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Posts posted by partyperson25

  1. Genie was fired from Y&r

    I think there is quite a bit of Luke and Tracy coming up

    I think he is helping her with elq or the charges against her


    And good

    Regardless of what they do with LuNacy romantically, there is a goldmine there just waiting to be tapped when it comes to scheming and supporting each other's nefarious actions. Luke would know better than anyone save Monica and Ned, how much Edward, ELQ, and Lila meant to Tracy, and what it would mean to loose everything. He would also be the perfect person to help with the Pickle-Lila mystery. These writers have been impressing me with their ability to hit the beats (something Guza was horrible at), and now that Luke has returned, I'm sure we are going to have at least one conversation about Edward's death.

    Also very curious to see what they are going to do with Duke and Tracy. That one could be fascinating on many levels, not the least of which is getting together while their best loves are technically 'together' themselves.

  2. That you do!

    The question isn't really will they or won't they, the questions is whether these writers are good enough to do real story or are they lame enough to fall into the trap of the old way of doing things? I'm not feeling the Luke character regardless, so I'm thinking they already don't know what to do with him as an independent entity. LuNacy has stopped on the show, but it's certainly not over - as evidenced by their interactions and dialogue. We have yet to see where this is going, but even if I was a Laura fan (cough, choke, furball) I would have to say LnL are a deadend for both characters.

    Awww yeah!!

    And I honestly think genie didn't come back for LnL or to reunite. She came back for something else,if they asked her to come back for LnL she probably would've stayed at y&r.

  3. I agree with Hooked, banking on Luke and Laura NOT reuniting is just setting onsellf up for a fall.

    I'd love a Tracy Scott pairing at this point or a Tracy Duke pairing. LuNacy are over as lovers and husband and wife in my opinion.

    The Globe Article is so much bunk. NO Way would RC pass on writing a reunion for Luke and Laura,as for them not shairng much screen time. Yeah, good luck praying for that.

    Thanks for the motavation ;P I've got remos on my side

  4. I would love to see how Tracy gets pulled into the Duke thing. My preferred way to see this is Luke/Tracy/Duke/Anna/Robert have their thing, and as much as I do miss TraLu, have Laura/Scott/Lulu/Domestic bliss somewhere else. Tracy deserves to be with the Adventure Gang much more than Laura every did.

    At the end of the day though, I'm still not convinced this writing team has any sense of Tracy in a romantic capacity, and that's been a theme with this character for 40 years. Guza actually gave Tracy romance. Not enough to be sure, but more than she had before. Even Joseph was sex more than anything.

    I am wondering behind the scenes how much TG's preferences and health are coming into play. He will do what he's told, but he can also walk at any moment if he's done. Making peace with LnL and playing the occasional reunion moment is quite different from being sucked back into that pairing that has, for all intents and purposes, killed his career. I think there are a lot of unanswered questions, and the writers would be wise to avoid that pit. At this point it might be cheap ratings, but with the rating rising, it's not a necessary move.

    I so thankful I'm not alone on this =)
  5. I can handle Laura and Scott (though I hate to condemn Scott like that). TG has a lot of JE's work ethic - do what you're told because the writers write, not the actors. Doesn't mean he won't share his opinions, but TG is a Company Man. He's probably forgiven GF for her hatefulness by now, but that doesn't mean he ever wants to work with her longterm again. Fingers crossed.

    Let's pray together.....

  6. Well, that's certainly a white-washing of issues. Most of them don't matter today, but GF has slung her fair share of dirt at TG, and he has not been given any reason to stick his neck out for her. TG might not have spoken favourably about her, but he's never spoken ill of her either - the same can't be said in reverse. I like him all the more because he's taken her sh!t and has been the bigger person.

    I hope Valenti sticks to his word, and doesn't decide to do it anyway. Luke deserves to stay free from that quicksand, even if it is to have the foolishness we are currently enduring with him.

    If all this shiz leads up to LuNacy then so be it! Thank God Genie hates Tony!!! And Frank/Ron will go of their way to keep Genie on! I mean you can't bring back /offer these people to come back,have them take it,then tell them to do something completly uncomfertable or uncalled for. And I'm pretty sure Kin/Genie are going to be onscreen together way more than Tony/Genie. The offscreen hostilty......

