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Posts posted by lucaslesann23

  1. From SOD

    Robert Newman as Ashland appears February 9th.
    First week he was sent five scripts to shoot on three different days in the first week.
    Five episodes one on Wednesday, two on Thursday and Friday.
    Had a zoom meeting with Josh and Tony where they talked extensively about the character. Paid particular attention to his relationship with Vikki because relationships are important.
    He didn't watch Burgi take of Ashland.
    The way Y&R shoots is close to the way they shot before they went through the big transition in the last few years of GL.
    He clicked with Amelia and he already adores her. Terrific and professional through and through. Generous and patient. Finding all sorts of surprising connections btn the two characters already.

     He's Pleased with his first five episodes

  2. 2 minutes ago, Khan said:

    Better yet...? 

    Building off @Darn's suggestion: Victoria discovers Ashland and Nikki in bed together.  After a bitter confrontation with her husband and mother, Victoria runs off.  However, she's so overcome by the image of Ashland and Nikki together, she loses control of her car and crashes.  (Whether the crash was deliberate on her part could be left up to the audience to debate.)

    At the hospital, a non-responsive Victoria is placed on a respirator, as her family and friends are informed about the accident.  Eventually, everyone is informed that Victoria is brain-dead (shut up!) and not likely to breathe on her own again.  Nikki begs Ashland not to turn off the respirator; however, Ashland believes Victoria wouldn't want to be kept in such condition for the rest of her life.  He agrees to have the machines turned off; they are; Victoria doesn't breathe on her own; she's pronounced dead.

    Afterwards, Ashland and Nikki run into each other at the hospital chapel.  Both are feeling extremely guilty over how their actions have led to this moment.  Nevertheless, Nikki lashes into Ashland, believing that Victoria could have recovered had she been given more time.

    But...even as Ashland and Nikki's argument grows ever more heated, with Ashland defending his decision to end his wife's life and Nikki accusing Ashland of killing Victoria in order keep their affair quiet, the sexual tension between them mounts, culminating in a kiss and passionate clinch (...in the chapel...with Victoria's body not even cold).

    Unfortunately, for Ashland and Nikki, Victor has observed the entire scene from the back of the chapel...and that's when hell REALLY starts to break loose.

    Now, I enjoy the show but I find it funny how fans can come up with this stuff so easily and the ppl getting paid thousands to write somehow can't. 😄

  3. 14 minutes ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    Very intelligent man lol 

    There's no reason why there shouldn't be one or two more stories playing out onscreen featuring characters that we haven't seen in months

    I don't know why Brad is like this. I'm watching the old bold on YouTube and they seem to get good balanced airtime. The british soaps from what I've seen can be balanced with the cast for their 20 minutes 

  4. 3 hours ago, janea4old said:

    I totally get that you want to see *something* (anything!) happen on this boring show but ...

    Tessa has clarified more than once that she dated Noah only to grift money from him so that she could use the funds to help her sister. She's emphatically stated several times (both to Theo and to Mariah) that she's gay and not into men.  Previous liaisons with men never felt right.  She has stated that she's gay and not bi.

    This current storyline with Noah is just the show trying to push a narrative that Tessa is bi. CBS is like, okay we'll let the lesbians get engaged but not really.

    I'd just rather Noah be given something else to do or someone else to fixate on.

    I mean of course Teriah needs conflict to keep things interesting -- but let it be something about whatever teenager they adopt?  And I mean ACTUAL tension, not just a coffeeshop convo.




    editing later to add this:

    I mean, under good writers, they could have Noah try to attack Tessa, and then Sharon steps in to stop him and shoots him or hits him with fireplace poker. Sharon is forced to choose between her beloved son Noah and her beloved daughter-in-law Tessa ... then Sharon makes the right choice and defends Tessa.  Noah could die or be hospitalized, everyone would be traumatized.  Mariah would feel bad for her brother but grateful for her mother.  And Sharon would seek counseling so that she keeps her mental health on track.

    With good writers, it could be done well.  If they did it with the messaging that if a woman says she's gay, then no man should ever try to change that.  And of course message that sexual assault is always wrong.  And have good writing and nuanced characterizations, and lots of drama.

