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Dr Neil Curtis

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Blog Entries posted by Dr Neil Curtis

  1. Dr Neil Curtis
    Phillip grabbed Cassie by the arm and pulled her into the office so no one could see her. "Excuse us for a moment, Abigail" said Phillip as he escorted Abby out of the office. "What the hell are you doing here, Cassie" he asked angrily. It's been three damn years you had this face and you promise me once I help you gain custody of this lil brat of yours you would move me here tell Kate and Roman the truth about our marriage and about Rex and I" said Cassie as Abby listen at the door. "Cassie here is some cash and go settle in at the Salem Inn I will be over after work to discuss this with you" Said Phillip as he faked a smile for his son. "Thats the kid he had with MiMi" thoughted Abby.

    Roman walked into Chez Rouge with 11 white roses in his hand. "Hey, Roman, who is the lucky lady" asked Jack as they shook hands. "Nicole Walker" said Roman. Jack spit out his drink, "Nicole Walker, you mean Eric's ex, Victor's Ex, Brady's Ex, Lucas' Ex, Victor's "Murderess", Chloe's face disfigurer and not to mention Kate and Sami's Frenemy" said Jack as Roman sat him down. "Yes that Nicole Walker, and I like her. Didn't Jennifer marry you after you married and raped my sister, attempted to marry Melissa for politcally reasons, and not the mention remain with you after you left town when Abby was a child and then fake your deaths numerous of times" said Roman. "Point Proven" said Jack as he ordered another drink.

    "First Off, Dr Carver is a Kidnapper and falsely examine patients" said Neil as he glanced at Maggie. "Maggie, Alice, Dr. Evans weren't you all pronounced dead by Dr. Carver during the years 2003-2004 when the Salem Stalker was reigning in Salem" Said Neil as Maggie, Marlena, and Alice looked at Lexie. "Even you too, Mayor Carver" said Neil. Abe jumped up from his seat "That wasn't her fault, Neil" he yelled. "I Disagree, Mayor Carver, from my understanding Samantha Horton heard her mother screaming from her casket" said Dr. Joplin. "Alexandra do have some issues to work on" She said. "Well if it wasn't her fault, Keeping Hope Williams away from her son sure was" said Neil. "Thats Enough, Dr. Curtis" said a beautiful redhead girl as she walked in the meeting. "Sarah" said Neil as he grabbed her and hugged her. Sarah looked shocked as well as amused.

    "My Darling Julie" said the mystery man as he walked through the Doug and Julie's home. "I vow to have you again, my Scarlett" he continued as he kissed Julie's picture. Suddenly John Black walked in. "Doug, Julie? I brought over your mail, it got mixed up, again" said John. The man hid in the coat closet with a knife in his hand. "I guess they are busy, I'll come back later" said John to himself as he walked out.

    "Who can't be back, Julie" asked Doug. Suddenly Julie grabs the Spectator, "Neil Curtis, Darling" lied Julie as she showed him the paper. "Oh My, you know he is going to give poor Lexie a run for her money" said Doug. "But, Lexie is part DiMera she can stand her ground" said Julie. "Thats Right, Doll. Lets Go Home" said Doug as he begin to tell Julie about Phillip's little scheme.

    Nicole walks in wearing a stunning red dress. "Nicole, you are beautiful" said Roman as he handed her the roses. "11 roses" she asked. you are the twelveth one, sweetheart" he said as he kissed her hand. "Oh Hell No, you are dating this, bitch" said Kate as she spit her drink in Nicole's face.

    Next Episode:
    Kate phones Sami
    The voting begins
    Mystery Man is caught
    Will return home with a vengance
    Abby Meets E.J. DiMera

    Guest Stars:

    Laura Horton: Leslie Charleson
    Phyllis Anderson: Marla Adams
    Liz Curtis: Gloria Loring
    Eugene Bradford: John De Lancie
  2. Dr Neil Curtis
    "Hope, don't you ever come into my office again and place your hands on me or you will pay a great deal" said Victor as he grabbed Hope by her shoulders. "I just want you to stop sending my sister gifts and keep that BRAT in line" said Hope as she snatched away from Victor. "I am not sending Julie anything, now GET OUT" said Victor as he pushed her out and slam the door.

    Liz and Mickey was shock to see Neil in their presence. Sami explain to Lucas the history of Neil, Liz, Mickey, Maggie and Marie. "Oh, He is the reason for Aunt Maggie Booze's history" said Lucas as he and Sami walked off. "Yea part of it" said Sami. "Neil Curtis, what are you doing her" asked Mickey as he flashed back to Maggie and Neil's affair. "I am up for the Chief-of-Staff, and I need every board members support" said Neil as he glanced over Mickey's shoulder and seen Phyllis. Liz and Mickey turned around and greeted Liz and Marlena. "Doc, How are you" asked Eugene as he touched Marlena's Shoulder. "GENE, wait til Sami finds out you are in town" said Marlena as she kissed Eugene all over his head. "I just met Adult Sami Gene and her husband, leaving the OB-GYN" said Eugene as Marlena wondered why they were at Dr. Bader's, together.

