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Posts posted by Y&R21395

  1. I just think it's safe to say that both of those stories (Patty then Kelly) might have had a chance if it weren't the same thing over and over, Victor uses them to get back at Jack.......that's why it's best Sheila stay away cause I feel like the writers would just use her to be Victor's pawn to get back at somebody.....when we know damn well that Sheila can be Victor's equal................I still wouldn't want to see them interact now, because I rather see a Victor who will look intimidated and not the horrible one we have now who just smirks at everything.....seriously if a lion was about to attack Victor would he still be smirking and ready to fight that Lion?? cause I honestly think that's what it has come to....even Eve Howard scared Victor a little....

    As much as I'd love to see Sheila return, I have to agree, I shudder to think what they'd do to her. Then again, having Kimberlin back as Sheila couldn't be any worse than having Sheila without Kimberlin (I'm looking at you, LML).

    I did actually end up seeing some more of Patty eventually, I have some 2011 episodes in my collection, I think some of them are her returning and shooting Jack at the wedding. Yeah, she sounds like she only had a one-track storyline for the entire time she was on the show. But at least they did something with her while they had her. With Kelly I was hoping we'd get so much more out of her, I was loving that rivalry between her and Phyllis and the build up to her losing it entirely.

    I did receive some more Y&R recently, these episodes are dated from August of 2003. I'm pretty sure these ones are Eva Longoria's final episodes as Isabella when she tries to kill Christine in the bathtub. She's not a character I really remember a lot of actually, I would have forgotten all about her had I not seen clips of her during the Y&R 40th anniversary interview with Doug Davidson.

  2. 1990-1993 are probably my favorite years (if you couldn't tell, haha) because of Sheila :D but I always love seeing the evil doings of David and Michael as well.We will never have as many solid villains today as we did back then which is unfortunate.

    I really wish sometimes I could snake my way into that studio and force the entire cast and crew to watch all these episodes and see if they would actually get motivated to get the show back into the quality it was under Bill Bell acting and production wise.......that's just a dream I guess......I can just see Pratt and Phelps falling asleep to all these episodes.....

    haha I'm always forgetting how evil and sinister Michael was back then. I have to say it though, I freaking loved Patty and her return in 2009. No matter how much I bag on MAB, I did love Patty's stint until the whole Sarah Smythe thing ended, sometime after that is when I tuned out for a couple of years so I never got to see what else she got up to. I thought I was going to love Kelly going crazy also, but...yeah, I think we've voiced our opinions on that already :D

    I think I've just given up any hope that Y&R will ever be Y&R again. I've found myself slacking off immensely lately and just reading spoilers to catch up on what's going on, I find myself watching B&B more these days.

  3. Thanks for all the hard work! :) I actually have to catch up with some of these uploads, but I will eventually, but keep up the good work! :)



    7/26/91 (Bill Bell's Social issues at it's finest)


    Not a problem, and thank you too once again, I'm glad to see more of 1991. From what I've seen, it's a pretty damn good year for Y&R, the Masquerade Ball being my favourite episodes. And I do love my soap psychos, so I'm being spoiled rotten with David and Sheila :D

  4. Thank you guys so much!

    Since Y&R21395 is uploading a bunch of 2005, I figured I would upload the one ep I have from Nov 17, 2005... I think I uploaded it before. Basically, I need to go through all my DVDs and start ripping new stuff like Y&Rfan23 has been doing :)

    BTW, the link for 8/17/05 isn't working for me... it says it's private. It should work if it's changed to unlisted.


    Thanks for that guys :)

    Oh, my bad, I had to re-upload that one so I totally forgot to unlist it. Should work fine now.

  5. Oh, they were talking about Brad Carlton and how he had a way with seduction and getting what he wants. Jack mentioned that Brad had an affair with Ashley I think? A lot of this was brought up between two separate conversations he had with Neil and Nick, I think Jack was alluding to a potential affair between Dru and Brad.

    Noah and Mariah are the two that I've never had an issue with for as long as they've been on, with the exception of screen time of course. I am just glad to see more of them around, it makes a change, I feel like I've barely seen them at all lately.

  6. I just finished 8/3 and 8/4

    I always have to roll my eyes at Victor easily beating everyone to a pulp......these guys are at least 30 years younger then him....come on now......At least this was before he became the monster he is now, so I can tolerate it a little, plus those guys were vicious at Nikki....so they kind of deserved it....I did laugh at Victor throwing the guy in the air....

    the Brittany baby stuff is zzzz...................I didn't realize Mac thought he was J.T's and not Bobby's......

    I'll admit I miss seeing Gloria more, though I don't want her to ever eat the show again like she did here.....the scenes with Ashley were nice and I'm surprised they were getting along here....

    I didn't know Tom had that "twang" to his voice.....he's kind of cartoonish but I prefer him more to wannabe's like Ian Ward....

    It almost sounded like he was implying he sexually abused Michael and Kevin when he said "I'll do worse"....

    I'm glad they didn't forget Brad and Lauren's relationship at this point......it's definitely a lot more mature here compared to in the past which is a nice touch, and I liked Michael sort of confiding in Brad....

    didn't care too much for the Nick and Victoria scenes......Heinle is still the same even after 10 years though I guess I will have to watch other episodes from this month to see...

    I watched 10/14, 10/17 and 10/18 today, we got a mention of Cassandra Rawlins at one point. I couldn't believe it, I had to rewind and check to see if I heard right, I never thought we'd have heard of her again after the 90s. I love those little bits of history from time to time.

    I have to say, although I'm not a fan of J.T, Britt and such, I'm handling them so much better than I am Summer and Kyle. Mariah I love, Kevin I've never had a problem with, and Abby's very surprisingly grown on me, she was the one I hated the most out of the whole bunch until recently.

    You're not missing much where Victoria's concerned. I'm bias though, Heather Tom's always been Victoria to me. I can handle Amelia, but it's like watching two totally different characters.

  7. Thanks...

    boy I know some would argue that 2005 was when the show started to go to hell, but I still think it was probably the show's last "solid" year even if it triggered lots of unpleasant things to come.....

    The Sheila story that year may have been a bust, but all the flashbacks were worth it.....I never saw part of that car scene.....I only have another short clip of the car scene where Sheila screams at Lauren to shut up, but it's about 5 seconds meshed in with other clips........It was originally uploaded by justrefined or whatever their name was.......

    Lauren seems so calm for some reason, I guess between Shawn and Lisa she was use to this by then...haha

    I always hope to get that entire week from May 4-8, 1992 myself where we see Sheila kidnap and bring Lauren to the farm....I posted all the actual farmhouse episodes but always wanted to see the full week before though of course there have been several clips posted over the years....

    I know what you mean, I meshed together a bunch of clips from the kidnapping and only ever had that five seconds worth of the car scene, it's great to finally be able to see a fair portion of it. I'd hoped to see clips from May 4-8 posted on YouTube when a user began uploading the farmhouse storyline and all the Lauren/Sheila clips from the episode with the lab catfight, but no such luck.

    The Shawn storyline's one I've only ever heard about myself, I've never actually seen it. With the exception of Lauren getting kidnapped in a cab, I think that was posted on here? I've lost count of how many times I've seen Lauren kidnapped by a psycho since I began watching, I can't believe one woman has so much bad luck. Her and Marlena Evans would make a fascinating interview.

  8. I'm not sure if we have a specific year cut-off for old Y&R, and it is a flashback, but all the same this is the most I've managed to salvage of the car scene during Lauren's kidnapping in early 1992, for anyone who's interested. May the 8th I think the date was?

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