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Posts posted by Maxim

  1. Bradley Bell trademarks.

    1. Start a storyline with a stupid or over the top plot twist... sometimes it works... but then desert the storyline after 3 weeks without even progressing it.

    2. Make the story only obsess over 1 or 2 plots at a time. There were years where there would only be 1 main storyline and all other character will comment on it like gossip for months! This makes the show seem boring and unrealistic. I mean... Thomas has had moments when for months at a time only sits there commenting how Brooke is bad for this father. This is a 30 something beautiful young man! In real life will he sit and obsess with a near 70 year old woman and her sex life. Nope.

    3. Some characters are there as plot devices... they dont have souls or dimensions.

    4. Its all about Brooke. Sorry but this is the truth. Bradley Bell is not capable of writing for anyone else BUT Brooke. Even if he tries to shift the focus... he always comes back to Brooke and... this comes at point 5.

    5. Sex scandals. Sex scandals. Sex scandals. In his world a mother sleeps with all the daughters husbands and gives birth to their children. Its like a horror story from reddit. And after 2002 and Deacon... it started getting disgusting... by 2012 Brooke would have been in jail or a mental facility if this was real life.

    6. He ignores fan's opinion. I mean... he probably knows that people hate his storylines but continues going into the most absurd directions.

    7. If he somehow succeeds in something and the show gets interesting... it will never... never stay consistent.

    I will compare him to his father. 

    With Bill Bell it was - good... better... very good... amazing... wow... cant wait to see more... masterpiece and then a culmination. Every story was like that... It build up and got better and better.

    With Bradley its like this - bad... good...bad...good...amazing...very bad... culmination..bad...good...bad...


    Thats it... in other words... a bad writer is a bad writer.

  2. I have to say that 1995 was good in the middle but started getting really boring towards the end. The Eric Taylor forbidden love was disgusting and went for like 100 episodes. I was so bored and thankful that Taylor said No in the end.

    Eric proposing to Sally was a joke and not in a good way. I get it was a set up but it was way too over the top. Now at episode 2190 and with Sheila out of the asylum it's getting interesting.

    Wow let me say after the amazing consistent 1987 to 1993...

    The last 2 years have been a mess. I would have never started watching the show if I was seeing this. I understand now why a lot of people dropped out of watching in my country in this period and always talked about the past.

    Bradley Bell didn't have the talent and the experience to write this show. If Bill Bell was still on as a writing lead... we would have had many more wonderful years.

    When I think of 1988 to 1993 especially I am so in love with the series... 1987 too.

    The stakes were high, people had so many layers and dialogue was like a fine fine movie that kept you guessing and in awe of the manipulation and sharpness of the characters.

    1994 and 1995 have been like a Sims simulation of the original series.

    1 dimensional, teenage style of thinking and writing, cartoonish plot twists, laughable evil villains, repetitive dialogue and absurd melodramatic opera monologues. It has left me with a bad feeling. 

    I will say it's improved for couple of months and at one time I was sure it was back but it isn't. We had to endure Eric proposing Taylor for the 89th time.

    I liked Sheila's madhouse storyline at least. And I hope the future is better.

  3. Guys.... its episode 2133 and let me say... WOW: THE SHOW IS back at prime amazing BOLD. it's solid 10 out of 10. I love the drama, the script... the plot. I LOVE IT. Bill Bell must have done something! So... for anyone bored watching videoland episodes... know that the show makes a comeback! Dont stop watching!

  4. I respectfully disagree. It was over the top and very badly written and acted... the idea itself was a B thriller movie from the early 90s... The dialogue quality was absurd. The way Thorne escaped prison was... I mean... IDIOTIC and so unbelievable. The show had so many cringe and unrealistic moments... I was shocked with the dip in quality. 


    Its now episode 2132 and I will say... I LOVE IT again. I love the fights and the drama with little Eric. I am happy that I didnt stop watching. Its getting better and better. 

  5. OK well.. it's episode 2121 and I will say that Bold is finally Back. Brooke painted as a  bad mother is interesting... Dylan and Maggie's relationship is good. Stephanie plotting with Taylor against Brooke is amazing. Macy and Thorne are finally together again... Sally is thinking of stealing.... I will rate the show as 7.5/10. And it's great agter it was 2/10 for so long. I hope it lasts.... but I doubt it.

  6. Prepare for the most boring and unbearable 200 episodes. From 1850 to 2050 I was close to stopping watching but my partner kept asking to watch more. The whole Omar storyline was executed like an animated children series. It was so low quality dialogue and disgusting repetitive monologues. After 2050s now... till 2100 it has been getting better and better. 

    I love Maggie and the actress that plays her. I didn't expect to like her.

    Dylan has become manlier and more interesting as a male Heartbreaker. He was very boring before . Jessica is more interesting now.

    The only storyline that was cartoonih was the Armando Macy stalker killer storyline. I LOLed couple of times during "tense" moments. It wa soooo cheap.

