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Posts posted by lucaslesann23

  1. Steffy will go to Europe w/ Kelly+Hayes to try to escape her grief & have therapy. But she longs for her husband & the family that she had. What's keeping Finn going on the path to recovery is someday seeing Stetfy & reuniting w/ hisfamily...So it's very much a love story even while they're apart and Jacqui is on maternity leave. And Jacqui is eager to work, so we do have a very special, very romantic summer planned for Steffy and Finn.

    Sheila: is like a cat with nine lives and she's used up 16 of them, but she somehow has another handful in her hip pocket. So Sheila will be stirring the plot and blowing people's minds. She realizes that she's not a murderer & wants to get her son healthy and stay out of prison. She's going to pull every trick in the book to stay free and be near her family."

    Deacon: "Deacon is going to take a new path and realize that he's a good person. He's going to find some love in his life this summer from an unexpected place."

    Liam/Hope: "After a long time of struggling and perseverance, they're happy, so this is one of those rare moments where I can report we have a happy couple on BOLD! But there's always something around the corner and we have an interesting story coming in their direction,something that will challenge them as a couple. Not a love triangle, but something very unique."

    B/R/T: Ridge is taking some time because he has the two wonderful ladies here and he also has to take into considerationSteffy and Thomas's feelings because this is a family that he loves. So Ridge is going to be making a decision about his future early in the summer, and we're going to see which way that falls."


    Quinn/Carter/Paris/Zende/Grace: "Carter and Quinn have this undeniable chemistry, but he's never been married and he's determined to get into this next chapter of his life. He and Paris decide to make the leap together, so we're building to a Carter and Paris wedding.

    And then you have Zende, a prince in waiting. As we move to the beautiful, dramatic wedding, Quinn has feelings for Carter and he's about to commit to his life to Paris, and Zende has feelings for Paris. It's a tangled web but it's going to be an entertaining story."


    Eric/Donna: "Donna has always gotten Eric's heart racing, and she will continue to do that. However, he's wearing the ring that measures the beat of one's heart and Quinn is monito ing that closely. So, when she sees that every Wednesday afternoon his heart starts racing,she starts to wonder what's going on. So who ends up with Eric? We will soon find out."


    Bill: "Bill has a story this summer with someone I think is very unexpected. Bill is at the right place at the right time and he's going to take his charm and his power and his good fortune and really make an imprint on this story coming up that we have this summer.

    Thomas: "Thomas is an incredibly complex character and is working on getting his act together. Thomas is going to find love this summer, and maybe it's the kind of love that can take him to the next level, to be responsible and mature and leave his naughty ways behind him."

  2. Xander/Sarah:
    "She's fully Sarah, and
    Gwen has been put away and they're finally in
    a place to enjoy their happiness. But because
    it's a soap opera, we have to give them a little
    conflict. So there are some aftereffects of the
    drugs that continue to become an issue for the
    two of them. It doesn't really have to do with
    her feelings for Xander, but it potentially will
    grow into a bigger problem and impact anoth-
    er big story that's happening on the show.

    "Nicole and Rafe got
    engaged and we wonder if Nicole is com-
    mitting to Rafe to put an end to any hopes
    or dreams that she and Eric could possibly
    reconcile. Roman urges Eric to tell Nicole
    how he feels, but will he take his father's
    advice and express himself to Nicole before
    it's too late?"

    Ciara/Shawn/Hope: "Ben and Ciara, who've
    weathered the storm of the devil trying to take
    their baby, are enjoying being new parents,
    and are still reckoning with Clyde living with
    them. A life-changing gift arrives from Hope
    and it leaves them with a big decision to make
    about their lives and their future."

    Murder Mystery:
    "If all that was not
    enough, there's going to be a shocking murder
    that will rock all of Salem. And the suspect list
    is a mile long."

    "This has been the
    story I have been wanting to tell with Chanel
    since day one, this idea of boy and girl twins
    in love with the same girl. With the devil
    gone, we're back to where we were. It gets
    to a point where Johnny and Allie are like,
    'Look, we love you, but you gotta pick one
    of us. So it becomes a story about who will
    she choose?

