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Posts posted by janea4old

  1. 10 minutes ago, janea4old said:

    Your earlier posts sound like you're putting AOC in the same category as Trump


    8 minutes ago, marceline said:

    That's because I am. 


    Wow.  I don't even know what to do with that.

    AOC actually cares about people.

    Trump doesn't.

    I judge people by whether they vote for issues that help people.

    I don't care about anyone's perceived media persona.

  2. 27 minutes ago, ChitHappens said:




    I went to the State Dept website and it looks nothing like that.

    I'm on a Windows PC.  The seal is tiny and in the corner.

    All I see is a big notice that Pompeo is currently giving a press conference,

    with a link you can click to watch.


    I guess whatever the disgruntled prankster did had been fixed by the time I looked.

  3. 2 minutes ago, marceline said:

    These are people who think government is a reality show and don't have any real interest in governing. They want to tweet and do press conferences.


    Your earlier posts sound like you're putting AOC in the same category as Trump.


    NO.  Just because a person speaks out for things that matter, doesn't make them egotistical. 

    She's assertive for issues that care about people, not a show-off.


    Trump is a narcissist show-off who cares about nothing but himself.

  4. I think that some ideas that are referred to as "liberal"

    are actually centrist, or slightly left of center.

    I think that some (but not all) ideas that are referred to as "far left"

    are simply liberal.

  5. 3 minutes ago, marceline said:


    Th far left progressives like the squad. They are financed by a group called Justice Democrats. Their whole reason for existing is to try and take over the Democratic Party.



    I strongly disagree with your post in which you said they have glaring personality disorders and  you put them in the same category a QAnon followers.

    I think you're way off saying that.
    Also this isn't about a takeover. Geesh.


    I think their ideas are logical and rational. 

  6. 3 minutes ago, marceline said:


    Yang is such a clown but what I really don't like is how he's obviously decided that running for office is lucrative. On both the left and right there are these people who think government is just another reality show. Whether it's Yang, the Justice Dems, or the Q freaks on the right, too many unserious people with glaring personality disorders have decided that they want to be in public office.

    "Justice Dems" ?
    I don't think they have glaring personality disorders.
    I think most of their platform is helpful.



    ^ regarding that ...  When Twitter made their Jan 8th blogpost saying why they were suspending Trump permanently, one of the things they mentioned was this:
    "Plans for future armed protests have already begun proliferating on and off-Twitter, including a proposed secondary attack on the US Capitol and state capitol buildings on January 17, 2021."

  8. Melania's statement:



    This paragraph seems to be endorsing both sides, which could be interpreted as sending a message that the mob was right. She condemns violence but still says this:
    "As an American, I am proud of our freedom to express our viewpoints without persecution. It is one of the paramount ideals which America is fundamentally built on. Many have made the ultimate sacrifice to protect that right. With that in mind, I would like to call on the citizens of this country to take a moment, pause, and look at things from all perspectives."


    And she made this about her.

    "I find it shameful that surrounding these tragic events there has been salacious gossip, unwarranted personal attacks, and false misleading accusations on me – from people who are looking to be relevant and have an agenda. This time is solely about healing our country and its citizens. It should not be used for personal gain."

    And there's this:


  9. The twitter account 

    was created as a way to tweet mocking screencaps of Parler posts.

    The profile description:
    "I look at Parler so you don’t have to."

    It was/is clear that the twitter account detests these people, and tweeted screencaps only to let readers/followers know what magas were thinking, but the twitter account didn't subject readers/followers to the depths of it.

    It's kind of like you could safely look through specially shielded one-way glass to have a glimpse of what was happening over on Parler, without having to step into the ooze.


    Amazon said they'd remove parler from their server at 11:59pm Sunday Jan 10th. It did go offline about 15 minutes late. 

    Parler no longer exists - they cannot upload/post anything new at all.


    The parlertakes twitter account is going to try to follow the creeps wherever they disperse to .





    Here is what the Parler CEO posted on Parler before it shut down:


  10.  on Thursday January 7
    (the day after the attempted insurrection), 
    Trump was in the East Room of the White House awarding the Presidential Medal of Freedom to golfers.

