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Posts posted by Maxim

  1. Amazing. I am all for 1989 to be uploaded first, if you have it. From Amy's uploads. These I think are the most precious episodes.  Thank you million  times again.  When I get my laptop I can pretty much add complete 2005... I have couple of months from 2003 and 2004 from diva tv somewhere... and 2006-2020 is more available on youtube.

    I once had a lot more, but my laptop got stolen. I am still mourning the loss of these episodes.

    3 minutes ago, Marquise said:

    I have complete 2010/2011/2012/2013/2014/2015/2016/2017/2018/2019 :)

    Also the episodes from youtube's official chanal 2006/2007/2008/2009 but with missing episodes


  2. 1 minute ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    Tell me about it lol I was almost up to the episode where Thorne found out that he shot Ridge.


    I'm thankful she's still uploading though even if they do get deleted quickly. That's a great channel and great poster. As for now, I'm gonna binge watch some Santa Barbara.

    Is Santa Barbara good... better than B and B... Similar.. or... I was thinking of starting it from beginning. Never watched it. Tried episode 1 and liked it at 50 percent. SHould I watch it?

  3. I was watching some of the episodes they uploaded on their official channel... and they are not finally cut even. There was a mark for a scene to be switched because it's not a good quality. How and why did they upload these episodes on there... Mess. I am happy that they did.. but it's such a mess. I noticed that when you watch these old episodes  on youtube there are ads... so probably they wanted the money from ads and views and someone suggested they upload whole years. Why don't they upload the whole series hahah.. they will make money from views... I guess I can dream.

  4. 10 minutes ago, Marquise said:

    ok i am continuing with 1988, should i upload the whole 1988 ?

    I am on - the once without subtitles are from the original DVD and are both with english and german audio!

    Complete 1988 will be amazing!

    10 minutes ago, rsclassicfanforever said:

    Is there any interest in the german episodes?
    I have until the end of 1993 mostly complete

    All of them are sorted by YYYY-MM-DD and behind it comes the episode number.

    Maybe i will start with the episodes of 1995.

    YES YES YES! You will be god... I would die for complete 1993... in any language....

  5. I am shaking with excitement for this vault. I never in a million years believed that we'll see the first years in such quality, but now we are... my ultimate dream is to have 1987-1993 in good quality... but any quality will do. For me these years are the foundation of my childhood and the best memories ever... and the most precious storytelling I've known ever. I loved it so much I was crazy obsessed as a child. Bold is like a drug to me... the good Bold. I am so grateful to you guys! SO SO much. Special thank you for the person who set the vault up! HERO.

  6. Hello guys, I've been watching days of our lifes for the first time in my LIFE, and I'm deeply disturbed by this show. I've never had nightmares, because of something I've watched...

    I started with these 2 playlists, which have the complete Marlena-Devil storyline, I read about it and decided this will be my first taste of the show.

    And let me say... I can't stop thinking about this show. I binge watched about 10 episodes and I couldn't believe that this once AIRED on daytime tv. I would say that I'm a horror fan, but just the idea of having the devil on display for 6 months every day on daytime television is shocking and scandalous. How did they pull it off? I can't decide if it's bad or very good... but I can't stop watching. I am completely shocked, that I never knew about this and just find this out. And last night I couldn't sleep after watching so much of it... it's just the atmosphere of the show is scary and disturbing. This is not for daytime for me. If my child have seen this, I would want to sue the show. Haha.


  7. I would say that The Bold And The Beautiful was a complete masterpiece from 1987 to 1993, after that it started slowly spoiling, with Brooke and Deacon, all while being interesting in 2002, then destroying the whole foundation of the show, which now became The Bold And Brooke's vagina. By 2012, when Stephanie died, it had some good storylines amid trash, but after trying to repeat Brooke and Deacon with Brooke and Bill in 2012-2013, and then completely focusing on the most boring character in the history of television - Hope, and the second most boring - Liam, it just DIED.



    The show needs to be cancelled ASAP. And this is coming from a HARDCORE FAN, that at one point was so obsessed with this show, that it had it taped on VHS for years.


    Bradley Bell is a horrible writer, he has no talent and Bold is a waste of potential.




  8. I don't know who is responsible for this huge leak of old episodes in  the official youtube page, but I'm noticing some episodes are just parts of an episode, others have strange differences from official episodes. So, this doesn't look right to be made public. I'm happy it is, but are they out of their mind, lol. This is an official youtube profile, why are they uploading corrupt episodes? Look at 2009 season and how there are episodes 7 minutes long.

