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Posts posted by lucaslesann23

  1. 39 minutes ago, Faulkner said:

    I was thinking about that the other day: how dumb it was for B&B to name a new character after an iconic figure in the show’s history whose portrayer passed away. Brad is so thoughtless. It would be like Y&R naming some random character “Katherine Chancellor.”

    Not the first time he's done it either, Caroline 2 and DD Bill is the second Bill.

  2. 4 hours ago, edgeofnik said:

    There must be a lot more to the Diane Jeremy story than we know or at least I hope so because frankly I'm not buying the whole Stark Threat at all.

    1. Jeremy is upset about $250K taken 6 years ago. As he mentioned that's like $25/hour for the time he spent in prison - not counting inflation! Yet he's in sharp suits and kicking it at a luxury hotel.

    2. And everyone, including Victor, acts like Jeremy is some ruthless killer and is shaking in their boots. Heck, half of GC has tried or actually killed someone. I'm don't see the hysteria leading to Phyllis' firing by Aunt Jack, Kyren and SuperGirl. Honestly, having MS work more with MG is a positive.

    3. Diane offered to pay Jeremy back, Jack offered double the money, which still isn't much for the GC 1%ers,  yet he's not really biting.

    I think Diane/Jeremy are together. And her arrival in GC several months before his release has to more there's something more. Diane could've come back to GC years ago, but she didn't.

    Can I ask your theory on why Chance has to investigate Diane and Jack?

  3. Kate/Roman/Marlana/John/Kayla/Steve: when we started this story and all women survived we know they would relapse. So we kind of figured the story of the women dying doesn't have doesn't have a huge payoff if one or more of them doesn't actually die. So we gave ourselfs a challenge: are we really going to write off our three big stars? You'll have to tune in to see but, what's great about this story is the focus on couples and the high stakes of these women facing death. Of course there is a twist because its Days Of Our Lives but it's a highly emotional story and it'll be fun to see where it goes.

    Alex/Stephenie/Chad: We played the bond between Stephanie and Chad but Chad is really not ready for anything more than friendship because he's not over Abigail. Alex feels that closeness between Stephanie and Chad and is threatened a little bit. Ultimately Alex makes a move to get Chad out of the way That has unintended consequences that are kind of devastating.

    Li/Gabi/Stefan/Chloe: Stefan has been brainwashed to hate Gabi, to be disgusted by her and his feelings for Chloe be reinforced. Chloe has been rejected by Brady and knows Stefan isn't in the right mind here. And I think we know Gabi isn't someone to give up here. She's going to find a way to get through to Stefan, in the meantime Li isn't going to give up Gabi.

    Nicole/EJ/Eric/Sloan: Nicole and Eric are trying to move on from eachother, even though Eric and Sloan are both looking for something casual we see they are starting to grow closer. At the same time, Nicole is drawing closer to EJ who is still very much interested in Nicole. Nicole still feels a pull towards Eric but by putting her in EJs orbit, it taps into that schemy side of Nicole especially as EJ and Stefan are going to war over Dimera and Nicole is sinking her teeth into that with him.

    Will/Leo/Sonny: it's kind of fun to see Leo who was a thorn in the side of Will start to make real inroads with Sonny and start to build a real friendship. When Will comes back he's just in a state of disbelief that after everything sonny's going to be friends with this guy. Sonny's in a weird position of defending his friendship with Leo and this will cause conflict between Will and Sonny.

    Allie/Chanel/Johnny/Wendy/Tripp: Allie remains a little bit threatened by the relationship between Chanel and Johnny and may become her own worst enemy in this situation. Meanwhile Johnny and Wendy are growing Closer and Tripp comes home and we see he's a bit hung up on Wendy. It gets complicated.

    Gwen/Xander/Sarah: it's bad enough that Xander took money to kidnap Susan Banks. But not only did Bonnie get caught in it, Susan died so can Sarah really stay married to this guy who committed a crime knowingly that lead to someone's death? And than we have Gwen who'll do anything in her power to contain the situation. Jack ends up giving this surprising ultimatum that may really effect how this plays out.

    Before anyone asks, No, there were not any Spoilers for Paulina and Abe.*

  4. 5 hours ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    Nothing about Spencer and Trina? Or Cam/Joss/Dex?


    2 hours ago, Faulkner said:

    A show this slow shouldn’t feel so superficial. Yet here we are. It’s the worst of both worlds: lightning-fast scenes on a micro level and meandering pacing on a macro level.


    Yeah WTF?

    Sorry, there was a spencer and trina spoiler, 


    Spencer/Trina: Spencer and Trina continue the ruse that they are romantically involved to draw the hook out. But perhaps it won't be long before their fake relationship blossoms into something real.

