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Everything posted by Sweet_VeeVee24

  1. I hava feeling that Steele and Ric both will come up short in trying to get Sonny on murder charges; Zander doesn't even remember for sure what he saw, and the more I think about it, the minute that he does remember, it most likely will not be Sonny that killed his father. Looking forward in reading this story.
  2. I have a bad feeling that this won't stick as Zander hopes. I like surprised Sonny was to be hauled off to the police station, robe and all...it was priceless....If Sonny is out of the way (that is if it sticks) then Jason will be solo to deal with not only Ric but Zander and anyone else for that matter. This could be really good
  3. My jaw dropped on the ground when I read the words "Sonny Conrinthos"......Looks like some more irons have been thrown into the fire....Loved how you created the scenerio where it's not even known who was being talked about till the very end.
  4. I won't even lie....the only thing I was focused on was the passionate love scene for Zander and Emily...Yes, I read the Jason/Elizabeth scene, but I was still thinking about Zander reassuring his wife that they could make love that night. You did a wonderful job with this episode....very excellent.
  5. I can see that someone is gearing up for a little lovin at the safe house I am glad that Zander did take heed to Ric's words and called off whatever he had planned. Looking forward to seeing what developes tomorrow.
  6. I like a man that has a diehard determination to settle the score.....Gotta love Zander and Ric's relationship.....and love that Emily isn't some wilting flower that just automatically listen to her husband; I like that she has a mouth and knows how to speak her mind, especially when the safety of her husband and son are concerned.
  7. So, did Zander set Jason up? I was wondering about this after the first few episodes... I'm waiting to see some more Det. Steele and to see Sonny possibly having a face-to-face with Zander. Great episode
  8. I have to say, I was at the edge of my seat reading as to what would happen in the Chez Rouge fire.....I at first thought that Julie would go running in there; and then Doug would have to save them both...but it's a twist to see that Julie and Hope are on the outside praying that their loved ones make it out safe. My heart ache's for Bo....it seems like he is spiralling out of control and even Hope can't help him.
  9. I was hoping that after Emily made the crack "Yeah, didn't think so" Elizabeth would have hauled off and slapped her.... I still liked the heated exchange between the two of them....excellent episode, Jen.
  10. This detective sounds like a cross between Durant and Scotty...based on the cockiness that oozes out of him in his scenes with Ric and Zander...I think I'm looking forward to seeing if he will make a bee-line for Sonny/Jason...
  11. I wonder who's watching Det. Steele....Rick perhaps? I liked that this episode focused primarily on Zander as he was released...Zander is true to form, not letting a stay in the hospital keep him from wanting to get back to work.
  12. I'm glad that you pointed/focused on the strained friendship for Emily and Elizabeth...I can imagine that it will grow even more estranged, with the help of other people. Also loving seeing Ric...Will he play a vital role in Zander's situation? Plus too, with Sonny in the midst, even more trouble will be spilling over. I'm loving seeing friendships being tested, and it was very well written how Emily and Elizabeth reacted to one another.
  13. Jake really holds my attention....Gotta love when both Emily and Elizabeth step up to the plate and tell the Detective that their husbands won't be talking to him anytime soon... Will we be seeing Alex and Ric anytime in this story?
  14. Oh wow...Jason has no recollection of what went down.....This could be interesting to see what he will suddenly remember when seeing Emily, when she pays him a visit
  15. Ooooh I wanted Emily to slap the taste out of Sonny's mouth when he came down the aisle of the chapel....This is twice as hard for Emily, considering that she's married to the man who hates her brother; and both are in the hospital; one fighting for his life. I loved how the whole story weaves around both Emily and Elizabeth finding out what's happening with their guys. And did I read right? Amy? That name sounds so familiar to me.
  16. Sweet_VeeVee24

    S&L: Episode 130

    Things will continue to be presented to Jason..so keep an eye out
  17. When Emily's demeanor changed, I thought at first she was going to lash out at Elizabeth for what happened. The whole hospital scene was tense...both girls waiting for the fate of their husbands...I can see there will be major fall out; that can possibly put a rift in the solid friendship Emily and Liz have.
  18. I like how you have both Elizabeth and Emily at different areas of town worried about the men in their lives.... I can't wait to see how things unfold for Zander, and also what happens regarding Jason.
  19. Long isn't always a bad thing Jen, especially when dealing with a lot of interaction scenes; etc. I think I'm going to love how things unfold for Zander...Also love the fact that some of my favorite characters are in this one as well... When I first started reading, i honestly thought the first part was Zander/Elizabeth lol....This is very good
  20. I am not liking Alan at all...he's a smarmy little something.... As always I see Victor always finding some sort of way to manipulate those he loves; and I somehow can sense that with his discussion with Philip... The Marlena stuff gets tricky each time I read it...Marcy? I'm going to have to focus on this storyline a bit more.
  21. Sweet_VeeVee24

    S&L: Episode 125

    Well, thank you Jen...I take and accept your compliment
  22. I absolutely can't stand Cassie...the sooner she is found out, the better...Chelsea better wise up and fess up to Abby and Max; she's made things worse, but Cassie sitting in a hospital bed, thankful that she lost a baby just to get Max back is beyond morbid. The Abby/Billie scenes were great...She was dead on when she said that Jack and Billie may be close friends, but they are closer than they truly care to admit...I actually could see Abby wanting to give her blessing for them to be together, despite what she did to them in the past. I know I've missed reading some eppies and I'm sorry, but Marlena is tripping me out...Never thought I could see a cold and calculated Marlena in a fan fiction...It's pretty interesting to see.
  23. Now I am curious as to who set Greystone on fire....Sonny, perhaps? Whoever did it, it was an excellent way to create tons of fallout for all those involved in this story. I hope Zander was not in that area when the explosion took place...I guess I will have to sit on the edge of my seat to see what takes place
  24. Sweet_VeeVee24

    S&L: Episode 122

    Top Two Things I Liked About the eppy: 1. Monica getting blind-sided by David...Here she thought it was Ms Lucy Coe, but didn't even think that David would have the upper hand...Question is? What will she do to keep David's lips sealed? 2. The Lorenzo/Jason /Sonny saga...Anytime I can read where Jason is getting bitch slapped a bitch, I'm happy.
  25. WOW!.....Trevor and Faith had a thing going on too? This was an excellent scene to actually visualize them out on the docks.. Durant is just so smarmy and I absolutely love it.
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