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Posts posted by Maxim

  1. 9 hours ago, ChickenNuggetz92 said:

    Update: It looks like  the Y&R/GL Vault is affected as well. Looking into potential solutions!

    Thank you so much. You are the ultimate angel In this community. Can i ask a question. Sorry if I seem rude... but is the current vault going to stay open and episodes available till there is the shift to the other. I am looking forward to watching some episodes that are on the vault and I am not sure If to download them or just continue watching there. Again million thanks to you and everyone who adds episodes in the vault. 

  2. I don't want to sound like I am renting but the quality of the youtube uploads has been coming really low and low. Some days I think they may even start uploading audio in the end... maybe they dont want us to see anything. Bizarre after we know they have it all in HD. Even the 2019 season Is being uploaded in unwatchable quality.  They lose viewers because if this. Sad.



    No no I think somewhere in twitter or youtube it was confirmed that they will continue with season 6 and onwards. I like the idea of giving people different season so they can pick where to start. When they start to upload 1996 videoland will soon catch up and we'll have a lot of episodes. This is good news. Yeah I think they should upload more than 1 episode from season 10 a day but it's not bad. 

  4. No no I think somewhere in twitter or youtube it was confirmed that they will continue with season 6 and onwards. I like the idea of giving people different season so they can pick where to start. When they start to upload 1996 videoland will soon catch up and we'll have a lot of episodes. This is good news. Yeah I think they should upload more than 1 episode from season 10 a day but it's not bad. 

  5. On 8/4/2022 at 5:01 AM, BoldRestless said:

    I just looked at the May 2005 uncut episodes and compared them to the transcripts on TV megasite. I trimmed off some of Part 4 because it jumped from the May 24 episode to clips from April 13, 15, and 18 (Thomas and Gaby scenes only). So I cut out those April 13 scenes and uploaded as a partial episode (you uploaded April 15 and 18 already). Just FYI.


    Thank you so much. I still have more but didn't have time to upload. I will try today or tomorrow.

  6. 3 minutes ago, Joseph said:


    You are welcome. I have complete February to August in big files... but they are not cut into episodes. I will upload these files into a different folder into 2005 that i will name "Feb to August ... Uncut..."I also have a lot from Feb to August in different quality that is cut in episodes.these I will add in the normal folders. I will upload everything so you guys can decide what to watch.

    I am currently uploading months from 2003... I hope to have time to do the rest today. 

    I have 2006 to 2008 in original cbs recordings quality but I think it's pretty similar to the ones we already have so I will just add missing episodes in these years.

  7. Guys good news. I finally traveled and found my old old laptop and I am currently adding tons of missing episodes from 2003 2004 and 2005... I think I have about 150 200 episodes that are missing. I will try to add everything soon. Just to say I an sorry for a little mistake... I added  3 or 4 episodes in a 2003 folder that were already uploaded. The repeat episodes can be deleted by the admin. I am happy to finally give something to all of you.

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