  5. Say Co-Head Writers CVE & DOC “The New year is going to start off with lots of fire-works, and as we barrel toward the 60th in April, we’re going to be seeing a story unfold that will give a hood nod to the past, present & future GH

    Anna/Val, things look bad for them as the crisscross the globe to evade their pursuers, but they won’t be kept down long. They have a lead on Lucy and are going to pursue- even if it means their ultimate demise.

    Ava/Nik/Esme, Nik & Liz are in big, deep trouble when Esme makes a desperate bid for freedom, Ava & Nik’s love receives what may be a final death blow.

    Finn, He is left with lots of questions about what happened between liz & Nik & he may be responsible for their house of cards to come tumbling down.

    Liz, she will have the magnitude of everything she has been through in the past year come into focus, & she & she alone makes several decisions that will have consequences for her & her family.

    Laura/Robert/Victor, Laura has her hands full with a lot of family drama going on at the beginning of the year. But never far from her mind is the fact that she & Robert are in possession of the ice princess & may be this close to cracking the code that can bring an end to Victor & his plans for PC.  Within the 1st qtr of the year, Victor’s dastardly plans will come into focus and all of PC will have to 7nite to take him down. In addition Robert’s unlikely friendship with Diane continues to grow.

    Carly/Drew, they continue to see each other on the secret, but as Carly’s half-truths about Willow start to come to the forefront, there might be some dire consequences for both.

    Willow, is on a roller-coaster ride as a potential bone marrow donor emerges

    Nina, is on a collision course with Carly as the new year develops

    Michael/Sonny, Sonny is about to make a big business move , with Dex in close proximity to the mechanics of it. This is going to put Michael & Dex in a spot where they

    Heather/Ryan, their twisted, morbid family unit will come into focus in the new year.

    The Hook, the killers ultimate plan takes shape-and takes another life in the process.  The identity of the killer will be revealed to the audience soon.

    Sam/Dante, Dante fears that Sonny has lost his way & May pay a great price asa result.  Sam & Dante will put their heads together to uncover a piece of the Hook puzzle

    Curtis/Portia, they are on the same side when Marshall changes his mind about looking into his initial diagnosis. At the same time, the wedding bells are ringing on Valentine’s Day, but Stella begins to start asking questions about the of Curtis’s connection to Trina.

    Maxie, is due for some heartbreak early 2023

    Austin, is licking his wounds from his breakup w/Maxie, which he ultimately believes is for the best. However, he may find himself getting wrapped up in somebody else’s drama. Which could spell danger & intrigue for him.

    Alexis/Gregory, their friendship & professional relationship continues to blossom. Alexis will end up being the keeper of several secrets in town across the canvas.

    Sasha/Gladys, Gladys is beginning to revert to her old ways & May cause problems for Sasha & the Corinthos family.

    Brook Lynn/Chase, they are broken up, but they remain almost as deeply connected as before. Chase’s bonafides as a good guy are tested when the opportunity strikes to make bid for his job with the PCPD, but he must weigh that against the possibility to do some real good by thwarting the scuzzy Linc.

    Britt, her choice to face her disease alone or in OC w/her friends & family has profound consequences for herself & others.

    Cody, his shenanigans have led him to deny his relationship w/Mac, but his admittedly poor choices afford him a second opportunity at family. The quest is whether he has the courage to seize that opportunity.

    Martin, is desperate to reunite w/Lucy & will take whatever steps he can to make that happen.

    Obrecht, events in the new year May drive her to extremes

    Ned/Olivis, certain business secrets are about to come out, which May place them on opposite sides of the family.

  6. 7 minutes ago, Taoboi said:

    Mmmm...how I miss Carmine.


    That said...I like these. Look forward to Lauren's episode, Nate/Victoria/Elena (still laughing at him leaving her hanging for dinner to be with Victoria), Sharon/Chance, and (finally?)Devon/Abby. And of course anything Ashley.

    I'm excited to see how chance gets into the Diane story. Sallys pregnancy and Phyllis going nuts.

  7. Brad plans on introducing new characters in the Spring 2023. "I'm looking to bring in a next generation of characters from all the families on the show and then some new, fresh families and characters mixed in, as well."

    Finn/Steffy: "They are going to have incredible family challenges, one of them being Sheila. Finn feels some guilt for trying to welcome his mother into their lives, and he's no longer feeling that way. He knows she was trouble; he wants nothing to do with her. Steffy and Finn are really going to be put to the test in 2023.

    Liam/Hope: "Their family is going to be challenged once again, so they are going to be put to the test, as well, in a completely new way, and we'll see if they can survive. It will be a great one."

    Thomas: "We know he's a brilliant designer, we know he does things and that he regrets them. He doesn't know why the whole world thinks it's so awful that they've thrown him out of Forrester Creations. Thomas is really going to be working to get back in the good graces of Hope and his family and get back to work at Forrester Creations. He's currently in exile."