  7. No...Valentini said in another interview that he isn't going to pair LnL back together,ever,not that Genie would want that. She and Tony are not at all good friends. Have you ever heard of Tony speak any good of Genie over the years? No,on-screen they were a couple,but thats how good of actors they can be. Tony doesn't like Genie and Geinie don't know why he acts in such an unecessary manner so it's mutual to not like him even more....

    On the very bright side with unicorns and rainbows,LuNacy lives happily ever after.....Not really. But LuNacy is a more than 70% chance in GH because Valentini doesn't want LnL back together,praise the lord!


    One thing that the fans will not be seeing is a reunion between Luke and Laura. Geary has long expressed his resentment of being known as part of a super couple rather than being known for his individual acting and it has caused problems between him and Genie. Valenti at this point in time has no intention of re-pairing the couple onscreen and it seems that Genie and Geary have worked out their differences enough to be able to both work on GH again.

  8. partyperson, I love your new avatar/signature. So pretty! I also agree that Michael/Tracy were so funny. I never liked seeing Michael onscreen before until he started spending time with the Quartermaines (Monica, AJ, Tracy). IMO, he is boring with Starr, Carly, Sonny, and Kristina.

    These spoilers are from this very site in the DTS: Spoiler Island section: http://boards.soapoperanetwork.com/topic/46616-gh-spoiler-pics/

    Duke and Tracy meet.

    Tracy notices something odd with the Pickle Lila label.

    For some reason, I thought Duke and Tracy met before??? I'm curious about the label... I wonder if there's something on the other side of it that provides her with a clue of what the inheritance really means.

    On a shallow note, and I know I've said this before, and I will say it again, but Jane's hair needs to grow!

    Awwww tahnks wub.png !!! I gots to show the lurve(Notice how it says Sexy at the bottom left)!! And Michael with Sonny and Kristina (the old one in particular) were/are ok not really boring.

    And I'm really interested in the spoilers too! One more thing...I AGREE ON THE HAIR!!


  9. OMG!!!! The Michael/Tracy scenes cracked me up!!

    "Where's Aj?"

    "Who?" <Like Wtf?! LOL

    "Your father....He was just here where'd he go?"

    "Uhhhhhh....yeah,no,no he uh. He was just,uh,uh,duh...." He looked so stupid,when looking around for nobody. Stuttering is totally the best cover-up...

    "Is this a hard question?"

    "No it's not a hard question. He's,we thought you'd gone so..."

    "He left."

    "Yeah,yeah he left."

    "Where'd he go?"

    "I....he went to an AA meeting." <FTW?

    "An AA meeting?"

    "Yeah he wants to stay sober and everything,so.."


    "It's supposed to be anonymous so I don't think shouldn't say anything."

    "Oh you're right about that. I do know about Aj and his recovery. In fact did he go to that meeting over,Spruce street,that church on Spruce street?"

    "Yeah,uh,yeah he's at that church,that beautiful church on Spruce Street."< Stupidly smiling

    "There is no church on Spruce Street."

    "Spruce? No,ah,pshh. I thought you said spring. Spring Street."

    "Wow...wow,for a guy with Quartermaine genes you are an appauling liar. Appauling." < Not sure if I spelled that right. "He went to get Lucy. Didn't he?"

    "....No...." Ryan Higa moment

    Chad and Jane must've had a blast filming those scenes! He looked so freakin stupid trying to play it so cool.

  10. partyperson, I thought the two episodes of Redrum I saw were actually fresh and interesting. I forgot I was watching a reality crime show TBH. I do like that they keep the shows to just a half hour, I think that helps.

    I imagine Tracy runs into Connie and offers her condolences about Trey. sad.png

    Thanks,but what were the murders about?

