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Posts posted by Y&R21395

  1. Not a problem :) I love those rooftop episodes, I love when Y&R goes all batsh*t crazy DOOL-style.


    Oh holy hell, really? I'm not exactly Victor's biggest fan, but I have to admit, I've actually kind of liked a lot of his scenes since the Adam reveal. There's no going back after the whole Phyllis/Marco thing though.

    I can tolerate the crazy sometimes...as long as it's done for the right occassion....

    Yeah, apparently Braeden was tired, and wanted out to do more movies.....I guess they talked him into staying....this was also before the infamous brawl he and Bergman got to so that wasn't a factor....

    It just surprises me cause I feel like Braeden always makes it known he's NOT a quitter so if this was true he obviously didn't feel that way over almost 25 years ago...then again the article got his age wrong saying he was 47, when he was 49-50 in 1991 so perhaps it was all a lie....


    Yeah, I can handle the insanity such as this that the likes of Sheila can bring, but doppelgängers and such, not so much.


    Yeah, I can't see Victor going anywhere anytime soon. Between him, Stefano and Alf Stewart on Home and Away, they're going to be around forever.

    I don't care if I ever hear the word doppelganger again LOL...

    Yeah Victor's here to stay (unfortunately).....I hoped they realized that doing the stupid Marco stuff really ruined the character more then the others have, but it's probably too late....

    Amen! It's funny, around the time when speculation was that there was 'another Jack' in GC, I thought 'No, there's no way they'd do this again. Marge, Sheila, Sugar, Sarah, Patty, there ain't no way they're pulling this card again.' And we're literally two episodes away here in Australia from that whole Marco thing going to air.

    I used to look at Victor like I look at Bill Spencer Jr, he did horrible things, but I always found him oddly likeable. Now, not so much. Ever since that whole Patty fiasco and Colleen's death.

  2. Not a problem :) I love those rooftop episodes, I love when Y&R goes all batsh*t crazy DOOL-style.


    Oh holy hell, really? I'm not exactly Victor's biggest fan, but I have to admit, I've actually kind of liked a lot of his scenes since the Adam reveal. There's no going back after the whole Phyllis/Marco thing though.

    I can tolerate the crazy sometimes...as long as it's done for the right occassion....

    Yeah, apparently Braeden was tired, and wanted out to do more movies.....I guess they talked him into staying....this was also before the infamous brawl he and Bergman got to so that wasn't a factor....

    It just surprises me cause I feel like Braeden always makes it known he's NOT a quitter so if this was true he obviously didn't feel that way over almost 25 years ago...then again the article got his age wrong saying he was 47, when he was 49-50 in 1991 so perhaps it was all a lie....


    Yeah, I can handle the insanity such as this that the likes of Sheila can bring, but doppelgängers and such, not so much.


    Yeah, I can't see Victor going anywhere anytime soon. Between him, Stefano and Alf Stewart on Home and Away, they're going to be around forever.

  3. Not a problem :) I love those rooftop episodes, I love when Y&R goes all batsh*t crazy DOOL-style.


    Oh holy hell, really? I'm not exactly Victor's biggest fan, but I have to admit, I've actually kind of liked a lot of his scenes since the Adam reveal. There's no going back after the whole Phyllis/Marco thing though.

  4. The old music cues are what I have to commend the MAB era for, at least they used them. One of my favourite scenes was Diane Jenkins floating face-down and dead in the lake, that haunting track they played was perfect, that set the tone just right. At least B&B is known to use the old music from time to time.

  5. I have been actually going through MAB's era again lately, and I cannot believe I'm saying this, but...I'm finding these episodes a lot more tolerable than I used to. She certainly had her moments. I'm finally finishing off the end of 2011, so I'm hoping 2012 is a better season.

  6. haha Not a problem. I've started uploading these to a new channel so they shouldn't be going anywhere hopefully. I've started uploading 2005 like clockwork so I should have a lot to post soon. I'll get onto Dru's final episodes immediately after also :)

  7. I wish. They've released the first 100 episodes of B&B so far here in Australia, so i was hoping Y&R would at least get a 'Best of' release. I doubt it though.