    Bill/Sheila: "Sheila has been working behind the scenes, as she does. Bill has been down and depressed and lonely, and that's not good for Bill. He feels a bit lost and wonders if there's a woman out there who can handle him, someone that he could love who is tough and resilient. Bill and Sheila find one another and this relationship and bond forms. The question is, does she immediately fall in love with Bill, and is it for real? And Bill, although he's almighty and powerful, is he able to keep her out of prison and protect her from the law? So it's a really fascinating coupling and they'll be highly watchable. Bill is really going to go to bat for this woman, thinking that maybe she's the one.

    Carter/Katie: "This will be a slow burn and I don't say that in a bad way. They both feel that there's something very special between them, but they will take their time. They both have loved and lost and they're both hoping that a beautiful, romantic and lasting relationship will form. They're going to be on a bit of a journey together, and an investigative journey together, as well." In fact, this person thinks that it's really appalling that they're together and is going to challenge their existence in a very aggressive way."

    Paris/Zende: "With Thomas gone, Zende, along with Eric and the whole design team, will be heading up the Hope For The Future line, so he is really going to have an opportunity to strut his stuff as a designer. And he and Paris love one another, as friends and as co-workers. Will this be their year? There's going to be someone who is going to challenge him and vie for Paris's affections."

    Deacon: "Something real happened there with Sheila and Deacon, but Deacon is trying to distance himself from Sheila. He really wants to create a better life and be a better person. He's going to take his job seriously and really try to make a go of it as a restaurateur and take over running II Giardino."

    Brooke/Ridge/Taylor: "After all of the deception, thanks to Thomas, they're really trying to reassess, look deep inside themselves and try to move on with a new perspective. So it's a time of great self-reflection for all three of them. A wonderful thing about it is that Taylor and Brooke, after all these years of being rivals, are going to find that they have much more in common than they ever realized. And they're becoming, of all things, friends."


  8. Josh says this will be the best year of show with exciting, suspensful, emotionally powerful stories.



    In typical Newman fasion, Victor is going to create absolute mayhem so that Adam has no choice but to return to Newman. Victor is going to play hardball and maybe even dirty to get his hands on something appeasing to Adam so that he'll return.

    Nick/Sally/Adam the last thing she expected was a baby and the last thing she was prepared for was motherhood on top of that. Just when you think you know this story is going it'll take a left turn and no matter who the dad is, it's going to get messy. 

    Tucker/Ashley: Tucker feels like he's in control but, there will be a surprise move by Ashley that he won't see coming. 


    Lauren: to celebrate Traceys 40 years lauren will be the recipient of a wonderful award and it's going to bring a lot of surprise guests to the event to share with her.

    Mariah and Tessa: they're on the road to motherhood but along the way their will be a few uh ohs. Sharon will continue to be their support system and Elena will step in with some wonderful advice. It will be a heartwarming journey for Teriah and they deserve it.

    Devon and Abby: for Years this was a couple that I kept saying would never happen. Now they're happening. It just became one of those situations where they've been friends for so long and they understand each other and then we get them into such a dramatic place with her marriage and we see what they can do.

    Billy/Chelsea: from the moment he stepped up on the ledge, put his hand on her head and said "I'm not going anywhere." This deep connection was forged and this journey is changing both of them profoundly. What's fascinating to me is we get to tell this story realistically and honestly. Plus taking our time with it. Helping Chelsea get back on her feet is changing and maturing Billy in a way we've never seen before.


    Summer and Kyle: their moms, jobs and Jeremy are putting alot of preasure on their marriage. Just when you think they've gotten over one hurdle another one crops up and Summer is forced to put her foot down to protect her family.


    Jack/Diane/Phyllis: the new year eill force Jack and Diane to work together in order to neutralize stark. He still poses a great danger and as Jack and Diane figure out a way to solve the problem they'll grow closer. Phyllis, Nikki and Ashley are intricately involved in this. Diane and Jack will drive Phyllis crazy and she'll want extreme payback.

    Chancellor winters: The IPO drama will tear Devon and Lily apart and this is heartbreaking to her because all she wanted was to bring Chancellor and Hamilton winters together as a family company. This will deeply affect Nate as his betrayal was the cause for the cousins falling apart. Will he be able to make amends? As for the company, there will be an 11th hour savior.


    Victoria Nate Elena: nates relationship with elena will be tested because Victoria is free and in a position to go after what she wants. She's offering nate a chance of moving forward in the world of big business and they have this incredible working relationship so they will be spending lots of late nights together.


    Sharon chance: chance will be involved in a investigation connected to Jack and Diane and he will question whether to make a career change. Sharon will be their with compelling and supportive advice and who knows where this will lead?

    Daniel/Lily: they've both grown alot since they last were together. They're coming back together as friends who will be their for eachother. Daniel and Lily are in very different places finding that they need eachother for support.

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