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Posts posted by lucaslesann23

  1. 10 minutes ago, Paul Raven said:

    How long will they hang around?

    Quite bizarre that the next generation of Newman/Abbotts have been discarded.

    Oh well we can focus on the continuing adventures of Phyllis,Nick,Victoria etc who have been around forever.

    Sorry misunderstood. They still have this Audra story and Zuleyka Silver said she filmed a love scene.

  2. 3 hours ago, soapfan770 said:

    LOL I had figured but saw it was making its way into a couple reliable/reasonable groups. It just had a hint of truth feel to it in regards to Walters and Floyd but Grossman just sounded out their, like someone put their delusion out there to make it reality. šŸ˜‚

    I know actors can be let go so a contract means nothing but Mark just signed on.


    And SW posted a script they filmed this week, so Diane is still in town until 2023. They just filmed Christmas.

  3. 8 minutes ago, ironlion said:


    Exactly what went down with Doug Davidson exiting the show?

    A couple years ago when Mal Young was the executive Producer and head writer, he put Doug Davidson on recurring. Paul wasn't on as much anymore so Doug went on Twitter and started ranting about being fired even though he wasn't. He riled his fans up and they started complaining about something that didn't happen.

    Doug even said Mal than offered him a few episodes for Chrismas but he declined.


    Mal eventually gor fired and Josh Griffith and Tony Morina came on. They brought Doug back but still on recurring. Doug still wasn't happy with his episode count and started ranting and raving again so this regime stopped using him too. Now he just continues saying he was fired and complains Even though it's his mouth that is the reason he isn't used.

  4. 8 minutes ago, dragonflies said:

    I'm so excited, I hate Phyllis but I'll tolerate her for Danny lol


    Danny/Cricket were one of my first YR ships, my grandma loved them and I watched with her lol

    I'm not so knowledgeable about this part of the show, do Danny and Phyllis get along?

  5. Michelle Stafford posted a picture on instagram of a text message with someone saying they are excited to work with her again.

    Wonder who's coming back? šŸ¤”


    For claritys sake, it is YR. ppl in the comments keep guessing Daniel even though we already know he's back and she says no.


  6. 1 hour ago, ltm1997 said:

    Why are they so difficult?? I donā€™t get it.

    Because they are a company and they are difficult, Bold I'm pretty sure is still somewhat owned by the Bells, so That's why Brad is still there and why they can release the old episode's.

  7. 24 minutes ago, ltm1997 said:

    So tell me, do you all think that Y&R will ever get the treatment B&B is getting with them uploading the entire series (starting from episode 1) to Videoland and YouTube?? Also, why do you think they havenā€™t done it already??


  8. 12 minutes ago, soapfan770 said:

    Oh definitely I just got finished watching it myself and it was a great tribute episode! I think the only flashback I wish we had gotten to see again was Sheila, Maggie, and the firepoker lol.

    And yes I do hope for something bigger soon as well. Isnā€™t Danielā€™s daughter supposed to be Sheilaā€™s granddaughter lol? It would actually be nice to tie up the messy continuity loose ends from the Jack Smith/ Latham/MAB era of trying to write Sheila stories.




    Has Sheila ever hinted at Daisy and Ryder? I saw that episode where she said her other kids want nothing to do with her.

  9. On 10/29/2022 at 2:08 AM, Taoboi said:

    Yay!!! Not done with him yet.Ā 


    This must be the Pandora Box that happened due to the 'Alliance.'Ā 

    James Hyde says after he spent some time in prison, Jeremy shows up in Genoa City to see Diane. "Jeremy comes to Genoa City on a mission and heā€™s not going to leave until he gets what he wants. Thereā€™s a lot that happens in the first seven episodes and heā€™s definitely going to stir things up.ā€


    James also says he really likes the scripts he's getting now, it gets to the meat of the character and that he might he connected to someone else in town.

  10. EJ and Ava

    EJ (Dan Feuerriegel) victoriously banished Ava (Tamara Braun) from Salem, but Ava and her surprising ally arenā€™t done with him, and sheā€™s ready to seek revenge.

    EJ doesnā€™t take it lightly, and he and Ava battle it out, which escalates into a fight for the topā€¦

    Which ends up with deadly consequences for those around them.

    Paulina, Sloan, and Chanel

    Paulina (Jackee Harry) thinks sheā€™s neutralized Sloan (Jessica Serfaty) and her client, but when the results of the governorā€™s race come in, thereā€™s a change in their luck.

    Chanelā€™s (Raven Bowens) secret is revealed in a dramatic fashion!

    Wendy and Johnny

    Johnny (Carson Boatman) is trying to find out what his father EJ is up to, and Wendy (Victoria Grace) is looking to see what her brother Li (Remington Hoffman) is up to, which leads to them teaming up and investigating together.

    Dr. Rolf (Richard Wharton) is definitely involved, and they decide to hunt him down.

    Wendy and Johnny want to find proof that EJ and Li are responsible for Stefanā€™s (Brandon Barish) brainwashing.

    Their investigation forces them to leave Salem to find the truth.

    Chloe, Stefan, Gabi, and Li

    With Li and Gabiā€™s (Camila Banus) upcoming nuptials, Stefanā€™s brainwashing has him constantly interfering with Gabi, antagonizing her every step of the way.

    Gabi tries throwing herself full-on into her relationship with Li Shin, but itā€™s not that easy, as the passionate feelings between her and Stefan keep breaking through.

    Stefan continues to get closer to Chloe (Nadia Bjorlin).

    Kayla and Steve

    InĀ Beyond Salem, Kayla (Mary Beth Evans) was caught up in the mission and adventure with Steve (Stephen Johnson).