    In Region 2/Germany the entire first season/250 episodes of B&B have been released so far...

    I was tempted to purchase them instead actually, by the time they'd released the third volume here, Germany had ten volumes released.

  8. I'm amazed at how much is being taken down. I went to grab some clips from 2011 of Ronan interrogating Phyllis over the murder of Diane the other night, and found everything practically gone. And I was even more furious when I found most of the clips of Morgan's 2001 stint and Sheila's 2002 stint on B&B gone, I'd neglected to get the immediate aftermath of Sheila shooting Brooke and Taylor, and Mary visiting Sheila in prison. I'm still kicking myself about that.


    I'll certainly try. I have to upload on a different account now anyway, I have two strikes against my current one because of the Y&R/B&B clips I uploaded. 

  9. Sorry to hear about that. But if worst comes to worst, I do have all the files saved to my portable hard drive. I even have the 1992/03/06 episode with Colleen's baptism saved, I can't find that anywhere on Dailymotion now. 

  10. Gloria is just that character that I can handle only in small doses as of late. I do like the character quite a bit, but I got a tad sick of her after a while during the LML/MAB years. I can't remember how recent this scene was but it stuck with me ever since I watched it, her stopping by and paying Chelsea a visit and giving her some deep and meaningful words of wisdom. I really enjoyed that scene between those two, it reminded me a lot of Katherine to be honest.


    I do wish Scotty had stuck around after what happened with Sheila, especially when Phyllis, Summer and Fen were kidnapped and everybody banded together to help find them, he definitely had a lot more potential than just that one storyline. I think you mentioned the prospect of he and Colleen being paired together once? That I would have liked to see.

  11. LOL oh wow I thought I had blocked Billy the gambler out of my mind. If people think Burgess Jenkins is the worst they should go back and rewatch Scott Seymour! That story and the performance by Seymour was absolutely atrocious before Billy got shipped off to Hong Kong.  

    I never ever thought I would say this, but I'm at the point now where I've just accepted Jenkins is here and probably here to stay for a long time yet. I would have preferred David Tom stay on board personally, I actually liked that he returned, but that clearly was not ever going to happen.

    Davetta was indeed wonderful. Khalil was okay as the naive, annoying Lily who I think did her best work with Graziadei. Goddard has always sucked the what little life she has in her. The fact Khalil publicly insulted Sherwood ("She needs Jesus in her life!") was awful and since then I've had a disdain for Khalil and had no sympathy for her during the 2012 fiasco where she was almost fired.  In fact, she should have been but at least Mishcel Morgan has become far more dominant and Khalil been able to pull off a bitchier Lily. 

    Ouch. I don't know who she is giving pointers, to an actress that managed to make the character likeable and interesting in less than a year than Khalil has in over a decade of all people.

  12. LMAO It was just as thrilling as Billy's "gambling addiction" that lasted a whopping 11 episodes!




    Funny you should mention that, I started collecting 2012/2013 episodes of Y&R recently, I only ever had Michelle as Phyllis' final episodes up to the current episodes, and I was watching those episodes the other day and I thought I'd missed a page or something, that storyline just seemed to disappear all of a sudden. 

    I would mostly cry because it was so terribly, unbelievably bad, despite hating that Dru was written off. But Dru and Olivia are desperately missed (despite the fact that Olivia was sacrificed to the bus over and over again for 7/8 years).

    The farewell was what really got me. I'd hoped up until that point that she'd be found, and then I just assumed that this would be another case of Stefano DiMera and she would show up again in the future. What annoyed me the most was right after all that Carmen bullsh*t was finally over and done with, they wrote Dru out like that.

    Davetta was phenomenal. What Dru's daughter should be, and always should have been. CK will never be anything but a miscast joke.

    She just fit, I could really imagine that this was the daughter of Dru. I'm completely mixed when it comes to CK's rendition. What exactly happened there anyway, wasn't Davetta fired in favour of CK wanted to return or something?