    But the problem is, Josh Griffith likes to write twisted villains, murderers, rapists and criminal cabals (see the novels he's written).  He likes to energize the dark side without bringing in the light.  Remember on Days when he made all the teens into a rapist, an attempted murderer, thieves, vandals, etc etc, AND he had the serial killer plot going at the same time.  Not mention his unending fixation with Adam/Delia/Billy on Y&R.  He'd have us sucked into Noah/Tessa for years. So that's a big no.

    That's why I like "This is Us" -- there's plenty of darkness and angst but the Light always wins eventually. And you don't know how the Light will win, it's a surprise, but it does.

    Is CBS not letting him go dark this time around? I remember when he got hired and pretty much everyone assumed YR would be dark and gloomy

  5. Abigail/Kristen/Steve/Kayla/Sarah:
    After Abigail gets too close to the truth, Gwen and Ava ship her off to a deserted island, where Kristen has Steve and Kayla. Abigail will soon realize that she's not alone on the island. So the stories are starting to converge and while they're trying to get away, they ultimately come face to face with Sarah. I will say that her return has an unusual twist."

    This is kind of an all roads
    lead to the island, and it will be nice to see the DiMera brothers teaming up; we don't get to see that too often. So Chad and Tony team up to try to find Abigail when she goes missing. And everybody is kind of ending up headed for the island.

    Xander finally puts his feelings for Sarah behind him and he proposes to Gwen. So just when it looks like Sarah is possibly on the brink of being rescued, Xander is making a commitment to Gwen and marriage."

    They are really starting to plan a future, and look for a bigger place where they're going to start their family. And then something happens and they start to suspect that the devil may not be as gone as they thought. So they are again worried about the safety of their unborn baby and they start to investigate the possibility that the devil is back."

    EJ is wrongly convicted of kidnapping Sami, and when he arrives in his cell, his cellmate kind of rolls over on his bunk, and we see that it's Clyde Weston. The significance of that, as a lot of fans are aware, is that Clyde was responsible for EJ's 'death' several years ago, so when EJ comes face to face with Clyde, we finally get to play it out. It will lead to a potential escalation of bad feelings between these two."

    The devil is like a chaos agent and likes to disrupt the happy couples. So we've seen Johnny pursuing Gabi, and she and Jake don't know that they're tangling with the devil. In February. "JoDevil' as we call him, is deter mined to get Gabi into bed."

    Tripp proposes to Allie, and he and Allie are in this happy place planning their future. Again, the devil does not like to see happy couples, so Johnny stirs up major drama for them.

    Craig and Nancy's marriage is crumbling and Craig is falling for someone else. We will use that story to bring Chloe and Brady closer. Chloe is not really ready to move into something romantic, but we do see her leaning more and more on Brady. When Craig wants Chloe to meet his new paramour, she asks Brady to come, so you know it becomes a sort of de facto double date."

    Rafe is being accused of all this impropriety in the police station and Trask is going after him full force. Nicole rightfully suspects that Ava is behind it and framing him. So she's sort of taking the bull by the horns to prove that Ava is behind all this. Expect a confrontation between those two women."

    We introduced Lani's biological father, Ray, as TR. He has reinvented himself as a movie producer and he's the person producing Johnny's film. TR insists that he is a new man who has changed and he wants to prove it to Lani. So we see Lani, while very cautious, tempted to get to know that guy, and Paulina, who is more wary. And Eli is on the case as Lani's protective husband, and basically puts TR on notice

  6. Brad Bell says they are doing the Forresters vs. the Logans and going back to the roots of the show.

    Slowly and surely people start learning Brooke's secret. The secret gets out because of Douglas, and that eventually leads to the beginning of the reveal. Right up until February, it's on the precipice of Ridge finding out.
    Steffy and Thomas bring in some help to get actual proof before they go to Ridge and finally get him to open his eyes to Brooke.

    They're repairing their relationship and spending time with each other. We will see Brooke confide in Eric, who is a great supporter of hers.

    Carter is trying to do the right thing, but he’s drawn to Paris. Grace is going to step in. Grace is going to see enough to want to put an end to this and thinks that Carter is not the route that Paris should go -- given his history with Zoe and his affair with Quinn. And Grace thinks Zende is just a wonderful guy. Grace threatens Carter to stay away from Paris and it's a question of, can he do that or not? Carter also doesn’t want to jeopardize Paris staying at Forrester Creations, so he’s in a dilemma.

