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Posts posted by partyperson25

  1. Everybody loves Tracy smile.png


    Character Rebound of the Year

    Tracy Quartermaine, General Hospital

    Were also terribly grateful for the character rebound of Tracy Quartermaine. Not only has her screentime increased twenty-fold, shes actually had real storylines of her own, has been taken seriously, and has been appreciated for how hot and awesome she is (while losing absolutely zero percent of her edge). While the Quartermaines as a whole have started to creep back from the brink of extinction, the prominence of Tracy has been the most delightful of all.



    Tracy Quartermaine, General Hospital - We love Jane Elliot! This year the uber-talented fan favorite, brought Tracy back to the forefront, thanks to Cartini!

    First off Catini did nothing whatsoever. Secondly,Jane has always been awesome. Lastly,too bad hey notice her awesomeness just freaking now??!?!?

    Ms.Q cute cat

    I'd say more about the latest posts on here but unfortunately I'm too lazy,lol

  2. I'm actually going to go back further and go with summer of 2007 and that November/December when Luke had his heart attack...Yeah, she had bad hair days during that time, but overall, I thought it was good. As for the shorter hair, it was December 2008 when it looked pretty good in my opinion. It was around the time Tracy went to the Dominican Rebublic but never got the divorce, and then, she and Luke ended up arguing at the mansion ("Get out before I throw you out"), and then they made up on New Year's Eve.

    Agree. I mean I L♥ved her hair in 2007 but if she HAD to cut it it should've stayed in the 08-09 era,ya know. And did ya have a good Christmas?

  3. ^^^ I know, I know. I just have very strong feelings about Jane's hair. As you all know, I still miss the oomph. I am OK with the shorter hair, though, as long it's not super short and so flat. Believe it or not. tongue.png

    Lol hair problems. She should've kept her hair from 08-09. Tsk,tsk,tsk

  4. I'm glad Tracy wins but I don't see how Michael can use his shares or whatever since Carly controls his until he is 25. Whatever, I don't care as long as she is on. Also, can we believe that it's more than a coincindence that GH's numbers were down last week and there was no Tracy!?! smile.png

    Lol. But last week/this week (i guess) was pretty dull,with the exception of Lynn

  5. Friday's Tracy/Robert scenes made me remember these scenes of them from June 2006:




    Robert: Luke knows there’s a lot of heat between us. That night in the Markham Islands, when he caught us in the sack together, he finally realizes that he cannot live without you…

    Tracy: Well, you do have a certain — aboriginal magnetism to you.

    Robert: Rawwr.


    Robert: You underestimate yourself, my little love machine.

    God I lurve them together!!!! They are beyond amazing actors,doesn't it apply to all GH vets? And I L♥VE those scenes!!! I only saw parts though not the whole episode.

  6. Just felt like posting an excerpt of my Immortal souls story because of how much I love the way I used the dialogue.

    "Don't get yourself killed." Tracy called out as Emily walked out the door.

    "Tracy." Monica warned.

    "Monica,your fangs are showing."

    "Good one wife." Luke laughed.

    "I thought you were on a low-blood diet."

    "So did I. You really should watch your soul intake,Tracy."

    "Oh please Monica when was the last time you actually went out and killed for yourself. Alan,A.J,even I,sometimes bring you home your much needed blood. I'm surprised that you can actually fight for yourself." Monica rolled her eyes.

    "You're just lucky that Skye isn't living here anymore. She would've brought some other werewolf here to tear you to shreds."

    "Me? She would've torn you apart as well as I,and speaking of Skye,why didn't you get rid of her long before? Oh and another thing,Skye would've never beat me in a fight. I'm an immortal,don't you remember? Being mixed under these circumstances is rare,much less forbidden."

    "We don't need a reminder."

    "Well you just got one." The two crossed their legs and just rolled eyes at each other.

  7. Nooooooooooo. sad.png

    Looking forward to Tracy/Robert tomorrow. smile.png

    Wanted to share this that I made... I love her laugh... And miss the hair!!!!!!


    Who doesn't?!(Miss her hair) Always loved her shoes and make-up.

    I'm so physically and mentally drained right now. I need a massage therapist! I'm surprised my brain NEVER gets tired under all the stress,pressure and demands it's put under,I'm sorry brain! I've been standing for the past 4-5 hours doing a project,only now I'm sitting. Sorry about ranting on my stress induced brain.

    Anyway,I've posted like 3 stories on FF.net. If anyone's intrested here are the links and a short description of each,they are all Tracy based.

    Life Without you:Series-A different take on the Metro court crisis


    Immortal Souls-Fantasy type story/Scifi. Something different


    Scandal:Unleashed Passions- Another different take on romance. Again it's different


  8. Thanks nex for the birthday wishes.

    partyperson, my bithday was a normal day, nothing out of the ordinary, but tonight (day after my birthday), my family and I went out to eat.

