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Posts posted by Joseph

  1. On 11/29/2023 at 12:52 PM, Donna L. Bridges said:

    5-16-1994 Debra Adair as Kate. 


    OH THE MAGICAL WORDS!!! Love Koslow, But There’s Just Something about Adair 😍

    Do You Have The Episode when Laura Exposed Kate's Past To The Entire Salem at A Kiriakis Gala???? Probably the most iconic Moment For JLB's Laura!

  2. 44 minutes ago, Donna L. Bridges said:

    Thanks! I couldn't figure that out. 

    And third newbie observation: I hate Tucker. That person, that character, is worthless & beneath Ashley to have to deal with him! Did Stephen Nichols play Tucker once upon a time & was he an awful waste of humanity then, too? 

    Not As Much, But Stephen Nichols' Tucker was Pretty One Note, The only word To Describe him was "Business Mogul"!

    But I don't remember him being this much of An Assh- or as unfaithful! But he did cheat on Ashley! With Genevieve, Harmony and Diane!

  3. 1 hour ago, carolineg said:

    Yeah, I can see the Sydney argument, but I love the actress.  She's kinda clunky on delivery right now and that's why she reminds me of 1992 Vanessa.  There's charm and charisma to spare with her.  I think she's a great find.  I think Tate's okay too, but I think Holly really is the find and the next lead of Days.  And, yeah, it's too soon too tell, but I like her. 

    Again I was not complaining on the actress lol I thought Nick Chavez, Tabyana, Camila B, Casey M, and Co. Weren't Exactly award worthy when they got started! But they evolved into Good to Great Actors!

    My problem was solely on The extreme Soras of Holly and Tate

  4. 1 hour ago, carolineg said:

    She probably would have been better cast as Sydney, but the Sorasing doesn't bother me.  Days effs up Sorasing all the time and it's not illogical for Nicole to have a teenage daughter.  Parker and Sydney should show up, but I am okay with Arianna aging in real time.  Chandler and Camilla aren't that old lol.

    I just find that Ashley Puzemis adds a little bit of humor to her scenes.  She seems like a real teenager with her dumb fantasies.  But she's very savvy and smart too. 

    On that I can perfectly well agree, She's fun even if in need of some acting Classes, just said she should be Sidney because with the exception of her Crush on Johnny, it would be just as well and feel less forced! (Let's Not Forget That Nicole ADORED Sidney)

  5. 4 minutes ago, janea4old said:

    I waited until a couple of days after everything referencing that baby aired in the USA before referring to it in the unspoiled thread.  And still we don't know if the current adult is actually that baby or not, it was claimed but has not been  verified.

    It's probably not that! It must have something to do with Jordan, Claire was Just her Pawn in that game, When Victoria pitied her saying she was confused and Victor said She was Just as bad as her Aunt, All I wanted was someone to shut him up with something like "She was Manipulated Victor, You of all people should know about it!"

  6. 27 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    Dmitri looking at the pics of Leo/him as ghosts....😂  They paused to go into a photo booth?  Dead......

    I love the actress that plays Holly.  She's green, but she's extremely charming.  She reminds me a little of early Vanessa Marcil.  And I don't throw that out lightly.  She's just got something about her that makes me think she could be a star.

    I just wish they didn't cast her as Holly! I hate extreme Sorasing, I'd rather she be Sidney! Holly was Supposed to be 6! She would be 7 the next 21! Both Her And Tate were younger than either Sidney, Parker, Arianna, Holly Was Originally younger than Thomas Too!

  7. 8 minutes ago, soapfan770 said:

    I ended up FF’ing through some scenes lol couldn’t handle the screen chewing and non-performances of this Jordan mess.

    @YRfan23 this whole thing reminded me of the Sarah Smythe story the show did in 2010, and that’s not a good thing. 😂🤣

    Nate and Audra totally should have staged takeover of Newman with Tucker in the absence of the Nemans.

    A bit off to see Billy, Nate, and Audra fret in Crimson Lights when really it should have been Sharon, Summer and Adam while they filled in a clueless Abby.


    This Story makes Sarah seem good LOL it's just so bad, At least we had Tracey being A Bitch which I loved, but here this is a train wreck 

    Also agree with The Rest, I wonder if Josh Griffith is overtired, he was Bad but not this bad! 

  8. 4 minutes ago, slick jones said:


    Noah? Faith? Reed?   Hell, Mariah only gets a bi- (no pun intended)-weekly appearance to moon over her deaf adopted kid and her touring love. Summer's only on if Chance appears or someone has to discipline Phyllis for twirling her moustache.

    Lol! True! I would Have:

    Noah Romancing Allie the disappeared Abbott, or Maybe Eden making a short visit To town and giving him and Dumb Kyle A Reality Check, time passes you can't keep a Teenager forever, And Nick is Proof! (I don't Know why but envisioned A Visit from Both Eden And Roxanne to town to make a job with Lily and calling The Hypocrites on their crap, recently)

    Faith Coming to Town To Check on her family, After the current situation more than ever, And give her some work to see if she can stick around, Is Sharon still trying to run Kirsten Enterprises???

