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Posts posted by Maxim

  1. I am sorry to disagree again... I thought Aly to be a complete caricature and disgusting and not realistic portrayal of schizophrenia. It actually was near camp... so absurd and stupid the way Bradley took the character. It was very cheap and for ratings. I didnt find any depth and any characterization. It was the same old soap opera crazy stalker Angela type cliche... but this time done so 1 note and so disrespectful... 

  2. I do not agree. Respectfully. Caroline is an embodiment of entitlement, selfishness and privilege. She is incredibly rude to her father, her mother in law, she destroyed Thorne... But the high of the monster she was... was when Brooke was having an abortion and she was lurking in the corner... probably praying the baby will die. Even Thorne and Stephanie told her it's no appropriate for her to be there. Thank God the character died and in the end was a bit more tolerable, after she got her EGO prize aka worst acting in history - Ridge...  

    Her sister was equally vomit inducing... but thank God did not have the main storylines as did the cheating, lying, selfish monster.

    Again... I am a victim of a partner like Caroline... I was the Thorne... So this woman just disgusts me in very deep way. So... no hard feelings... I am just talking about a character. Not the actress.

  3. Guys I dont want to sound bad, but is there a chance that comeone will continue uploading the classics? Should we wait more... I am thinking of other alternatives and I am desperate... I would even buy episodes... from that person.  I dont want to do that... and I tried 5 times to install an account with VPN but it DOES NOT approve my card or my paypal... I am desperate. The show just got good... and just nothing. Sorry if I seem like a spoiled ungrateful person. I just dont know what to do. Is there a chance someone will upload soon? :( I will wait months.. just knowing that the episodes will be uploaded. 

  4. Caroline.

    1. Marries a man out of pity and lies to herself and him that she loves him all while looking out of windows... watching his shirtless brother. Disgusting. Poor Thorne.

    2.Talks to his mother like she is some kind of a dog, while living in HER house. Dangles for months and months the decision to leave her husband, while making everyone's life miserable. Will not leave the house and refuses to go on a trip with her husband... because she can't be away from HER BROTHER IN LAW. DISGUSTING.

    3.Tries to stop an engagement while the other woman is PREGNANT. Doubts the woman's pregnancy and acts like spoiled brat that deserves a great prize - Ridge. Goes to the hospital and looks into the room while the WOMAN IS ABORTING THE child. WHY? Imagine the woman that wants your man... staring through the door while you are aborting. DISGUSTING:

    4.Has sex with her brother IN LAW, while her husband is in the kitchen... First lies to herself and everyone that she didn't know it was RIDGE who was MAKING love with her. LOL. The day I mistake my husband for someone else... please shoot me. THEN ADMITS to KNOWING IT was RIDGE ALL ALONG and actually WANTING the sex. DISGUSTING. POOR THORNE.

    5. Has done nothing in life to deserve anything. EVERYTHING is GIVEN to her and she always complains.  ALWAYS is not happy. ALWAYS

    6. Screams and yells at the man who told her that her fiance cheated on her and gave her her job... her father.


    I can continue and continue.

    This character is symbol of everything I don't like - entitled, spoiled, ungrateful, cheating, lying.

    Please do not start personal attack towards me. I AM commenting A CHARACTER from a soap opera. I have the right.

    Caroline for me was like the DEATH, she just created misery every step of her life. Misery after misery.


  5. I do not agree. She doesn't have the right to rant. Sarah and Michael have done nothing, but respect her. She has been kicking this dead horse and craving attention for years and years now. Her passive aggressive liking twitter comments that hate on the show... staying silent, then making comments like this... And I just pray the public stop with this WE WANT SAMANTHA back nonsense. Samantha is a character that will NEVER work now. And Just Like that IS NOT SEX AND THE CITY,

  6. I do not agree. I couldnt wait for Beth... Katie... Rocco... Mark... to go away... Sally Spectra coming gave the show more upbeat, funny energy... I do not think the dialogue is sleazy... its just real. I was tired from all the safe dialogue and boring undramatic scenes from the first couple of hundred of episodes. The show got better from mid 1989 and it gets better and better. I agree only that Kristens storyline seemed a bit rushed and the character of Mick Savage was very poorly acted by an actor that I find unbearable to watch. I think there are spots in 1992.1993 when its getting little cheap... but its overall the best of times. I find that the character that started losing dept later on... after 1991... was Stephanie. She started to go from 0 to 100 without the agression build up. She had a bully energy but no the sophisticated one from 1987.1991 ... she just seemed rushed by the writers. But I loved her...

  7. Also if SOMEONE again in this forum attacks Me personally for me having an opinion of something that IS NOT personally connected to YOU... IF YOU dare to ask me questions like "ARE U good"... that are PERSONAL.... I will take matters to the mods! I can freely EXPRESS my opinion about a  CHARACTER. Live your life and don't start personal overtone conversations with me!!!!!!! I dont know you and I dont care to know you. I am here to comment the character of Caroline Spencer... and you asking me if I AM GOOD... is not APPROPRIATE:

    Just now, Aback said:

    Honestly these shows are great to channel hatred and bad feelings. Throw them at the screen. More power to you! As long as it doesn’t translate into online bullying - which is not the case - I’m all for it. 


  8. 1 hour ago, AMCOLTLLover said:

    So much anger and hatred in u because of JJ after decades lmao Are u good? 

    I hate THE CHARACTER and I dont like the actress. Cant you read... are you good... 

    Also why CANT I hate someone... a character that treats her husband like [!@#$%^&*]... goes after his brother non stop and is rude to everyone all the time. WHY.......I hate bad people. I hate this character. She makes my skin crawl. Please don't mix this with actors. The actress I find... to be bad... but I don't hate her. I can't hate someone I don't know. 

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