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Posts posted by Maxim

  1. What the hell is going on with the makeup and hair... I know it's because of the situation... but... I fast-forwarded the last 20 episodes... and everyone is looking disgusting. All the men have covid19 hair, all the women look unkempt, except Brooke and Shauna. And Steffy is looking particularly bad... her horrible acne scars are visible. This show is now written, directed, acted, shot and now looks like [!@#$%^&*]. Cancel it please, God. This horse is dead. 

  2. I know it may sound pathetic, but... I've been in a clinical depression, since february this year, with periods of getting better... and today I realised that these first classic episodes may have saved my life. In the darkest moments, when I'm really really sad, I just play an episode and get sucked into my favorite show. I'm up to episode 309 right now and I'm  so happy I have 500+ left... and probably more, since they are still  being aired. 

    Thank you everyone who are uploading them. 


    Thanks B&B!

  3. If it;s everyone - 30 dollars, this is bad. Please stop... how can someone do this. If it's just 30 dollars to have the account... and we collect them.. it's a different story. Why should we pay 30 dollars for something we have in the vault... and we don't have only 10 episodes.. which someone will probably upload. 

  4. I feel like watching this shocking mockery of acting and montage will kill me faster than any virus. I had headache while watching couple of the episodes. My brain tells me something is off. And again, Brooke looks like she has had a mental breakdown, and is probably psychotic, talking from a distance to everyone. Ridge looks even uglier with the close-ups. Cancel this show, please. Enough is enough. 

    This needs to be called The Ugly and The Demented.

  5. Ep. 297 - Brooke yelling at Stephanie. Stephanie breaking glass. Katherine Kelly Lang and Susan Flannery have such toxic chemistry. I can just feel by the way Susan is acting... that she doesn't like KKL. I know it's a strech, but even when Stephanie is agressive towards anyone else... it doesn't even come close to the hatred towards Brooke. Maybe I am imagining it, but I can't help but feel this. It's they way she looks at Brooke/KKL, it goes beyond the acting. Maybe the writers picked this up.

  6. It was so tense and good... that I am going to take a break for couple of weeks and just breathe after 50 or so PERFECT episodes. I love to watch Bold in batches. I've been watching these first  280 episodes for like a year... 50 episodes at a time. Then I pause and continue weeks later. I don't know if I could watch 1 episode a day. I don't think so.

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