  9. I'm happy they are uploading old episodes, because every episode with Susan Flannery is a good episode for me. 2005, 2006, 2007 was not that bad. Compared to today's episode quality it's like Dostoevsky. But, why are they uploading the episodes in this raw, not meant for viewing form? Could this be some kind of mistake? Maybe these episodes are not meant to be public, but they haven't realized it yet? This youtube channel is very strange and through the years they have uploaded episodes, then made them private, then made the public again. It's bizarre. And they are not uploading complete years. They are complete in like 95 per cent, but not 100 complete. Which is strange for an official channel. But if you want to keep these episodes, try downloading them, before they are made private, IF they are made private. 

  10. Are these old classic episodes going to be uploaded for years to come? How can we know that? I'm searching for information, but can't find any in English.  For now, we know they are being uploaded on Videoland by RTL, and they have started uploading the 3rd season, which means we'll be going to get up to episode 750 for sure and if they start uploading season 4, we are going up to episode 1000. In amazing quality for a show that is 30 years old. I've never thought this day will come, but it came. 

  11. In my continuing appreciation of the Classic episodes, I just realized why it's so interesting to watch - ignore the amazing dialogue, music, set and overall rich and beautiful feeling of the show, that nowadays can't be duplicated by prime time shows even... IT'S THE MULTIPLE storylines. Comparing to today... and the last 15 years actually, when the show could only tell 1, 2 stories at a time, mainly one, which is a triangle... with everyone else being used as a commentary. I remember 2011 or 2012 when there were months of boring, dull episodes, in which Brooke is with Ridge, or Stephanie, or someone else, and she has done something, slept with someone by mistake, and all we hear is CRYING, explaining, re-telling something that happened 2 months ago, with the character in the next room discussing the same thing. IT WAS DEATH. And 15 years before that... in 1987...


    The show had... I may over-estimate... but 5 to 8 stories, 2,3 of them MAIN, 1 - THE BIGGEST and rest also important...

    In episodes 60-70-something we have


    Ridge / Caroline / Thorne - I think it's the main story.




    - second

    Rocco with Katie and Donna - third

    and then...

    Brooke/Caroline - friendship

    Brooke/Ridge - beginning - will be main soon.

    Brooke/Thorne - beginning

    Donna - new life with some guy... not that important for me.

    Bill/Margo - interesting

    Bill VS Ridge - I love it!

    Stephanie VS Kristen 

    Kristen - job at Forrester

    Mother Logan attacked by guys and moving with the Logans...

    The whore ALex and Thorne using her to attack Ridge


    And... more and more and more.


    I don't say these are all storylines, but they are all relationships happening simultaneously. AND IT'S BREATHTAKINGLY ENGAGING.


    Bill Bell was... A MASTER.



  12. I'm up to episode 90. And let me say. This is the best thing i've seen in my life. Judge me... I like it. And let me be honest with you... for the past couple of days I've been faking the flu, so I can stay home and watch B&B. I've never been so excited... to wait for Brooke arriving at the Forresters mansion, to cry with Beth after she saw Eric for the first time. I feel like a kid again. I snuck into the warm bed, under the covers and I just watch episode after episode. I don't want it to end. I'm happy I have time to catch up to 500 episodes... that are being uploaded to youtube. I feel like I've died and gone to heaven. I've been obsessed with B&B since childhood, and when I was 10 I started collecting. But... I had never seen the beginning. Dream come true.


    This show is my guilty pleasure. 

  13. I can't stop watching the classic episodes.


    I'm just at the beginning still.


    These first 500 episodes of Bold are... 30 year later SPECTACULAR. The plots are so well written, there is gentle build-up, EVERY character has purpose, there is CONFLICT in every scene, there is subtext. 


    I've been observing everything very closely and I think the writers have used lot's of myths and ancient storyline arcs. I even detect Shakespearian plot-steps, but I guess... every good story has something shakespearian.

     Every dialogue reminds me of something I've read, heard, seen. It goes on like a good play.

    And after so many years, I'm reminded why I fell in love with this show, when I was a baby. Why I won't go to school, so I can watch it.

    My mother was in the hospital, ready to give birth to me, when she would watch Bold every single day. 


     LET ME say... Stephanie Forrester was so powerful and scary! And smart! Every scene she is in, I get goosebumps. She is so manipulative and sharp, and at the same time... aristocratic and beautiful.


    Ridge is the total JERK and I love it. 


    Caroline is the way a HEROINE should be written. She is not easy and she is constantly striving to change.


    Brooke is... acting better than she acts today. Smarter and older in her thinking...


    This show was a DIAMOND. And now it's a cheap roll of toilet paper.

  14. I can't believe that this dead show actually started showing signs that's it's still has pulse. And if they keep up it will start to breathe again. Let me say that even though I still hate how cheap the dialogue is compared to what it was... The last 2 months have been actually fun. Last time I've been watching episode after episode was probably 10 years ago. I hope they keep improving and finally we have B&B back for a good year or two before it's cancelled. I like Shauna and I like how Brooke is turning into Stephanie. I want Brooke to be completely devastated and her life ruined, just like she did to Stephanie.

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