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Posts posted by lucaslesann23

  1. 9 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    Even though I no longer watch this show, from a writer’s perspective, I am fascinated by the motivation for making Chelsea suicidal. Had she been having ideations before she took to the roof? We’re there signs of depression before? Were there several leading incidents that made viewers really believe that this would happen?

    No way am I defending any perceived callousness toward a suicidal person but it sounds like a number of people are not buying into this. Whether because of the performance or due to the writing and that’s a problem.

    I sort of saw it coming because the characters had it rough for almost two years. She had a stroke and found out her man was Kissing Sharon behind her back. She tried to frame him for attemoted murder and poisoned a cop. Once she recovered she tried to get Adam back, he moved on. She thab found a bit of happiness with Rey, he died. Than she finally found a career she enjoyed but that got taken away. Than she told Johnny she's his bio mom and now him and Connor hste her. 

    Lately shes just been really depressed. It showed her just laying in bed, eyes open in the dark and neglecting her son.

    It's been a downward spiral for Chelsea.

  2. 1 minute ago, BoldRestless said:

    I can't really remember another time that they put a viewer discretion warning before the show, even for rapes and things. They usually do the PSA at the commercial break and the hotline at the end.


    It was pretty dumb of Billy to suggest that the roof is a good place for Chelsea to hang out.


    Why can't they just use the studio roof lke B&B did with Sheila and Taylor? That looked great.

    I was wondering why they brought that rooftop set back.

  3. 16 minutes ago, YRfan23 said:

    Haha, as long as I see those two back together on screen I’m good with anything… :D 

    I just remembered though, when Sheila came back in 2002, they had Lauren crossover for a couple of episodes, but didn’t utilize that situation…I’m kind of worried maybe this will be just a simple business visit from Lauren…maybe with her seeing Sheila in disguise like Nikki did. 

    Hopefully Lauren sees through it. Sheila tried this crap before. 🤣


  4. 18 hours ago, Darn said:

    All this stupid show does is offer people jobs.

    It's actually weird at this point. Every plot line involves people getting new employment. Is this some edict from the higher ups?

    And this show really does not have the budget for a helicopter landing so why even suggest it? I've never seen a program so creatively bereft.

    My god you complain alot. 

  5. 2 hours ago, soapfan770 said:

    I actually like Audra so far from what I’ve seen but I  can’t see her with any incarnation of mopey Noah lol. She definitely would have been the one to wear the pants in that relationship lol. 

    I like her too. Wanting to meet all the power players in town.

    Frankly, I'm just happy Noah and Allie are getting some angst or something to do. 🤣

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