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Posts posted by Soapfan8

  1. 20 minutes ago, ironlion said:

    94-96 weren't terrible but they didn't have as much momentum as the eras that preceded and succeeded them. In watching old episodes I find my attention being held more by the years I listed.  The mid 90s is where we saw Taylor being "dead", Brooke going mad in Barbados etc.. Plus '93 is where we saw the transfer of head writer from Bill Bell to Brad Bell. 

    Up to 93 Bold was strong with Sheila's introduction, the BeLief formula, Bridget's paternity and Brook & Eric's marriage. After 97, there was Sheila really going mad  with her exit story, and re introduction in 2002. We got Brook's bedroom, her marriage with Thorne vs Macy, crossovers with Y&R, as well as Rick/Amber/Kimberly and Deacon. 

    Y&R also had a minor slump around this time. 

    95 I liked the first half with Taylor’s return and Sheila, but 94 and 96 were meh.

  2. 30 minutes ago, ironlion said:

    GH: 1981-87 Gloria Monty Years; 1993-1999 Wendy Riche Levinson/Labine/Guza years. 

    Y&R: 1989-2001 solid storylines, directing, very character driven as well, great attempts at cast diversity.

    OLTL 1992-1995: Michael Malone Years: Marty Rape, Viki DID, Hank Vietnam/FBI; Victor Lord murder Trial

    ATWT: 1985-93 Doug Marland Years: large multi generational cast

    DAYS: 1993-1999: Marlena possession, Sami/Lucas/Austin/Carrie, John & Marlena's affair; Bo & Hope; Stefano

    B&B: 1989-93; 1997-2002

    Why do you feel the 94-96 years weren’t  so strong personally and what did you like about the other years 

  3. 17 minutes ago, Spoon said:

    GL just couldn't keep its momentum going for more than a half decade. 1980-85, 90-97, 2002-04 and finally 04-06.  

    Objectively I would say: 

    1970s: Days of Our Lives, with Bill Bell generating momentum and honing his signature style.  Young and Restless as runner-up.


    1980s: General Hospital. Fantastic blend of romance and adventure. A formula that most others would try to emulate.  I gather 80s Days (and mid-80s AW) came the closest to.


    1990s. Young and the Restless started the decade really strong with the Sheila and Phyllis stuff and Jack leaving Victor for dead.  GH would also be a contender which is amazing cause it was a much different tone than it was in the 80s or 2000s as it was more grounded with Labine's refocus on (GASP!) the hospital.

    2000s.  I heard that One Life to Live was excellent during this decade so I'll give it to them. I'd say As the World Turns with Chris Goutman was actually the best until sometime around '06 or so when the wheels started to come off.  B&B was also kinda strong during this decade, I'm sad to say.

    2010s.  General Hospital with nods to the Ice Princess.  Frank and company tried to revisit the big adventure era the best they could with modern financial realities.

    2020s. Days of Our Lives are actually trying while Y&R is basically ASMR at this point.


    Early mid or late 2000s bold?

  4. who would you say past or present has been the icons of each of the soap operas? Basically characters who are big figures and represent these soaps. These are my choice below :
    Y&R- Victor Newman

    B&B- Stephanie Forrester and Brooke Logan

    Gh- Luke and Laura Spencer 

    Passions- Theresa Lopez Filtzegard

    Guiding Light- Reva Shayne

    All my children- Erica Cane

    One live to live- Dorian and Victoria Lord

    days of our lives- Marlena Evans

  5. 33 minutes ago, YRfan23 said:

    One thing I would fix right away if I was head writing the show is the self righteousness hypocrisy of Steffy and all her “Logan Hating” that’s  plagued  the  show for years already. Its like Taylor and Steffy are portrayed to be so “perfect” and are not allowed to be called out for what they’ve done…I just can’t with this petty Forrester vs Logan B.S…

    It’s so forced. I don’t mind Steffy being a spiteful bitch but she acts like she doesn’t have loose morals as well. It makes her so unlikable, especially the show trying to portray her as a heroine.

  6. 4 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    Can we elevate the discussion, please? It was nice to actually discuss the stories, the music clothes, shooting style, etc. and not descend to the clownery present in YouTube comments. It would just be nice to avoid the Stan wars that too often diminish the daytime drama.

    No one was having a stan war..I don’t see anyone arguing or going back and forth we are just discussing character preferences.

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