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Posts posted by partyperson25

  1. Yeah, I'm glad I guess that some enjoy it. I've just never been one of them. The only way I'll bother is if Jane and Tony do something together. Luke would have to blackmail Tracy into it...or someone else would....that's the only way Tracy would be caught dead doing it....but it would be priceless to see them do ANYTHING.

    I would so love to see them do something! I'd be priceless! Id love to see them dancing and singing,not comediclly though more,professional.

  2. What did AJ say to Tracy upon running into her? He mumbled something, and I couldn't figure it out. I heard the part where he said "Even in costume, I know who you are Tracy." Then, he told her to be afraid, to be very afraid...His costume was creepy!!!

    I laughed at LuNacy as they were entering the party. They were so fun together. And if Luke wanted to spy, he should have put something more over his face...It was obviously him.

    partyperson, I did get it. I will try this weekend to send more clips your way. smile.png

    Thanx happy.png. I loved the LuNacy scenes too,as always. And I love anything scary! I could watch horror movies all day,any day! I want to see the movie Sinister,has anyone seen it or has an intrest in horror movies? I have a HUGE addiction to horror.

  3. Loved the scenes between them!!! You see! Tony was acting wayy better with JE than he does with FH,he used to act better with her when they never had any intentions what-so-ever to be in a relationship. JE and TG looked absolutly stunning in those costumes,JE's outfit was stunning too. I just loved how they matched,they even brought some comedy to the table today,notice they did that together. The cast must've had a blast filming these scenes,I wish they took a cast photo. All the costumes were awesome,*sigh*,Tony must miss working with Jane. I miss the old days (most of the time/not always)

  4. Did I really see Tracy ENCOURAGE Luke to tail Anna to the HS? Really?????? No… not right...

    Liking Duke more every time. Loved his interaction with Emma, just wish he would bring Robin home faster and reunite her. There's a reason for that…. not sure what it could be, but if he is the real Duke (and I'm going with that at the moment) then he knows how much Robin is loved by everyone, himself included, and he would not keep her away needlessly.

    Luke is being written as a fool. Hate that.

    Agreed I couldn't beleive she encouraged him?! I love Duke no matter what even if he is a villan,for now because he makes way more sense with Anna than Luke ever will. And I agree once again,Luke seems way too desperate for Anna to actually be Luke anymore,its just not right. And I was on facebook,YOU WILL NOT BELIEVE HOW MANY LUNACY FANS THERE ARE! There was not one single comment(on a photo with them @ the halloween party that captioned,"Is it a good idea for Luke to take Tracy to the party") that opposed to them being a couple,and I agree 100%. Once a LuNacy fan,always a LuNacy fan.

  5. Lol Ms.Quartermaine! Who doesn't remember the ghost of Alan? And btw did you get my PM on YouTube? Can't wait for tommorrow,there will hopefully actually be more Tracy scenes and with the costumes! So far the costumes are great,Luke's is a bit on the odd side with the lipstick though.

  6. Tracy and Luke are going as a pair to the partay!!! She's some marrinette,and lukes some French man way back n the day. So they match basically,Anna's a skipper,Patrick racecar driver (cute),britt nurse,Michael and starr vampires,lulu cat woman,spinelli the body,and that's wat I remember off the top of my head.

  7. Ms.Quartermaine I cannot thank you enough for the clips,makes me miss LuNacy even more! I was watching and I really do notice what they bring out in each other (not that I never noticed it before because I always have) their faces are full of emotion,they act with each other so naturally (they must really miss working with each other as much as they used to *tear,they probably had their own "future" for their storylines,they also probably got upset for not acting with each other) .Their characters like in real life known each other for a long time,and they must've been soo happy to get to work with each other after many years. Their chemistry is unbreakable,too much for words to describe. You can tell they miss each other,by the way they act,Jane always puts her best foot forward no matter what scene or storyline,Tony on the other hand acts totally different,not as humorous,loveable,believable. He acts desperate towards the Anna/Luke ship,like he doesn't want it? When he's with Jane,Julie,Sonny or his other "family" cast it's wayy better,even with Robin Christopher and I hate Skye! He totally misses Jane,Finola is awesome and I love her but she's nothing compared to Jane or Jane/Tony's relationship and Luke/Tracy ship!

  8. hooked, what are the Tracy air dates for this week according to Cable Guide Spoilers, National Enquirer, etc? You are so on top of that. Thanks!

    partyperson, I messaged you on YouTube (finally!). smile.png

    I hope it's a new day in Port Charles soon. I'd like to see Tracy in a better outfit, please!!! Yes, I'm still focused on the wardrobe after all these years - haha. The ironic thing is that I am totally not a fashion person. More times than not, I will buy solid colored V-neck T-shirts for $7, wear black dress pants, add a necklace, and that's my outfit for work!!!

    Who was around when I made these...? Nothing fancy; just trying to prove a point on some of the outfits she wore repeatedly... particulary that one in the first banner... It's hideous!!!



    Love the banners! and thanx for the clips greatly appriciate it! PLUS I CANNOT WAIT FOR THE PARTAY!!!!! Just gets me hyped (the holidays get me hyped,and months nov,dec,june,may)

  9. I loved the part about him saving Tracy rather than Anna if they were both drowning. All things considered,TAHNK GOD,plus she can't swim anyway.