    The show is looking to capture a little of that energy on the main show when Trippā€™s (Lucas Adams) life is in danger and he needs help.

    Steve had made up his mind to go after Tripp alone, but Kayla decides to go with him.

    Stayla finds themselves in some troublesome situations, which make for some fun hijinks on their journey to rescue Tripp.

    Alex, Stephanie, and Chad

    Chad (Billy Flynn) tells Stephanie (Abigail Klein) that heā€™s not ready for anything yet, as heā€™s still not over Abigail (Marci Miller).This causes Stephanie to get closer to Alex (Robert Scott Wilson), as she feels that she should be giving him a chance and the benefit of the doubt.

    Chad might have some regrets that he missed his chance with Stephanie.

    Nicole, Rafe, Eric, and Jada

    Thereā€™s a weird love quadrangle going on with these four, which is complicated by Jada (Elia Cantu) and Rafe (Galen Gering) working together, and Nicole and Eric teaming up too.Nicole (AriĀ  Zucker) and Eric (Greg Vaughan) are struggling to fight off the feelings they have for each other, but itā€™s becoming to be an undeniable fact.

    Is Nicole willing to go to the lengths of destroying her marriage, and if she does, will her and Eric finally be together?

    Jada just might be the wildcard that blows things up!

    Xander and Sarah

    Victor (John Aniston) and Xander (Paul Telfer) get into a big fight, causing Xander and Sarah (Linsey Godfrey) to move into a motel.

    Xandy tries to prove to Sarah that he is a worthy spouse and can provide for her, which tempts him to return to his shadier ways to keep Sarah in the manner sheā€™s accustomed to.

    He ends up making some questionable choices along the way.

  11. 28 minutes ago, Taoboi said:

    Hmmmm sounds like Daniel is back for a couple of months arc.Ā 


    Also sounds like we might see James Hyde's character again.Ā 


    Billy's 'friendship' with Chelesa isn't just testing Lily's patience.

    James Hyde says he is reyurring and he was filming with Susan Walters last week. She said on Twitter "Jerrmy is a badass."

  12. Josh Griffith says "It's a November to remember on Y&R, filled with long-awaited returns and shocking moments!"

    Daniel: "Phyllis is thrilled when Daniel returns home in time for the holidays. She will soon learn how much Daniel's life has changed during his time away from Genoa City."



    "Nikki's determination to uncover Tucker and Diane's connection will lead Victor to do an investigation of his own to uncover Tucker's motives for returning to GC. Ashley and Tucker's game of cat and mouse will keep both of them on their toes as they second-guess their feelings for each other."



    " 'The Trifecta' " will confront Diane with the ammunition they think will get her out of town. This confrontation will open Pandora's box to a web of secrets revealing that Diane's time in LA is a lot more dangerous than anyone could have imagined."



    "Diane will continue to work overtime to regain both Kyle and Jack's trust. As Jack struggles with his feelings for Diane, he takes a big risk to protect Kyle from once again being hurt by his mother. Meanwhile, Diane and Phyllis's conflicts maydrive a wedge between Kyle and Summer's marriage as they take sides."



    "Nate deals with the fallout from his deceit while adjusting to his new role in the business world. He will have his work cut out for him as he tackles his toughest assignment ā€” repairing his relationship with Elena. Thanks to Nate's deception, Devon and Lily willstand firm in their decision to cut ties with him."



    "Chelsea's friends, especially Billy, support her during her time of need. This will test Lily's patience when she feels Billy's friendship with Chelsea is taking precedence over their relationship."



    "Chance's career will continue to cause friction between him and Abby, and bring up old wounds between the couple, leading to a shocking turn of events."



    "Mariah and Tessa's love is stronger than ever as they prepare to start the next chapter of their life ā€” motherhood."



    "Nick and Adam's feud over Sally will force Victor's hand to step in when their rivalry threatens to jeopardize the family business, Newman Enterprises. Victor will not allow anyone or anything to tarnish his legacy."

  13. Chelsea actually tried to jump. She climbed on the ledge and was crying and stuff when Billy showed up. He tried to talk her down and she was saying her whole life is painful and she doesn't want to wake up anymore. They talked some more and she kissed him and said "Tell Connor I slipped." Before leaping. Billy caught her in time.

  14. 54 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    Didnā€™t Josh G. write a story for Sharon that had this explanation at its core? Some years ago during his previous stint, I remember in some interview, he explained some upcoming story for Sharon as having romance at its center then proceeded to drive Sharon into madness. It was highly offensive.

    When Adam had her stashed in his poolhouse or something and got her therapy behind Chelsea's back, I think.

  15. 8 minutes ago, Forever8 said:

    It's Josh writing so I doubt we get much depth on this subject. Chelsea as a character is past her expiration and I wouldn't mind if they did kill her off. Though I was thinking a year or so later via an offscreen plane crash. Yet I wonder who will find her before she jumps?Ā  One thing Mal did right was to get rid of the character early during his tenure.Ā 

    Billy or Adam. They were both shown worried about her in the episode, The roof she's wanting to leap off of is the Grand phoenix and Billy and Adam are downstairs in Noahs Club.

    12 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    Oh. So you felt like this was preordained?

    I have watched some of JGā€™s writing on screen in the past and it seemed as if he sort of liked to pull things out of desperation. Thatā€™s not to say that it was never fully ā€œearnedā€ but it often seemed like, when all else failed, he would resort to the most desperate of measures and the execution wasnā€™t often convincing.


    Nah, I mean I could see where JG decided it would be suicide a couple of months ago. Because, before she was just written as a manic crazy. Everyone thought she was nuts etc. Than maybe July or August it shifted towards depression. They brought on a rooftop set and I could tell what might happen.

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