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Posts posted by BetterForgotten

  1. 23 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    i think it's a positive sign they are giving these kids personalities finally although I think I would still recast a few.  Rocco is the only one I am truly sold on.

    Finn Francis Carr (Rocco) more than held his own with the veteran performers he’s had scenes with. He’s definitely a step above the actors playing Danny, Jake, and especially Aiden. Some of them could probably develop to be better than they are now, true, but Carr definitely has a different screen presence. He should have had as much screen time as Danny and Jake have had lately.

  2. Generations was just a showcase for how Sally Sussman Morina’s ambitions just couldn’t make up for her innate lack of storytelling talent. Representation aside, that show was very flawed.  
    Oddly, it only seemed to get moving a bit when former AMC EP Jorn Winther was hired to come on board, but it was too little, too late by that point. 

  3. I’m still puzzled why Sonny sought out Ava in the first place and why she’s earned trust with him (unless he’s on to her and playing her too), but that’s just me. These stories are always repetitive with Sonny and Jason, so hard to invest until we know both characters are being written out or due for a serious downfall (which won’t happen).

    Agreed with the others who said the kid playing Rocco is much more natural and confident than the other boys on the show. I didn’t feel like I was watching a young actor trying to act in his scenes yesterday and that’s a good thing. 

  4. It wasn’t even the original intention for Generations to have a black core family to begin with. That suggestion came from Brian Frons of all people, who green lit the show when he was in charge of NBC Daytime.

    Sally Sussman Morina was also way over her head with little creative talent to steer her own show, but that’s another story. 

  5. It was also never believable that women like Olivia and Sam would ever be friends with someone like Carly. One of the  problems with LW’s Carly is that they tried to make it seem like everyone wanted to be best friends with her, when in reality, it was always difficult for this character to make friends (especially female friends). 

    I hope that tension continues long after it’s officially known Jason didn’t shoot Dante.

  6. The acting and dialogue was so bad in those Jake/Danny fight scenes. Teenage boys don’t speak like that. 

    I think I spit out the water in my mouth when Aiden barged in with, “Stop! You guys are family! Don’t do this to each other!” As if the two were fighting over his affection. 😆 All that poor kid wants to do is bake his cookies in peace! 

  7. It’s normal and expected when a new regime comes in to want to build a team of your own, and that’s also coupled with shrinking budgets and greater financial strain on these shows.

    Peace could have simply been the writer whose contract was up first that PM/EK didn’t see the need to renew - again, because they want to build their own team or because of financial strain causing them to reduce staff.

    This happens all the time - the optics suck, but I think the bigger issue these soaps have never and continue to do a poor job of hiring and mentoring diverse creative talent in the first place. 

  8. 8 minutes ago, Khan said:

    What if Elizabeth Korte and Patrick Mulcahey are about to pull a Josh Griffith and handle all the breakdown/outline-writing duties themselves?

    Possible that EK/PM plan to eliminate one breakdown role (or two) and write some themselves. When PM was on a HW-ing team with Curlee and Demorest at GL, occasionally they’d all take turns in writing some breakdowns. 

  9. 13 minutes ago, Contessa Donatella said:

    We don't know that it will have no impact. Theoretically, for example, if a weak writer was replaced by a stronger writer, then, yes, the new writer would write better breakdowns. 

    I meant in terms of story direction, which was clearly stated in my post. Also, on average, most breakdown writers write like one breakdown a week - so again, not a huge impact to the overall show.

  10. Peace has no say in story direction regardless - she was just a day to day breakdown writer. Unless she had the stature of Mulcahey himself (in previous roles) or what Michele Val Jean once had (which she doesn’t), this will have no impact on the overall show or the characters featured (unless PM/EK or Valentini/ABC have plans we’re not yet familiar with). 

  11. I did check NAC’s Instagram, he’s still following some people from GH (the actor playing TJ is who I spotted) just not Taby. But who cares?

    Beyonce doesn’t follow her mom (or many people for that matter) - am I to assume Beyonce and Tina Knowles had a falling out too?  

  12. 35 years ago this week ABC aired the Oprah Winfrey produced and starring miniseries ‘The Women of Brewster Place’ based on the novel of the same name by Gloria Naylor. It was a massive ratings success for ABC that year and arguably happened when Oprah was at the peak of her cultural popularity. 






  13. 1 hour ago, Faulkner said:

    And while some of the dialogue is richer, the still-apparent, slapdash FV pacing undermines a lot of it for me.

    I've said it before, but Valentini produces this show in a very sterile manner that totally neuters any emotion or feeling. I don't care that he's supposedly a budget master keeping the show on the air - as a producer, his taste in actors suck, and his aesthetic/production taste makes the show lack any emotional resonance. 

    In some ways, I feel for EK/PM - they've inherited crap from Chris and Dan, have to deal with a awful producer like Valentini, and likely will not have network support on their side for very long. 

  14. 1 hour ago, Faulkner said:

    And, frankly, like others have said, a lot of the actors aren’t cutting it. I cringe watching Evan Hofer try to emote. Donnell Turner is out to lunch, and we can’t even thirst over him. This show needs to clean house.

    There's a huge problem with the younger actors on this show - the actors playing Danny, Jake, and Aiden can't carry large story, and barely look like they can remember their lines. They've been awful IMO over the last two weeks. Eden McCoy is never going to mature into a great actress, and Tabyana Ali is also very green. 

  15. I remember when I first watched LOVING and thought it was a watered down version of AMC. I think my first memories were of Lisa Peluso's Ava and thinking to myself "who is this woman pretending to be Erica Kane?" 

    LOVING's problem seemed to be the rotating creatives in charge - no idea why a show that lasted about 12 years had to go through 9 different EP's and even more HW-ing regimes. Seemed to me there was never much faith in the show and ABC kept it on as long as it did out of obligation to Agnes Nixon. 

    That said, its often generic brand of soap storytelling looks so much more appealing today when daytime is in the condition it's in. And despite the low ratings, the show always visually looked good and did cast some charismatic actors during its run. 

  16. 1 hour ago, Khan said:

    LOVING really was a throw-anything-at-the-wall-and-see-what-sticks kind of show, wasn't it?

    Poor Agnes tried so hard to make it happen too, coming in and out at various times (more than she did at her other shows really), pressing ABC hard to take RH’s timeslot, and it still couldn’t get itself together for very long. But strangely, this and The City are the only shows she maintained ownership over and never sold to ABC. 


    Bless Millee Taggart, who came in and out of this show as well. Never a brilliant writer by any stretch, but a safe one that’s enjoyable enough without being offensive. 

  17. On 3/18/2024 at 10:59 AM, Contessa Donatella said:

    Cady McClain has won 3 Daytime Emmys for 3 different roles, on 3 different shows, on 3 different networks. I think it is singular. 

    For Actresses, yes, but Justin Deas already accomplished that feat before.

    And technically, Ellen Wheeler has won 3 different Daytime Emmy’s for 3 different categories. Younger Actress for Vicky/Marley on AW, Supporting Actress for Cindy on AMC, and as EP of GL when they won Outstanding Drama Series. 

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