    Phillip and Abby goes over some paperwork when Abby blast him for stealing Julie's plans. "Abigail, I just wanted to make my father happy" said Phillip as he looked over the designs. "Damn itm Phillip you could have came up with something on your own, I am sure Mr. K is not that hurt to please" said Abby. "You don't know my father, he is not like Jack Deveraux" said Phillip. Just as Abby looked into Phillip eyes and smiled at his dimples, The door swings open. "Phillip I have been calling you and calling you the check you sent me has been cancelled, you Jerk" said the woman with a 4 year old boy at her side. "Oh My God, Cassie DiMera" said Abby as she notices the pale white look on Phillip's face. "Its Cassie Kiriakis, Abby" she said.

    Everyone gathered in the boardroom for the meeting. Abe greeted Phyllis, Liz, Eugene, and introduced them to Lexie. Laura and Kim came in and greeted everyone and took their seats. "The board meeting is now in session said Dr. Joplin as she helped Alice up. "Alice is still lovely" whispered Eugene to Phyllis, who nods yes. "First on the Agenda, Hospital Adminstrator will be Dr. Sarah Horton, Esq. She will be joining us shortly with her expectations of the staff. She has a degree in law and medicine, so she knows the ropes." said Alice. Dr. Marlena Evans, Dr. Laura Horton, and Dr. Kimberly Brady-Collier will be over our Psychiatry ward" said Alice as she handed folders to the three of them. "Congrats, Ladies" said Eugene as everyone applauded. "Now on to the voting" said Neil sarcastically. "Not So fast, Neil" said Alice. pediatrician and ob-gyn staff will be conducted by Dr. Bader. I am still looking for you an assistant, Karen" said Alice. "Now to the voting Neil" said Dr. Joplin. "Abe, he is going to get the position, he has more experience" said Lexie "Sweetheart, have faith" said Abe as he kissed her hand. "These are your Candiates for Chief-of-Staff: Dr Neil Curtis and Dr. Alexandra Carver" said Alice as she turned the meeting over to Board President, Dr. Lenore Joplin. "Excuse me, Dr. Joplin, first off you need to know somethings about this Dr. Carver" said Neil as he pulled out a thick file and everyone looked on.

    Next Episode:
    Phillip and Cassie secret is revealed
    Roman wine and dine Nicole
    The meeting continues
    The Mystery Man hides out in Doug and Julie's penthouse

    Guest Stars:
    Liz Curtis: Gloria Loring
    Eugene Bradford: John De Lancie
    Phyllis Anderson: Marla Adams
    Laura Horton: Leslie Charleson

  3. Dr Neil Curtis
    Alice and Maggie get things together for the board meeting. "I hope the meeting goes well" said Maggie as she put the doughnuts out. "This will be a great chance for my Sarah to take the hospital back down the right path and come home to family". said Maggie. Suddenly a man walks up behind them. "Oh I didn't know my Sarah was the new adminastrator, I know I am shoo in as Chief-Of-Staff" he said, as Maggie turned around to see her former fling Dr. Neil Curtis

    Phyllis Anderson walks over to her daughter and ex-husband's graves and placed flowers on them and remembered all the good and bad times they shared. Suddenly she felt a hand on her shoulder and faced her old friend Marlena. "Marlena" she said as she hugged her friend. "Great minds think alike, I was just visiting my sweet baby D.J." said Marlena as she wiped the tears from Phyllis' eyes. "What brings you back to Salem" asked Marlena. "The board meeting, to vote on the new Chief-of-Staff and various of other positions" said Phyllis. "Oh Wonderful, so who's up for the COS position" asked Marlena. "the only name I recognized is Neil Curtis" she said as Marlena looked on in Shock.

    Doug and Julie arrived at Titan with their posposals for the new fragrance line. Suddenly Julie notice a box of imported chocolates, one blue rose, and a note on her desk. "Victor got to stop this" She thought as she stuff the note in her desk without reading it. "Darling old Vic must like the work you are doing around here" said Doug as he taste one of the Chocolates. "Julie these designs are not your best. I need you to make some improvements, PRONTO" said Phillip as he threw the designs on Julie's desk and stormed out. "BRAT" yelled Julie as she threw the Chocolates and hit Phillip!

    Jo, Jack, Jennifer, and Kate goes over some papers left in Vern's Will. "According to these documents Vern bought The Spectator from Oliver Wentworth and in the event of his death Kate will be in charge, while the two of you take on the role as Editors-In-Chief." said Jo as she pass the papers to Kate. "Oh My God, I didnt know Vern that well, but he knew it was always my dream to get this paper back from Oliver" said Kate as she scanned Vern's dying wish. "He thought highly of your work Kate" said Jo. "We are back in business, Jennifer" yelled Jack. Kate went to the bar to order some drinks for everyone and came face to face with Laura Horton!!!

