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Posts posted by janea4old

  1. So he used the White House youtube account because his own was suspended.

    But he still took the opportunity to say a bunch of times "our movement",

     and to whine about his ban from social media.

    He didn't condemn the display of Confederate and Nazi symbols.

  2. Boebert's twitter account is back up



    Quoting the article:
    Twitter on Wednesday said that the brief locking of a GOP congresswoman's account was the result of "incorrect enforcement action." 

    A spokesperson for Twitter confirmed to The Hill Wednesday afternoon that the site's content moderation team "took the incorrect enforcement action" in response to one of the congresswoman's tweets, and had rectified the decision by unfreezing Boebert's account and placing a warning on the tweet in question.


    "The Tweet in question is now labeled in accordance with our Civic Integrity Policy. The Tweet will not be required to be removed and the account will not be temporarily locked," said the Twitter spokesperson.


    The incident appeared to center around a Jan. 9 tweet in which Boebert falsely accused the Democratic National Committee (DNC) of rigging the 2020 election. The tweet is now labeled with a content warning from Twitter which restricts users from replying to or otherwise interacting with the post.


    End quote.

  3. NYTimes complied quotes from today's impeachment proceedings.


    Representative Jamie Raskin (Democrat) of Maryland, the lead impeachment manager:

    “It’s a bit much to be hearing that these people would not be trying to destroy our government and kill us if we just weren’t so mean to them.”





    Until now, YouTube had been the only remaining major social media platform not to have suspended Trump in some fashion.


     Facebook has suspended Trump's account "indefinitely," while Twitter has banned Trump completely.


    YouTube is suspending Trump's channel for at least one week, and potentially longer, after his channel earned a strike under the platform's policies, the company said Tuesday evening.

    (the article does NOT say anything about deleting all the existing content,
    Youtube has only removed a specific vid.

    They are only preventing new vids from being uploaded,

    and also they are preventing commenting on existing vids.)


    full story:


    A recent video on Trump's channel had incited violence, YouTube told CNN Business. That video has now been removed.


    YouTube declined to share details of the video that earned Trump the strike, but said that after the one-week timeout, it will revisit the decision. YouTube also removed content from the White House's channel for violating policy, the company told CNN Business, but the channel itself has not been suspended or been given a strike -- just a warning.


    "After careful review, and in light of concerns about the ongoing potential for violence, we removed new content uploaded to the Donald J. Trump channel and issued a strike for violating our policies for inciting violence," a YouTube spokesperson said in a statement. "As a result, in accordance with our long-standing strikes system, the channel is now prevented from uploading new videos or livestreams for a minimum of seven days—which may be extended."

    YouTube also said it will be taking the extra step of disabling comments underneath videos on Trump's channel.


    Under YouTube's policies, earning a second strike will result in a two-week suspension and three strikes will result in a permanent ban.




    New twitter thread:





    Brian Fung @b_fung
    More: YouTube tells me the company also removed content from the White House’s official channel for violating policy. Doesn’t sound like it earned a strike but I’m asking. 

    Content that’s similar to the violative posts and lack context will also be removed, the company said.


    Brian Fung @b_fung
    YouTube tells me that although content was removed from it, the official White House channel has not been suspended or been given a strike -- just a warning. If further violative content gets uploaded there, it would be eligible for a strike under YouTube policies, I'm told.


    Brian Fung @b_fung
    Been trying to figure out which video it was that triggered the enforcement. 

    YouTube tells me that it was comments he made to press yesterday morning. From my notes, though, he spoke to reporters twice -- from the south lawn of the White House and again at Joint Base Andrews.




    Ava DuVernay who created/directed the miniseries "When They See Us"
    which is about the Exonerated Five (aka the Central Park Five).
    This pic shows her and the real-life Exonerated Five who attended the Emmys with her.

  6. Members of the House of Representatives disliking the new metal detectors.

    There were too many tweets from reporters about this,

    so I'll just post the reporters' tweets in plain text:


    (These were all tweeted around 7:30pm - 8:30pm EST, Tuesday Jan. 12.)




    Tweeted by: Matt Fuller @MEPFuller  (Huff Post)


    Members are stacked up at a metal detector, trying to get on the floor right now.
    Steve Womack was just yelling that he was “PHYSICALLY RESTRAINED” from entering the floor.

    Just watched about 10 Republicans walk around the magnetometer.
    The group just literally pushed through and the cops guarding the door didn’t seem to know what to do.


    Didn’t see them all, but among the group was Ralph Northham and Scott Perry.
    Jeff Duncan bypassed the metal detector right before them.
    Yes, yes. It was Rep. Ralph Norman, not Governor Ralph Northham. 
    That’s an autocorrect, I swear.


    Rep. Steve Stivers (R-Ohio) just told the cops at the door he believes the magnetometers are unconstitutional.
    To clarify for people here, Stivers did go through the magnetometer. He just told the cops he thought it was unconstitutional.


