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Posts posted by janea4old

  1. Please forgive if this was already posted ..

    Pence's chief of staff was banned from the whitehouse last night, lost all his security clearance, or passkey didn't work (something along those lines). I'm too tired to look it up again.

  2. The House and Senate, having voted in separate rooms about Pennsylvania,

    then reconvened in joint session
    and both officially reported that they had "rejected the objection" to Pennsylvania's electoral college votes.
    Which means Pennsylvania now accepted.


    The joint House/Senate session then went through the remaining states in alphabetical order.

    Wisconsin now - objection from Representative, but no Senator objected.
    Therefore the objection is disregarded, and ...

    Wisconsin's electoral votes are accepted.

    AND the final state Wyoming accepted!

    The are now announcing the final tally of accepted Electoral College votes!


    President: Biden 306.   Trump 232.

    Vice-President:  Harris 306.  Pence 232.

    Pence who is the presiding officer declares the election final/certified.

    And now the closing prayer.

    Pence declares adjournment with a gavel.


    ^ full story:








    The House and Senate reconvened in joint session and both officially reported that they had "rejected the objection" to Pennsylvania's electoral college votes.
    Pennsylvania now accepted.




    The joint House/Senate session is now going through the remaining states in alphabetical order.

  4. That's great. The Senate convened. Agreed to suspend the two hours of debate they're allowed to have. And voted.

    Nay votes mean: opposed the objection.

    Yea votes mean: agreed with the objection.

    Therefore the Senate rejects the objection to the Pennsylvania electoral votes.




    MEANWHILE, the House is still discussing, each person is giving a speech.  They could go on for a while before they vote.

  5. The joint meeting of House and Senate go through all the states,
    to accept the electoral college votes from each state.
    Each state is considered, one at a time, alphabetically.

    They had accepted Alabama and Alaska.


    Then there were objections to Arizona.

    There were objections from both Representatives and Senators.

    Therefore, per procedure, the House and Senate split into separate chambers to discuss and vote on Arizona.

    Then the mob attacked the Capitol Building and they had to stop.

    A few hours later, both chambers resumed sessions.

    Both chambers continued separately discussing and voting on Arizona.

    The Senate finished first, and they voted to NOT accept the objection.
    The House then finished and voted to NOT accept the objection.


    Both Senate and House then convened together. 
    Then they went on to the next state alphabetically

    and counted those votes and voted to certify, one state at a time. 
    The next several states alphabetically were all accepted without objections.


    When they got to Georgia, Representatives objected.
    Then it was asked if any Senators objected. 
    The representatives said there had been a Senator ready to object to Georgia, but after the mob attack they no longer had a Senator to willing to object to Georgia.

    For an objection to be considered, there must be both a Rep and a Senator. 

    Because they didn't have that, so Georgia was accepted


    They continued with the states alphabetically.

    No objections to any of the next several states so all were accepted

    -- until they got to Michigan.


    The same thing happened with Michigan as with Georgia.

    (Representatives objected but no Senator objected). So Michigan was accepted.


    Continuing with states alphabetically.

    All accepted until they got to Nevada. 
    Same thing happened with Nevada as with Georgia and Michigan.

    (Representatives objected but no Senator objected). So Nevada was accepted.


    Continuing with states alphabetically.

    All accepted until they got to Pennsylvania.

    There were Representatives and a Senator (Josh Hawley) who objected to Pennsylvania.


    So now they are doing what they did with Arizona.


    The House and Senate are going into separate chambers.

    The House and Senate will work simultaneously and separately.
    Each chamber will discuss the objection to Pennsylvania's electoral votes.

    They allow up to two hours for debate, per the constitution.

    Then each chamber will vote on the objection to Pennsylvania.

    (We know they don't have enough votes -- but they have to do this now, per procedure.)


    After both chambers vote on the objection to Pennsylvania,

    then they all reconvene together (both House and Senate in one room),

    where they will announce how the House voted on the objection, and how the Senate voted on the objection.

    (We know obviously that the objection won't win, so Pennsylvania will be accepted.).


    Then the joint Senate and House session will go on to the next state alphabetically.

    After Pennsylvania alphabetically, it's not known if there will be objections to any other states.  At this point, the only possibility would be Wisconsin.









    Article from ctv.ca (a television network in Canada)

    Experts observe that police response to Trump rioters and BLM protesters was different as night and day.







    ^ New live press conference with Mayor of Washington DC, police officials, etc

  7. So they are still debating the Arizona objections in the House.  After the House finishes that and votes on that, then  both Senate and House will convene together.

    Then they will go to the next state alphabetically and count those votes and vote to certify, one state at a time. 

    If there are other objections to other states, then House and Senate will move to separate rooms to debate and vote on objections to whatever the next State that's being challenged.



  8. Nate Silver said this on the fivethirtyeight.com live blog:

    Another stating-the-obvious point: Today is going to build a tie in the public’s mind — and in the minds of members of Congress — between trying to delegitimize election results and outright physical violence. And that is likely to raise the stakes for such attempts at delegitimization in the future. That doesn’t mean they won’t happen again; they almost certainly will. But it does mean that it will be harder to get away with “Hey, we’re just asking questions here!” faux-innocent sorts of statements.

  9. Senate doing roll-call vote right now about the objections to the Electoral vote.

    No = don't support the objections to the Electoral College vote

    Yes = agree with the objections to the Electoral College vote


    Oh i guess they're just voting about the objections to Arizona right now

  10. I'm flipping back and forth between watching house and senate.  And so are some of the broadcasters.  Someone in the House is now making totally false election claims and the broadcaster said we're not gonna show that false stuff and they switched over to the Senate.

  11. What is the reason that the cabinet secretaries and other high-up officials are considering resigning?

    Is it outrage at Trump?

    Or are they simply leaving because you need cabinet officials in order to do the 25th?


    (I don't know. Just wondering)

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