    I'll watch those episodes, LOL.....I know this sounds so obsessive but I remember from some of the Pheila clips that used to be or possibly still on youtube, that I loved getting to hear all the other Y&R characters at least refer to Sheila by name, even if it wasn't really "her"...........it was fun getting to hear Jill of all people  tell Ji Min about Sheila's past, and of course Sharon talking about her too throughout the episodes....

    haha That was pretty neat actually getting to hear everybody mention her by name. There were some things in that storyline I genuinely liked. Even Michelle at times sold the creep factor pretty well. I loved the scene where Michael first discovers her in the warehouse, one minute she's playing the hysterical victim, then after Paul convinces him to call Phyllis, he turns back around to the cell and Sheila's done a complete 180 in personality and is just standing there staring and giving him that devilish smirk. That and after Sheila's escaped, when she shows up on Phyllis' doorstep, good freaking god!! The nitpicker in me however can't help but think of the exact same scene the year before when Sugar showed up on Scotty's doorstep to kill him :3

    and OMG I always get the biggest laugh out of Dru's fall off the cliff...not because we possibly lost her forever but because of CK's OTT screaming.....lord what terrible acting, and you can so see how thrilled she looks behind that face....CK not having to deal with VR anymore.....

    I know what you mean, I thought I was the only one put off by her during that scene. I didn't really pick it up until I saw those scenes again years later, I just remember at the time being horrified that that Dru and Sharon could both be dead. I'm just going to throw it out there, I really wish they'd kept Davetta Sherwood on as Lily. I found her a much more interesting character compared to CK's portrayal.

    Tonya Lee Williams was so royalty screwed by Y&R.....she should still be on, but they refuse to even acknowledge Olivia anymore...


    Yeah, that sounds like the current Y&R I know. I don't even remember her leaving to tell you the truth, I was probably off the show by this point. I think the last time I remember seeing her was when Liz Foster passed away? And when Malcolm returned to GC, when they'd recast him with Darius McCrary.

    The aftermath of Dru's death was actually fairly disappointing. Onscreen before got any of the 2013 backstory Neil got drunk one single time and then Olivia showed up to tell to stop it and Neil was all like "Sorry Liv, I slipped up" and the story simply ended. 

    I just remember the farewell where she 'died' and that's it really. Probably for the better now that you mention that.

  14. haha I had almost forgotten exactly just how campy Michelle was as Sheila. And I have to admit, mainly because I just refuse to buy that this is was the real Sheila, I'm actually enjoying these episodes, they are absolutely freaking hilarious. 


    Yeah, Dru's exit was worthy of quite a few tears. I seem to miss her and Olivia more and more as time goes by.

  15. I'm actually amazed at how tolerable I'm finding Victor in these episodes compared to the subsequent ten years. And oh, those asylum scenes stuck with me for years after I saw them, I never got the image of Kimberlin behind the mirror out of my head. Super creepy. And as for Dru, seeing her in these episodes probably depresses me more than anything to be completely honest. Not too far away from her demise by this point.


    Oh, speaking of that, I can't remember if I mentioned it in the past, but I have episodes from late 2006 to around April of 2007. Dru's final episodes are all in there, that whole Pheila thing, etc, I can upload those too if anybody wants them?

  16. I can't even remember when exactly it was that Y&R took a nose-dive into utter mediocrity, but going back and watching some of these December 2006 episodes just now, Latham was definitely in full swing by this point. Dare I say it, I think I dislike these episodes more than I do anything that's been shown in the last three years. I haven't bothered to save any episodes after Dru's memorial service up until Katherine's final episode to present.


    I had the same opinion on Jack and Phyllis as a couple until GT took over the role. Something about those two together, they bounce off each other better for me. As for Victoria, I try my best not to compare AH to HT, but my god does the prospect of it challenge me every time I see her character lately. Oh well, HT seems happy at B&B, so good on her.

  17. As much as I like 2005/early 2006, these episodes are very haunting, knowing LML and MAB are practically right around the corner, and also what awaits everyone in the near future, such as Dru, John Abbott, Sharon/Phyllis, the whole Pheila fiasco. It's amazing how fast the show shifts in quality between the beginning and end of 2006.

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