    Louie Gohmert just walked around the magnetometer.
    “You can’t stop me; I’m on my way to a vote,” he said as he passed the cops.

    Another member — didn’t catch who it was — sets off the metal detector.
    He doesn’t stop to get wanded and the Capitol Police don’t stop him.


    The metal detectors are going to be useless if they’re just going to let the members who don’t want to go through the magnetometer sidestep it.


    I’m watching Democrats and about 4/5ths of Republicans comply. It’s really causing tension between police and members.

    It’s actually incredible to watch Members of Congress go through a metal detector. There are certain tricks — like walking through the center, not wearing large belt buckles — that won’t set off the machine.

    They’re blithely unaware, setting it off most of the time.


    Another member — I believe it was Russ Fulcher —  just pushed his way through. He went through the metal detector, set it off, ran into a cop, and then pushed his way past her.


    Randy Weber just sneaks past the metal detector, pushing his way past the cops and another member.


    Richard Hudson just walks through the metal detector, no concern that he set off the magnetometer.


    Pretty amazing to watch Republican Members of Congress, after the week that Capitol Police has had, push their way past officers and not follow rules about metal detectors on the floor.


    Randy Weber blows past security once again, setting off the metal detector and not stopping.

    Rep. Randy Weber’s office is looking to send out a joint statement about the metal detectors.



    Tweeted by: Ryan Nobles @ryanobles (CNN)


    RIGHT NOW-> Congresswoman Lauren Boebert, who has bragged about her desire to carry a weapon on Capital Hill is currently in a standoff with Capitol Police at the newly installed Metal Detectors outside the chamber doors.


    Boebert walked through with her bag which set off the mags. She refused to offer the bag over to be searched and is now in a standoff with Cap Police.


    Capitol Police won’t let her in until Boebert shows them what is in her bag, she won’t and is now standing by the entrance of the chamber. She is respectful but defiant


    Boebert has now been let into the chamber it was unclear from my vantage point if the Capitol Police searched her bag before she went in.



    Tweeted by: Chad Pergram @ChadPergram  (Fox News)


    GOP TX Rep Chip Roy: “The metal detector policy for the House floor is unnecessary, unconstitutional, and endangers members. I did not comply tonight. I will not comply in the future.”




    Tweeted by: Emily Goodin @Emilylgoodin (Daily Mail)


    Two GOP Reps. angry about new metal detectors to get on House floor, reports pooler 
     “This is bull****," Rep. Rodney Davis tells USCP officers while Rep. Steve Womack yelled at them: "You are creating a problem you do not understand the ramifications of"




    Tweeted by: Manu Raju @mkraju (CNN)


    House GOP furious at new mags outside the chamber. Reps. Markwayne Mullin and Steve Womack erupted at Capitol Police as they were forced to go through the mags. Womack shouted “I was physically restrained!” And Mullin said “it’s my constitutional right” and “they cannot stop me

    Rep. Rodney Davis told Mullin not to shout at Capitol Police, and he said: “This is not their fault, they’re doing their job.”

    But Davis, who is the top Republican on House Admin, told me: “I’m pissed” that the mags have gone up without any consultation.


    Rep. Steve Scalise, the No. 2 Republican, told me that the situation is “untenable” because it “impedes the ability of members to come and vote. This is our job.”

    These are the lines [image of them standing in line to go through]


    Some Dems aren’t happy about the metal detectors either, which have prompted long crowded lines to get into the chamber
    “I’m more likely to die of covid because I got it from a colleague than I am to die because a colleague shoots me,” Rep. Filemon Vela, Democrat of Texas, said




    Tweeted by Emily Cochrane @ESCochrane (NY Times)

    Republicans are complaining about the magnetometers — Rodney Davis calls it “bullshit” and tells Hoyer that they’re “taking valuable resources completely away from where it needs to be without any consultation.”


    normally lawmakers are exempt from the usual magnetometers on Capitol Hill, and now they have to get through one every time they vote.


    “Where can I sign up for Clear?” one lawmaker jokes. (It’s very strange to see lawmakers — including Hoyer and Clyburn — get stopped and wanded outside the chamber).


    I have now heard multiple lawmakers - Dems and a Republican, I’m pretty sure - apologize to Capitol Police for the disrespect from their colleagues.


    Speaker Pelosi just went through the magnetometers and was wanded down. Such a surreal sight.


    Kathleen Rice admonishing Republicans behind her as she gets wanded — “if I can do it, you can do it.”



    Tweeted by Caroline McKee @CarolineMcKee12 (Fox News)


    Freshman Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene went through the magnetometers to enter the House chamber. When photojournalists started snapping her picture she admonished them asking where they were this summer when people “burned building and looted... do you guys remember that?”


    She was wearing a mask, something she hasn’t been fond of since she joined the Congress last Wednesday. And as of late today, failure to wear that mask can result in a $500 fine for first offense/2,500 for second. This will be implemented when the House passes H. Res. 38.


