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Posts posted by Vee

  1. He brought jack [!@#$%^&*]. He embarrassed himself at the veep debate, then completely disappeared.

    I can't imagine whose idea he was. They claim it was Romney's, but I think it was a Koch Brothers gambit. Rumor was they promised a big payday if he picked Ryan, the right wing darling.

  2. I get really fuckin' annoyed when the Morning Joe crew mocks Howard Dean for talking about ongoing voter suppression and poll [!@#$%^&*]-ups in Ohio. "Oh, you're setting that up." It is happening on the ground, and it happened before. I don't think it'll be anywhere near enough to stop Obama from taking the state, but it infuriates me when these people pretend like this is some crazy fringe issue.

    They need it to be to avoid having to ask real questions and take an honest look at the Republican Party beyond all this ancient "hail fellow well met" [!@#$%^&*] that only exists in their fantasy bubble. They sit in a heated studio with hot coffee and designer clothes while real Americans sit in the cold and wait for one or two blinkered machines or deal with voter intimidation. It's real easy to pretend the rest of the world is just like you and your 'bipartisan' cocktail parties when you refuse to actually deal with anything that might ruffle your beautiful minds.

    They also were whining and bitching about Nate Silver this morning, whose honest analysis will put them all out of a job over time. Pimping some editorial by a Bush speechwriter about how Silver's "cold, sterile" analysis discounted character, voters' feelings and "the issues." Because as we know, these morning pundits are such fans of discussing the issues.

  3. Trust me, the media adored John McCain. He'd been courting them for years on his campaign bus and at various events designed to charm them. He was a war hero, he made them feel rugged and masculine by association. They loved him to death. "Good news for John McCain" became a punchline throughout the 2008 campaign. There's a reason he's still consistently a favorite of the Sunday morning Beltway press shows, despite being increasingly angry and irrational. He's a Beltway sweetheart. But eventually most of them could not ignore the train wreck of the last two months of the campaign.

  4. Sandy is just the rationale for another crushing Republican defeat for some in the Beltway press circle that refuse to believe Democrats can win on values, strength, issues and popularity. Obama was up well before that, and I think most people know that.

    In other news, 10-year-old Sophia Bailey Klugh wrote to the President for advice on how to deal with people teasing her at school about her two dads. The President responded.

    The original letter, which is adorable, should be linked in turn at the link.

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