    Lani/Eli/Abe/Paulina: "We know that Abe
    has his doubts about the legitimacy of the
    story about Paulina shooting TR. And Eli
    I knoWs that Lanis the Shooler and tell Lant
    to keep quiet, but Lani's guilt continues to eat
    away at her. She has visions of TR taunting
    her about what she did, so we will wonder
    if she's going to come clean. Meanwhile,
    when Paulina finally makes bail, she and Abe
    decide to get married and they don't want to wait. The wedding coincides with Juneteenth,
    and we wanted to find a way to celebrate that.
    So we're building toward this wedding, but
    have Lani growing uneasy with keeping this secret.

  3.  Ally: Adam and Sally will use the Newman family drama to perfect their plan and become a true power couple. Victor will have mixed emotions he'll be proud of Adam but will also want to protect Victoria from his ambition.

    Chelsea/Chance/Sharon: Sharon will struggle to live without Rey,  Chelsea manages her emotions as she faces her true feelings for Rey, which testes her friendship with Chloe. Chance will try to excel at his career to make Rey proud, abby will  secretly worries privately that this will pull him away from her and Dominic.

    Winters: The chancellor winters merger will be the talk of the town and lead to a splashy party. Devon will deal with no longer being the lone boss as Nate tries to keep his relationship with Elena afloat and fight off Imanis advances Amanda will receive shocking news that will affect her newfound happiness. 

     Teriah: Teriahs honeymoon period is over sooner than later as they face an unexpected challenge as a couple

    Allie: Allie will find herself drawn to Jabot and Noah Newman.

    Newmans: Victoria threatens to cut ties with the Newman's and leave town with Ashland. Victor has one more plan to stop Ashland and this will activate Michaels mischievous side that we know and love.

    Diane: Diane will stop at nothing to disrupt Jack and Phyllis reunion while keeping a game face with Skyle.

    Summer and Kyle: Nikki and Phyllis form an alliance to rid genoa city of Diane, kyle and summers marriage will be tested in the middle of the chaos and Kyle makes a shocking decison to protect Harrison.


  4. Co-Head Writers Chris Van Etten and Dan O'Connor reveal what's in store for the good (and not-so-good) people of Port Charles.

    Sonny: "Sonny is once again top dog in Port Charles, but he may find that he has surprising enemies lurking just beyond his sight. Outside of the mob world, Sonny has to navigate his feelings for Nina and his love for his family. The events of the hearing [for visitation rights to Wiley] will mark the end of one chapter for Sonny and the beginning of another.

    Carly/Drew: "Carly has made the big decision not to say anything about who Willow's biological mother is. She thinks it's for the greater good, for both Willow and her family, to protect them. But there could be consequences, not just for her relationship with Michael and Willow but for her budding, let's say friendship, with Drew, as well."

    Chase/Brook Lynn: "When they go under cover to take down a common foe, they will find that they can't keep their true feelings under wraps.

    Anna/Valentin: "Valentin is a man of many secrets and Anna knows this and has tried to accept this, but it may be too big a pill to swallow. Anna and Laura are investigating what really happened to Luke, and Anna believes that the Frenchman that Jennifer encountered is the key to getting to the bottom of all of this, but little does she realize someone very close to her Valentin may try to interfere."

    Sam/Dante: "Sam and Dante's relationship is in for a test when Dante gets a blast from the past."

    Nina: "An opportunity will present itself that will allow Nina to reclaim some of her standing in Port Charles."

    Britt/Josh Kelly's New Character:
    "A mystery man drops in on Britt in a quite shocking way and his connections to Port Charles will be multifaceted and surprising. We are thrilled to be welcoming Josh Kelly to the show. He is charismatic and sexy and we can't wait to see how he interacts with the cast. There are a lot of romantic shenanigans ahead for Britt."

    Victor: "Victor's juggling a lot of plates. He is continuing to try to consolidate his position as the head of the Cassadine dynasty, but that will be made more difficult by the shenanigans that his younger relatives are engaged in"

    The Quartermaines:
    The family has wanted to oust Valentin from ELO from the moment he managed to secure a majority stake in the company, but if Drew and Michael were to move to the forefront of the company, that would leave Ned on the outs. So Ned may be tempted to accept Valentin's offer to team up. On the other side of things, Drew
    and Michael need some assistance to make sure their plan goes off without a hitch and Carly is willing to put it all on the line to help them."

    Michael/Willow: "They receive some exciting news that they can't wait
    to share with the world, but Willow may have some other pressing issues that take priority."