  7. This *really* has been Trump's official announced schedule for many days.

    “President Trump will work from early in the morning until late in the evening. He will make many calls and have many meetings.”

    Really. For days.







  8. Pence already issued a formal letter saying he won't invoke the 25th.



    House of Reps has impeachment vote Wednesday morning.EST.


    First the House votes to impeach (which is like an indictment).


    Then the Senate is the jury who conducts the trial.

    To convict, two-thirds of Senate must vote to convict.

  9. McConnell was just reelected. Senators have 6-year terms. So he's doing longterm strategizing for himself - he wants to "cleanse" the party of Trump so that he(McConnell) can lead the party and have power. But he and the others are acting out of selfish reasons, regardless of when their terms are up.






    Adding more to the list:








  10. The terrorists beat up a Metropolitan DC policeman:



    They struck officers with hockey sticks, crutches and flags. 

    They used flags on poles as weapons.


    They pulled the officer down the stairs, face down, another rioter beat him with an American flag as the mob chanted “USA! USA! USA!”
    End Quote.


    I can't wrap my mind around this:

    The terrorists beat a policeman with an American flag, while chanting USA! USA! USA!


    But then I can't wrap my mind around any of this.

  11. https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/politics/rep-pramila-jayapal-tests-positive-for-coronavirus-after-being-locked-down-with-lawmakers-who-wouldnt-wear-masks/


    Rep. Pramila Jayapal tested positive for coronavirus Monday night, her office said, after she was in lockdown during Wednesday’s siege of the Capitol with “Republican lawmakers who cruelly and selfishly refused to wear masks.”


    Jayapal’s office said she was locked in a secure room, as a pro-Trump mob stormed the Capitol, for “multiple hours” and several Republican colleagues “not only cruelly refused to wear a mask but mocked colleagues and staff who offered them one.”


    Jayapal, a Democrat from Seattle, began quarantining immediately after the attack, her office said, fearing that she may have been exposed. In an interview with The Cut, published last week, she said she was quarantining because she was convinced the room she’d been in, “where there were over 100 people and many Republicans not wearing masks, was a superspreader event.”


    “Too many Republicans have refused to take this pandemic and virus seriously, and in doing so, they endanger everyone around them,” Jayapal said Monday night. “Only hours after President Trump incited a deadly assault on our Capitol, our country, and our democracy, many Republicans still refused to take the bare minimum COVID-19 precaution and simply wear a damn mask in a crowded room during a pandemic — creating a superspreader event on top of a domestic terrorist attack.”


    Jayapal, in a prepared statement, did not say if she was feeling ill or experiencing symptoms. She said she would continue to work “to the best of my ability” while in quarantine.


    Jayapal is the second Democratic member of Congress to test positive since the siege on the Capitol. Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman, D-N.J., announced a positive test earlier Monday.


    In a video posted shortly after the attack, Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester, D-Del., can be seen trying to give masks to her colleagues while they’re locked down together during the siege. At least six Republican representatives can be seen in the video, posted by Punchbowl News, refusing the masks.


    “I am also calling for serious fines to be immediately levied on every single Member who refuses to wear a mask in the Capitol,” Jayapal said. “Additionally, any Member who refuses to wear a mask should be immediately removed from the floor by the Sergeant at Arms. This is not a joke. Our lives and our livelihoods are at risk, and anyone who refuses to wear a mask should be fully held accountable for endangering our lives because of their selfish idiocy.”

  12. 6 minutes ago, Vee said:


    Additional info via the Seattle Times:

    “Too many Republicans have refused to take this pandemic and virus seriously, and in doing so, they endanger everyone around them,” Jayapal said Monday night. “Only hours after President Trump incited a deadly assault on our Capitol, our country, and our democracy, many Republicans still refused to take the bare minimum COVID-19 precaution and simply wear a damn mask in a crowded room during a pandemic — creating a superspreader event on top of a domestic terrorist attack.”


    Jayapal, in a prepared statement, did not say if she was feeling ill or experiencing symptoms. She said she would continue to work “to the best of my ability” while in quarantine.


    Jayapal is the second Democratic member of Congress to test positive since the siege on the Capitol. Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman, D-N.J., announced a positive test earlier Monday.


    In a video posted shortly after the attack, Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester, D-Del., can be seen trying to give masks to her colleagues while they’re locked down together during the siege. At least six Republican representatives can be seen in the video, posted by Punchbowl News, refusing the masks.


    “I am also calling for serious fines to be immediately levied on every single Member who refuses to wear a mask in the Capitol,” Jayapal said.

    “Additionally, any Member who refuses to wear a mask should be immediately removed from the floor by the Sergeant at Arms. This is not a joke. Our lives and our livelihoods are at risk, and anyone who refuses to wear a mask should be fully held accountable for endangering our lives because of their selfish idiocy.”

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