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Posts posted by partyperson25

  1. I agree that you can tell they've really toned back the closeness factor in Luke and Tracy's relationship, but I think that may be a personal decision by the actors because you can see JE reacting in the background on Luke's call to Anna (even before the overt "bony" crack). These two are pros enough that they can turn that chemistry on whenever they want to inject it into a scene no matter what dialogue they're given so I'm going with personal acting choice.

    He was sick,lets give him a break and hope that this wont last long,or at all for that matter. Because if they aren't as close as they were when he came back (at Kelly's) ,like the usually are,I will overreact on my own terms...
  2. Connie referred to Tracy as her BFF. I am really enjoying Connie and Tracy's relationship. wub.png

    I know this might be unpopular around here, but the last couple times Luke and Tracy were onscreen together, I haven't been that excited. Of course it's always a pleasure when Tracy is onscreen, and I thought the small exchange regarding Edward's death was good, but everything else? Not so much. ph34r.png

    Mwah too!!!

    I kinda feel the same. It KILLSSS!!! But of course I ♥ LuNacy!!! Their scenes weren't like,usual...If ya know what I'm saying? But I will fight to the death!!!

    Anywho,you don't post as much as you used to sad.png And ik you have like work and you're busy and stuff...but that's why I never bugged you for the vids...Have you forgotten? And as I said before (if you remembered) don't worry,as long as you remember to send them,I can wait smile.png

  3. No, she's right - a recast is probably something worth looking at. We start with the reality that JE has chemistry with everyone that crosses her path, and move up from there.

    IMO it wasn't even that SC had great mother/son chemistry with JE, it was the whole Spencermaine family just worked exceptionally well. It's right up there with the Jones, Scorpio and Q families as far as ensembles. Any combination was fabulous, and when the lot were together it was off the charts.

    I'm not strong enough for that!

    And I miss the days of 05 thru 07 (very early 08). I miss the dynamic that the families had back in the day. And speaking of Spencermaine's,Ethan was IMO,the (older) son (or daughter(again IMO,they should've had) that Luke and Tracy never had. He was the mix of both of them. That's just me though.

  4. Scott Clifton, however, is on contract at B&B and I find it unlikely he'll come back. I wouldn't mind a recast Dillon at all, though. Enough time has passed that it could be believable. We would just need another person who has great mother-son chemistry with JE.

    WAHHT?!!???! IMPOSIBLE!!!

    No one can top that first mother/son relationship with a recast! I'd die if there were recast forthat one of a kind ship

  5. [quote name="remos" post="1183171" timestamp=

    I'd like Ned and Dillon back too, unfortunately the reality is both actors are employed elsewhere. I can't ever see them making Connie a Q, but I do like the dynamic between Connie and Tracy.

    Of course! On both ends I want them back and I love the new girlfriends ;)

  6. I don't think it's even a case of "keep the faith", I think it's all going to come down to whether or not these writers actually know how to tell a real story, OR if they are going to go for the cheap points. If it's cheap, we're going to be force fed the drivel and I hope TG retires for his own sake. If we are going to get real story, the writers won't go for the easy. Unfortunately, reading around the dial on this show and others, most fans (at least those online) don't care much for actual story and development, they just want the comfy, familiarity of yesteryear, or if not that, they want the quick pairing without logic, so long as they are paired. Personally, that kills the show for me. I don't think nostalgia is the best place to live.

    The thing is though,ALOT and when I say ALOT I mean a-freakin'-lot!! Of GH fans want some sort of L&L reunion/interaction. Whether it be a small talk,just together as/with family (not as a couple) or as a couple. So the writters are gonna give that to them,more than likely not as a couple. I will start to tolerate RC/FV when and if they do not pair L&L back together. And Genie didn't even want that,so why force it upon them if they aren't gonna give it their all? Of course writters are writters and actors are actors but that doesn't mean they can't leave when they want to. And Genie came back for something bigger than L&L. Though she may have been fired from Y&R wouldn't mean she had to come back to GH. So do you see my point? Genie didn't sign up for another L&L reunion. After all of this PC/Vamp arc/SL is over we will for sure find out the result of this L&L ramble.

  7. He's actually natural with the rest of the Adventure Gang, natural with his kids, even natural with the Adventure Gang's kids. But wow is it different when he's stuck in a scene with laura/GF. JE really needs to be put into that Adventure Gang, and if they must have GF there, have her with the hospital crew or some other domestic stuff. Luke's character has to change way too much, and he ends up being gutted.