    "Alexis may have found her match in Gregory Chase. They may not see eve-to-eye on the direction of The Invader, but there is a fine line between love and hate!"

    Sasha/Brando/Gladys: "Sasha has been stifling her heartbreak over the loss of Liam for months now, and her history with substance abuse has not helped matters. Gladys is doing everything she can to contain this, not just for Sasha but for her son, as well. Sasha can only
    hold it together for so long before she starts to break."The Ashfords: "Curtis and TJ's intervention ultimately compels Marshall to come clean with his family about what happened to him,

    what drove him from them all those many years ago. However, there is more to the story, beyond Marshall's understanding of. what happened to him."

    Portia/Jordan: "Portia's main priority is making sure Trina is exonerated, but as the truth about Marshall comes to the forefront. it may force Portia to reassess a certain secret that she has been keeping for many years. Jordan feels a responsibility to find evidence exonerating Trina with the trial approachingand she is still trying to process Portia's veiled confession in the basement all those months ago."

    Maxie/Austin: "Austin is contacted by someone from his past and it may force Maxie to consider if there are more shades of gray to the good doctor than she realized."

    "Elizabeth has received a diagnosis from some
    medical professionals and has latched on to that. She believes there is a cut-and-dried medical explanationfor everything that she has done. But Finn and Laura are less convinced that the loss of Franco was the catalyst for her strange behavior in the last year."

    The College Crowd: "Trina is in for a dramatic summer as her legal situation comes to a head. It will be a race against time for Spencer to unmask Esme as the villain that she is and exonerate Trina. The tension between Cameron and Josslyn continues to simmer with Cameron keeping the giant secret from Joslyn about Spencer's true

    Nikolas/Ava: "Esme will spell big trouble for Ava and Nikolas."

    Terry: "Her relationship with Chet didn't end well. but she is more motivated than ever to prioritize her personal life and open her heart to see what's out there."

    Mac/Felicia: "Mac and Felicia clear up the comedy of errors about what they want for their future. This will motivate both of them to
    explore new directions their professional lives could take."

    Spinelli: "Spinelli carries a seemingly benign secret that may have very surprising and wide reaching repercussions across the canvas."

  5. An interview with Josh where he reveals his plan for a different era in GC.
    Diane is back for a couple of months (at least at the time this interview took place that's the plan).
    It is being used to solidify the Abbott family. They were splintered and Josh wanted to bring them back together so they look into the family's history for unfinished business and they thought about bringing in another gen.
    By resurrecting the character they wanted to tie her back to Abbotts since last incarnation she was more connected to Newmans.
    Jack and his connection to Keemo was first half of mystery and now Diane. Also it's to cause conflict with Phyllis.

    They didn't include alive Keemo in this because they didn't want the story to be predictable. If they reunited Jack and Keemo the question would be then what? That felt more like resolving the story than a new beginning. Allie instead is the new start of the story. There will be a lot of twists to this story that will come out.

    For Allie through finding the Abbotts she finds herself. Then there is the element of why is she estranged from her mom? She'll come into this very cautiously and she'll have wonderful journey to take.

    With Diane's return, Nikki will be relieved she didn't kill her but at the same time still want to kill her. It will be a slow simmer that will be building.
    Diane won't only be mixing with Abbotts. Victor will have some choice words for her.
    Josh was asked how will Diane feel with people not being happy with her return.
    He says she will tune out the noise cause she just wants to make amends with her son. However silencing the noise and making amends with Kyle will be easier said than done.
    The emotional aspect of the story will be Diane's desperate desire to make up for all those years to Kyle. Kyle will have to decide if he can forgive that. It will not be easy for him.
    Was asked if she shed her troublemaker ways?
    Josh says she wants to change for Kyle but has she really?
    Josh has been working towards establishing three influential corporate arenas i.e. Newman/Locke and Chancellor with Hamilton/Winters, Jabot as the temple of power in GC. Now it will have real conflicts and battles. He defines Y&R as clash of the titans.
    He believes this is what Katherine and Neil would have wanted as their legacies.
    He turned Nate into a corporate suit because it will give him of a central role. If they're talking about clash of the titans a doctor won't fit into that and he wants Nate to be that.
    He thinks the Sally and Adam dynamic is delicious.
    There is more to come for those two and Chelsea is a wild card because Adam/her have a son, Chelsea doesn't like Sally so there's a lot to play there.
    He was asked about Rey and Chelsea. He says it's going to get complicated and there will be unexpected turns lol.
    Interviewer says cop and con woman would be interesting. Josh rebates reformed con woman at least for now.
    Interviewer says now that Ashland has admitted his lie his days seem numbered no? Josh says this still has mileage, we don't know how much more. Never underestimate the power of love. That's all he'll say.
    Ashland will bring up Victor's bad actions in the past. He will tell Vikki he did all these bad things but he fell in love with her.
    RN direction with Ashland has spun the story even further than Josh expected. There's a lot more coming.
    There's going to be twists to the Chance story that we don't see coming.