    And maybe on the Connie/Tracy stuff

    BTW.....HAPPY BIRTHDAY JANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ♥♥♥♥ wub.pngbiggrin.png

  11. For some reason this site is not letting me just post anything unless I reply to someone else's but here is a random NE spoiler for week of the 28th:

    NE Spoilers week of Jan. 28th

    Connie cries in Tracy's arms

    Also per SID, In a nutshell: Johnny helps prove to Michael about the mob connection and Tracy's ELQ money, Tracy and Ned in cahoots, and somehow it involves Carly, Heather tells AJ that there is something in Edward's will that could affect the balance one way or the other, something about counting up all the votes and they know who the Q heirs are and Carly has a little reaction that Ned and AJ pick up on, Tracy goes to Sonny for help, AJ enlists some mystery man who is connected to one of the most notorious men to have ever set foot in PC. He's trying to set up his life and he gets involved with ELQ. Does he side with Tracy or AJ?

    (I think this is Duke)

    Also Leslie is doing a radio podcast tonight -- if anyone wants to listen in its at 9pm central time


    That Connie stuff sounds interesting....

    And that storyline better be as juicy as it sounds. Better not be a disapointment. That's 10 eastern/atlantic right?

    Anyway,thanks for the spoilers and link!

  12. I went through a House obsession too! I totally forgot about that, but I would DVR all the episodes I never saw, so I could catch up on the series. I remember coming home from work everyday, snacking, and just watching House, lol. I stopped watching though when parts of the show started imitating a hard time in my real life.

    And thanks for liking my Benny posts on Tumblr. Apparently, the show doesn't have a huge online fanbase. I know it ended in 2007, but still. It makes me sad that no one really wants to join in my newfound love for it. sad.png

    Lucy and Tracy were goofy yesterday. Not sure if I would want all their scenes to be like that, but good to see Tracy on. I thought the best part was when Tracy found out about Trey dying. She seemed genuinely apologetic about going on and on about her ELQ victory. It was also sad to see her recall Trey being there when Joe Jr. died. JE/Tracy really nailed that scene with Michael/Starr... I liked Starr's reaction, "Well, that was weird" and how Michael explained that sometimes Tracy can surprise you...He is really learning a lot about Tracy lately - haha.

    Anyone know her next air date?

    HOUSE ROX!!!! (Even if it's gone) He's like one of my biggest idols,I like NEEEEDD the WHOLE series for my bday. I loved House because of like everything. It was a totally different series,one of the many reasons I loved it. Also because I am totally into Medical/Media(arts) fields.The end made me cry so hard....So sad... And Np,I always loved Benny,and I like your ideas....

    I love George Lopez, just don't watch it that often anymore. I go in spurts with most shows, then I leave it for a while and start watching something else, but I still like it.

    I actually watch mostly non episodic TV. I guess because I don't have to worry about keeping up with plots? LOL Just last night, I caught a new series on ID, "Redrum" (okay, yeah I know) but I was pleasantly surprised at how good it was. It is a half hour show, reality crime show, that tells a tale of a murder in reverse. You see the victim, then it flashes to "one week prior" and all that stuff. Anyway, the two shows last night were really interesting, good actors doing the reinacting of the stories. It never confused me, took me by surprise several times, and never bored me. If you like that sort of thing, highly recommended. I am a "crime/mystery" buff anyway, fictional or otherwise, but lately true crime is my thing. Sorta OT, but if you like the "seeing a mystery play out backwards" kind of thing, and you've never seen it, you MUST catch "Memento" by Christopher Nolan. It does have quite a lot of bad language, I watched the edited version with most of the words bleeped or dubbed, but the story is awesome. Second only to " The Following", it is truly Nolan's masterpiece.

    "Inception" isn't one tenth as clever. One hint if you haven't watched it and you think you might, is that any scenes in black and white are the "past". It can get confusing, so that helps. But it follows the same principle-the movie starts at the "end"-and you work your way back to finding out exactly what happened-who killed who and why.

    Loved it, I will admit I sorta figured out the solution, but I didn't totally figure it out, because just when you think it is going to zig, it zags.

    Sorry for the ramble.

    I did catch the Tracy/Michael scenes. Tracy's little speech was the best part of the show, although I admit I did cry over Trey/Olivia and the ending.

    I hope they do not do AJ/Carly. sad.png

    If I can't have Larry/Tracy, I could handle Scott/Tracy. smile.png If done well.