    Reed would come to town to visit mommy dearest and (meet his new sister?) Help Taking care if newman while they recuperate, he could discuss his musical ambitions (if he still has any) with Daniel And Devon, 

    Teriah would enter a rough patch over the stress of raising a baby, with one of them straying and cheating, I'm surprised they didn't do something like that yet! Especially in such a cheating happy soap

    Summer Should enter A Custody Battle against Kyle for Harrison, it shouldn't be difficult, Kyle is a deadbeat! She could also get Tara To Help, that is if she is still in Jail

    As for Phyllis I would just write her off for a while

  9. 6 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    I don't think Roman/Kate are poor.  Roman spent years on the police force/ISA and I assume the pub makes money even if we don't see any non main character customers.  It just feels a little quaint for Kate.  This is a life I could see Roman being satisfied with, but not Kate.  Last we heard (many, many years ago) Roman still owned Roman/Marlena's old house, so I am not sure why they don't just at least live there off screen.

    ok so they're middle class, still i don't see Kate Happy with it, as you seem to agree, I was actually hoping they would work around it After Victor's Passing, I thought he would leave her something in the will, and it could also bring tension between her and Roman!

  10. 1 minute ago, carolineg said:

    Recurring or not, it's strange Kate is fine and dandy with living at the Pub and just helping out there.   I know when Caroline/Shawn lived there the layout for their quarters was an actual home, but it appears Kate/Roman live in a single room.

    YOU GOT ME! That's what I meant! The woman spent 30 years chasing wealth and all of a sudden is ok with being poor! Come on That makes no sense!

    Where a Former CEO would be OK with being reduced to being a Barmaid?



  11. 31 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    Yeah, the narrative we have been hearing about Theresa is that she was a good mom and got her life together.  I am not saying she can't be a schemer, but I need a better reason than "I hate Xander".

    I think Kate actually has been used quite a bit these last few years, but a lot of the time I felt she was weirdly inserted into stories or odd romances.  I think Kate has been a lost character for a long time that suffers without her children on the canvas.   I am not advocating taking LK off contract or anything, but sometimes I felt the show was using LK/Kate just because she was on contract not because the story dictated it.

    Kate not being involved in any business also contributes to that! I Miss Kate's Powerbitch Moves! Why can't she have her own business for a change? 

  12. 5 minutes ago, slick jones said:

    Outside of CZ there was nothing to see. Amelia Heinle and Hayley Erin as scene partners for the forseeable future sounds like waterboarding to me. The acting in the scene with Cole, Nicholas and Snortoria started to collapse -- where were the directors? Abysmal.

    My distaste for TSJ is well known.  

    The show is a ring around the rosey series of job changes and the same conversations over and over. Josh Griffith seriously needs to go. 

    Just because CZ brings buzz doesn't mean the story has any value. I'd watch her read the phone book, but the rest of the characters and the story itself are not good.

    I don't know, I certainly wouldn't want this to be my doctor...


    I mean, I guess she tries...😂🤣

    Lol yeah she tries,  A LOT! maybe that's the problem? 

    Anyway I enjoyed her as Abby until we were supposed to take her seriously! They should've waited longer to attempt to make her a front burner, she worked fine as a supporting character, As For Colleen, I guess we are doomed to nor being able to enjoy her very long! The writing is also atrocious, This year has been overall bad for Y&R, I had so many hopes, Josh Griffith socks!

  13. 1 hour ago, j swift said:

    It is well established that they hate each other.  He's done some pretty bad things to her, and he was partially responsible for the chain of events that led her to breakup with Brady.  So, there's that...

    And, although Xander has been sympathetic recently, he has a sorted past.  Which is why it may have seemed important to undo the kidnapping death of Susan.

    (btw thanks for reminding me that he's a Kiriakis not a Dimera ☺️ - it all gets mixed up sometimes)

    I mean She also framed him for attempted rape so.....

    43 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    Theresa definitely has a reason to hate Xander.  And Xander isn't a good guy imo.  I just think he's an overall better character than Alex.  It's been years since these things happened to her and she moved on with her life...until one day she didn't.  There hasn't been any indication she's been longing for Brady or plotting revenge against Xander for all these years until 3 months ago lol

    I think undoing Susan's death was probably more to prop Ava than Xander so she could be paired with Steve Burton.  I don't doubt it was the plan all along since we could never be rid of Susan.

    This year.  The story of Kate, Marlena, and Kayla dying was pretty heavily featured.  And then Kate's possible murder at the hands of BrainwashedBo and her disappearance.  I am not saying it was a great story, but she was used quite a bit.

    Also Theresa Grew-up after her first 2/3 years to be self conscious she knew She framed Xander for attempted Rape and send him to jail being innocent (of this crime) and deserved his Dislike, so I feel she wouldn't normally cross him! Of course that's Ron Trying to rewrite History again!

    Yes you are right about the die/undies this year, I guess I didn't consider it because it was a bad story, weirdly the only moment that sticked to my mind was Stephanie grieving, AK actually delivered in those! 

    But I was wondering in between, has she gotten some central attention in between those 7 years? All in all I guess I should count her pretending to be blind then lol

  14. 9 minutes ago, Soapsuds said:

    I can't believe I actually sat for an entire Y&R episode. The whole episode was about Jordan and Claire. Thirteen years has passed and CZ still has it. She could teach J. Eddie Peck some lessons. He was cringe worthy. 

    I'm hoping Jordan killed Nick. I'd be a nice Christmas gift.😂

    Ummmm....how did Victor get into Nikki room if it was locked?🤔

    Maybe she is hallucinating? J. Eddie Peck was never an amazing actor but he seems to have gotten Rusty, He has been far better than this! 

    I hope he gets comatose and we get a break from him for a while, JM is another of those actors who need a vacation! With the exception of his Body he hasn't had much to offer lately!

  15. 7 minutes ago, slick jones said:

    Didn't they already know Hayley Erin couldn't act after her first run as Abby?


    There are leftover scarecrows that could do a better job, bless her heart...


    An entire episode with just these characters... Yeesh.

    Lol 😆 She seemed to Have Improved on General Hospital! The poor writing on Y&R doesn't help anyone either!

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