    Ah TG, more with the Tracy love! Perfect. Now if only TPTB will acknowledge that - yes, Luke is FLATTERED by Anna's attention, but in a contest it's Tracy he would save.

    My point exactly

  10. Wow! Those are some crazy spoilers, sounds like November is going to be a good month.

    Sounds that way,but are they just streatching the truth,leading us in the hopeful direction of surprizes,unexpectant returns and what we want to happen. It could be a huge let down. Like this whole year was just sad in general,there were some good epis and moments but not to such an extent.

  11. Saw this on Daytime Confidential:

    Could Dr. Alan Quartermaine (Stuart Damon) be paying another ghostly visit to Port Charles? A recent issue of Soap Opera Uncensored reported Stuart Damon was recently back taping at General Hospital.

    Don't expect the man who gave Monica (Leslie Charleson) her house to be in Casper mode this time. Word on the street is several of Alan's loved ones will imagine having conversations with him during a trying time for the Q family.

    I knew it!

  12. Strange tweet: This is one of the guys who did interview from TCA

    Terry Morrow@Telebuddy

    In the Telebuddy's Sunday column at http://knoxville.com : #GH star Tony Geary picks between Tracy and Anna. #knoxville

    I thought he already :picked months ago

    But I asked if it was a new article and he said yes and Luke was not done with Tracy yet

    Yes another prayer answered!! Thank you hooked and God!! Last Sunday or this Sunday? If its last Sunday can you post the article URL?

  13. I hope that last spoiler does NOT mean that Sean Kanan is Jason or Franco instead of AJ. He needs to be AJ.

    I wonder what kind of discovery Tracy makes.

    Emma I'm sure will tell her Dad about the phone call, but of course he won't believe her... Then again, if Patrick answered and he told someone, he/she wouldn't believe him either...He'd probably be told he just imagined it or something...

    I can't wait for the Halloween party... I don't think Tracy's costume is bad from that picture...

    Am looking forward to Ned's return. I hope that he and Tracy have good scenes together...I'm sure he'll want to be there for her, and I hope GH shows us that. We need Dillon as well. I know Scott is another soap, but maybe it's time for a recast...

    Tracy in previews for tomorrow, telling Monica to look in the mirror in regards to blaming someone for Jason's death. Tracy's outfit and hair do not look good [/shallow]. I'd have to look at the outfit again though to be sure... But definite "ugh" on the hair...4 years later, and I'm still not used to it - though since it's been short, there have been good hair days IMO, but that usually means it's time for her to chop it off again!!! hooked, you are in my partner in this... What do you think?!? smile.png

    partyperson, I apologize for the clip delay. I know you requested the NYE 2004 and the Luke kidnaps Tracy scenes about a month ago... I have them in a shoe box in a cabinet and haven't forgotten... I just get so fed up with technology sometimes when I'm uploading them that it makes me want to take a break... Plus, like I said, I've been busy with work, and typing out a post is a lot faster than uploading clips (that's why you see me here still).

    Girlie where've you been?! We missed you!! And don't stress! Wahd I tell you already? I'd wait a year for those clips if I had to! And agreed on the hair! I miss her long hair so freaking badly! The only time I liked it short was when she first cut it,it was edgyer and looked totally hip on her,bangs suit her. Can't wait for Ned or the party either,love her jewels,costume,and makeup from what we see! I was totally jumping with joy when I read and saw the lost on the party and the pic! When it comes to the holiday seasons and parties/holidays I'm always hyped! Glad you've returned girlie!

  14. Kinda studying the picture of the halloween party w/ Tracy. She's always looked amazing (obviously,ALWAYS NO MATTER WAHT) but especially in masquarade parties like 2004 NYE and 2007 B&W Ball. Her outfit and makeup,jewlery and all look great! Only thing that gets to me though is the wig,it's just,idk how to xplain but,ya know that OCD moment when you get urked because of something you think is wrong or you don't like? That's the feeling I have

  15. that is what I thought from that as well

    I noticed they showed a photo of Ned today

    Hopefully wally will return

    There is a spoiler from one of the mags for Nov 8th Tracy gets freaked out and calls the police

    I was thinking that too,like a son can't freaking call,text,write,see,video chat,or even IM his own mother,even during a crisis or her birthday?! I miss Wally and Scott anyway I'm like I miss all the damn Q's where'd they all go?!

  16. "GENERAL HOSPITAL" - November is about family on ABC's "General Hospital," with family secrets that will change what everyone thought to be true, and includes a bittersweet goodbye. The Quartermaine, Scorpio and Corinthos families are shocked as loved ones return in body and in spirit. The truth is revealed about the mysterious Duke Lavery, while Patrick tries to move on with his life. The Quartermaines' Thanksgiving tradition continues as they give thanks for all that is involved in being a family - the good, the bad and everything in between...the circle of life. The November storylines coincide with the surprising return of fan favorite Sean Kanan. "General Hospital" airs MONDAY-FRIDAY (2:00-3:00 p.m., ET).


    Hmm...makes me wonder,spirit as in ghost of Alan to come back and haunt Tracy? It's questionable...

  17. [so is it just me or is this a perfect time for a little stepmom/stepdaughter scene... What happened to "you'll always be my stepdaughter no matter what happens between me and your father". Lulu can't have a baby and Tracy list another person she potentially could love. Oh the possibilities... Attention gh writers-don't let it pass you by!!!

    Nope weird because I was thinking the exact same thing like no TraLu?!?

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