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Posts posted by lucaslesann23

  1. From the magazine;


    Digest: how did you feel about how to play the 50th anniversary?

    Griffith: I was excited, like I haven't been in a long time. Just to be able to craft story for the 50th is just a dream come true and all the stories just coming towards a huge turning point and all of them seeing to come to that at the same time, we just said "this is perfect. We were able to create an An event that would allow us to celebrate in story and bring back people that fans would want to see that they haven't seen in a while and would want to see that can fit into stories ramping up and those stories can all come to a head at this event. It was a perfect storm of story, celebration and event.

    Digest: when did you start outlining and shaping what you wanted to see on screen for this milestone?

    Griffith: i would say about three months ago I started thinking about it. Because the great thing is, I was locked into a date. So that focused me because I got this date. Up until this point we've been treating the 50th as the whole season with little teases of people coming back from the past, but here was a specific date that we could celebrate and so I knew "Okay, I've got three months out so I got to finese all these stories so their culmination times happen over the course of this two week gala period."

    Digest: how did you track all this? Did you have a storyboard?

    Griffith: I keep it all in my head, (he laughs) I actually have a whiteboard in my office where I keep it all down. We've created three areas of storytelling on the show, Newman's, Abbotts, Chancellor-Winters. Everything falls within those three. Some cross over but all within those three. So it was easy to have three columns of story and time it out so this would happen and that would happen.

    Digest: what we're the staff meetings like with your writing team? We're ideas tossed around or did you already have a singular vision?

    Griffith: it was pretty clear what I wanted. I mean, I worked closely with Mandy Beall who is my co Head Writer. I said here's what we have to do and she sort of filled in holes and tossed in her own ideas. Between the two of us we kept things tight and focused.

    Digest: does having the title executive producer add to the preasure?

    Griffith: it sort of sounds strange but, it makes things easier because their's no longer separation between production and story now. Now we talk to directly in a seamless way.

    Digest: the last time Amanda was in GC, she was pretty wounded by Devons indefinitely, I imagine their will be good scenes between the characters. 

    Griffith: with the Devon/Lily conflict and this huge battle that's been brewing, bringing Amanda felt natural and right. So we got Mishael returning and let's just say, Amanda's back with a vengeance.


    Digest: Mamie is the much beloved Abbott house keeper that fans are excited to see again, how will Jack,Ashley and, Traci React?

    Griffith: with all that's going on with the Abbotts, bringing Mamie back just made sense. She was a mother to them because she raised them. So rhe connection is profound and it'll be heart warming to see their reunion. 

    Digest: leanna Love was always a wild card, please tease how she'll fit in. 

    Griffith: how can we have these events take place, swirling in mystery and mischief and not have Leanna picking her nose in everyone's business?

    Digest: will we be treated to Nina and Chance reunion scenes?

    Griffith: with all the fallout from the Devon/Abby/Chance situation, of course. 

    Digest: not too long ago Nina loved Abby. What will happen with them?

    Griffith: Nina may love Abby but she'll still give her a piece of her mind.

    Digest: why did you decide on the gcac? A set we haven't seen in years.

    Griffith: well, we talked about alot of different possibilities. But none of them had the weight. Because if you're gonna do the bicentennial, the athletic club just seemed like the perfect place and it allowed us to introduce a new set that would have huge ramifications after the gala.

    Digest: did anyone suggest the colonnade room?

    Griffith: it did come up. But at the end of the day it's just a room and the fcac gives us more range. 

    Digest: what else can we look forward too?

    Griffith: romantically, we're revving up Tucker and Ashley and Daniel and Lily. Jack and Diane's heads will be turned upside down by Phyllis and Stark.

    Digest: what are your feelings on how YR is positioned in 2023?

    Griffith: I feel excited and energized, I got all the pieces in place for an explosion of story going into the fall. I think we're in a strong place with the cast and story dynamics and having solidified the areas I mentioned earlier.

    Digest: how do you feel your YR reflects on William J Bells vision?

    Griffith: I think it completely embraces his vision of these core families and character driven story of family and business. The show is clash of the titans.

  2. From the Magazine

    The gala is a Special tribute to someone.

    The gala will last about two weeks and will include new and old. 

    Present stories will continue as well as flashbacks and expect surprises.

    there will be romance intrigue and danger, Griffith says, "This is not a nostalgic event. This is in-the moment drama"

    Next Week spoilers

    Mamie Johnson returns to Genoa City.

    Victor and Nikki host the party of the year to celebrate Genoa City’s bicentennial.

    Victor and Nikki pay tribute to the past. 

    Leanna Love returns to her former stomping grounds.

    Nina gives Abby a piece of her mind 

    Jill makes her grand entrance 

    Amanda and Abby get into a catfight.

    Diane sets a trap for Phyllis. 

    Lily and Devon’s feud takes a shocking turn.

    Audra pushes Elena’s buttons. 

    Devon is backed into a corner.

    Phyllis and Stark conspire against Diane. 


  3. 15 minutes ago, soapfan770 said:

    The Glum Club as @Paul Raven so eloquently put it was strange an oddball set …they couldn’t decide if it was either a hipster nightclub or some cocktail lounge. Then came the day when Daniel and Lily went there and had lunch…?

    As for this funeral I agree I can see it being some stupid fantasy of Phyllis thinking about her funeral OR Phyllis has to fake her own death temporarily to get away from Jeremy with the excuse “BUT Diane did it!!!”

      I can’t see Phyllis pulling a Diane. Despite the arguments she loves her kids way too much. And she would never want them to be in pain like Diane did with Kyle. Stark maybe has her somewhere after the gala, hence MS saying it’s not a love scene. That might be her last scene at the GCAC in town. Everyone thinks she’s missing until he plants evidence that she “died”.


    What I'm referring to.

    Screenshot_20230307_022657_Samsung Internet.jpg

  4. 1 hour ago, Paul Raven said:

    GCAC Lounge? I'm looking forward to seeing this and how it connects to the reborn GCAC.

    Interesting that these sets are appearing/returning now that Morina is gone. Maybe Josh was overruled on their usage.

    It seems Glum Club has vanished,although might just be in mothballs for now-it was weird concept for a gathering place...and damn ugly too.

    Noticed that too, Probably helps the character that club was meant for was bumped to recurring.

  5. 2 hours ago, janea4old said:

    The biggest example of why JG should be fired:  In a recent episode, Billy told Jack he has feeling for Chelsea (his rapist).  JG is going for the Billy/Chelsea rapemance.  It has obviously been seeming/hinting for months that Y&R might be going there, due to them bonding over her mental health crisis (which was gross in itself!) .... but I hoped they would stop and steer the ship before it got to romance.
    But Billy saying it aloud would confirm they are going there.

    I know most soaps have done rapemances but it was never okay.  No writer should have ever have done that. Nowadays execs should know better. It should be fireable.

    Billy and Chelsea were together before in 2014 when Justin Hartley came on.

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