  6. 2 minutes ago, kalbir said:

    Another divorce for Sharon would be ridiculous. I say have Rey killed in the line of duty, and widowed Sharon rebuilds her life in the aftermath. Then she can turn to either Nick or Adam.

    Could spice up the baby story if Chance has a (lack of better words) episode and gets his friend killed. Devon would want custody immediately.


    But sigh, it's probably gonna be 😴 hope not tho

  7. 11 minutes ago, soapfan770 said:

    Nah I feel like it will be something much more mundane like Sharon finding out Rey and Chelsea had a one night stand and Sharon breaks up with Rey in some similar way she did with Scott and Rey leaves town.

    Perhaps MCE is out next? I believe her own contract is coming up soon.

    Alot of ppl this year. Mark Grossman, Mishael Morgan, Michelle stafford. 

  8. 2 minutes ago, janea4old said:

    Quoting the first sentence of the SOD blurb: "Jordi Vilasuso will last air as Y&R's Rey later this spring".
    That wording is vague.  Does the character leave? Or is the character being recast?

    I don't think he's being recast? He said on his wifes podcast he just signed a 3 year contract but they let him go during that 13 week thing they have.

  9. 37 minutes ago, soapfan770 said:

    I liked Jordi in his heyday on GL and yes won the campy Fashion House but he just never felt right on Y&R, and definitely not since Mia left either. Rey & Sharon have been a snoozer since getting together. I mean it’s been nice to have Sharon mostly grounded again lately, Adam issues aside but overall Rey has been a sleepy character on a sleepy show. 

    Is Rey completely out or are they going to recast?

    I don't think they are recasting but, just get Galen Gering. You won't notice a difference. 

  10. 8 minutes ago, Forever8 said:

    I thought he was staying when they decided to put him Chelsea's sphere. But Jordi probably knows the writing is on the wall with his character. I take it either Rey is going to be killed off or he and Sharon will suddenly separate. 

    I bet Chance somehow messes up and gets him killed.


    Than nick can comfort a grieving Sharon.

  11. SOD Jack and Diane


    Diane reveals herself to Jack.


    Jack returns to LA for a business trip and he and Allie meet at a cafe where their convo. begins to break down walls.


    Peter speaking:


    They're getting closer and Jack can feel it. After hearing his side of the story of how Keemo and him fell out Allie seems to be more understanding.


    After they part Allie heads over to her father's former place which is now inhabited by a not so dead Diane who makes a special request. She wants to meet Allie's grandfather so Allie calls Jack and asks him to come to her dad's home which seems strange to Jack because he knows the place has been sold but he goes anyway.


    Jack is happy to see Allie again but he's still wondering why he was summoned. She tells him the person who bought the house has been very nice to her and she asked if there's any chance she could meet Jack. Jack thinks it's odd and wants to know what's going on. Then he hears that voice.


    He is stunned to see Diane standing before him and it's not pleasant reunion. Jack has a long history with her and it's unpleasant but more importantly she's alive. She explains she has a lot of years to face up to, the responsibility of all the mistakes she made and she needs to fix them. But it's Diane and she's not here to set things right. She wants something and Jack realizes what it is. She's using Jack's granddaughter to do it.


    Jack was inching his way into Allie's life and Diane blows the whole thing up. He looks over to Allie who is shell shocked with the expression of what did she walk into? Get me out of here! and she leaves. She's scared and wants nothing to do with this.


    Jack makes it clear to Diane this isn't happening. Phyllis later calls Jack to see how he's doing. He says he's fine but she hears something strange in his voice and decides to head to California.

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