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Posts posted by lucaslesann23

  1. 12 minutes ago, soapfan770 said:

    Except for Chelsea in that wheelchair, that story keeps dragging out. Has she even changed her clothes in the last five months?


    Still interested in the mystery of Amanda’s father today it was good seeing Karla again on screen. 

    Ashland and Tara haven’t been that bad but Kyle and Summer definitely have been the weakest links. Victor pulling an old school power play move out of his book was actually more fun that I thought it was going to be nor was as offensive as other things he has pulled. 


    It's certainly better than having Victor go on about The Price is Right. LOL

  2. 10 minutes ago, soapfan770 said:

    The scenes weren’t that bad at all. However  how many hotel owners just sit their lobby drinking alcohol all day LOL.


    The show has some momentum again finally even though almost all of the stories are lousy overall. 

    I'm happy the three week arcs are done at the very least. 😂


    I'm actually enjoying the stories though, I really like Ashland Locke. Lol

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