    The Presidential Medal of Freedom recognizes “an especially meritorious contribution to the security or national interests of the United States, world peace, cultural or other significant public or private endeavors.” The Presidential Medal of Freedom and the Congressional Gold Medal are the nation’s highest civilian awards.


    And a Capitol Police Officer was known to have died but he refused to lower the flag to half-mast until Sunday January 10.




    Re: The death of the Capitol Police officer who was announced to have died off-duty. There were rumors that he died of suicide but it wasn't confirmed.



    Capitol Police Officer Howard Liebengood's father was
    the late Howard S. Liebengood - who was the Senate's Sergeant of Arms in the early 1980s.

    The elder Leibengood worked at times as an aide to Republican leadership at times, and a powerful lobbyist.
    Obit of the elder Liebengood who passed away in 2005:


    The current Sergeant of Arms (Stenger) was forced to resign a few days ago
    Officer Liebengood's boss (Capitol Police chief Sund) was forced to resign a few days ago.

    All the reports I read don't seem to know whether Officer Liebengood was working at Capitol on January 6th, or if he had the day off.

    Regardless, I cannot imagine what Officer Liebengood must have been feeling.

    Update, he *was* working at the Capitol, and the suicide has been confirmed.



  12. The Idaho TV channel's take on all of this is accepting.

    (which I find scary.)

    The statement from the guy in the photo who travelled from Idaho to be there and was wearing tactical gear...
    "I got caught up in the moment"



  13. Michigan Republican Congressman Peter Meijer comments on how they were in the middle of debating objections to the Arizona electoral college votes when the mob attacked.

    After the building was cleared, Congress resumed debate on the Arizona electoral college votes. 

    They were now going to vote:
    yes - "agree with rejecting" the Arizona electoral votes.

    or no - "disagree with rejecting" the Arizona electoral votes.

    He says that one of his colleague Republican Congressional reps was about to vote to

    "agree with the objection" ... even though it was obvious that the objections were unfounded.
    The colleague wanted to vote no to the objection, but was going to vote yes anyhow.


    The colleague told Meijer that he/she/they was so terrorized by what had just happened that the colleague feared for his/her/their family. So out of fear, the colleague voted to agree with the objection, without wanting to.





  14. "a bunch of redneck hillbilly white trash."

    That's what they looked like, how they dressed. I think they did that as a ruse.

    They actually had money and expensive equipment, and flew in from all over the US, and stayed at fancy hotels in Washington DC.


    They tried to give off an atmosphere of being poor hillbillies. They seemed to act like frat boys partying and doing pranks, that you would just wink at.  But that's not who they were.


    It was highly organized and meticulously plotted.

  15. 3 hours ago, victoria foxton said:




    Capitol Police Officer Howard Liebengood's father was
    the late Howard S. Liebengood - who was the Senate's Sergeant of Arms in the early 1980s.

    The elder Leibengood worked at times as an aide to Republican leadership at times, and a powerful lobbyist.
    Obit of the elder Liebengood who passed away in 2005:


    The current Sergeant of Arms (Stenger) was forced to resign a few days ago
    Officer Liebengood's boss (Capitol Police chief Sund) was forced to resign a few days ago.

    All the reports I read don't seem to know whether Officer Liebengood was working at Capitol on January 6th, or if he had the day off.

    Regardless, I cannot imagine what Officer Liebengood must have been feeling.

  16. 11 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    As for Sábato Jr., I wish we wouldn't devote any more space in this thread to his venomous brain farts, it's literally a waste of space. He is a failed politician and his demon candidate lost and will be turned out of office in ten days. Maybe posts about Antonio can go back in the "Where Are They Now?" thread where they can load more quickly and therefore be skipped over more easily?

    I agree that Sábato Jr. has no relevance now.
    I posted only in reply to others who had asked about his account.


    The only thing newsworthy is regarding his father Sábato Sr. who was an actor in his own right and died of COVID.  Which I guess I should have posted on the COVID thread or the "in memoriam" thread.
    Edit -- and I see that was posted on those threads earlier today.

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