    But I will say with the Brooke Stephanie war starting up again... I would say the series is 6/10... when the last 200 300 episodes was 2/10. I never expected such boring year as 1994 and I would compare it to the worst years of BB ever. My memories were different... when I watched as a child. So I would really rate 1994 as the worst season I've ever watched.  Really. And the Omar Peincess Leyla storyline the worst ever on this show. The cringe was... next level. I guess if I was 9 or 12 I would have been interested but watching as a 28 year old... it's cartoon. There are no real human characters. It's so shallow. So shallow. Bradley bell is talentless as..... it's a shock after a year like 1993. 1300 to 1700 was the most amazing period. I can't wait to start watching from the start again.

    Happy holidays to you guys.

    I've added lots more english subtitles. So anyone can start watching from 2065 when videoland gets to that point soon if you don't want to wait.

    Happy new year and be bold and beautiful.


    Huge thank to all the angels and especially @ChickenNuggetz92

    And @rsclassicfanforever

    And all the unknown angels.

  7. Hi there. It was my father that bought it and set it up since I am not good with computers... But working with the program is easy. After I import the file I just pick Text and make an automatic transcription and then save it as a srt file. I then upload all the files in a site that translates them automatically in english. I think it cost about 20 euro a month. I have to ask my father since he added the subscription. Its very easy and here is an article to explain more.

    https://www.diyvideostudio.com/how-to-transcribe-audio-in-adobe-premiere-pro/#:~:text=To transcribe the audio in,button to start the process.

    If you decide to start doing this too.. maybe we can decide which one of us which episodes transcribes. We can do each a different year.

    Its really very good and I tried like 20 paid sites before that and they wanted so much money.... in the end I read in google that I can do it in Premier and asked my father. 

    I havent translated from german to english or edited the episodes... if someone has time maybe he could do it. I am ok with the automatic transcription and translation. I get 99 percent of everything and if something is not translated from time to time... my partner tell me what it is.

    I will be transcribing and putting english subtitles for every episode after 2065 till 3200. If someone has more in German and uploads I will transcribe them too.



    14 hours ago, BoldRestless said:


    Thank you to you, and whoever uploaded the rest of 2022 ❤️


    I had the same issue with Y&R also as of November 15 (using yt-dlp). FYI, Pluto TV uploads the new Y&R and B&B episodes a week later and my program doesn't have a problem with those. I actually was always just waiting for your B&B upload cause it was so much easier. 😁 


    Thank you! To you, and to @rsclassicfanforever of course. These are really much better than YouTube's! YouTube is just a gibberish of words. These actually have punctuation and look much more professional. Did the program do all this, or did you clean them up yourself? They do look like a human being worked on them. YouTube just translates the words but they don't seem to mark where a sentence begins and ends, so it can be difficult to know who is talking. I'm very curious about this, if you have a tutorial or anything that you used. Did you buy the program or do you pay a monthly subscription?

    I havent done any editing. The program magically does it.

  8. BB

    1. Sheila needs to go. It's become too repetitive. How many times do I need to see her smile in the dark or hear her laugh. Sheila has not been scary since 1995. Sorry.

    2. Bill needs to go. This character is washed up and tired... hasn't been interesting since he slept with Brooke.

    3. Eric needs to make Brooke CEO and ... pass away. Sorry. Eric is a character that has been sitting in the show like a picture on the wall not serving anything important... since like 2008... and him being CEO is just wrong since the show was most outrageous when Brooke was in charge.


  9. Ive started to add English subtitles in the Full episodes folder. Episodes provided by @rsclassicfanforever.

    I will be adding 10-20 episodes a day... because it takes about 2 hours to make them. I hope you enjoy. Its a way to watch the entire German episodes collection before videoland.

    I just added the first 20 - starting with episode 2065 and what follow. We have up to 3400 in german and I will try to transcribe and translate everything. 

    I decided to do this that way because I managed to start uploading just the audio in youtube to get the automatic transcription but its very low quality transcription... its like 60-70 percent and I didnt like it. And the other sites that transcribe are so much expensive... they want like 2-3 euro for episode and it's absurd. So Adobe premiere is doing the job perfectly. Weve been watching with the subtitles for 1 day and it's great. Of course its not made by a human and some parts are odd and wrong... but it gets it right most of the time and you understant pretty much everything.

    6 hours ago, Marquise said:

    i download the 2022 episodes from here https://scene-rls.net/

    thank you for the site!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Guys i've bough Adobe premier and started making automatic captions for the german episodes. That the wonderful @rsclassicfanforever uploded. Then I put them in automatic translation tool and get English subtitles for the episodes. Its not the best but its like 70-80 percent of it is translated. Are you interested for me to upload these srt files? I can just add them so I dont lose them.. but if nobody wants them... thereis no point.  I am doing them since episode 2065 and onwords

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