    Well we always keep the faith so watevs =P

  8. You know, aside from the fact that I've never liked any character GF has played, ever (soap, miniseries, movie-of-the-week), I can't stand that TG's Luke can't be free of that albatross. The poor guy's career has suffered terribly. Sure he's made money as Luke, but he's an actor who wasn't able to go very far because of the notoriety. On principle headlines like that make me want to puke - and that's before I start to tap into my dislike of the hype around that pairing. With any luck the "reunion" is a hello at Kelly's, and nothing else. TG always looks like he's got a stick up his ass when he has to work with GF as it is. Compare that to how natural it is with JE, and my dislike just explodes.

    TBH,it does look like he tries too hard when he's with GF but you can totally tell the diff w/ JE

  9. A little more trashy than Tracy - although Tracy can do 'trash' as well.

    I bet she can

    Just saw LuNacy from yesterday. Man, those two are the most natural thing going. I love it when they are scheming like that, and Tracy taking the food from Luke's fork was so cute - speaks to how deeply connected they are. LuNacy working together is always a beautiful thing.

    And I knew Luke and Tracy wouldn't be left without an Edward reference. The writers have it on the money, nothing would keep Luke from Tracy except Luke being locked away (or TG needing medical attention in another continent). Now that the two are in it together, I'm starting to get interested in this story.

    Why wouldn't you be interested? And that was cute wub.png I also loved the music in the background,it fit.

  10. I know the whole age thing is off, considering the recast Kate/Con is quite a bit younger than the character, but when Kate The First arrived in PC years ago, I thought she would make a perfect Long Lost for Tracy. Now I'm thinking Connie would make an even better one.

    Oh totally! Connie just reminds me of Tracy. Without all the flashy make-up,accent,wardrobe and false sex drive.

  11. Saw the Tracy/Connie stuff from the last few days, and I'm really liking the dynamic between the two. Love how Connie is calling Tracy on her ish, all the while offering her support. I think there is quite the power dynamic there. Also like the Luke reference. No matter what, Tracy and Luke are connected and I'm happy to see the new regime hasn't thrown them totally under the bus.

    And Sonny getting the blame was hilarious. All those years he was the Teflon Don, and now he's getting hit when he truly is taking the high road.

    YESS!! I ♥ them now!! After watching the scenes and thinking about it for a while they are totally alike and also after today's show when Sonny was confronting her (i guess) it did remind me of Tracy. They're new girlfriends lol! BFF's!!! But I do love them biggrin.png

  12. I liked the Connie/Tracy scenes... I thought it was kind of weird for them to be opening up in front of each other since they barely know each other, but I still enjoyed the scenes. There was a lot of emotion from both ladies, and I liked that Tracy was sympathetic. Connie totally did not fall crying into Tracy's arms though... It was just her shoulder. Just an observation.

    Also - did anyone else think Tracy was going to mention her own abortion after Connie brought up aborting Trey? I was like, "Oh my goodness. Tracy is really getting a long lost child. This is foreshadowing!!" But then she didn't mention it at all.

    So awesome to see so much Tracy lately. I know it seems crazy that she is destroying the company, but it's fun to see her like this.

    OMG!! YES,YES,AND YES!!! I really,really,really loved the Tracy/Connie scenes! I need more of them,maybe because I always loved Connie from the begining,Kate was too bland IMO. The teen pregnancy and abortion thing really got a reaction out of Tracy,I wish they wrote it to where she'd talk more about it. They would've just put cherries with sprinkles,chocolate and whipped cream (not to mention the whipped cream vodka!) on top for me!! Just amazing! I really liked the dialouge too.


    "He died?"

    "No,he left me for someone else."

    "WHAT?! Who is this lowlife rat?"


    Really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really,really l♥ved that. I think they NEED more scenes. I'm pretty sure Connie took her as a mother figure for her because that was really only her real (feminine) support anyone gave her. No one really likes her if you hadn't noticed,so Connie enjoyed that she had someone she could vent to (Tracy in return felt that way too,they're more alike then I would've put much thought into!). After all,she has no mother,Olivia is barely there and she has an aunt...named Tracy....

  13. I think that is the distinction - Tracy does not NEED a romantic partner, because you're right Hooked, she's just fine on her own. HOWEVER, this is a Soap Opera, a medium that makes its money on romance, and I think she is just as deserving of romance as any of the other female characters. It would present a different side of her that would flesh out her personality. Luke did that for Tracy. That's one of the reasons I couldn't stand the character pre-Luke. All she was was this hateful, manipulative b!tch. If that's all you get, then what's there to root for? Showing how she can be loved and give love makes it that much easier to understand her motives.

    Luke described her best, IMO, when he said inside her huge stone wall was another huge stone wall, and inside of that was mush. The B!tch is more easily tolerated when you gets to see the mush from time to time.