    ETA I agree the Joe and Trey characters being killed off was a waste. I love Tracy no matter what, but I also have to agree that corporate Tracy and ONLY corporate Tracy, doesn't interest me enough to compel me to watch. It might if better writers were involved. I do get the feeling that Tracy is staying busy to forget her loneliness-a factor I hope someone calls her on. I miss SEXY!Tracy as well. Which makes me miss Larry more. sad.png

    WAHHT??! YOU SAW REDRUM AND I DIDN'T?!??! ARGG,anyways lol how was it? As soon as I heard about it I like needed to watch it.

    The whole Trey/Joseph thing was such a waste, and why, because Steve Burton was leaving? No character, especially one with so much potential and different connections on the canvas, was worth sacrificing for Jason Morgan. As much as I will be a diehard LuNatic to the end, and prefer Tracy with Luke, Joseph brought something that Tracy never had before, and that is someone who didn't give a damn about her being a Quartermaine. Now they have her right back in the place she inhabited for the better part of 3 decades - all about ELQ but no personal life. I don't care how 'entertaining' she might be in individual scenes, this Tracy has never held much interested for me. Once again, I think we have writers who don't know how to make a 3-dimensional, mature woman.

    OH YEAH!! LuNatic all the way!

    . I don't think it'll happen, but I would so love to see Luke and Tracy in a real love story not dominated by wacky hijinks.

    I wish......

  13. partyperson, I may have told you this already, but I used to be emotionally involved too with fictional couples/characters - whether on a soap opera or primetime. It started with Laura Innes as Kerry Weaver on ER and then moved to Jane Elliot as Tracy and then LuNacy... And for a while, I was really into Julie Andrews and most recently, I've been watching reruns of George Lopez, and Belita Moreno as Benny is cracking me up... I am finding myself frustrated that her role in much of the episodes I've caught is so small. Anyway, I can relate to you. smile.png It's the worst when you finally get used to your favorite character or couple not being on, only for them to return to being on a lot, and then for them to disappear again... It's like, "What happened?!?"

    I ♥ how we can relate and you can understand me biggrin.png

    I have primtime and sitcoms/sereies I also was/am emotionally involved in (80's-90's included). House m.d was a HUGE one,like HUGE. I also love Benny biggrin.png

    And I don't just hate my couple not being on...I [&#33;@#&#036;%^&amp;*] HATE IT!! Sorry for language =/

  14. I'm too emotionally attatched to fictional couples...and characters...and just freaking,my favorite television shows...I have problems...

    I'm sorry,I just always have(will) love LuNacy. I don't think FRon wanted them together (to my inconvience). On the bright side,I can put aside my couple problems and enjoy and be content with the fact that it's Jane on my tv screen playing Tracy smile.png

  15. I don't think it's possible for me to care less about Genie Francis. I find her and her character to be completely irrelevant.

    I will say, that I'd rather they just put Laura back with Luke and got it over with because I had enough of the crazy stalking GF fans hating on Jane and Tracy from the last times Luke chose my girl. *waves to the GF/Laura lurkers*

    I don't care if she does come back and Luke and Laura get back together. I just don't want Tracy being hurt by them or by Laura, and I honestly don't even want to sit through any Tracy/Laura scenes. I'd be good with Luke and Tracy being BFF's still, and it making Laura mad, LOL. Because that would make me giggle and it would make Laura be the pathetic one for a change. Win/win.

    Truly, I will say until the day this show goes off the air that TPTB made a major mistake getting rid of Joe Jr. They should bring the actor back as a new character, because he and Jane were so good together. If not him, then bring back Hugo Napier as Larry Ashton. If we can get people like Felicia and Lucy back, and Duke, etc, etc, why not Larry? I've actually had several dreams in the last few months of him and Tracy(I almost never dream GH, but when I do, for some reason, Tracy is always in Larry's orbit, not Luke's). Hugo and Jane were like Jane and Richard-effortlessly sexy. Besides, with people coming back from the dead..and Faison back.....it makes sense that Larry might pop up.

    Either that, or bring on Thaao Penghlis from DOOL as Victor Cassadine and have them be Britt's parents.

    Sorry guys, but Frumpa can have Luke. Luke and Tracy can be BFF's and Tracy can have a steamy romance. I'm not really interested in it being any other way.