    Next Episode:
    Liz Curtis and Eugene Bradford returns
    Hope gives it to Phillip and Victor
    Julie recieves more gifts
    Kate and Laura have it out
    Mickey sees Neil
    Sami gets news from the doctor.

    Guest Stars:

    Phyllis Anderson: Marla Adams
    Laura Horton: Leslie Charleson
  4. Dr Neil Curtis
    "Neil Curtis is back in town" asked Marlena as She and Phyllis walk through the cementary. "Yes, he applied for the position and he is up against a Dr. Carver" said Phyllis as she looked over her paperwork. "Yes, thats Abe Carver's wife" said Marlena. Someone standing behind a tree with black gloves clinched their fist. "All of Stefano's kids will pay for destroying my family" said the woman in her mind as Marlena and Phyllis left.

    "Katherine, how are you" said Laura sarcastically as hugged Kate. Kate pulled away and looked at Laura as if she was losing it again. "Kate, you look wonderful, who's husband are you sleeping with now" ask Laura. Kate went in for a slap, but Laura grabbed her wrist. "Kate, whats taking so long with the drinks, darling" said Jack as he pecked her on the cheek. "Oh My God, you're sleeping with Jack" yelled Laura. Laura went straight for Kate's neck.

    Hope and Ciara visit Julie at her office, when a delivery boy come in with a box of chocolates and a dozen of blue roses. "Daddy sure knows how to treat a lady" said Hope as she taste a chocolate and shared it with Ciara. "From me to you, Darling, I think its from Victor, and Phillip doesn't like it at all, he snapped on me earlier" said Julie as she played with ciara. "I will handle them, both" said Hope as she handed Ciara to Julie and stormed out. "Hope, Darling, Don't" yelled Julie.

    "Sami, the twins are healthy as a horse" said Dr. Bader as Sami and Lucas both looked surprise. "Oh My God, twins, Will is going to be so excited when he returns from Athens" said Lucas as he kissed his wife. Sami felt as if her life was coming together. "Here is your prescription, I wish you and Lucas the best, see you in two weeks" said Dr. Bader. "Thanks for everything, Karen" said Sami as Dr. Bader left for the meeting. Lucas, we got to surprise the family after the meeting" said Sami as they walked out the room. "Samantha Gene, is that you" asked a man. As Sami turned around to see Eugene Bradford and Liz Chandler!

    "These are the samples of fragrance scents and these are the bottles designs and we owe it all to my son, Phillip" said Victor in his meeting as Phillip blushed. "I be damn, those are Julie's designs and she worked hard on them" said Doug as he stood up. "He just throw those same designs on Julie's desk an hour ago and told her they weren't good enough" said Doug as Phillip tried to talk over him. "Is this true Phillip" asked Victor as John, Doug, Abby, Briscoe, and others looked on. "She didn't do them right, so I made them my own" said Phillip frighten. Board members begin to mumble and walk out, bringing embarassment to Victor's face. As Victor and Phillip begin to argue, Hope burst into the office and slap Victor, then Phillip. "You stay away from my sister, you bastard and you never blast my sister for doing her job, Junior Bastard" Said Hope as she put her hair back in place.

    Julie placed Ciara on the couch and read the card on the flowers. "Oh No it can't be" said Julie as she dropped the card. "What's Wrong grandma" asked Ciara as she ate another Chocolate. "Nothing, Dear" said Julie as she rambled through her desk to find the previous note. "Oh My God, he can't be back" said Julie. "Who can't be back" asked Doug as he walked in the office.

    "Mom, what are you doing here" said Jennifer as she pulled her mother away from Kate. "Kimberly Collier and I came for the board meeting at the hospital, but lucky I stop by here, this bitch is having an affair with your husband" said Laura as she splashed a drink in Kate's face. Laura, all of us are here together celebrating our return to The Spectator" said Jack. Laura looked at Jennifer, who nods yes. Laura apologize to Jack and gives Kate a napkin to clean up. "See you around, Katherine" said Laura as she headed off.

    "Uncle Eugene, Mrs. Curtis" said Sami as she hugged them both. "This is my husband Lucas Horton, Bill Horton's son. Lucas this is my Godfather and namesake , Eugene, and one of Salem's many songtresses, Liz Curtis" said Sami as Lucas shook hands with them. Liz looked at Lucas as if she knew him from somewhere. "Sami, Lucas" said Mickey as he came up and kissed Sami on the cheek. "Mickey we don't get a hello" said Liz as she flashed her beautiful smile. "Liz, Eugene, I heard you would be here for this year's meeting" said Mickey as he greeted them. "Do I get a hug" asked Neil as Liz and Mickey look at each other.

    next episode:

    -The Meeting begins
    -Phillip flirts with Abby, but gets a surprise
    -Victor and Hope have it out
    -Neil Plays dirty

    Guest Stars:

    Phyllis Anderson: Marla Adams
    Laura Horton: Leslie Charleson
    Liz Curtis: Gloria Loring
    Eugene Bradford: John de Lancie
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