    Exactly!! You get me happy.png Tracy was loving or softer with Luke. Of course you don't want her character to be the most loving/softest but it's so cute to see that side of her. Another reason I love them,they were/are probably one of the cutest couples.

    I'm getting mixed reviews online of the Tracy/Connie secnes. Not sure what to make of them yet.

    Where have you been!!

  14. This is so crazy seeing Tracy onscreen so much. I LOVE it! January's been a pretty good month for her. Seems that way, anyway.

    What do you guys think of her tanking the company? "If I can't have ELQ, then no one can." I'm hoping it's a plan to make ELQ suffer while AJ's in charge, only to sweep in and save the company at the last minute.

    Remember the last time she tanked the company? It was so Edward would let her out of Shady Brook to fix things... Little did he know she was the one to cause the problems in the first place (as part of her plan to get un-committed). It's hard to believe that was in September of 2007... A couple months before was when I was studying in Mexico. I remember freaking out, having to leave home and "leave" you guys. ohmy.png

    There are rumors that the Q heir is Franco's daughter?!

    I miss you :(

    And I do know those rumors,Ahhh the 2007 days...

  15. Wow, lots of Tracy days in a row... Thursday and Friday of this week and Monday through Thursday of next week. biggrin.png

    What is going on with this secret Quartermaine heir? The fact that Carly knows about it makes me think it's Morgan (maybe something happened with her and Jason offscreen), but anyway, Morgan as a Quartermaine would be lame. I want someone else, preferably a long lost child of Tracy's. smile.png

    Good to see Ned again. I do think that spoiler about him warning Tracy was misleading since he warned her in a text message. His spoiler for the day should have had something to do with Carly, the one he shared the most scenes with. I hope he's actually onscreen the 30th with Tracy though when he has good news for her. Another text would be dumb.

    YAY!! You're back!! And about the Q heir,it may be Franco's daughter or Johnny (for some odd,irrelevent reason). And yes Morgan as a Q heir would be completly boring,wouldn't we all want Tracy to have the long lost Q heir?

  16. Oh, in the end, absolutely. Even I will acquiesce to certain pairings being read. But in the meantime, it's good to shake things up and see what other potential is there.

    Here's the thing, though: chemistry matters when you shake things up. TG, God love his soul, has terribly romantic chemistry with just about everyone, so they can't just slap his character with someone and make it work. It backfires almost every single time, and it's backfiring now. FH has great romantic chemistry with just about every male she's in the room with, but even her abilities can't overcome the disaster of Luke/Anna. The same is true for JE: she has great romantic chemistry with just about everyone (and just so happens to have it with TG as well), but the writers, for some strange reason, don't seem interested in building on it. Tracy should be the Mistress of Port Charles, with boy toys everywhere, not the a-sexual shrew she's often portrayed as. If Tracy can start playing with all the boys, I will be a much happier viewer. And if they are going to start with having Anna's ex's as Tracy's playmate, I'll love the irony even more.

    Exactly. JE/TG have chemistry on and off-set. But Jane,she can make anything work with anybody. Doesn't matter who it is. I mean before she was with Jax,even Coleman (en?). And nxt week on Tuesday,she's working with Kelly Sullivan. As we all know JE is an extraordinary actress so she can obviously make anything work. But,FRon doesn't always use that potential when it comes to a relationship with LuNacy or anyone else,(Joe died/was killed off so he doesn't count) they are blind if they don't see the chem JE has with TG and they see some sort of "pairing" with AnaL?

  17. I just think they need to shake it up a bit. Duke has only ever been about Anna, well what's so impressive about her that all the mature men have to look her way and not towards Tracy? Duke might surprise himself and think he's interested in the memory of Anna more than the real person. It would certainly be an interesting storyline to follow.

    I get where you're going but if Anna were to end up with anyone it would have to be Robert or duke

  18. Glad to see that Duke backs off. Now, if they can turn their mutual attention from Anna to Tracy, I'd be more entertained by this whole deal. Personally, I think Anna works better with Sonny or John that either Luke or Duke, at this point.

    I like duke with Anna,I always feel so bad for him when they give him a close up after someone suspects him of something or says he isnt duke. Poor baby
  19. partyperson, about Redrum: the first show was about a guy who shot his family because he could not handle the guilt and anger over being molested by his boy scout troop leader. This leader apparently molested most of the boys in town. The poor boy who finally turned him in, ended up committing suicide. Tragic all the way around.

    The second show was a woman who convinced her bro in law to shoot and kill her husband. There are two new shows I haven't watched yet that aired Tuesday I think....

    Thanks ;D I think I saw the second one
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