    Their personal relationships are pretty copacetic at the moment. Steffy is swept up in everything that’s going on with her mother and father, especially when she learns about Brooke and Deacon; and we’re seeing a fair amount of Liam supporting Hope, who is also swept up with Brooke and Deacon.

  7. Victoria/Adam

    Victoria's acquisition of Newman Media results in a game of musical chairs with Victoria becoming Adam's boss. Victoria and Ashland could push Adam too far and lead him to rethink his recent change in attitude. He might then engage a dangerous power struggle with the couple. Luckily for Adam, Sally proves a much needed distraction from the sibling rivalry.


    Chelsea and Chloe find themselves at a crossroads career-wise and must make some hard and fast decisions in order to save their careers


    Newly engaged Teriah work together to start planning their wedding as they face the pressure to create the perfect day for themselves and their guests. Nick and Sharon grow concerned when they see Noah taking a walk on the wild side as he copes with his feelings for Tessa.


    Lily and Billy do their best to maintain normalcy in the relationship despite her new position as Chancellor CEO. Billy takes on a passion project as he adjusts to their new arrangement and Lily turns to Jill for counsel.

    Abby/Chance/Devon Amanda

    Devon and Abby's new parenting arrangement is challenged when Dominic experiences a medical issue. Amanda will once again prove herself as a supportive partner when she jumps in to problem solve. Chance will find himself still struggling to move forward as a result of his PTSD.


    Jack and Phyllis embark on a new mystery and go to the most unexpected places. Traci shares her words of wisdom to point them in the right direction.


    Nate and Elena experience domestic bliss living together.


    Lauren experiences deja vu as she remembers how Michael working for Victor affected their marriage.


    Victor's suspicions about Ashland condition will result in Victor charging Michael to find the truth at all cost. This causes a conflict of interest for Nikki, who worries Victoria's rift with her family might be reignited if she learns of Victor's investigation.

  8. Baby switch is coming to a crescendo.

    Anna, Valentin, Felicia, Chase, Drew, Dante - anyone with vested interest in protecting Louise and seeing Peter’s downfall - will play a roll.

    Valentin’s realization about Bailey may be too late and put his family in danger.

    Brook Lynn and Chase’s romantic tension may boil over.

    Maxie and Austin’s feelings for each other are becoming harder to deny but could face an obstacle if Austin’s involvement with Victor is exposed.

    Laura vs Victor
    Victor is working the long con, accumulating allies and wealth and trying to bring the Cassadines together. Laura believes it could mean trouble for Nik and Spencer. It is leading to a battle for the soul of Laura’s family, one she is determined to win.

    The story changes quickly from beginning of Feb to the end of it. CarSon future hinges on Sonny’s desperate bid to save his marriage. It’s make or break.

    Sam will balance her growing relationship with Dante with co-parenting and past with Drew. She’s torn between a promise of something new with Dante and a nostalgic draw to a marriage she shared with Drew. Coming events will force her to confront both her past and future.

    Fiz fledgling relationship faces an early test. They come face to face with suspect #1 they believe is responsible for the intrusion into their lives.

    Trip to cabin sets up a major schism to come as Esme gets ready to take revenge against Spencer’s friends.

    Brando and Sasha reevaluate their relationship and come to a crossroads.

    Alexis and Harmony’s relationship continues to deepen and raises the eyebrows of her daughters and Shawn.

    Nava enjoy a romantic respite as forces gather against them. They’ll face tests from Spencer, Esme and Victor.

    Obrecht confronts Britt with an optimistic view of the future which she may not share. Britt and Carly have a meeting of the minds that may provide them with the catharsis they need.

    Michael and Willow’s impending getaway may unearth secrets from their past.

    A case of mistaken identity may lead Terry to a surprising love connection.

    Ned and Olivia vow renewal
    love and chaos
    Dante, Michael, Willow, Monica, Tracy, Maxie, Sonny and Carly are among the guests
    Ned tries to dissuade Sonny from a big display of love in an attempt to win back Carly
    Goodbye to Tracy

    Spencer grows suspicious and realizes Esme is more dangerous than he thought.
    “but it’s important to keep your friends close and your enemies closer”
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