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Posts posted by Maxim

  1. The Sick And The Demented. This is how this show needs to be called now. It's so badly written, I actually am watching like smelling bad food and doing it again, because you are crazy and masochist. 

    I have a question... What happened to KKL... She used to be Bradley's favourite... Brooke used to rule this show, whatever happened. However disgusting her character became, she was still front and center. Brooke is... like a dead character nowadays... And I think this affects the show. Brooke and Stephanie gave the show it's heart... and after Stephanie died... the heart was beating only once in a while... But now it's'dead... What happened... Can we speculate... I kinda miss watching Brooke make error after error. 

  2. I think you are completely right. This is the moment the show starts getting near it's peak, which will be Belief. The next 450-500 episodes are the ultimate Bold episodes. If someone has to choose a single period to watch the show... this is it.

    We are nearing the complete 1987-1993 - the day we have this completed... one of my biggest dreams will have been realized.

  3. I don't think it's good idea to oversshare the link. It could backfire. For nearly 15 years I've been seeing a lot of time people sharing episodes and they are always deleted because of over sharing. I remember in 2007 there was a forum community that Had so so much... Complete years and I am still sore that I didn't download. But then they got deleted. We don't want to lose everything, right. Again, I am so grateful to everyone connected to the vault and especially its creator.

    You are a God.

    I hope after Bold gets canceled soon, we will be able to have the complete show 1987 up to 2005. The good years.


  4. I never said VICTIM. Brooke needs to be constantly embarassed and harrassed, because of her BAD actions. She needs to be causing drama and conflict, because KKL knows how to play this. I don't think she is that OLD, that she can't be exciting messy character. Right now, Brooke is BORING. For the past couple of years the character has been sleeping and not acting like herself. The Slut From The Valley needs to re-awaken, because this is the staple of the show, like it or now. I don't like matriarch Brooke, it just doesn't work.

    And again I will repeat myself, the biggest problem is LIAM. He sucks the air out of the show. He is not a Bold and Beautiful character. 

    Hope, needs a re-vamp. She needs to become the new ultimate slut, after some kind of horrible drama. I would so watch a show about a mother and daughter, both trainwrecks... wrecking everyone. Bridget couldn't do that. So... why not Hope.I know Hope isn't meant to be like that, but Brooke didn't start like that either.  This is a soap opera. I don't want to see proper behaviour... Sorry. I am here for Real Housewives type of drama.

    But what I want will never happen.

    The show will repeat and repeat, till the material is so stale, 5 people are watching in the whole world. 

    The last time I had a... OMG, what is going to happen moment... sadly was... 2010.


  5. We need an older woman... Stephanie... type or even Jackie... just very older... who is obsessive and villianish-like, but not the Sheila type. We need a strong female conflict... and not Hope and Steffy. Maybe Brooke and someone else, because Brooke THRIVES when she is being abused. Donna and Katie need to dissapear for a while. Liam has to die. Bill needs to sleep with Hope. And thats when the show will be watchable again.

  6. Most simple rank is like that.

    1993 - the best!

    2002 - the best in it's own very trashy way

    1992 - amazing

    1990 - amazing

    1991 - amazing

    1989 - great

    1988 - great

    1987 - great

    1997 - very good

    1995 - very good

    1996 - good

    1994 - good

    2005 - good

    1998 - good, sometimes amazing

    1999 - good

    2000 - getting old

    2001 - getting old

    2010 - a campy fun year, but... very badly written

    2004 - problematic, but watchable

    2003 - strange, but watchable

    2006 - boring, but watchable

    2007 - stupid and getting unwatchable

    2008 - stupid

    2012 - brooke and bill gave a little trashy heart rhythm to a dead show

    2009 - who cares...

    2011 - blah...

    2013 - LIAM IS THE DEATH - unwatchable - max 20 good episodes in a yer

    2014 - HOPE IS UNBEARABLE - unbearable - max 10 good episodes a year

    2015 - BROOKE is so stupid - max 10 good episodes

    2016 - cheap - max 5 episodes good a year

    2017 - omg... why is this still on...

    2018 - cancel it please

    2019 - no saving it anymore

    2020 - dead

    2021 - buried.




  7. I try and try to watch the new season of NY, but I can't. I can't stomach Ebony and her Regina George mean girl queen-manipulative good girl persona. I really can't. This will probably be an unpopular opinion. Ramona is the only one that still brings something wild and interesting. And her being accused of having white privilege... every episode... is disgusting. And racist. Nobody should feel bad they are white. Ramona is NOT a racist. But how the story is being pushed... it's unbearable. Leah has some kind of mental problems... is she borderline or something. She starts yelling and screaming everytime there is a different oppinion.