    Tracy/Sam/AJ were fun today, I agree. I laughed when AJ saw Tracy, the teddy bear, and the tea and was like, "Are you and your friend gonna have a tea party?" Then, Tracy said "Maybe, and you're not invited." And then later, when he showed up, she was all, "I said you weren't invited!" laugh.png

    I was thinking that maybe Tracy wouldn't be so obvious by sucking up to Sam, but then I know there's been a couple of references in the past that subletly wasn't her strong suit...I know Ned told her that once, and I forgot when else it was mentioned.

    Tracy getting all excited and talking to Danny was so funny! I wish there had actually been a baby in that stroller for that part, just to see his reaction..."I have somebody who wants to meet you! Do you want to meet him? His name is Mr. Bear..." I'm actually not sure if there was a baby or not for that bit, but I'm thinking no or else they would have shown him...

    Was not expecting McBain to show up and briefly question Tracy about Joe Jr. I thought that story was over and done with. He was working for Faison, right? (who we thought was Duke) in addition to Jerry Jacks.

    Previews tomorrow show AJ/Michael/Diane with AJ inquiring about jail time... I know AJ is a lead and Tracy is supporting, but part of me is wondering if this ELQ story is going to be focused on AJ/Sam more so than AJ/Tracy/Sam.

    I agree Ms.Q,I think that Sean and Jane work wonderfully together! I also believe that Jane and Kelly are natural mothers,even though Kelly isn't a mother she looks pretty good with a baby in her arms,just not pregnant. I even made a faname for the two,Kelliot! Kelly+Elliot=Kelliot! I l♥ve it

  9. Thanks partyperson, hooked, and halee for the birthday wishes. smile.png

    halee, it did get better, thank goodness. I think I had pulled a muscle in my forearm, and that's what was causing the pain.

    I think Tracy is in the day by day spoilers for tomorrow, so she should be on. smile.png

    Np!! How'd you spend your birthday?

  10. Thank god this is the last day of Llandview peeps for a while! Get off of our show! Nobody cares about you Blair or Tea! (or starr for that matter)

    EXACTLY!!! This is gh NOT oltl. If you wanted to keep the characters on why'd you cancel the show in the first place? In the meantime....


  11. knh, fingers crossed. smile.png

    partyperson, you are totally fine with your obsessing. This is the Tracy thread. We have over 1400 pages of obsessing, and it would be more had the forum hadn't crashed in the past. But if you're worried, just pick a random page in this thread, and find one of my posts. Chances are I'll be writing about Tracy's wardrobe and listing the other dates she last wore it - haha... I was really obsessed with that in the past.

    Actually, I was obsessed with a lot of things Tracy-related. I used to have episode dates memorized. I could tell you the date, what Tracy was doing, what she was wearing, and what her hair looked like. I'm unable to do that now though. I've lost my touch. laugh.png

    Lol I think I gained your power. I know almost everything there is to ever is to know about gh,almost everything.

    And Tracy...you wouldn't believe me if i told you that I NEVER knew she had long hair or sons or a mother(on -screen) or a brother....

  12. knh Fingers Crossed!! And I agree on the hair thing lol,its not like she can't not grow it back out?

    Damn...I'm listeening to Molly's speech on her story and it reminds mw of Tracy (and Luke) because she said,"It's the kind of love that hurts. the kind of love that you can't do without. It makes you feel stupid because you keep coming back for it. Thinking maybe this time it'll be different,this time it'll work..."

    Works right?

  13. Lol Ms.Q !! When Aj did that I laughed my ass off,mean and immature but my friend and I do that too...sometimes. But it's hilarious,everyone has that immaturity. And sorry for before I have Tv obsession issues,lol. I just absolutly HATE Skye!!! Carly should've slapped her harder....way harder

  14. I'M SO....AAARRRGGGGGGG!!!!! Yesterday REALLY,REALLY pissed me off!!! I mean [!@#$%^&*] SKYE ALWAYS gets on my damn last nerve! She really just needs to [!@#$%^&*] fall off a cliff,or get shot or stabbed or ran over or get killed by Tomas or Alcazar or whoever he is?!?!?!!!!! EVERY year does she HAVE to mess up someone's life??!?!? Tracy's in particular?!??!!? And FREAKING MELISSA @!$#ING RYCROFT WON DWTS??!?!? KeMo didn't frreaking win!!! Im so @#$@%@%$%#^#!%$^$!#^$%&*&$#@!$!@^&&*(%$#!#@$#^# MAD!!!! mad.gifjeal0002.gif

    Obseession issues....sorry.....

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