    I also really hate Genie fans hating on Tracy/Jane! Like FTW? You really needs to hate? Bitches be hatin'....

    It'd be an awesome if Britt was tied like that but as we all know RC/FV kills all things potnetially good.mellow.png

    I actually don't think we're going to have real vampires this time around, just a reference to the old PC show. If we do, yeah that's going to be stupid.

    I will say that I have also missed TraLu, and really the only part of Laura coming back that bothers me is that her return will likely mean TraLu's relationship will be officially gone. They haven't had a scene together since I've been back watching, obviously this regime isn't invested in them. But still. Once GF comes back, it'll be TraLu who? Which is really sad, but if they give me Britt as a Q, I might forgive them somewhat. I really like her, and isn't she just a young Tracy in the way that she comes across as so desperate for attention and love?

    Told ya they killed and stabbed even after death,TraLu....

  16. God, I think I'm going to puke!!!!! Genie coming back is about the least exciting news there could be. Just when I thought I was using my ffw button less. I better get new batteries. Lol

    It's not a matter of Genie for me. It's the fact that "Laura" is coming back. I hope she's with Scott if she comes back because he's coming back too.

    I'm so scared for LuNacy

  17. Carl, thanks for the link. I had seen another episode (with Tracy/Monica scenes when Tracy asked Monica to be her maid of honor and then Tracy wanted to have some fun with Mitch at the end), but I didn't know another episode has been posted. From what I've seen of Mitch, I'm not a big fan. But, anyway, those clips from the late 70s are really cool. It's so strange to see everyone so young!

    hooked, thanks for the article. I liked the description that was written. I hope we get some good Tracy scenes in 2013!

    I just posted this on Tumblr... I miss Tracy/Dillon.


    General Hospital, February 2007

    Tracy: Alan and I used to play tricks on each other. We picked on every flaw, every weakness. But he always watched my back when it came to Daddy and everybody else, and I always watched his. When I was little, my nanny used to put my hair in pigtails. Huh. Alan used to tell me I looked like a poodle.

    [Dillon laughs]

    Tracy: I, in turn, told him he looked like a monkey and that he smelled like one, too.

    Dillon: That’s good. That’s a good — that’s a good comeback.

    Tracy: And one day at school, he overheard a little boy in my class teasing me about my pigtails, so he grabbed him and soaked him in the water fountain until he apologized.

    Dillon: You guys really loved each other.

    Tracy: We never talked about it, we never used that word. But we knew that when the chips were down, we had each other. It made me feel safe to have Alan there, my big brother — the one person who knew what it was like to grow up in this family. I’m scared to live without him.

    Awww sad.png I miss the olden days....

    These scenes are so precious because they are so rare. This scene made me cry.^^

    And Ms.Q what's your tumblr?

  18. Arguably I haven't seen every episode in a long, long time, but I don't think they've killed TraLu, they are just ignoring it.

    The problem with TG is he has terrible chemistry with most people. The best he can muster most of the time is BFF chemistry, but there are a few who he has romantic chemistry with, and JE is one of those select few. His current "pairing" is just put together because it sounds good on paper to have that level of conflict, because there certainly isn't any romantic chemistry between TG and FH. Even the BFF chemistry is questionable - that is really with TR.

    No,I think they killed it...sorry,but they did because they write it in such a way to where it seems as if Tracy was never a big part in her life growing up or if Tracy was never a permanent part of her life..sorry mellow.png

    And tru dat,with the chem of FH and TG,they suck as a pairing

  19. Luke is the one more stuck than anyone. He COULD be spending more time with someone who really brings TG's talents to the foreground, but instead he's used as an Anna satellite, competing for attention with both of her great loves. With Anna, Luke is the guaranteed looser.

    And yes, TraLu.. that is a huge hole. Lulu would have been there with Tracy as she mourned, and Tracy should be there with Lulu as she struggles. Even a simple, meaningful hug between the two women, would fill the bill.

    I think TG's only chem he has is with JE. He belongs with her,IMO.

    And yes Cartini is writing lulu's relationships all wrong,lately she's been getting on my nerves! They killed the TraLu relationship so bad,even when it was dead they decided to stab it some more for emphasis.....

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