    Stop with this wokeness and this serious tone. Also.. get Sonja help, the woman is clearly a self destructive chronic alcoholic. She need HELP ASAP. This now has become exploiting a sick drunk woman... it's not funny anymore... it's not hot... it's not Sex and the city. It's Postcards from the edge and Sunset Boulevard.

    Luann doesn't really have a point in this show anymore. I think she needs to go.


    I would NEVER bring back Bethenny. Bethenny stopped being interesting after season 8.  We don't need another season of her crying and always knowing it all. And I used to love Bethenny.


    We need FRESH blood. And we need Jill Zarin back.



    Also... Beverly Hills has become so fake and boring... I snooze half the episode. And once upon a time it was so dramatic.

    Now we have this long scenes, where nothing happens, while a short argument is made to be so big... 5 seconds of conflict with dramatic music... it's not enough. The show is dying also... Garcelle is the only thing fresh in it.

    Dorrit has to go.

    So does Kyle. And her sister.




  8. The Boldandbeautiful youtube page is bizarre. They upload without any logic old episodes from 2010 in disgusting quality, thay they had before uploaded in better quality and they removed. They added complete seasons, but with strange final cut version with pauses in between scenes, which are not meant for public. Someone need to intervene. This channel is a disgrace. And now they are going to upload 1 episode a day from 1987... when it's 2021 and people have no patience for anything anymore. What are they trying to do. It is strange and amateur-ish... and this is an official channel. If I they ask me... They should upload the whole show... and people show be able to buy whole seasons for like... normal amount of money... It's 2021.... let fans watch whatever they want. That way they will really gather attention... People will be binge watching the first years. 


  9. I watched the Sheila episodes and it's a complete joke. They had this fake Donna Katie part... which was completely unnecesary. Everyone reacted like crazy maniacs against Sheila... She seemed the most sane of them all. I liked the smile after the slap... and that's it. Bold is finished. Nothing can save it. Not Sheila... not old music scores... Of course she is going to be taking the baby soon... yeah... i'm sure...  If feels old...  boring... slow... stupid.

    Also... we know the scripts are bad... but the direction is awful too. This has become from sexy camp drama to completely fake over-acting stupid scenes in which the actors look like the are in an indian soap opera.


    This is what Bold has become... indian soap opera, with horrible aged faces... boring young ones... 

    I actually think Sheila should just kill the whole cast in 1 dramatic episode and the show should be over. Yeah... It's a joke. But I really do wish it...

    Also... when is Brooke going to hook up with Finn and get pregnant. I need this.


    Girl, bye.

  10. I tried catching up with the last 8 months worth of episodes... I went through them for like 2-3 hours. I would hold a moment for max 20-30 seconds. It's so freaking cheap and bad written. How is it possible this is airing on a national tv? I think they are TRYING to get cancelled. And so much lost potential... how dare Bradley Bell ruin the show... This could still be good... The actors are NOT that bad... If someone just WRITES. I feel like crying... my most favourite show on the planet turned into a boring snooze fest. Brooke is a destroyed character... What happened to the Brooke of the 80s... 90... God... Even up till 2013 she still had her moments... Why is she so boring and bad written, without real character and substance... It's like watching KKL struggling to play this [!@#$%^&*]. I am shocked... It is laughable. 

  11. Deteriorating started after 1993... but it was still good for at least 10 years, just... cheaper and cheaper. Then after 2005, after the death of Bill Bell it all went... bad. Like a glass of milk in the sun. I would say... It''s something like this... 2007>2006>2008>2010>2009... Then... Liam and Hope happened. So from 2011 till 2021, the show completely died. I would say the death of B&B is Bradley Bell and his creation of the Hope, Steffy and Liam triangle. And 2021, it is so cheap, so underproduced, so badly written, it doesn't deserve to be on screen. I am praying for cancellation and B&B is still my favorite show.


    I would say from 1987 to 1993 - This is MASTERPIECE.

  12. It is disturbing how the show deteriorated. It can be called The Boring and The Ugly. I don't want to sound harsh or hateful, but once upon a time Bold was a show where you knew at least you're going to get campy drama and beautiful stunning people. This has not been the case lately. I am not saying anything about the actors... well I am actually... Liam IS NOT a leading man. His facial expressions are so limited, it's like watching a cow trying to act. It's disturbing. The new Hope is recycled Bridget. All of the dialogue is stale and unnatural, predictable and BORING. What is going on? Do the creators know the end is near, so they don't care anymore? If you go back to 2007 even, the show seems like James Cameron production. 

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