold vixen types.

    3. Beth Logan.... ew... the most boring character in history of the show.

    4. Margot... I mean... overacting... melodramatic...

    5. Donnalogan ... all of them.... have been bad.


    Nothing against actresses... just opinion of a fan.

    I think Kim was a great younger lead for bold, she had the charisma energy, sex appeal and had chemistry with the whole cast. I would say Annika has more ranger however she’s more of a lower energy actress. 

  8. 1 hour ago, Videnbas said:

    LOL, I don't really have a top 10 list. I just meant that I could easily think of at least 5, possibly 10, actresses in the history of the show that I feel were stronger than both KKL and HT. But it also depends on the material - some actresses were given much less to work with than either of those two leading ladies, so I also think it's fair to take into account what an actress does with the material she's given.

    Susan Flannery is of course the self-evident #1.
    I would place Darlene Conley, in all her scenery-chewing campiness, at #2 because she created a truly memorable character and actually set the tone for an entire subgroup of the B&B cast.

    Then it becomes difficult. I have seen Joanna Johnson, Kimberlin Brown, Michelle Davison (Ruthanne), Bobbie Eakes, Schae Harrison, Jennifer Finnegan, Heather Tom, Ashlyn Pearce, Alley Mills, and many others do wonderful things when given the right material (although some of them weren't often given the chance to shine). I think I would place all of these actresses above HT, and at least half of them above KKL.

    That list is solid and I think Rena, Anna Maria and Leslie kay as well. 

  9. 27 minutes ago, Videnbas said:

    I would say KKL was somewhat better and had more range and emotion. Hunter was good in therapist mode but fairly unconvincing whenever she had to get emotional. Sadly I think both of them regressed acting-wise in later years (possibly as a result of the direction and/or writing).

    But neither of them would even make my top 5 list of the best actresses on B&B. Possibly not even my top 10 list. 

    Who are your top 10?

  10. On 6/13/2022 at 4:31 PM, Videnbas said:

    I'm not sure I understood the question right - is it about which current characters are similar to or based on classic B&B characters?

    I think it's really hard to answer because the current characters are nowhere near as well-developed as the classic ones, so it's not easy to make a comparison.

    I guess Hope/Liam/Steffy are supposed to be a next generation Brooke/Ridge/Taylor, but the characters aren't really that similar to their classic counterparts (other than Liam having inherited Ridge's indecisiveness, and the girls having inherited their mothers' strange attraction for a man who will never settle permanently for either one of them).

    Wyatt is in a similar position to Thorne - always playing the knight in shining armor to the women who are in love with his brother.

    Dollar Bill has some similarities to his namesake Bill Sr, but Bill Sr was a lot more sophisticated on the surface.

    Carter is possibly the modern Connor Davis - everyone's lawyer but without any luck in his own personal life.

    Paris and Finn are virtually blank as characters - I can't think of any classic counterpart to either of them.

    I feel like Steffy is a mix of Ridge and Stephanie, Finn is Taylor, Hope is possibly Beth? Liam is kinda Eric, and I agree with Wyatt. 


  11. 14 hours ago, skebujebu said:

    My favourite year is 1999. The next fave is 1993. I hated 2014 but I really loved 2015 honestly. It was so fresh and appealing. 

    I liked both years but I preffeded the first half of 2015, 2014 and the first half of 2015 were the best years since 2005. I liked the production of 2014 and the modern reboot, but the triangles were annoying.

  12. 12 hours ago, divinemotion said:

    I would say this but based on memories from years ago. I am looking forward to watching all over again.

    1996 - 6/10

    1997 - 7/10

    1998 - 7/10

    1999 - 8/10

    2000 - 8/10

    2001 - 8.5/10 cheap drama but exciting

    2002 - 9.5/10 sex scandals campy stuff

    2003 - 6/10 

    2004 - 5.5/10

    2005 - 8/10 last year of some kind of quality 

    2006 - 4/10 bleak, boring

    2007 - 5/10

    2008 - 4.5/10

    2009 - 5/10

    2010 - 6.5/10

    2011 - 5/10

    2012 - 6/10

    2013 - 6/10

    2014 - 3/10

    2015 - 2/10

    2016 - 4/10

    2017 - 4/10

    2018 - 3/10

    2019 - 5/10

    2020 - 1/10 the worst year ever

    2021 - 1.5/10 

    2022 so far - 3/10




    I would say 1997,1998, and 2015 were years that were good 50% of the runs but the other was meh. 2015 I would give like a 6/10 or 6.5 but the first half was a 8, with the avants intro, Mayas trans story, California freedom, one of the best recent years tbh. I agreee with 1997/1998


  13. 32 minutes ago, divinemotion said:

    I would say this but based on memories from years ago. I am looking forward to watching all over again.

    1996 - 6/10

    1997 - 7/10

    1998 - 7/10

    1999 - 8/10

    2000 - 8/10

    2001 - 8.5/10 cheap drama but exciting

    2002 - 9.5/10 sex scandals campy stuff

    2003 - 6/10 

    2004 - 5.5/10

    2005 - 8/10 last year of some kind of quality 

    2006 - 4/10 bleak, boring

    2007 - 5/10

    2008 - 4.5/10

    2009 - 5/10

    2010 - 6.5/10

    2011 - 5/10

    2012 - 6/10

    2013 - 6/10

    2014 - 3/10

    2015 - 2/10

    2016 - 4/10

    2017 - 4/10

    2018 - 3/10

    2019 - 5/10

    2020 - 1/10 the worst year ever

    2021 - 1.5/10 

    2022 so far - 3/10




    The first half of 2015 was good.

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